(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Etelle: Got ar.. My gal cry like duno wat.. My boy still alright.. Thou I heard from the teachers as and when he tink of me..he will cry and call Mummy.. C oso..but she worse..cry abit more den the kor kor.. Juz nw call the CC..she in the office crying..hear liao so heart pain..

Ivory: Yeah!!! hehe good achivement for ZY... so can change liao la.. mai call monster le la... hehe

siewlng: YJ why leh? she is ok mah.. from what i see her... did meet the 'wat to expect from the toddler' book ah... hehe :p
yeah lor dun call him monster la he really nto as monster as u mention la...be nice to him...hee happy hor he call mama good le which means he learning in CC hee

wow like that ah if i hear my son cry in cc ah i heartbreak cannot concentrate at work one le...sure want to rush down to CC> That's why i still didn't put him there but cuz i SAM so i have a choice la...maybe when no choice also bo bianz hor....
i started by.. accompany him for 20-30mins (or if i can see he really KO) during the 1st 1 week... 2nd week i oni stay in the room for 10 mins... after dat 5 mins... then totally dun bother to go n check on him unless i go in to sleep.. haha... bad rite? but dat time when he started he got his pacifier n bolster so he din really cry...

when monster changed to nap once a day.. usually i let him nap in the afternoon.. sometimes after lunch he will nap... sometimes he wait until his milk time at 4pm after drinking then will nap..

activivties wise... he entertain himself by performing stunts.. n i entertain him by yelling at him to GET DOWN NOW!!!!! haha...

siewlng / amanda / etelle...
he still monster.... he is now mama-monster... keep calling me.. dunno really call me or for fun oni.. very irritating... hv to keep asking him wat he wan... aarrrgghhhh...
ivory: hehe... so cute rite when they keep callin us... so cheeky la him... let him call lor... hehe just give him a smile lor... :p
buay tahan u le...normally mummies are ah exhilarated when their kids start calling them...for you ah u find it irritating haha dun u feel the least bit like heart warming to hear him calling you? hha
ivory, haha u funi lah

i v scare thurs comes haha scare to send jarren to childcare :p wait see him cry, i carry him run away fr the centre hahahhahaha cham

that day br him to buy uniform, he bcom dun like the teachers and dun wanna play w the kids. e 1st x i br him there to register, he stil wanna play w teh teacher and kids. sang nuo jing lei

aiyo i buay tahan that jovan... cry n cry... eat full also cry, hungry also cry... sleep awhile cry again... feel like bashing him or slap him or scotch-tape his mouth
you very cute also le haha scotch tape his mouth hee :p think hor sure bu she de le..maybe asked someone more cool headed to company you then after put him there then bring you away haha
think most kids intially need some time to adjust one la....

zijie is one of a kind well trained by kelly le...cuz he know even if he cry or throw tantrums kelly will just go one hee :p
For YJ, same as ZJ timing. Nap once in afternoon... if I bring her to playground to play tat morning, maybe she will nap b4 lunch.

I can be hard hearted one, wan my help? but I may failed to bring u away leh... hehe!

I went to visit CC hor, the teacher told us, some kids can cry for months hor... so be prepared. But teachers did told us, in general, is the parents not prepared to adjust themselves to CC instead of kids leh...

tat day I was at MMI, I saw a boy on his 3rd day, cried n cling to his maid... but after the maid left, the "Class" started with Music n Dance, he stopped n watch. N he extended his legs out, wan to join in leh. The action look bery funni... like wan to join yet dun dare to join kind hehe!
Good that you did it. I guess most of us still struggling with the kid's sleep which is so tiring and time-consuming. That time I didn't give him pacifier so he cried and cried from mild whimper to angry scream. i changed to patting him but he still not happy. Eventually the only way was rocking which was a big mistake!
He's quite strong-headed since baby.

Lately, if let him out of stroller at shopping centre, he will not let us hold his hand and start running. We have to chase him like idiots. When caught hold of him, he not happy, sat on the floor and fuss. Super pai sei. Now on and off i keep telling him his "outside" behaviour is not acceptable hoping he'll improve. But it's so scary to bring him out to test for improvement!

I don't dare to bring him to playground alone these days. No strength to chase after him and manage his struggle.
yeah think our tods this age is like that one bring to malls or once let them free and easy they start running and touch here and there and dun want to hold hands. My boy also the same cuz they want to explore on their own mah

now that u r pregnant tough to run and chase after him also. I also dun bring my son to playground alone le cuz he want to climb up to the long winding slide and hor i dun think my reflexes is fast enough to put him on the slide and run down to catch hold of him when he slide down so better dun risk it. bring him when ur hb around lor...hee
amanda / etelle..
no.. not heartwarming to hear him call me.. very irritating... even my BIL almost go crazy with monster's mama-monster syndrome.. haha..

n.. he's still monster cos though he understands instructions.. 1/2 the time he choose not to follow them.. so now i noe he purposely not listening to me.. make me even more mad.. no excuse saying he still young dun understand mah...

u sure can drag bulma away from the CC one lah... cannot be her dragging u in rite? hehe..

for me this training him to sleep oso by chance.. cos dat time i so pek chek.. hv to carry pat pat him walk walk ard the whole house from 8pm till 11+pm.. very tiring...

so 1 fine day i just throw him in his bed n leave him to sleep on his own.. haha.. surprisingly.. its a big burden off my back liao... haha..

like dat is oso easier my family.. cos anybody can throw him in cot n leave him to sleep.. not necessary hv to be me

i also dun like to bring him go out.. me worse.. cos oni me alone bring him go out.. if got hb.. at least hb can go chase him while i push his stroller.. now always i alone... how am i going to chase him n push the stroller at the same time? haha... so most of the time if can i refused to let him come down.. hehe..
my hb lazy one. he won't bring. So my son very deprived! hahaha!

I used to bring him out alone quite often. now he's so uncooperative really can't manage. Sometimes he doesn't even let me change diapers!

You're due in Dec rite? How's pregnancy so far? for this #2, I really bo-chap.. eat a lot of rubbish and still drinking coffee almost everyday.. sometimes feel very guilty.
my pregnancy has been smooth sailing all these while and i also eat alot of junk and also got drink coffee quite often haha....yeah lor first preg everything dun dare to do 2nd pregnancy everything like also Bochap quite bad hor hee :p
Etelle n Fishia
I somehow bo bian leh hehe! Cos my hb was away for a month... I need to find something to drain YJ's energy else at home she too eng will go po huai household stuff leh... mus well bring her downstair playground...

Good tat the playground is new n with new design for toddler. So I let Yj climb up alone n I stand below wait for her to slide down hehe! N she enjoy the climbing up leh... machim training for her.
fishia, etelle... my boy also same lor when outside, refuse to let us hold hand then wanna run abt and touch things. i dat day br him go metro then he run and touch and TAKE thing somemore... tk le he just run... i gotto run after him.. then when he push those boxes on flr, i stil nd to pack.. the salesgal w a v black face stand there look at me pack, i so pai seh lei... but come to thk abt it, she shd help hor.. she really is stand there and watch me mk sure i pack sui sui bk... then once i caught his hand, he immediately sit on floor and wail and scream.. i gotto grab him away... so ma-lu... sm x i leave him sit there to fuss if not many pple and he not obstructing pple haha he really fuss v long still continue (15-20mins) til i give in lei cos too long le, he buay pai seh i pai seh meh

bochap, sekali i drag u in to help protect my son haha

perhaps u should have left it there for the salesgal to pack. hahaha. since her attitude is so bad. so far my boy will go berserk whjen he goes toys r us or any toy section. He loves Ikea too. Loves to open and close drawers/doors.

So far we let him touch whatever that's safe lor. Once he gets tired, he'll guai guai sit on his stroller and let us stroll him for the rest of the trip.
mashy, he buay tired one.. he's full of energy... even he tired, rub eyes tsi n dat but stil insist dun sit stroller, dun zzz, he just wanna run and walk about. then he lk to open close drawer and door too.. he open hai ok but when he close, he is bang it real hard one... buay tahan

gals, i forgot when can we stop let bb wear mitten. anyone rmbr? now jo is 5wks+, can stop wearing le mah? but scare he scratch his face
actually ah after 1 mth lor...haha or whenever u r comfortable lor cuz hor wearing mitten is afriad they scrtach themselves lor but otherwise free and easy better mah hee hee...for me maybe for the first month lor...
usually after 1st mth can remove le 'cos by then u can start trimming their nails so tat it's not so sharp. But it's really up to u la, not say die die after 1 mth must stop wearing.
jus like tomatolander's method, i saw on 1 episode of supernanny, she told the kids that the tutu fairy was coming to take their tutus away cuz they old enuf liao.
she then ask them to surrender them & place them in these small bags to be hung on tree outside.
the nxt morn when the kids chk, they found a small pressie in the bag & slpt that nite onwards without their tutus.
C nvr used 1 but i thot this method sounded like fun
moms might want to modify this or combine with tomato's

C also drinks milk fr teh bottle & b4 naps/slp, she always asks for mum-mum, so, hard to wean.
she'll wake up btwn 5-7 & ask for mum-mum as well, so she's a real milkaholic!

she did teach me 1 thg - patience & leave it to her to tell me when to do thgs like pottytrain or eat solids or use spoon on her own.
i use to blend her food til she was 15mths & i thot she wld always eat semisolids til she reach pri sch!!!
then 1 day she ask for my noodle & when paed said ok to eat'g food fr the table, i start to cook chop'd food for her liao

same with spoon - MIL insists i feed her but i see oth kids feed'g themselves, so confused dunno wat to do
then 1 day C jus ask for spoon to feed herself...so she has shown me tt i no need to worry too much. kids wil devp in their own time
now i usually wait for her to tell me when she's ready instead of wonder'g if its the rt time or not
Forum so quiet today ah. No one posting ah...Monday bluez?

yeah every kiddo has their own time and pace for development. Sometimes we parents are too anxious and after comparing to peers ah then even more gan cheong
so we have to relax and let them tell us when they are ready huh...
Milk consumption
my kiddo seem to be drinkng one tin per week le...anyone's kiddo so big appetite like mine? scary hor....should reduce or not ah?
How much is Ethan drinking per feed and how many per day? My gal drinks 180ml (3 scoops) 3-4 times per day. Never monitor the consumption though, probably about 1 tin every 2 weeks?
think you should track how much milk intake a day. rather than by tins. abt 500ml per day. not sure if so because another friend told me pd warn her when her gal intake abt 700ml per day, too much.
Hi gals,

Thanks....will update you all if mine is confirmed a girl. ;)

Re: Milk intake

Marcus' milk intake also quite a lot. Everytime ask for 'ne ne'. Even after his lunch, he will ask for his 'ne ne' within less than an hr, just like we would like to have a cup of tea or coffee after a main meal. On the average, he drinks abt 6 feeds a day, each feed abt 150-180ml, with 2 solid meals a day (my mil doesn't cultivate him the habit of eating breakfast, but we bring him for breakfast on weekends). Seems like he's drinking a lot of milk, huh?

Re: Self-feeding

He's learning to self-feed recently. He can feed himself quite well with a fork (but not with a spoon yet). So far let him try feeding himself with potato cubes, scramble egg, hashbrown. He can aim at the food pretty well & poke it with his fork. But at times when he can't do it properly, he will anyhow poke on the plate, hoping to get something with his fork. He will also carefully move his fork towards his mouth so that his food won't drop.

I've yet to let him try feed himself with food like porridge or things with gravy....I'm afraid I'll go crazy with the mess that he'll most likely create. But it's just a matter of time he will demand to feed himself with that bowl of porridge/pasta.
mu kiddo also drinks a lot of milk! but so far i'm not worried cuz she eats a lot as well - not like my niece who drinks but eats like 5 tiny strips of chkn for dinner & drinks soup for lunch & is severely underweight (she's 2 years older than C but only 1.5kg heavier!)

caryn drinks FM 200-220ml X 3, soyamilk 120ml for bfast & tea, eats bfast, lunch, dinner & biscuits for tea. smtimes after eat'g can stil ask for my food as well!
if i rmbr rt, my kiddo can go thru 1 can in abt 10-11 days cuz i dilute (minus 1 scoop). i think its cuz she's so so active, i nvr once see her sit down to rest...haha

etelle, yah, cuz i'm a 1st time mom, most times v kancheong...hear my frens talk'g abt their kiddos, cant help but compare. but its good to see sm posts here abt kiddo devpt cuz smtimes reassuring to see that C is not too fast nor too slow (like in talking...only now is she mimicking what we say...but only selectvly - not like yrs, WOW!)

ah may
what is the concern if they drink too much milk ah? get obese when older is it?
xr was actually demanding to feed herself with the spoon last mth, but not sure what happened, now she refuses the spoon and picks food up with her bare hands instead. maybe eating with a spoon is too slow!

not sure how many tins, but she usually has 2-3 milk feeds (morning if she wakes early, 10-11am, and tea-time.) unfortunately, if she goes out with us, she usually only has 1, the morning feed and after that is just solid food. quite bad of us. my mom always asking if we shd feed her 1 more before her bedtime, but she doesnt ask for it, and anyway i dun want to cultivate the habit of sucking on the milkbottle to sleep.
YJ also drink alot leh... b4 sleep she can drink abt 300 to 400ml leh... so hor, now I will feed her biscuit/ bread/ some rice when she reach home from nanny place, so she won't get too hungry at nite. If I don't feed her such, she will sure wake up at 12am to 1am for milk, at least 120ml.

Within a day, she drink 3-4x of milk. 1x at 5am, 1x at 10am (may not wan to, if no ask I don't give), 1x at abt 3pm (same if dun ask, dun give), then 1x jus b4 sleep.

I also like u hehe... dun dare to let YJ self feed watery/ gravy stuff... scare of teh mess... tat day I bought YJ down to Learning Vision open house, she sat with the children to eat, she demand her spoon n bowl to self feed hehe! At home, she won't ask for it leh...
you might want to see this.
A friend's newphew wears original crocs, went down the escalotor, the shoe got caught in. lucky, his foot okay, unhurt. is a pic.
need to scoll a bit.

not sure why cannot drink so much. maybe worried over dependent on milk and dun eat so much solid food?
my boys decrease their milk intake again. but their amount of solid food intake shoot up. big big tummy, worried they are over eating! sam weight now at 75% percentile from 50%, ray at 50% from 25%.
BC..ur YJ champion leh..drinking 400ml..LOL
very soon will hit 11kg liao haha

G drinking 240-300ml per feed, total 3 feeds/day. Now she needs to snack more cos milk alone can't fill the stomach since it's liquid...after pee hungry liao.

If you follow the guidelines, it should be 3-4feeds per day ( 180ml-240ml per feed).

BC maybe u increase her solid food intake so that it can last longer.
Hehe! Dun mock at me/ YJ lah... say YJ is champion...

I did loh... YJ needs more meals kind loh, like your G, hehe need to snack like every 2hours kind... dunno is tam jia or realli hungry leh... make me bo eng leh...

now I let her snack after her dinner, abt 1-2 hours later. So she won't need to drink so much b4 sleep loh hehe!
can eat is good la... dun complain liao lor.
I wish FK would want to snack every 2 hrs ok.... he eat very little and very seldom will cry for milk one. Maybe I shd try 1 day dun give him food see if he will hungry one or not? LOL!!!

By the way, today my maid finally let FK try 1 full day nap/sleep w/o pacifier and FK is now officially off pacifier liao... yeah...
my boy drinks like 150-180ml per 3 hr or so one day about 5 feeds. 830am, 1130,430pm,830,1015. All the feed he take about 160 nly the 830 one about 60ml only...He can take solids well also breakfast, lunch and dinner and also got eat biscuits in between. Mmm but his solids is normal amt just nice...

so milk drink 2 much how? and how much is 2 much le ? any link or anywhere to check? But each time i ask pd, pd will say they still know how to regulate themselves like when hungry r when full. And also it could be due to growth spurt. So pd said just let him drink when he wants le...Hmmmm my son quite active also la..so maybe energy used so energy replaced haha
when u say she drink 3-4 times milk. Each time is 240-300 ah? if like that ethan also no fight ethan is drink normal then freqent...like adults small meals but more meals haha
ZY milk intake abt same with Ethan. 180-200ml, 5 feeds a day. 8.30am, 11am, 4pm, 8pm and before bed 10pm. The intake shd be okie for him, not too much, cos he always seems hungry le, always want to snacks.

Happy hor... FK off tutu liao.

Usually what do u let yr kiddos snack on ah? Cheerios? Fruits?
i changed C's naps from 2/day to 1/day jus last mth...i schedule her when she's at home but once we go out kai kai,
all the schedule luan qi pa zao & usually meals are pushed back, smtimes 1hr (i'm quite a bad mum when i postpone meals...hope my d wont devp gastric!)
9am wake up; watch sesame st & eat bfast
1230 eat lunch & watch hi5
2-5 nap (if we go out, she naps fr 3-6 or 4-7 cuz she NEVER naps when we're out!)
5pm tea
7pm dinner (smtimes when we're out, she can eat @8)
9-930pm sleep

YJ so cute...even @ this young age know how to save face & show off! hehe

any mummies here with kiddos stil slp'g in cots? when u travel ah, where did kiddo slp? put btwn u & hubby or slp on floor better?
gonna be at my SIL over xmas in KL & wanna be prep'd - think most likely i'l hv to slp with C on mattress on floor cuz bed is single kind
scared tt C sure wont slp but walk ard or wake up early & sneak off! how ah?
ah may
so serious ah the sandals. luckily not injured. i think it is safer to carry them when we go up the escalator.

RE: milk intake
for N it depends. if he gets 2 solid meals of rice and soup then milk intake will be lesser, but if he gets at least a meal of porridge then drink more milk. just find that as long as N wants milk, i will give him. lately i change to Gain IQ, he put on more meat leh.
this afternoon, he will go for his physio of his foot again.

Re:Ne ne and breasts

Lately N seems very very interested in my breasts. he will purposely run to me and point/ press at my breasts and exclaim ne ne! ne ne!
dunno whether he knows or understand ne ne or he is just being cheeky. i stopped breast feeding after confinement so i doubt he can remember ne ne means milk. any mummies experiencing this too?
Happy Birthday Stella!! Enjoy yr day...

yea Jade,
happy lor... but last nite is only his 2nd nite w/o pacifier so he woke up once crying and keep wanting to be carried so I tell my maid to give him the pacifier to let him doze off first then remove it. 1st nite he was ok so I hope slowly he can wean off totally...
thanks so much

Milk intake
hee thanks for all the feedback on milk intake at least i know ethan's intake is quite alright
Ya lor...drinking too much oso complain haha...BC u pro whinner LOL

Stella..it depends on the age, size of ur kid and amount of solid intake etc also.
Once you start adding solids to his diet, his daily intake of formula milk should gradually be arnd 720ml.
Like ur PD said, let ur kid be ur guide to how much food to give ..but u must know how to diferentiate if he is crying for milk or attention? and don cultivate the bad habit to crave on milk..
I give G fruits n cheese as snacks
haha everytime he want to sleep or nap most of the time he will want milk.... sometimes ah if the hours are too close with his feedings i can distract him with something else though hee :p okie thanks for the milk infor guide.
