IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

thanks! Yes I have avoided the paint smell. Now the paint smell has almost gone.

Wow, you are so fortunate, like taitai, has free supply of birdnest and maid to prepare the birdnest for you. :D

ok, I will update when I come back from my appt this afternoon.

As my tummy is still very small now, I can still sleep both on back and by side, all ok to me now.
During the 1st 3 months, I woke up to pee many times, at least 3 to 4 times every night. But then now is better, only once throughout the night, sometimes twice. I have a habit of drinking water before bed, cant change the habit even when I urinated a lot during 1st trimester.
The frequency of needing to urinate in the night will be greater again during 3rd trimester.

Hi ladies in 2nd trimester,
can I ask what is the feeling of your foetal movement which is also called quickening? I have been getting very unusual kind of slight twinge in the womb, sometimes a bit to the sides. It is not painful, just weird feeling and a little bit uncomfortable, ..hmmm... just like getting a pinch inside my womb. I wonder what that is.

same thing. at first i thought its some body parts of the babies. but after sometimes, i can differentiate them. baby parts will not beome so rigid and stationary. it will be only a little bit solid and form waves on the tummy and not a rigid ball. im going to check this out with my gynae during next week visit. infact, during my previous visit at 24 weeks +, he already asked me to take note if there is any, bt as i have said i also thought it is babies body parts.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MaybeBaby</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pleasance</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopefully</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ponytail</TD><TD>27 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

during my 1st trimester, i still sleep in whatever position i like especially facing upwards (thats my favorite position all along before i fall pregnant). but gynae did mention that it will promote better blood circulation to the fetus if we sleep on our left. anyway i only start to sleep on sides when my tummy got bigger and put alot of pressure on my back.
ladies - i had a huge scare just now. i was bleeding bright red blood. abt 2 tablespoons. immediately went to hospital, but my doc not around, so waited 45 min to see another gynae. doc did scan for me and said insides still ok. bleeding has stopped. but i'm on 2 weeks MC.

ladies in 2nd tri - did anyone ever experience bright red bleeding during 1st tri. i was really scared i cried and cried. now keeping my fingers crossed.
hi ponytail,
i did experienced bleeding during weeks 7-11. that was when my other sac was discharging on its own. implanted 2 embryos, so one didn't make it. its a good thing tho it came out on its own. get urself checked and see what gynae say. i hope its nothing for you..
i also have bleeding. not spotting but gushing during week 7. mine due to 3rd sac detaching.
whoo! jus now went bhg bugis &amp; bought 4 MEV bras for a total of $100, a cow stuff toy ($3.90 wif purchase), a baby pooh clothing set ($36.90)... now feel so blissful &amp; happy... hahaha

oh! spend $350 of MEV products in 2 mths will get lifetime membership free!

thanks to Maykel for the good lobang!
it was indeed really frightening! Glad that your bleeding has stopped. Must rest more during your 2 weeks mc especially hor.

wow, your shopping was really fruitful!
You bought baby's clothing already ah?
very happy one hor.
I also love to go to shops selling baby's stuff, everytime will go in with my hubby and look at all the cute baby clothings and baby stuff, very happy even just to see and touch them, heehee...

Hi ladies,
I just went for my 15 weeks appt at KK this afternoon. Did not manage to see baby's gender, doc said still early to know, must wait until 5th month. But I thought can know at about 4th month, right? Anyway, baby was not cooperative during the scan despite my hubby and I have been telling our baby to open legs wide during the scan. Very playful baby, baby's face was facing down and buttock up, just like crawling, can only see the spine very clearly, could not even see baby's face this time. Baby's legs and hands were moving non-stop, looked like crawling in the womb! Hahaha!
Anyway, the scan pic is very blur, I still cant visualise baby's position clearly even after staring closely for a long time.
I will be having the HRISK scan on 9 Jan 2009, can I ask what is this detailed scan stand for and what is it about? Thanks!
I am very happy again today after seeing my baby!

Btw, I told Dr Sadhana about my skin and bloating problem. I was given some kind of medicine to help to ease my bloating. I was told that I can continue to use the anti-itch oatmeal moisturiser for my skin itch.
i jus bot 1 set cos dat baby pooh set look too cute to resist.
ya, baby clothes very cute. will jus melt when see bb clothes lor. have to use a lot of willpower not to buy.

ur baby seems very active. hee... so cute!
merlenna, yck - i'm sorry to hear that. at least your still have healthy bbies inside now. how much did you bleed ? how many times, and each time did it stop within the day ?

bliss- thanks. will try to rest more. you must be very happy to see so much active movement. happy for you.
ju ju - how many weeks are you? i feel tempted to touch touch and feel feel baby clothes when i go shopping, cos so cute, but will wait a bit more. after my scare yesterday, i'm really hoping for healthy babies.
i'm 18 wks 2 days le. still scared of buying but yesterday cannot resist... hahaha...
the rest will start to window shop &amp; slowly buy. think will buy the important stuff first
Hi ladies,
I had a very tiring afternoon today! Wow, my eldest sis has sold her house, so she was packing her stuffs and passing all her baby stuffs and pregnant clothings to me. My hubby and I spent hours to drive to and fro all the things.
The baby cot, play pen, 2 strollers, 2 car seats, baby clothings, 2 high chairs, 2 bath tubs, maternity clothes, milk bottle steriliser and 2 sarong sets, my goodness! My hubby was quite happy to be able to save alot on baby stuffs. My 2nd sis has also quite alot of things to pass to me, the baby walker, 2 exercisers , electric milk pump and lots of baby clothes. I guess I will not need to buy any baby clothes, so cannot buy when see very cute baby stuff and pretty clothings.
heard u still hv to buy at least 2 sets - go-home set &amp; full-month set. must wear new like CNY

think i will ask SIL to bring out her old bb stuff next mth also, then can determine wat else to buy
my sis asked her good friends for many maternity clothes that time. But I dont have good friends to lend me, and I dare not ask too. Heehee...
You have any close relatives or good friends to pass you some of the baby stuffs? You are having twins, so it will be good to have at least one set of baby stuffs, so you dont have to buy 2 sets of everything.
Well, as I am no longer working now, my hubby is the only one supporting the family, we really need to save up.
Yes, I am glad that I am getting a lot of things in 2 sets, so can put 1 set at my inlaws or parents' place too.
oh ya hor...

my bb will be born in May, so will also have to wait for more than half a year to get baby new sets of CNY clothes. Yippe, then I can get some new stuff for baby then!
yup! cos SIl was saying though she pass me so many clothes, i still hv to buy 2 sets. cos going-home &amp; full-month must wear new clothes
Hi Ladies ... how have all of you been , really happy to hear all of u are doing well ... i went back last month to b with my mom , who stayd overseas , to help me get over the 1st trimester blues ... and it worked , i feel better now , able to eat more , gained some weight ... really hope i will get better n better ... and then can start working too ...

Dear Bliss ... i bet u were v anxious abt the sex of yor precious ... its not ez to see at 16 weeks , i had to wait for my 5th mth scan b4 i can see mine - its a boy for me - for us boy or girl is alright as long as baby healthy - hope yor skin rashes will improve soon

Dear Merlenna ... if your ?BH contractions are getting more , think you shd see your doctor , perhaps she can give you some relaxants for the uterine muscles to avoid early contractions .

Dear Yck ... please help update my scan results on yor table ( im having a boy ) , hope u r getting along fine with yor twins , bet they are kicking you all over ...must be a great feelin ....

ya, as long as baby is healthy, gender is not that important.

Congrats on having a boy! Glad that you are feeling very much better now.
I am starting to get a Chinese name for my baby soon, so will be good to know the gender now. I am looking thru the whole ancient chinese dictionary by counting the number of strokes(笔画). My dad has already counted the number of strokes(I dont know how he did it, think it is according to the date of birth and my hubby's sir name, etc) that my baby's name should have in order to have a good name. So now, i will have to look for a boy's name and a girl's name, since my baby does not want to let me know yet.

More work for me lah, heehee...

gg home must wear new clothes meaning what? gg home from hospital after birth?
hi ponytail,
mine bled non-stop like menses, not enough to fill a pad lah.. but there's definitely staining. i bled for 4 weeks straight. it only ease of when i went for my 11 weeks scan where there is no more baby, left the empty sac. by the next scan, even the sac is gone. so, its really the other sac dispelling itself.

hi imel,
long time never hear from you!!! so glad you're feeling better. and so happy for your news.. baby boy eh?! hehe.. yeah i will tell my doc abt the BH this friday when i see her next.

hi bliss,
woah you can really save a lot with all the things that are passed down to you! so good! as for me, i've gotta get everything first hand. no one can do the passing to me. hehe.. by the way, i want to ask you.. what did your skin doc gave to you that makes your itch stop? did it heal now? no more itch for you? as for me, no more itch on the body but my arms and legs still do. and now i have to bear with the black, brown marks the rashes left on my skin. but its still better than being itchy all over right? hehe..
i can't go out wearing my normal clothes coz i have to cover up from neck down. don't wanna scare ppl with my marks.. haha..
ya, I am glad to have the baby stuffs passed down to me. More to come still, my sis is giving me her new bed mattress too. I will put it on the floor next time when baby is bigger and baby can sleep on it.

I was prescribed anti-itch oatmeal moisturising cream and cream with mild steriod from my skin doc. I use the oatmeal bath oil too. My itch cannot be fully stopped, the skin doc said my problem is due to hormone changes during pregnancy, so the cream can only help to reduce the itch and make sure my skin looks ok and not leaving ugly scars or marks.
I am still having itch everyday, mostly on my elbows, hips, thighs and breasts. My neck is having the itch too.
you can take a look at this pages, showing the oatmeal cream and bath oil I am using.
I will use it throughout my pregnancy and even during confinement. It can act as anti stretchmark cream too. Oatmeal is good for sensitive and itchy cream.

oh ok, thanks!
Dear ladies,

just sharing. I bought a pair of black cullottes from my market stall uncle. It's of stretchable material, with wide bottom. Very trendy and comfortable. It cost me only $16! Last week I bought 2 pairs of capri, one black(for work) and Jeans material(for gai-gai) from Mom's are us. Both cost me abt $80. Sign. Looks like I should shop more in market. Good buys if we bother to look!
Hi Bliss,
Ya loh, open door oso can smell, close door oso can smell the paint, eventually i managed to get a face mask and wear heehee...But lucky fri better liao. Ya loh, usually gate door needs whole day to dry one.

BTW, I had quickening since wk15. The 1st time was early in the AM when i'm still lying flat on my back. Suddenly can feel a bulge on 1 side of my tummy and its very hard. Was so scared cos dun know wat is it. After i ask doc then realised its the babies turning. Now its becoming very frequent and i've gotten used to it. But when i'm awake, my tummy got more space as its not flat, so i can't see the bulge, can oni feel fluttering feeling inside, very funny hehe...

Ur baby so cute! Think he/she still wana keep you in suspense for 1 more mth haha...mine oso cannot see clearly on my 16wks scan even thou 1 of the baby leg open big big, think dr loh machine not clear.....oh, i didn't know the 20 wks detailed scan is oso known as HRISK scan heehee....I think the scan is to see the spine, toes, fingers and oso try to see the gender. Think got other details but i'm not sure wat else.
wow, you so fast think of baby's name already. I thot must wait til they are delivered then see their date and time of birth then can count?

Hi Emma,
I've chosen a new maid, went to apply on sat already. Ask for her to come in feb when i start my leave. Ya, tats the problem with transer maid. I was advise not to take transfer maid cos usually worry they have problem tats why previous employer or they themselves ask for transfer.

Hi Hopefully,
Me having back pain these 2wks, so sometimes try to sleep on my side. But its a bit tough cos of the weight of the tummy. Initially i have frequent urination until abt wk10. After tat was better, but lately started frequent urination again...

Hi ponytail,
Do rest well and dun strain urself.

Hi juju,
haha...me oso total got 4 of MEV bras, very comfy hor
so fast you buy baby clothes already ar? haha....

Hi Imel,
Nice to hear from you again, so glad to hear that you are feeling better now

Me doing well oso, next wk is 19wks already, so fast hor...hope on wk20 scan can see gender.
can try to put small pillow or folded towel under tummy to counter off the weight. dat's wat i do when i feel tummy "sinking" down when i lie on my side.

me also having frequent urination. dunno why. thot 2nd tri dun have?

hee... jus bought 1 set of baby pooh cos look so cute. yellow col so ok for boy or gal

ya, MEV bras very comfy, maybe next week go back &amp; buy another 4.
dunno can hit $350 in 2 mths or not. then can get free membership!
hopefully, merlenna, maykel - i had bleeding again last night
abt 1 tablespoon of dark brown blood. i rushed to nuh a&amp;e, waited for over an hour before doc attended to me. and it was only a junior doc, not a real doc. anyway, he did check down there and confirm bleeding stopped. but today i'm going back to clinic for a scan

merlenna- when you said you bled for 4 month straight, did you mean everyday or a few times a week. do you remember colour of blood ?
hi ponytail,
it must have been a scare for you twice. m praying hard that it's just 1 of the 2 sacs detaching (as i remembered you've supposed to have twins) &amp; your other little one is there growing healthily.
do update us on your scan done today. can fully understand your anxiety, but do stay calm as your mood will affect your little one.
ya, I thought my recent feel of unusual twinges inside migh be baby's movement, but Doc said it is still early to feel it(at 15weeks plus already), so then I thought it is not lor.
All the calculations and counting of the chinese characters for baby's name are done by my dad. He did that for my sisters and myself and all my nephews and niece too. Can do that before baby's birth as we are not that particular and detailed, as long as the name chosen is good enough for the baby to have a good life. Heehee...

oh dear, you dont be too worried and cry, wait for scan today first. It may be alright again.
Update us then. Praying for you, everything will be fine.
Wow ... Sam .. Congrats on having triplets!!

Hi Imel,

So nice to see your posting again ... Are you also with Dr SF Loh?

Hi Ladies,

I have yellowish discharge nowadays ... is this normal? Thanks.

Its not a very good thing though.. Gynae suggest that i do selective termination but to be confirmed next Monday... Cause she say its too much for me to handle...Im at a lost too now..

That would really be a tough decision to be made. But i guess, heeding the gynae's advice may be safer. All the best.

Yeah, leave it to the god to decide. Meanwhile, please take very good care of yourself for the sake of your babies. Have more rest ...
Hi juju,
Thanks for ur advise, actually i bought a wedge pillow the other time, but still feels kinda uncomfy leh, hiaz....then nowadays still feels very hot even when aircon is on, did you have the same problem too?
ya loh, i thot 3rd tri then have frequent urination...tats why initially i scared infection, but urine no pain all tat leh...maybee our tummy growing faster then we xpect.

oh ya, pooh is so cute....me oso eyeing the pooh bumper set for the cot bed. Wana wait and see got sale or not then buy

You nvr buy mev clothes? If got buy sure can hit $350. Cos i went there abt 3 times and i hit the $350 liao. Cos bought their tops, pants and bermudas oso, very comfy leh. 1 thing i like abt their tops is tat most of their tops are 2 in 1, meaning now can wear, then next time nursing oso can wear, so not so wasteful mah

Hi ponytail,
Oh dear...the doc doesn't sound very reassuring last nite leh....hope ur scan went well today. Do keep us updated.

Hi bliss,
oic...but mine start at 15wkks doc say normal leh...But anyway, these feelings are quite individual, maybe its really ur baby leh? Oni you can verify it later on. Cos later on if ur baby's movement is similar to this then you can confirm ur feeling now. Tat time initially i oso thot too early to feel, but doc told me its possible heehee...

Ur dad very good, can do all these hor...my fren ever recommend me her fren's dad who can count this oso, me oso thinking of going to see him after babies born
ya, nowadays parents very kiasu, cos we just want them to have a smoother life in future hehe...

Hi Sam,
wow,its gonna be a real challenge for you. How many wks are you now and which gynae are you seeing? Why did she suggests elective termination? Wouldn't it affect the other 2 babies?? Anyway, the decision is still up to you and ur hubby. I remember that someone here ever posted this:
'God would only give you what you can handle, so if you can conceive triplets means someone Up there thinks you can handle....'
jia you and have a smooth pregnancy!

me oso having light yellow discharge occaionally since 2 wks ago, but no other discomfort leh. You got any discomfort when you pass urine?
I oso hope its not leh. Me going to see my doc only next week, maybe i'll ask him. Maybe you check with ur doc on ur next appt too?
Everything so far so good for you?
hi bbw,
like u &amp; maykel, i too have light yellow discharge. i believe this is normal. infection usually accompany by itchiness... if u don't have tat &amp; passing urine is per norm, no need to worry too much.
Hi Maykel,

My next appt is also next week.
Besides the yellowish discharge, I also have constipation. I am drinking prune juice everyday 2-3 days to ease. Dare not drink too much too as sometimes it will give that diarrhoea feeling.

I am only 8 weeks now .. and there's still a long way to go and endless worries.

Let's hope everything is fine.

Hi Pretyy_lady,

Oh, so you also have yellow discharge, so i think it must be quite a norm.
hi bbw,
u &amp; i are around the same no. of weeks. i'm coming to 9 weeks. me too having constipation &amp; had been trying to drink more water &amp; taking 2-3 prunes (those with seeds extracted &amp; available in re-sealable pack) like tidbits. think this is very common too.
have u had your 9 wk scan?? supposed your EDD is pretty near mine.
pretyy, maykel, bliss, ladies - went for scan today and my own doc prof wong is back! he was supposed to be away for whole of dec but i think he just cant tear himself away from work. good news, my twins are still there, heart still thumping away
although prof did look a a bit concerned cos its the 2nd time bleed in 3 days. he said no need to prescribe anything extra for the moment, just continue with my jabs and pills, cos bleeding has stopped. this fri going for another scan, to listen to heart beat. ooh, excited...
aiyo, all this roller coaster of emotions... i'm really starting to grow attached to my twins, and i really really hope both can be strong and healthy.

bliss - i went to waterloo temple just now after my happy scan
the veg noodles i was telling you about is under renovation. i tried another veg stall, its in coffeeshop next to the one under reno. the stall is tucked in a corner, next to fish noodles. the veg beehoon was really really yummy. muuch better than the 1 i originaly recommend.

sam, triplets ! wow congrats. but why does doc say need to do selective termination if all 3 fellas are doing fine.
congrats on having triplets! Hope your 3 babies can grow well together, then no need to do any selective termination.

glad to hear that everything is fine for you.

Thanks for the recommendation. I have not been to the waterloo temple for quite some time le, hope I will go there soon.

wow, you have bought quite a lot of maternity clothes!
Must be very happy.

I am having constipation and bloating problem still. Feeling more easily tired lately, more than during 1st trimester.
Btw, I also have very frequent urination but it is during the day. However it is fewer during the night compared to 1st trimester.

Hi all,
not sure if anyone here experiences stuffy nose. I have been sneezing alot and feel like having a cold these days, not sure if it is becoz of the cold weather lately or due to one of the pregnant symptoms.
Hi pretyy,
thanks for sharing with us
think as long as no infection, we shouldn't worry so much hor.

Hi BBW and pretyy,
I think constipation is quite common too. I've been trying to take lotsa juices and fruits, but still got the problem. Initially oso took prune juice and the preserved fruits. But now stopped liao cos i oso got bad tummy pain after drinking.

Dun worry, the stages would pass by very fast without you realising it. Me now 19wks but it feels like yest that i was 8wwks haha...
No matter which stage you are in, we will sure have endless worries...but good thing is the ladies here gave each other alot of support and advise. This forum is the one that kept me going from my IVF til now
jia you!

Hi ponytail,
Oh, great to hear that ur babies are doing well
ya, usually when we had spotting or bleeding during 1st trimester, my doc oso gave jab. Are you on dydesterone too?
Dun think too much and takke good care of urself, i'm sure ur babies would be strong and healthy

Oh ya, everytime after my appt in kkh, i would go to waterloo temple too heehee...i wasn't a very religious person to start with, but since i started ivff, going to the temple had given me alot of reassurance and strength.

Hi blisss,
i bo bian, cos my clothes very early cannot wear liao. Actually buy early oso good, cos can wear longer, so not so wasted hahaha....

I oso realised that my constipation getting worse leh, then due to growing tummy, i dun dare to strained too much, hiaz...
ur tiredness is it cos you can't sleep well? Mine is cos i can't sleep well at nite due to back pain. Rest more since you not working. Me now working, got bad shoulder ache some more, in short, whole body pain!
Oh, i'm having blocked nose for 2wks liao, i thot its cos my colleagues are sick. But lucky it nvr turn to serious flu. But since then, i've been having abit of nose pain and nosebleed when i blow my nose. Its not active bleed, just streaks of blood. Dun know if its due to heatiness or not...
Hi ponytail,
Ooo ic.. so damn expensive oh.. btw, 500g is how many pieces oh? hehehehe...
bleeding? Last time, I also have bleeding a few times. And in the end my other twins no heart beat (the sac still remain inside my womb). Hope that your bleeding is stop. Wish you all the best.

Hi bliss,
pinch inside womb? is it called quickening? I also felt that one sometimes leh.. hehehe...
Hope that your itchiness is reducing.
Wow, you so damn lucky that you can save a lot money... hehehehe... I only got some baby clothes from my big sis. Hehehehe

Hi sam,
Happy for you.. hehehehe
Please take good care cos it is not easy to concieve triplets...

Hi, ladies! How is everyone doing? Not sure if you ladies still remember me.

I hope everyone is doing fine with your pregnancies ya! I am doing fine and reaching my 30th week in a matter of days. After that, i can start to countdown liao.

My triplets are doing well, all actively moving. I can't wait to see them next month. My target is to hold on as long as i can. I am having the BH contractions here and there and feeling much more heavier but otherwise, i am doing ok.

Going for my checkup this week where i will get my 1st steroid injection and then i will see my gyane every 2 weeks. I pray that everything will go on smoothly.

Sam, congrats on your triplets! You can PM me if you need any help. If you are not keen to do the elective termination, don't do it. I didn't do it as all 3 are already having heartbeats and i just don't have the heart so after discussing with my husband, we decided to keep all. Yes, it may be difficult and it will be difficult but i am sure there is always a reason for what we are given. Yes, God will not give you anything that you cannot handle.
Cheer up ok!

To all ladies, jia you and hope we'll be holding our bundles of joy come 2009!
