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  1. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    wishing everyone & all your lovely babies in tummies a BLISSFUL & SMOOTH-SAILING 2009!! would appreciate yck to add me to the list. thanks. Nickname : pretyy lady EDD : 17 Jul 09 No. of Baby : Singleton Gynae Clinic : SF Loh Clinic / Delivery Hospital : KKH
  2. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi sam, i read up on the complications of multiples & can understand your situation now.'s not easy to take it easy, but believe god only gives us the no. of babies our body can manage. so whatever the no. that u eventually carry, hope they will be growing steadily &amp...
  3. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi piggy09, plans don't always go according to our wishes. like lina ang did, i too had BFN in previous attempt while trying for rat babies (hoping for twins). so now i too just hope my baby (regardless of gender; m now in my 10 weeks) will grow steadily & healthily. hi jas, no...
  4. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi babymaking & babycoming, all the best to both of u on getting a BFP this friday! stay positive!! hi richard, babymaking is right. u wont' waste time once u gotten a reputable chinese physician. but note that TCM is supplementary & it improves IVF success rates but no...
  5. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi sam, perhaps you would like to elaborate on your condition. dun understand why 2 foetus cannot share a placenta?? no doubt they may grow slower than your other 1 having 1 placenta, why would there be complications?? what kind of risks will there be?? keeping u in prayers....
  6. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi blesswbb, m sorry to hear that you decided to postpone your IVF to a later date. whatever reasons you have, i hope u have not lost faith & hope in your attempt in making babies... take care! hi richard, babymaking is right that our expectations & service of the gynae...
  7. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi bbw, would suggest u take whatever food that you could stomach in even if they are just fruits & vegs. making sure you aren't hungry is more important. actually i realised the past wk my appetite also starts to dwindle. eat for the sake of eat & get full easily. so i told...
  8. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi bbw, u & i are around the same no. of weeks. i'm coming to 9 weeks. me too having constipation & had been trying to drink more water & taking 2-3 prunes (those with seeds extracted & available in re-sealable pack) like tidbits. think this is very common too. have u had...
  9. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi bbw, like u & maykel, i too have light yellow discharge. i believe this is normal. infection usually accompany by itchiness... if u don't have tat & passing urine is per norm, no need to worry too much.
  10. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi ponytail, it must have been a scare for you twice. m praying hard that it's just 1 of the 2 sacs detaching (as i remembered you've supposed to have twins) & your other little one is there growing healthily. do update us on your scan done today. can fully understand your anxiety, but...
  11. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi sam, i'm getting mild constipation too since beta. drinking lots of water helps only a little. try to have more vegetables & fruits esp those with high fibre content. m considering to try taking prune juice since someone mentioned, but as m avoiding cold drinks, wonder how should i...
  12. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi dawnie, CONGRATS to your amazing beta climb!! when is your 6-wk scan scheduled?? meanwhile, continue to keep your spirits high & eat healthily. hi blesswbb, m always rooting for you. to share... my chinese physician advised before that for accu to be effective, there should be...
  13. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi ponytail, congrats on your good development! dun worry too much about MS, as many ladies mentioned... different pple have different symptoms. as the days comes along, u will noticed your symptoms unfolding.... hi irish coffee, by the time u'd your 1st scan on 12/12, you are ard 6w4days.
  14. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi lfb, it was just a dream...don't let it affect u. have you called up your gynae relating your stomach discomfort?? believe they will be able to advise if you could just take normal panadol for your headache. stay positive & relax...
  15. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi molecule, after reading your update...I'm as upset as you are, esp that you're 1 wk more than me. anyway, i'm praying for you that it'll get dispelled by itself & you won't have to go thru D&C. you're a brave gal, & holding on to the faith that everyone can be a parent...
  16. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi ponytail, the date of your ER is already 2 wks. and our BT is usually taken 15-17 days away, hence we're around 4 wks. the date of your scan (i.e 11/28) will probably reaching 6th wk. when u see your gynae after scan, u can ask him to forecast your expected delivery date (EDD). my...
  17. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi ponytail, i tot you are with KKH, the private suite (tps). I'm sorry but where is your gyane practising?? hi maykel, thanks.. i'm under dr loh in KKH. very anxious about the upcoming 1st scan (i.e tomorrow) after getting BT positive. kept wondering how my beanies are doing &amp...
  18. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi josephine, seeing your long list of symptoms before itching starts 'scared' me. so far, i'd only slight nausea (esp in presence of the smell of fried stuff) & backache. but the latter gets a little better. not sure if it's becos of the chinese medic (yes,m still seeing my chinese...
  19. P

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    hi sam, CONGRATS to you & have a smooth 9 months!! do let your hubby work harder than yourself cos your body in the next few weeks will be working OT for your babies. hi dawnnie, will be praying for you... i can understand how u must be feeling cos i was in same situation in my...
  20. P

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    hi ladies, had noticed almost all of you are graduates from the "IVF/ICSI Support Group " thread... & me too. hope all of you dun mind me joinin in.. will be having my 1st scan on next tues after getting a high positive beta reading 2 weeks ago. had been reading almost all of you posts...
