(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

hello mummies! anybody brought their kids to Hi-5 Circus Show? I brought mine to the show on Sat. Initially, was worried that she would be restless and wants to get out of the seat. To my surprise, she enjoyed herself very much and started dancing with the rest after she warms up. It was a really nice experience.

mashy, so do u fit into the definition for tai-tai according to that website?

Carla, guess so abt the formula milk that they use lower grade raw material , since they are going to reconstitue the milk in the process. Fresh milk is 'dirty' also in the sense they are pasteurised and not UHT, but one thing good it retains the taste n nutrients better since lesser thermal destruction.

koli, so good hor, ur hb got army flex a/c to use for travelling..i am so cheapo leh, can only shop in Malaysia for my G haha
ah may: can u advise me which hotel is a better hotel in taiwan? in terms of location and place? Also..if I wan to go in april..when shld I start booking the air tickets ar? Thanks!
Ah May/ Mashy,
I am going to Korea this Nov. Its gonna be a 8 Days Trip including Jeju Island, juz book with Chan Bros during the fair. Really looking forward to the trip. I will be gg in early Nov. Anybody can advise me on the weather? Need to get any winter wear?
hi mommies,
wow so many gg holiday... i'm gg Norway in oct, but it's a biz trip.
the weather will be around 10degC or lower
can anyone tell me where to get thermal wear?
U can get thermal wear from OG, John Little or winterwear shops... there are shops at Marina Sq, Eastpoint (Simei), People Park Complex (Chinatown).
mmm... i'm looking for those to be worn under normal clothing... not those wollen or down jacket... correct?

I went there for my honeymoon in nov.
It depends on where u r going. R u going up Mt Sorak or ski resorts? If so, prepare some winter wear. Jeju is alright. No need winter wear. That time I went in mid Nov, it snowed in Seoul! Not supposed to actually but due to freak weather, it did. The temp varies a lot, so my advice is to layer your clothes.

one of the gals in jan also going norway. maybe both of u can discuss?
She's mamapanda.
Re : holiday
i'm gg cruise this month end w j1 and hb
tis is my first holiday since i preg with j1 ... cham hor

i also looking forward to it. BUt after the cruise means gg bk to work le... abit look fwd to go bk to work cos can b away from kids and hv some sane hours haha :p yet also abit lazy to go bk to work and face colleagues and boss .. .cham... v "mao tun"

Re : brush teeth after or before nite feed
i tried to gv j1 some water after he has his last feed of milk on bed but he dun wanna drk the water lei... then i fl his teeth lk not as white as used to be lei but my mum say is i sensitive haha she says looks the same mah white white .. mm sm how i fl it's now off white haha

summer, i didnt br j1 to the hi-5 circus lei i wanted to but both me and hb not confident that he will sit still and finish the show.

re : childcare
shd be sending j to cc on thursday. Has been postponing his class cos of some compeling reasons. Abit scare meh cos he, since sunday, suddenly gets v emotional easily. xia si ren... suka suka abit will throw tantrum and "melts" on the floor and v difficult to stop him one lei until the floor all his tears and "pi ti" he also no stop and he lies his head on his pool of tears and "pi ti" meh *faint* i tried ignore him, he just carry on for 30-40mins also no stop... i also tried go to him and carry him, he also difficult to stop. when carry him, he stil continue to struggle and cry. but the timing of his act is shorter when i carry him rather than leave him alone lor haiz hope is just growing sprout and will go off soon.

yah, thermal wear can get at a lot of places as mentioned by siewlng. r u going with your kids? May have a little prob coz their sizes are quite big.

i read in a book that at this pt, we cannot ignore tantrums like we used to coz it no longer works at this stage. We shouldn't permit tantrums.

His advice was to pick up the child and take him to another room and holding him gently but firmly, tell him in simple language that he must not do what he is doing. Must be very specific. After cooling off for 5-10mins, the child can be brought back to orig location. But if tantrum behavious resurfaces, follow-up must be prompt. Should take the same form. He says that persistence is the key to parenthood at this phase.

i read in a book that at this pt, we cannot ignore tantrums like we used to coz it no longer works at this stage. We shouldn't permit tantrums.

His advice was to pick up the child and take him to another room and holding him gently but firmly, tell him in simple language that he must not do what he is doing. Must be very specific. After cooling off for 5-10mins, the child can be brought back to orig location. But if tantrum behavious resurfaces, follow-up must be prompt. Should take the same form. He says that persistence is the key to parenthood at this phase.
I go hm and check it out....forgotten whether got include Mt Sorak. I oso pray that it's gonna be a freak weather. Hopfully b4 I come back, it starts to snow.

When Nicholas was ard J1's age, he oso behaves the same le...Even in CC, he oso like dat. The teacher ever complained to me b4. Then the teacher tok to him if he behaved that way. After a period of time, he nvr do it liao....Think is only grwoing sprout. I feel that u shld let him join the CC soon. If u really wans him to go CC, cannot xin ruan lor...must heng heng let him go..
Tat day my hb tried time-out with "noti" chair with YJ, seem to work leh... at least she stopped crying n cool down after awhile. I bought a timer, n my hb set timer to 1min, when it rings, Yj can be out her noti chair liao... haha!

Thermal wear can be found at winter wear shops... is worn inside, under normal clothings. N depend of the temperature n how strong the wind (meaning windy or not), u buy diff material thermal wear.
Like me, scare of cold type, n KS wan, wear wool thermal wear if I go abt 10deg n below places. Hehe!
If u not so scare of cold, u may wan to wear cotton mixed thermal wear n layered your clothings. So as n when u feel warm n take off.
yeah, i read same thg...but this psychologist adds that at this pt, kids are experiencing deep felt emotions but dont know what they are & how to deal with them;
so all they know is to cry & hv a melt-down.

trick is to hold them & reassure them tt its ok, tt u stil luv them. then tell them what they are feel'g (eg. u are very angry/upset/frustrated/tired/jealous) & repeat it.
at this stage, we ought to teach them abt emotions rather than get upset with their tantrums...

i hear ya
my sis in canada kena identity theft b4, so she's dam scared abt join'g facebook.
this idiot basically froze her bank ac & did alot of oth thgs tt was darn leychey to rectify cuz took more than 2 weeks!
imagine not being able to access yr ac for that long!
but then again...facebook is also get'g quite addictive & i'm find'g so many old frens...sm i didnt even know wld join!
i'v changed my password jus in case tho
YJ so guai, can stay in her noti chair & not try to run off ah?
my C is too hyper...really doubt she wil sit stil

when she was abt 15 or 16mths old, i tried to put her in her crib for 2min but stop'd after i scared she assoc.s bed with being bad...
Korea is a beautiful place, esp winter time, very romantic....you bring nicole also? I went in Dec last time, very cold but no snow. Tuck into a bowl of spicy korean soup or ginseng chicken in such weather is simply 'heavenly'.

Ya, I saw fr supernanny show, she taught the parents to use a timer for time out in a separate room, then explained to him what he did wrong, hug him then put him back into the room. If he misbehave again, repeat the routine. Dun worry, once he goes cc, he will learn some rules, he shd improve.
Bulma: Yeah..dun worry. My kids have been going to cc for 1 mth already and I find it quite good for them. My son starts to talk more and they sleep more early at night leaving me and my hb more time to talk to each other or just watch tv together.. hee.. And today..finali both of them waved bye bye to me happily instead of crying! I'm so happy that they finali got used to the idea of going to sch and my son was veri enthusiatic about sch.. My gal still abit young prob will take more time but I'm still glad I sent them to CC.. They reli will learn to be more independant there.. : )

haha, how would u know your C won't sit still on the chair?

tell u something funny. I placed one of my boy's small chair is a boring little corner for his time-out. I tried it once and he guai guai sat on it until I took him off. Then there was once I scolded him for being noti, he then kaki headed off to the noti chair and sat there. Hahaha.
1 min is quite fast lah... also, think YJ got walk away from her chair lah... my hb put her back loh... after awhile she jus sit there n cry, then stopped le
thanks, gals... i ll stop ignoring him cos i tot last x smone say to ignore then they will know their tricks wont work then they will stop mah so i ignore him lor but got worse lei

BC, i tried noti corner doesnt work for j at all lei... he will continue cry and worse go hit his head against the chair or wall

tomato, how u cope when yr child goes cc first 1-2 days? did u stay there w them whole day? pls share w me yr experience cos i sedning him tml.. i dunno what to do
wah so many mummies going for holidays, i m poor mum no $$$ to travel

think diff kids diff characters and must use diff approach.
Mashy ur Caeden so smart hor, will automatically head off to notti chair, self-punishment haha

For G, if she cries, a hug will usually stop it..basically she jus wants attention..This reminds me of a quote from Morrie Schwartz " Love wins. Love always wins"
agree with Vs, different kids require diff approach. It's best for the mummy to gauge based on their temperament. For my gal, distraction works the best. I usually will distract her with something else if she is throwing a tantrum and it usually works.
Carla, I aggred with what you said. Your statement make me remember of one time, i went back to my mum's place and my girl kept on wanting to claim the stairs, then i pull her back and told her i'm tired already, can please come down. then she started to cried. a few times of pulling her back from stairs, she started to push me away. This is the first time she's been so sad and cried till my heart really melted. Then I just gave her her pillow and she throwed it away and crying still. But just after that, she took back her pillow and ask her the pacifier on top of the table and lay down by herself on the mattress just in front of her. Then I pat pat her and explained to her, you are a big gal already, i know you understand what I am talking about, I don't want you to get hurt from falling down from the stairs, you got to be good gal and listen to what i'm saying. then she like understood and after a while, she fall sleep liao.

What I want to tell is, jaga kid must have parent's power, like what can do and what cannot, kids must follow ur rules with a valid explaination that the you got to explain to them lo. Then if they throwing tuntrum just wait till they stop or calm down then slowly tell them why cannot. if they keep on crying they won't listen to you.

After my gal wake up from that nap, the following days she never throw tuntrum and not keep asking to go up the stairs.

Just to share out my experience..

dunno lah. Not sure whether he takes it as a game or what. He's a very hyperactive boy. Now he's into climbing everywhere and dismantling stuff. Argh! I kept losing wt becoz of him. Guess it's good too. very soon i'll be back to my pre-preg wt. Yippee.
Wendy: Yah..I manage to cope with the 2 kids gg CC and no maid.. Hee.. Smtimes I oso wonder hw I do it.. But I guess the fact tat I'm the mummy so if I cant even look after my kids..den who can? Hee..

Bulma: For the 1st 3 days I stayed with them.. 1st day stay half a day..left before their nap time.. Last 2 days stay longer..but during their nap time..I will sneak away den wait until like 1 hr after they wake up..den I will go back to fetch them.. Den I go back to work liao.. Initially u will feel abit heartpain and I kept on calling the CC to check on them.. But slowly I stop calling liao..dun wana make it a habit of myself to keep calling to ask.. But I keep on telling them abt sch..asking them where's their sch..telling them one day in advance tat tml they're going to sch..den mummy go work..after work come fetch them.. I guess reli muz be 'heng xin' the first few days.. I'm glad they onli took one mth to get used to the place.. I heard sm take 3 mths or more.. But dun despair..u muz keep on telling him tat CC=sch..den sch got teachers to teach u sing songs..read stories..and frenz to play with.. Make him feel tat sch is a fun place to go..

i heard that the 1st few days is more for the parents to adjust to their own separation anxiety. Usually the kids adapt quite well. They will usually cry at the time u wanna go. But once you're gone, they're forget abt u completely and go on to play with their new friends.
tomato - good for u. i wanna do the same but my hb dun want to co-operate. can your girl speak well?

re: active
ha. daphne tries to climb over the gate that i put up at the kitchen entrance *faint*
Carla & etelle
if u go to Sidney, go to Factory outlet at homebush. pumpkin patchkids selling summer wear at this time although it is autumn now. jeans as cheap as $39 singapore dollars. i bought polo ralph t shirt for only $40 singapore dollars. quite cheap.

ya seling my place if people wiling to pay $1.5m for it lor. never mind lah not staying in the condo. except enjoying the gym, N enjoying the pool, i think staying in HDB is not that bad too. got more neighbours also. i no worries to down grade as long as my stress level don go up

Once we sell, we want to find HDB in Tampines Area (so can save transport cos near MRT
buying old resale flat so place might be bigger.

Once in a while can travel but not always. if N starts school, will use for his studies instead. Travel to Malaysia also not too bad what, at least got travel.

N is also very hyper and skinny. he looks more and more like a girl. everytime i bring him out, people thought he is a girl leh.
N cannot get along with my new maid. my maid tries to play with him but end up being hit by N. Dunno y he dun like her.
yr kiddos are so cute - i know the noti chair is for punishment, but i can imagine their expressions as they sit there... so poor thing, but adorable tt they listen, they're so guai!

C is more stubborn. for places tt she cant go like bathroom (slippery), balcony (dangerous), hubby's study (got breakable thgs), she wil like to hang outside teh door & slowly take 1 or 2 steps in to see if i catch her. smtimes she wil throw her toy in & go in on teh pretext of 'retrieving' it!
so tt's why i think she might not stay in the chair for long. she LURVES to test teh boundaries to see what limits can be pushed.

lemon tee
our kids grow up so quickly its scary! now can climb, understand so much, go to school! 2 days ago, i told C tt i miss having her as my lil baby, she climbed into my arms & asked me to sing "rock a bye baby" & rock her...not teh same feeling
now they're toddlers liao...feel a bit sad...bittersweet feeling...
but yr kiddo very smart, reason with her once she stop'd doing it liao. my thick-headed 1 needs lotsa repetition.
my hubby sez its cuz BOTH her parents are stubborn/strong-willed, so daughter wont be teh lembek type liao! haha

haha, my boy also does the same thing. He'll throw his toy into the kitchen and then wanted to 'retrieve' it. But too bad for him, i've a gate in the kitchen so he can't do that. My toilets are all locked coz he will go in even when i tell him not to.

He loves to test boundaries too. It's part of being a toddler. So I think u should still try. U might be surprised by her reaction. Anyway, it's 1 min per age. So now it's 1min only. Very fast.
Hello Mummies
Anyone gave their kiddos Childlife from GNC?

I have bought the Nordic Natural CLO from Vitakids, but both kids dislike the taste.
Wendy: Yah..my gal can speak abit more words than my boy at the same age.. Thou sm words still not very accurate la.. Hee.. But I'm nt so worried about their speech yet.. Nw my boy learning to talk more and it can be quite irritating.. Haha.. Last time duno hw to call Mummy.. Nw keep on calling.. Haha..
sob sob.... i fl so heartpain to send j1 to cc.... tis morn when i say bye bye to him, he stretch his hands so long wan me to carry and start weeping... i just turn and leave. when i peep, he was stil weeping quietly dun dare to make noise.... aiyo so poor thing.. fl lk gg in and grab him and leave

he must be thinking "why mummy do such thing to me? why leave me alone by myself? i hate mummy" sob sob.....

that's why i say, the first few days are for the mummies to let go. hahah. Stop thinking abt that already, he's well at the childcare and he gets to learn and play with the children there.

Sooner or later, he'll have to go to school too.
think if i have to put ethan in i be like you....cuz hor bu she de let them cry but like what Mashy said he is not there to be tortured lor..he is there to make friends, play, learn lor...so ...u will get pass this stage and adjust soon....haha sounds like really parents need more time adjustment than child hor...
aiyo Bulma, i read your post on how J1 was weeping quietly dun dare to make noise and i also feel heartpain. Cannot imagine 1 day i hv to send my gal to CC too... Mashy is right, we mummies experience more separation anxiety. That is also the reason why i decide to employ a maid than to send my young todd to CC in anticipation of No. 2.
When pple ask me why I so ren xin send my 2 older ones to sch so young(20mths & 22mths), i tell them that i am making my kids very happy as they are learning and playing as they grow each day compared to facing the maid or grandparents who spoil them totally n learn nothing. I assure you in cc that they are enjoying themselves more and spending their time more abundantly than staying home. Dun feel guilty about sending your boy to sch. You will see his smiling face in no time.
Just remember to shower lots of love when he comes home.
i think its true lor...being in cc got many friends to play with activities to keep them occupied and learning as they go along. As for maid and grandparents its more of taking care of eat, sleep, play nly..cnanot rely on them for teaching.....

think the hurdle for Bulma is herself lor...haha she and me same same one see child cry also want to cry heart pain bu she de one...haha think mother needs more assurance than kiddo ah...JIA YOU BULMA!
Yeah, i agreed with jasmine. Just to share when my girl first day at her pre-nursery class, she cried badly too. Dragging her bag n bottle, banging the door and tell teacher open door she wants to go home. i was standing outside, see liao also very heartpain. She took abt 2wks then settle down. But now is totally different, now is school holiday and she insist she wants to go school find her friends n teacher.. hahaha... she's looking forward to school everyday now. So dont worry too much... Soon Jarren will pass that phrase n enjoy time in CC too.
jia you. think abt how J1 will start to like school and learn to be more independent?

sorry, only log in today. no time.
I rem abt the YMCA hotel near the taipei central MRT and train station is a good choice. very central location and cheaper, plus very easy to access to all place.

decent hotel as well.
april got a slight problem if i can recall, is mei yu ji jie or something, need raincoat or those disposable type, can get from 7-11 very easy and cheap.

temp okay, abt 20 to 25 degree this year, cooler at night. stroller, easier with mrt, cause they cater well for handicap people.
in case if you want to take taxi, please call taxi from hotel or whatever building you are at, ask the sercurity to call for you. try not to flag off the roads. if they refuse to use meter, refuse to take them.
safety reasons. their taxi drivers are from all walks of life, so by paging for taxi, there are other ppl who will see you board the taxi and they are less likely to be funny with you.

DO not ever try to take taxi on your own without hb. Dangerous.
Enjoy your trip.

i was there this april for 4 days.
i think i'll be like bulma too. I know all the good things abt sending her there, but still the thot of putting her there without any familiar ppl around is pretty scary for me. We're only considering halfday first, so the bathing and sleeping part isnt an issue yet. Looks like it's pretty firm that we'll be sending her for halfday playgroup next mth for just 2 days, see how she adjusts to it. Anyway, by then I'll almost be at sch hols, so can jaga when hols come around. the cc only a short walk away...good
Want her to mix around with more children and build on her social skills. went to learning vision, but the centre still new, and seems very sterile...prefer the mmi one, more vibrant and the teachers seem more motherly
noti chair for home...but what do u do when u're out ah?

C has been throw'g tantrums more often, mostly cuz we have to leave (eg. inlaw's plc, ball pit, vivo city waterpark). last time i can use the 5min rule -
5 min b4 we leave, i say we hv to go soon & get her to say byebye water, etc. then 3min mark remind her again, 1min, etc countdown...
now when i say 5min left, she'll shake her head no. then when time's up (smtimes extend 10min liao!),
she'll cry & lift her arms up so tt its hard to carry her or curl into a ball on the floor.
i hug her & explain why we have to go. then tell her abt her feel'gs. but it takes her 5-10min to calm dwn. normal or not?
last time only 30sec-2min, so i'm wonder'g if any mummies got better sugg'ns for instant calming haha

she's assert'g indepdce more & doesnt want me to brush her teeth also, want to do it all herself.
i can distract her with singing or by point'g out her surroundings to her. but smtimes this is temporary...then she starts sob'g again
(so i know how heartpain u feel, bulma, when J1 cries so hard...)
ya i know all e good thing to send him there but heartpain lor

whole morn he v cranky and sticky to me. must carry all the time. morn wk up he suddenly sick sick fever cant go cc again. haiz... just went 2 days then rest 2 days for sat and sun... then today no go n tml i thk cant go also.. 4 days in a row no go, e momentum will be gone for him again then he will nd to re-adapt again. that 2 days wasted
poor boy

he seldom sick til can just lie anywhere on e floor to sleep but tis morn he just lie on living room floor just slept... thk he v sick
so poor thing
bulma - let me share my exp too.
my son took about 2 months to settle in the cc routine. every morning he was whining/ crying dun want to go down. my mum then thought of using bribe (milk sweets, vit c gummy bear) to 'lure' him. we r still doing it today. he actually had a hard time coping i think. he was 20mo then. he had night mares. he would not take his afternoon nap for the 1st 2 weeks and is super cranky when we fetched him home. but he ate very well. slowly, he enjoyed playing ith friends toys n the activities at school. he also start to speak much better. i think as long as the cc got some 'standard' it's actually a good thing for the child.

but if u wanna compare him being home cared by parent (not maid or grandparent) then cc confirm no fight de la. cos we can teach them n they REALLY absorb lor. i'll keep both at home or send both to few hrs playgrp (for interaction/socialising) if i sahm. jmho.


so far no need to do that outside leh. So far he behaves himself when he's outside except during meal times coz he has this habit of spitting out food when he doesn't want anymore. But for that he's already sitting in a chair. hehe.

When we say it's time to go, we'll just strap him onto his stroller and stroll him out. So far no prob. Guess he had enough fun already. We kind of told him that if he behaves himself, we can always come back and play again. But if he misbehaves or wants us to buy him things, we won't come back anymore.

When we're at my ILs' place, we'll tell him it's time to go home. Then we'll get him to keep his toys, say bye bye to my ILs and then we'll head home. Very chop chop.

The only time we needed to pry him away was at the Science Centre waterworks. He struggled a bit and wanted to head back, but once we carry him to the toilet, he's ok already. Realised that if we change the location, it helps.

It's normal for your gal to behave this way as it's the terrible twos when they try to be independent. SOmethings u can give way, give way lor. But others u will have to assert your authority. Children needs boundaries to feel safe. They're testing your limits actually. If u don't bother, all the more they'll feel insecure.
