(2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

wow, envious. you gals planning for hols... Me and hubby dying for a hols overseas. Hopefully can go for one mid next year, when no. 2 is a little older
haha, i dun know if I can go... but a good friend of ours gave birth in hawaii recently, so we plan to visit them.

and since we are offer accomdation at their place, can save a bit... haha..
ah may

ok. thanks! I'll be staying in Taipei, so if you have any recommendations on where to visit, it'll be great!

So good, can go to Hawaii, never been there before. And can't afford to go so far.
I only trying, ticket too exp. think will give up. haha.

free and easy?
how many ppl? including your boy?
if only in taipei city, quite easy by mrt. cheap also.
if travel out, can go by train to hua lian. very nice place
but sept is not a good time to go. got the taifeng. when are you gg?
nov to dec got han liu, means cold air, temp may drop to 9 degree, usually abt 15 to 20 degree.
so prepare sufficient clothes.
the weather in taiwan is windy. the cold not so bad but the wind is killer. so wind breaker is a must.
Hua lian got a national park, very nice, that time I go cannot go tracking so I stay at the zhao feng nun chang, farm stay. very nice, can pick fruits.
hua lian is where the ah mei ppl is, got very nice mozhi.
the night market also quite interesting, I forget the name liao.
near hua lian at jiao xi got very good hot spring. can stay at one of the hotels there. very nice. but is alkaline hot spring, so can wear swim suit.

the acid type must strip, that one is in taipei yang ming shan.
one thing to highlight, the hotel stay in taipei is expensive, abt 150 to 200 sgd per night, the cheaper one not so good, got ppl go there for hanky panky one, so if you bring kid along, chose wisely. can try the ymca, near taipei train station and mrt, usually fully book so must book early.
drink water only bottled water. buy from 7-11 kind of store. never boil tap water to drink unless you check with them is okay. usually cannot drink one. unless you stay in 5 star hotel. keke..
if you can understand chinese, can try this website, www.eztravel.com.tw
sounds like fun. hehe, maybe you'll have no. 2 made in japan

last sunday my uncle asked me if i wanna go holiday in nov. my dad and hb look at him and laughed their heads off. hb said sekali bb become foreigner coz born overseas. Or better yet, born on the plane, then lifetime free flights
haha, true true. Is C still sleeping with hb n u? You co-sleep or he sleeps on his own bed in ur room? i'm wondering if my girl can handle sleeping on her own coz she'll doze off on our bed. only when she's asleep then we'll carry her down to her own mattress on the floor. sometimes if she wakes in the middle of the nite, she'll climb back on the bed and sleep betw hb n i.
so good.
I also want, but the air ticket price... so exp. you book with which airline?
hope i will not end up no holiday again. sobsob..

think they wun allow you to board if tummy too big. even crossing the causeway also dangerous. my gynae told me got 1 preg woman go jb shopping, then in mid of causeway kenna. give birth on the way to kkh. haha.

nwa. it's $399. today last day orh. there's some prob with the website, so we called and tell them, they then gave us the offer price without extra charges.

if u want, still have leh...

no lah, he's sleeping in his own cot in his own room already. but when we're in japan, need to share the bed coz the hotel don't have cot i think.
hi mummies,

my gal still walk like drunken n she started to walk when she was 12 months plus. i m so worried cos she was limping on the right leg when woke up from her nap yesterday. no pain no swell n she still joke around. she is back to normal this morning. do your toddlers walk very steadily now?
Which part of Japan u going? if is Osaka, can go DanDan street (I think tat's the name)... sell alot of Gudam toys haha!

i'm going tokyo. Just going to go R&R lor. Coz been there twice before already. Now just go and catch the autumn leaves and enjoy the food. It's so cheap there. U can get a decent sushi lunch set for 1000y and that's only $13.50! And it's so fresh!
i think this is the first time i hear anyone say that stuff in japan is cheap!

thx for the link, definitely going to grab milk powder from there this fri. esp now that it's so expensive! Still surprised tt it went up by abt $4 at most places

hahaha. have u been there? if you have, u will realise that they have very low inflation there compared to ours. So what was expensive for us before is no longer so. It has actually become cheaper (relative to Singapore) for some stuff in Japan... The prices are the same there 10yrs ago and now. Food wise, it's still better, fresher over there esp the sushi and sashimi.
hey mummies, i read an article saying if kids drk milk then go to sleep directly without brushing their teeth will cause tooth decay. so does it mean we hv to let them drk their milk first then br them go brush teeth then put them to bed??? like dat they still will sleep meh? j usually is brush teeth then drk milk on bed and go to sleep le. what abt yr kiddos?
got this from another thread. FYI>

Levis/levis kids/dockers/oskosh are having a warehouse sale from 31 aug to 2 sept(10am to 6pm)at Jaygee Melwani House, 10 Genting Lane Singapore 349583, Sale is up to 80% off.
no le. i didnt brush their teeth aft that but i will let them drink a few sip of water fr cup like rinsing the milk stain off...hehe... but duno its help anot :p
hello mummies

Hua lian sounds good but i dun think my hubby will want to travel to china.

i am in Sidney now. Drove quite a bit from Brisbane-ballina-grafton-thunderbolts-armidale-newcastle before i reached Sidney. Australia is quite cold. Armidale was 10 degrees. luckily never bring N here.
Haven gone shopping yet. any mummies know what is cheap in Sidney?
wow, you not working? why in sydney?
holiday? so good!

I already start brushing my boys teeth after milk before sleep since 15 months. then stop for 3 months because they keep biting me. OUCH! resume recently. they like it. brush teeth sleep better. haha.. cause I see in forum got 1 mummy said her kid need surgery for tooth decay, 3.y.o, cost 1.5k, I was like no way, better brush.

i brush my boy's teeth after milk before he sleeps at night. He hates it, but we still does it. So he'll scream and shut his mouth and we'll shove it right in.
Ah May: I planning to go taiwan too! But next year la.. Wait till I save enough and my kiddos are bigger too.. Haha.. Which are the gd mths to go with the kiddos ar? Tink I will need alot of ur advice.. I duno shld go free and easy with 2 kids anot or book tour package lehz..
apr, may, june time
weather warmer, qbt 20 to 25. quite sunny. less rain. lots of fruits in season from june to july. the mangoes very nice, ai wen mang guo with shaved ice. yummy
watermelon, papaya, peaches, longan and lychee also in season during the three months.
dec to feb is strawberry, I ever pick strawberry in taiwan, quite interesting.
nov to jan got the permison (haha, dunno the spelling , is shi zi )and he zhen zhu.
friuts and veg very nice in taiwan.
but hot spring is best enjoy in dec to feb time. can drink the san yao tang in yang mi shan. shiok!

depends on whether you are adventurous and ok in mandarin? if ok, free and easy very good way to travel. else better go tour at least once before free and easy. but unless you are willing to drive around (can be quite dangerous), maybe need to plan the places of interest.
my parents v generous, from young wherever they go they will bring my sis n i. but now looking back, my dad say waste $$ coz we dun remember anything! hehe
ok, lah still remember the snow n snowman. I think my sis lagi cannot remember, only 1 yr old! If I can afford it, i definitely wanna bring my children travelling with us too. Tho they may not remember, but at least got somethig go in the brain. Worse come to worst, show photo to trigger memory

talkg abt taiwan, when we went there to bai nian (i was still in pampers), my parents said i caused them to miss their flight; ended up the whole family waiting for us in taipei airport dunno what happened. reason for missing the flight, I did big business and they were cleaning me up! hehe...
ah may
i quit my job liao leh. going there to take a look and buy things for N.
Taiwan is very good for shopping. a lot of night markets. bringing your 2 kids there might be a bit inconvenience cos they might get too tired to go for night shopping.
good hor quit job le can go and enjoy ....ur hb with u or u travelling alone?? wow u drive thorugh so many places ah...
hubby with me. i never been to Australia . first time. hubby stayed there for 5 years so he brings me shopping there. ya drive to many towns there. But Australia is a very ex place, everything so ex. ha ha come here buy chinese new year clothes for N.
actually not working can be very stress ful right? dun u think so i everyday so worried no money. planning to sell my place although stay there for only a year. think move to HDB better.

i like Bonds stuff & their kid's line is growing - u can chk out the factory outlet if u're in teh neighbourhood
or jus chk out this same site for more bargains

<font color="0000ff">hey mommies
i must say i've been neglect'g ringo quite a bit, esp'ly since i've now signed on to facebook. any mummies care to join me at www.facebook.com ? u can add me: carla chua</font>

happy happy belated bday sunshinekid!
flowers @ work...cant say i've ever got any, much less at work! yr hubby's a sweetie!

yups, i did hear smthg abt the research going into manufacturing FM so tt it'll taste so gd, kids wil be addicted to it. also read tt they dont use the best stuff for FM.
they save that for the fresh milk, but tt is also 'dirty'. my fren's ex-stdt's studying F&N in US said its cuz teh processing isnt very stringent...

for teh longest time, C used to hv green poo...until i stop'd using fresh milk to cook her food/put in her cereal.
am try'g to wean C to drink'g soya milk instead, but its a slow process. she stil likes her FM better!

C also sleeps frog-style haha & i read fr dr sears site tt tt actually contributes to bow-leggedness. i tried to shift her to slp on her back, but within 10 min, she rolls back. in teh last fortnite or so, she's slp'g more on her back, but stil rolls all over the crib & smtimes gets her legs stuck betwn the slats of teh crib!

C's going thru this phase where she hates to brush her teeth...think its cuz i brushed them teh last time she was teething & it hurt/traumatised her
now each session is so hard & i know i'm not doing a thorough job...

i don't like facebook. My friend asked me to sign up and when i did, they asked me for my email's password. Think it's not wise to anyhow give your email's password away. they could get into your email and get some vital info from you. So my advice is, stay out of it.

Or create a brand new email just for this. Don't use this email address for personal use.
not true lah. my hb still got to give his parents money cos his bro went overseas liao. we still got insurance to pay, N things to pay, car, housing loans.
when i go back on monday, will advertise to sell our house. to cut cost.

my hubby works very hard and late, i dun wan to stress him. dun work i spend even more

tai tai also got their problems. got a friend whom married a pilot, her pilot hubby very unfaithful. she always asks me out for meals to share her woes.

went to factory outlets, bought Countryroad, polo ralph and pumpkin patch kids at very cheap price
polo ralph as cheap as $40 per polo t shirt for N.
pumpkin patch kids as cheap as $15 per t shirts

next year when i come over will help u buy some. my hubby uses his army flex acct to pay for the hotel and flight this time. next year i will bring N over.
you mean sell the condo that you just bought??? are u considering to go abck work or you be full time home maker le??? Yeah dun stress ur hb out la
must learn to be understanding and xiang fu jiao zi okie
you really got good steals on the clothes ah...how come iw ent australia that time never see such lobangs le .....
think facebook wants to import yr address book so that they can reach out to more pple. but den they ask u permission 1st b4 they send any invites out leh...
anyway, thnx for teh heads-up
i'll change my email password ;P
jus hv'g fun with all the extra applications tt facebook has...but yeah, time-consuming cuz sm'times can get carried away!

wow, pumpkin patch has sm nice pants too! if its teh factory outlet, u not restricted to the autumn/winter collection...i guess bonds more for us & bb gals.
i like pumpkin patch bottoms cuz C can grow into them - they have teh adjustable waist & stretchy fabric
last time if u're lucky, can find pumpkin patch @ FOS in Sp!

well, i don't approve of them asking for my password as it's personal. It's just like asking for your bank acct pin no. If one of their employees abuse it, like doing illegal stuff with your email address, access your email acct etc, there's nothing u can do abt it. And u know, sometimes u send your credit card details, with expiry dates etc out, these info can be abused. They can use these info to make online purchases easily. Thought u should be more wary abt such things and not take security for granted.
mashy: thanks for the advice.. I planning to go in april..so shld be just nice ba? Dun wana go in May/June when got hols den abit exp.. Haha.. I also tink shopping will be qt hard but see hw la.. Hoepfully by den my gal will be walking as steadily as my boy.. Prob juz bring one small stroller along enuf liao.. My hb suddenly feel veri much like going to TW..so I oso ON lor.. Haha.. ANy interesting places to go in TW ar?
