(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB


stella HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i think i saw you your hb and ethan at IMM yesterday but did nt call you la i was having discussion with my staff.. another thing is i scared you think i xiao char bo shouting for you.. hahaha

another thing is elly also drinks a lot of milk.. everytime ask for 'abu' that s milk to her.. she also bout 240ml to 260ml per feed.. bout 4 times a day.. and she eats breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack also..

omg, vs after what you say i think elly is drinking too much..

i control her fr drinking too much..sometimes she sees my nephew drinking she wanna snatch i will stop her ..i realise her favourite is still milk as compared to solid food hence i try to maintain it at 3-4x of milk per day...
they are 18months now...solid should be the staple food.
BC, YJ can drink hor...

Yesterday was XR's first day to the toddler group and morning when i change her to her school uniform, she dun quite like but eventually after a while she let me wear... then shortly she start to pull when i am not ard her..
Upon reaching near to the school, she started askin me to carry her but i din and when reach school, she cling to me like magnet and dun wan to go in.. after a while hb and me then go away...
her last feed was ard 4+ tat consist of milk and bread then all the way till last feed at home liao... and she sleep thru.. changes to her meal time.. haizzz
and poor me everyday got to wash her clothing... :p

stella, hehe hope u have a great day huh....
u mean those timin ethan took milk ah?? then on top of tat he took solid?? like a lot of meals hor... hehe
Currently xr take morning about 220-230ml then 2 feed of 180ml in school and last feed ard 200ml then solid wise, she got 1 breakfast, 1 lunch and i tea break...
Bulm/ Carla
Thanks Thanks. Actually as we grow older and now becoming mothers are for me i feel birthday is just another day and dun really want to celebrate or stuff like that haha....
etelle, i agreed with you. i dun need celebration but i die die stil insist wanna hv a cake on my birthday haha childish me hehe
Why not give XR a solid meal for dinner? As she grows older, she needs to have all 3 meals, though my son skips breakfast lah. Heheeh. What time is her hi-tea? Maybe can start with introducing some finger foods to her, then slowly get her to join u and hb at the dining table.

Annika is finally taking rice!! Have been trying to introduce to her but she seems always choking on rice.. and not crackers, choc etc! Strange hor.

Then so cute, recently I called home and spoke to Gareth, and Annika quickly took over her kor kor's seat at the dining table, and finish up quite a fair bit of his rice. Pissed Gareth off big time.
As our kids grow older, we will surely buy a cake on our birthdays, not for us, but it's for them to blow out the candles. They always love it when they see the candles, dun know why.
sunshinekid: On weekdays she wun have solid for dinner cause we dun cook mah... but when we eat, we will give her some to eat and she wants to sit with us at the dining table to eat also.. hehe
But for weekends, i will give her solid as dinner then follow by last feed of milk lor...
Her toddler schedule is a lot different like infant le...
Morning 8+ take cornflake, bread or biscuit lor...
then 11+ take lunch like rice then before they nap, they will be given milk which is ard 1+ then 3+ take solid again lor... normally hi tea, they will have bread, cake or biscuits lor...
then all the while till we bring her home then last feed ard 9pm then sleep till morning liao...
oh.. and one thing we add... hb and me no fixed time for dinner one.... i can go as late as 9+ for dinner.... :p
i know not advisable la... but no choice... gotta put her to bed first then can eat peacefully... haha
bulma, having cake during birthday is not childish la. My mum told us cake is a MUST for birthday ...jus like lunar birthday must eat mee sua....no matter how old.

amanda, try to give solid for dinner to XR..maybe difficult for u cos both working n have to fetch her fr CC..or u can use slow cooker to cook porridge for her?
u very bad leh...let her sleep so that u can enjoy romantic dinner with hb ah? LOL
LY, jarren til now stil choking on rice. then he eat rice takes vvvvvvvvvv long to finish cos he alws "han" in his mouth so my mum alws feed him porr cos she say feed til sian and fed up... i alws tell her then forever eat porr lor i gotto force her let him eat rice one lor
Guilty to say, I am also very lazy to feed her rice, cos she takes almost forever to finish leh.. Feed porr is of course v much faster, so i always take the easy way out, feed her porr during the wkends, and let my mum feed her rice during wkdays.. Hahahahah.
FK oso more difficult to feed when he is given rice. And he is lazy to chew, if we add soup he will just swallow. Headache....

Just brought him for the booster jab and his wgt is oni 9.4kg, hgt oni 77cm. Both at 10th percentile...
PD says if he is not taking in solid well I may consider switching him to Pediasure totally for his milk feeds.

I realised after feeding my boy that it's not that rice is so diff to eat. Rather it's whether the food is tasty. He could eat spaghetti very well, so i realised that if he likes the food, he would eat it no matter how tough it seems. If he doesn't like, even mushy food will cause him to spit it out. I gave him char siew rice before, and he ate it all up! And i tell u, the char siew rice is very hard. Not the soft and mushy type. Then other times, when I feed him rice that's softer than the char siew rice, he'll refuse after 2 mouthfuls.

Perhaps you wanna try the rice with something really tasty and see his reaction? Then u know whether it's becoz he's still not ready for such food or it's becoz he just didn't like its taste.
happy belated bday stella (gezz... i'm so late...)

self feeding
- D also try self feed but we always put newspaper under her high chair easier to clean up.
then schedule bathing after eating.
clean up all the mes..

Has anyone heard of MMI? Hb called and 2 days halfday playgroup is $220 (and full day also the same price apparently). will probably go and have a look, just 5 min walk from my home
They said we can bring her there at 7am, but class only starts at 9am. anyone knows what happens in between?
usually 7-9am is for students to assemble and hv breakfast. Classes starts at 9am for my gal's cc too.
Most paretns will bring their kids to cc around 7:30am to 8:30am but they open 7am is to cater to the minority that has to bring the kids there super early one.
mashy, haha r u saying my cooking not tasty? hehe just joking lah... i dunno lei i feel it's just he lazy to chew. just like FK lor... he everything go inside mouth will just swallow... same thing for rice with soup.

i let him eat chicken rice, char siew rice, duck rice before too.. but is same one... he eat spag also will tk forever.. only porr is the fastest lor

haha, no lah. Just that coz now most of us will cook with little or no salt/seasoning mah. So the kids may wanna eat tastier stuff lor.

Looks like he really lazy to chew. hahaha. The supervisor in the IFC that C went to said that cannot give in even if they are lazy to chew. Cannot just give porridge. Coz chewing is a way to exercise their jaws which will then affect their speech development. My boy also lazy to chew. Maybe that's why so slow to talk. haha.

heard that century square at tampiness also having baby fair starting this fri for 10 days.

i think my gal is the rubbish bin type, anything also eat. Haiz.. when we go out, i just give her what we are eating as long as no chilli and she will eat lor. may it be rice lah, noodles and watever

somemore nowadays i very lazy, don't want to bring big big bag and lug all her thermos flask, water and milk powder as i feel that she is bigger now can eat anything that we give. But hubby will insist must bring in case she gets hungry. Buay tahan him. so i told him u want to bring right? u carry the bag. hahaha. anyone face the same thing from hubby?
same thing happening as when i was carrying xr. already had 2 near falls n once really fell on my butt. purposely go n buy non-slip sole shoes, yesterday wear for the first day, the heel broke off. emergency call hb to bring my other pair to sch. then went vivo makan carl's jr, almost fell on this guy (think he also panic, this fei sao suddenly slip in his direction.) today come out from staffrm kena again. Siao. Think may have pulled something, now when walking the joint near the v area is aching. hope some rest will let it go away. also dunno how, my chor lor ka cannot wear quite a lot of shoes, then those i can fit, cannot wear to school. shang nao jing.

My hb opposite from yours. He's the one wanna feed my boy everything & anything even roast pork and kou rou! All the fatty stuff, then kenna scolded by me. Now when we go out, we just bring his water bottle, diapers/wipes & snacks. No more milk lor. Only drink milk when at home. Go out no milk. Eat outside food. We've fed him so many things like udon, soba, salmon pepper rice, spaghetti (his favourite) and all kinds of rice.
claire ah,

be careful leh. no joke about falling down so often. must take care ya.


i mean i feed her all kind of food lah but when it comes to fatty stuff, fried food i will not give. Also cold food or drinks are a no no lor.
one thing cuz my gal will want milk b4 she sleeps so hubby die die also want to bring milk powder in case as sometimes we go out from morning to evening. haiz..nvm i will try to persuade him further not to bring all her barang barang. hehehe
For Marcus, I've been telling my mil not to give him only porridge coz' he's now a 'big' boy liao, can eat everything. So, must train him to eat rice. But she's still giving him porridge day & night, only when I remind her again then his next meal will be rice.

So, on weekends, I will cook anything but porridge for him. When we go out, he will eat rice, pasta, noodles, except porridge. He eat everything but in small quantity. I even give him fries, hashbrown, fried chicken (if I'm having that for lunch/dinner).

We still bring along his milk feeds when we go out. Like JSim said, sometimes we might go out from morning till evening & Marcus can't do without his milk for that long.
i dun dare try dun bring milk out for Ethan le...haha though he eat all kinds of food as well but when comes to want to doze off ah or after a couple of horus form his last milk intake...he will want milk one le...

I dun bring thermal flask out le leh...hee i normally will bring hots water in the milk bottle then if let say an hour he be drinking soon then i bring luke warm one out..if out whole day sure retaurants all what got hot water so my bag now not very big hee

be careful le walk a bit slower lor and take each step at a time...no joke le falling while pregnant....

Violet/ Claire
thanks for the CC infor..
must take care. think you can request from school to wear comfy shoes when u r teaching although they specify to wear shoes with back strap.
when i was carrying N, i slipped and fell i the school toilet. panicked and P asked my colleague to call my hubby. went to gynae and got 2 weeks off from work.

Re: milk
N also must drink milk even when outside. i a bit particular about geting hot water outside so i have one room temperature water flask and one hot flask out.i will prepare 2 bags. one with everything inside (leave in car) then bring a smaller one with 1 item each when shopping
wow, just heard yesterday that my colleague is carrying triplets! She's been ttc for abt a yr, so she's really excited. Really genetic, she's a twin herself, and her hb side got twins, now she got triplets naturally. when i told my hb, his 1st rxn was "is it testtube bb??". So happy for her esp since she's already past 30, but cant imagine what bfing will be like for her!
claire & koli,
during my pregnancy, i can wear any kind of shoe leh, maybe more practical mah. if feet so swollen how to wear with straps around the back? so far all the pregnant teachers in my sch wear whatever they want loh, no one dare to say anything leh. :p

wah, triplets! That's amazing! Twins are already a difficult. It's worse with triplets. Now she's gotta take really good care of herself coz it's rather risky.

I've an ex-colleague who was a triplet herself too. Haha, imagine having 2 other sisters looking exactly like u.

Think she'll need to supplement with FM bah, else she'll be a cow. Constantly milking away.

Have u tried bringing the milk out but refrain from feeding him that? That was what we did. We got the milk out. When he's hungry, we feed him other things. We only gave milk when he's really crying buckets for it. Eventually he stopped asking for it when he's outside and when he needs to sleep outside, he'll just go to sleep on his own. But since Ethan loves his milk so much, he might have probs with it even if he's at home. You might wanna start reducing the freq, coz don't think he will be able to drink milk that freq in school next time leh.

I called up a kindergarten and enquired abt enrolment for next yr (coz my boy can join the 2005 children) but they said he'll be too young. Furthermore, they required the kids to be toilet trained by that time. So just to let u gals know that they need to be toilet trained before they can enter pre-nursery hor.
never le haha sure give him one when he asked for it. Sometimes if he asked for it to close to his earlier feeding he can be distracted with something else but if he really wants ah nothing can distract him one hee
wow, congrats to your colleague. having triplets is not easy. keke, bf for her will not be a easy task, think better to express and let others bottle feed.
haha.. may speaking from experience hor...

think not all ccc requires the kid to be toilet trained, for palygroups and kindergardens i'm not sure la....
I intend to let the cc help me toilet train FK like they did with my gal :p Jus need to 'follow-up' at home during the nite time and weekends....

yah, if CCC, then no need. But if kindergartens have to. I checked out a few, all say need to toilet train. Don't think I'm sending my boy to CCC, so will need to toilet train him...

our kiddos next year can go pre nursery ah? prenursey is for 36 mths and above?? me not good with all these stuff le. Pls advise.
