(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

Ah May
you make mooncake ah? Wow....last time in my workplace i got this chinese teacher she always teaches the kids how to make snowskin mooncake hee i only eat never learn haha

they have traditional flavour or those new trendy type?


Ya..HB and FIL are hairy type on leg and chest.

so if like that ,is normal for 19 mth start 'shen mou'

but he is super active type...
ya, last time make liao, then bring to college as well. :p
the snow skin ones very easy, the traditional ones more difficult, especially if dun hit properly, will come out out of shape...
most difficult one is the piglets, cause no stuffing, more difficult to control the strength.

yah, if hb and fil are hairy, then it's likely for your kid to be the same.

What has being super active gotta do with being hairy leh? hehe. Will shed more? :p
Hello, I'm from Mar 06 thread.

Need help. Anyone uses Mac Book with Seagate 80 gigabyte harddisk? Or knows anybody who does?

Willing to trade in the disk drive for a higher capacity drive. No worries cos warranty will not be void but will be assured. Will transfer all the data and systems to your new drive. Also throw in a 6 months data recovery warranty as well.

Please PM me if able to help me. Thanks!
Re: Friso Discount Coupon to giveaway

I just received a couple of discount coupons from Sing Post for Friso 2-4. Giving it away to anyone who needs it.

If interested can pm me.
sori...i'v been MIA cuz C's sick
mashy, thnx for yr reply the last time

C devpd a fever on tues & by thurs had rashes, so no choice but to take her to paed to chk
(actually wanted to tk her to GP, but decided to giv this paed a try since so near my plc)
paed said rashes=food allergy & fever separate cuz got throat infectn
nxt day, her rashes so bad, spread to her face & quite blotchy...calld paed again to confirm food allergy. he said to brg her in to chk cuz it may be measles
in teh end, its jus roseola. then paed got cheek to charge me consultatn for 2nd time! cant stand this doc...very very bad with childn
(C cried the moment she saw him the 2nd time cuz he was so rough with her the 1st time! good memory huh?),
clinic got pathetic no. of toys (1 bead chaser fr ikea, 1 letter tray & 1 wood puzzle FOC fr vendor)
sm more for a paed's clinic, the floor was so dusty!
this was my 1st time there cuz emergency...& wil be my last. am quite peeved at the 'service' i paid more than $100 for!!!
pass teh word round to boycott the tiong baru plaza paed clinic!
i shld hv suspected smthg was wrong tt this plc is so empty - was so happy @ first cuz hardly had to wait
<u>speech devt</u>
on a brighter note, C is trying to spk more altho most words not accurate & she luvs to baby talk/babble
now she can say hi, byebye, dada, yeye, nainai, mama, mummum, bear, ball, bird quite clearly.
i notice she likes B words

the rest of teh time she wil try to imitate when we ask her, but wil either pronounce wrongly or wont say these words again of her own free will
another peculiarity is that she likes to repeat the sounds alot like yeyeye/nainainai or nananana (for banana)
<font color="0000ff">- any mummy here experience teh same thing???</font>
another funny thg is that she likes animal sounds
- she wont like to say cat, dog or cow but instead says meow, oof or mooo...siow girl!
so vonvon, looks like our kids are on teh same page
doc says as long as she picks up 2-3 words per mth, she shld be on track
but i understd how u feel abt oth kids who can talk well - my god-daughter is 3mths younger & can say 5-10X the no. of words C can say!
sm'more, pple say boys are a lil slower @ lang skills...but mine gal leh!
but then, she's VERY rough & tumble like a tomboy & is better @ physical stuff like climbing, etc. right now she practises her 'jump' everyday...
smtimes can lift off 1 or 2cm off teh floor; then she very happy haha
Hey ladies,

i again saw the promo on Huggies Ultra at AMK Hub Ntuc going at $13.80 for all sizes. I bought one pack and tried on my gal last night. It was ok did not leak till this morning. (I am not promoting huggies ya. Just something to share share good buys)

there is also a promo on VCD at AMK NTUC. If we purchase either any 2 Sesame Street or Barney VCD can get a free $12.90 worth of VCD( Like the Ballerina types). Sesame Street VCD going at $10.90. So i bought 2 Elmo's world at $21.80 and got a free vcd. quite worth lah.

my gal nowadays also very lazy to learn leh. Her common words that are very clear are :

bread bread
oh oh
shoe shoe

words not clear

Haiz I also very vexed but i guess i just let her develop at her own pace already.

think she is faster physically but slow in speech. Not that she don;t what we say but she choose to ignore and only say it when she is happy. Hubby say she very attitude. Hahaha

Now bring her out she loves to sit in her pram. last time when we want to put her in , she will refuse to sit. nowadays, she gladly let us put her in her pram. Cuz when we bring her out, either she sit in her pram or she walk...we dun carry her so i guess she rather enjoy being pushed ard..
Summer, did u receive my email on the CL?

Re: Mooncake
Bought a few boxes of mooncake today..quite disappointed..

Ritz Calton- Bought the traditional type with lotus filling, it tastes quite dry, a little bit too sweet

Goodwood Park- Durian snowskin, very nice packaging. hb commented it tastes so-so, better to eat durian than eating this

Da Zhong Guo- I can't stop laffing at the packaging cos it's really lao tu. A bit of bitter aftertaste, but the lotus filling tastes much smoother than Ritz Calton.

Bakerinz- Orange snowskin, a bit of cracking on the surface, tastes very very artificial ( probably used artificial orange flavor).

Shi Zhen- Crispy Yam filling, not so sweet..i will rate this top among the rest..
I try the regent hotel black sesame snowskin, quite good, gg to buy this next weekend.
mariott hotel ones the snow skin also quite good.
the durian one, the silk road resturant one is good. keke. jus to share.
PS: did not buy from raffles hotel again, sob sob, want to get the 20% discount, then now oos... so sad.
Hi mummies,
long time din log in already.. been so busy with work lately....
anyway need some advice from u guys.. my ger ytday fell dwn head head down 1st on the floor and her front right tooth is chipped.. wat shd i do nw?
Oh dear, think better to go to dentist to check. some chip is okay but some will cause pain sensation. heard that there is a dentist at far east plaza not bad, my friend took her troddler twins to visit that dentist. I thinking of bringing my boys for their first visit too.
re: sleeping with milk bottle
mommies, can i just find out how many of your bbs sleep with bottle?
i nurse D to sleep and i think now her 2 front teeth is having some decay... trying to wean her off last week but she end up more reliant on neh-neh
Yes, i got your CL contacts... thanks. But she charge me rather high due to my location. Top up another $300 i can get a full time CL le... but she was very nice and helpful.
oh no. xr's actually stopped taking milk after dinner, so havent had this problem in a while.

but ask mummies, is it too little if she only takes 2-3 milk feeds a day? Sometimes wkend she only has her morning bottle and that's it liao. My dad keeps nagging me to give her a feed at nite but my thinking is since she doesnt fuss for it, then I'll juz leave it. But also worried that she's not getting enuff milk.
my boys used to sleep with bottles, but I jus switch them to brush teeth after milk and then sleep. they very happy with it, so I dun have problem now.

maybe they see my dad brush teeth before sleeping, they quite happy to follow.
for me, I try to let my boys eat milk product like yorgurt, cheese or drink milk. I worry abt calcium intake as they need lots of it for strong bones, i also worry they are too short, haha, that why I try to let them drink milk at least twice a day.

long time ago, i used to give my boy dream feed. But now no more coz the routine is after milk, brush teeth, read story book, say prayer then sleep. Perhaps u should try to change to routine to something else.

I give my boy 3 feeds a day. 1 in morn, 1 in afternoon after his nap and 1 at night. Sometimes he'll still wake up at night for additional milk.

It's still comfort food for him, so have to give him else he'll feel 'mang zang'.
Re: Milk Feeds

Seems like most of your kids are only taking abt 3-4 feeds a day. Marcus drinks a lot of milk. On the avg, he drinks abt 5-6 feeds a day. It's a must for him to drink a bottle of milk after his porridge (just like some adults who must drink a cup of coffee or tea after each meal). At night, after his milk, will clean his mouth (not thru' brushing though coz' he refuse to let me brush him....he will 'do it himself' which is just play play for him) using cloth & mouth gel (the one that I use for him since baby).

Recently he tend to wake up for his night feed again....don't know why....but he will kept on whining in bed like can't get himself back to sleep. We tried to give him water but he'll whine even louder. Wonder if he's teething (molars??).
Claire, it is natural that the milk intake shld drop by now, jus make sure she is taking enuff semi-solid or solid.
Actually it's a good sign that she is not addicted to the formula milk which alot of babies seem to be. Think we have discussed abt this issue earlier

Anyway i restrict G to 3x formula milk per day maximum, if she cries for additional i will give something else..snacks, fruits, cheese

This is an extremely useful information on feeding non-breastfed children from 6-24months by WHO ( World Health Organisation), it entails the use of vitamins-mineral etc..

wah... u mooncake lover ah...buy so many different types of mooncakes. bakerzin not nice? i find it nice... maybe cos i like to go there and eat that's y i find it nice.

how u spend ur birthday?

bb ger
Aiyo, must be very painful leh. i also suggest u see a dentist.

N went for last jab, now fever then dunno y diarrohea n vomit. i called my PD, he said N might have viral infection. was just telling my hubby that N is stronger now, not sick so frequent then sick again... haiz...!

i brushed N's teeth twicw a day. With brush plus toothpaste after that use xylitol wipes. i also very worried of tooth decay cos i used to work in the dental clinic when i was still studying. i saw kids with very bad decayed before, at times can be in pain. plan to keep his milk teeth for him.(bought a fairy tooth box for keeping milk teeth)

lately N's school taught him manners. when he wants something, he will say "please". when he gets it, he will say "thank you".
but dunno y he is still so skinny. weighs only 10.8kg at 19 months!
ethan is about 11.9kg now and height 88 or 89cm le...he is like a little boy le...no toddler size also...when hit 90cm sit bus take mrt go cinema have to pay le ah????

haiz...i will tell her to say thank you in chinese (xie xie) She will just cheekily smile at me and mumble something in her baby language. hai..

sab now weighs 11.5kg and is 80cm tall. when we go out shopping, ppl alwiz mistook her for a 3-4yr old kid. but to me as long as she is healthy, i am ok with it.
yeah lor never mind whether they mistood them for older kid or not la as lng as healthy can le...now chubby good mah hee
all fats be gone once they enter secondary school so its okie la...as long as healthy most impt...
hmmm... seems that N's weight ok leh. doc never measure his height that day. my aunty kept saying N so skinny and maybe ADHD cos he super active.
by the way any bb have loght brown hair with some golden strands? N has a lot. i worried will turn grey leh.
N very skinny leh. still wearing 9-12 months clothes leh.
haha.. underweight worry, overweight worry.... mommies..

hey stella, E is really tall.
my son, 3.5yo, only 92cm lei!
think he inherited the 'dwarf' genes from my hubby :p
Koli, ah_may,
i brought my ger to for her last jab at the GP, at the same time showed him her teeth.. he mentioned that hers is only a minor chip. not to worry... *phew*
that's good news.

ya, if exceed 90cm ,need to pay bus fare, so now while my boys abt 85cm, I think I bring them take mrt and bus loh... :p
that's good to hear

wow! E's tall, xr's on the low end of 80, and he's already pushing 90

the other day my granma was asking hb n me, how come the 2 of us hair black black one, will give birth to a girl with brown hair?? both of us stunned, dunno how to answer her. i mean, what can we say? sometimes gran says the funniest things.

yesterday, hb went with his family to pray to his granmother, and xr's cousin was there (abt 4yrs). His caregiver, granma was holding the cane and he was on the other side of the room so he sang "u cannot catch me; u cannot beat me!" at her. She was angry and another granaunt was telling him to stop, but the granpa was like, aiyah he's only playing around, nvr mind lah. Then xr's caregiver also said nvm. hb there hot already, but the granpa say until like that, he also dun want to say so much. WHen he told me last nite, I was telling hb if that was xr, one of us hold her, the other one whack her liao. But must take away from the ils (or my mum...) first otherwise they will confirmed undermine authority. If the boy can be so rude now and not checked by adults, cant imagine next time what he'll be like.
My G weighs 11kg , 81cm but when i bring her out most ppl will ask if she has reached 1yo? haha..As long as she is healthy n happy i m not bothered by the wt/ht issue.

koli, i m not mooncake lover but somehow after dinner, i will eat a piece of mooncake as dessert everyday for now..till i get sorethroat liao.
Claire, how do u deal with those bullies?
i like mooncake with yolk

my inlaws also like that. like to interfere when i discipline N. they had apparently forgotten that i am the MOTHER. anyway i don give face. i always tell them off. dun give them face. when N does something wrong, i will discipline him no matter they around not. discipline from young so no prob next time.

N SICK. keeps vomitimg and diarrohea... every 5 min leh. now sending him to nearest PD
ah_may, claire,

Re: MMR jab
will the kids be feverish after the jab? my ger keep having on-off fever after the jab and the fever is on the high side (38.5 degree). is it normal? quite worrying leh..
for mmr, if any fever it will be normally 7-10days later. JH develop fever 10days after mmr jab and for a few days keep on fever on n off. but no hit 38.5deg. its below 38deg for her case but for many days lor. i heard from some friend that their kid develop v high fever after mmr jab.
but for jh, she develop high fever of 38.6deg after her last booster jab. n fever for a few days lor.

that time brought ethan for MMR the dr also said onset of low grade fever 7-10 days later like what smiley said. But thank God Ethan is fine no fever no any side effect or what....i think for some case can be high fever le but better bring to Dr and see need any other medicine or attention or not...
