IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Dear Miss Hae,

hi! It's been sometimes since you lock in! So fast that you are in your 30th week! All the best!

Hi Ms Hae,
of cos remember you and ur triplets

How are you doing? So fast 30wks already, can imagine how big ur tummy is now heehee...me twins at 19wks already breathless liao, really admire you now
jia you!
Can i ask why you need steroid jabs?
take care & have lotsa bed rest for the time being.

how to count? got formula?

congrats! but, guess will be quite a handful

my body temp still ok. usu aircon at 27 deg cel is good enuff if i feel warm. but lately cool weather so still ok.
i use a folded towel to put beneath tummy to avoid the sinking feeling... hahaha

Gynae suggest that i do a selective termination cause she is afraid of the possibility of miscarriage and also she say it is not easy to carry triplets therefore im very frightened.. But when i did the scan today the three are doing very well and can see their heartbeat already and very uniform in their size, sonographer says they are beautiful.. but gynae says sometimes down the road maybe one will diminish by its own.. but she say for my case unlikely..so need to make the decision by 10th week.. My family and DH ask me to keep all and they will go thru with me.. but im very worried as i do not have a lot of confidence and as what gynae says premature babies and underdevelopment scares me a lot .. extremely scared...
juju, maykel, bliss - thanks for your support. i really hope the bleeding doesnt happen anymore. just wishing for a smooth pregnancy. JIA YOU JIA YOU to all of us here

sigh... i'm also having constipation. today push too hard again, backside bleed. sigh, either bleed front or back....
aiya, i think bleed back is so so so much better...

sam - wow, glad all 3 are doing fine. think its quite a tough choice for you to make, but since your whole family is supporting you, maybe it will be easier to make the choice ?
no idea why frequent urination. sometimes weird lor. cos go, only a bit. then when finish, very soon want to go again... very irritating.

i bought some clothes alrdy. so, din noe whether want to buy more or not. but, the clothes really nice, just a bit ex. ya, most of the clothes can use for nursing, look trendy too.
maykel - yes i'm on dydrogestrone 2 times a day, then progestorone jabs 2 times a week. did you have this as well ? i'm also not so religious person at first, but i find that i feel more at peace after i visit temple cos i have asked Guan Yin Niang Niang and Zhu Sheng Niang Niang for their help. in fact, next year is year of the ox, so me and my hubby thinking of cutting down on eating beef
anyone feel more tired during 2nd tri? is this normal? i thought 2nd tri should be full of energy & not so tired?

me also have blood streaks in mucous. maybe blow too hard. also, think my sinus getting worse, cos unable to take my usual meds & nasal spray.

Ms Hae,
hi again. so nice to have triplets...
steroid jabs to boost their lungs or something, right?
since all 3 doing fine, why dun u keep all?
if God thinks u cannot handle, he prob wun give u triplets. somemore is split into twins from blasto.
have faith.
Congrats on your triplets.

Ms Hae,
Nice to hear from you again. Me at 28 weeks now. Just came back from gynae visit and also got my 1st steriod jab today. also start to see gynae every 2 weeks now.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>MaybeBaby</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pleasance</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopefully</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ponytail</TD><TD>27 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I am also feeling more tired than in 1st trimester leh, dont know why leh. I have running nose easily too, making me think that I am having flu or cold these days. I also have frequent urination lately, quite strange, I thought all these will reduce during 2nd trimester.
Hey, your EDD is the same date as my hubby's birthday! Heehee...
Your baby is a gal? Have seen that during scan?

The calculation and counting of the chinese character is based on the five elements (金木水火土) that are good for baby on the date of birth and also must match well with your hubby's sir name. I also have no idea how to do it, but my dad has knowledge on this, so we sisters always depend on him to help us.

dont worry too much though there are more concerns to have triplets. Just take extra care and endure any extra discomforts for this 9 months. Your babies will be happy when you are feeling happy too.

ya, I also like to wear maternity clothes now already! Very comfortable even though my tummy is not that big yet.
I also dont care if I look very round now, probably becoz of my skin condition, I just want to wear loose and cooling clothings.

finally see you here after some time.

I am not sure if the twinges and pinching feeling are quickening or not. Will have to wait when baby is bigger and then the movements and kicks will be more obvious.
My skin is still feeling itchy everyday, the degree of itchiness varies, sometimes very itchy, sometimes quite ok. Anyway, I just have to religiously apply the moisturiser everyday.

Miss Hae,
nice to hear that your triplets are healthy and active. So fast going to be 30 weeks, the feeling of seeing your cuties soon must be very exciting!

How do you plan to take care of your triplets after giving birth? Are you going to be a SAHM? With any helpers?
likely to be a gal cos Dr Loh say nothing sticking out between the legs ... hahaha

hee... maybe actual date not the same. i'm hoping for 18 may though it means goin into overdue, but some books say normal to deliver btw 38 &amp; 42 wks.

i thot our edd not confirm? then how to calculate accurately?
Hi juju,
oh ok....think my body heat getting higher now...
ya, my urine pattern like urs loh, feels urgent then go PU a bit oni...
Yes, i like their tops too, can even wear when not preg, cos i saw their salesgal all wear mev clothes. Even my non preg fren bought their pants and love it haha.....

My tiredness is contributed by work and aches here and there. But i think due to expanding tummy, i can't seem to shop for long oso and i can't stand crowds too. 2mr i purposely took half day to go shop for xmas things, hopefully not so crowded.
Sometimes i think less aircon is better for nose, cos not too drying for the nose. But i can't stand warmness leh.

Hi Sam,
Its god to hear that 3 of them are doing well...
I understand ur fear of them being premature and being underdeveloped, cos even with twins i am worried abt that. But see Ms Hae, she managed to go thru the process, maybe can look to her for support.
Its even more amazing and is indeed a miracle that God gave you 3 when you wanted just 2 (maximum). Remember, God only give you wat you can handle and i think you can do it, have faith

Hi ponytail,
I was on dydrogestrone too, initially 1 tab 2x a day, then increase to 2 tab 2x a day when i got spotting. I'm not on progestorone jabs, was on pregnyl every 3 days instead cos i oni had 7 follicles retreived.

Is the zhu sheng niang niang in waterloo oso? I didn't know leh, i oni start to go and pray to Guan Yin during my ivf. You know when i 1st pray for an ans for my ivf results, for the 1st time in my life, i got a 'shang shang qian' and it has been accurate so far

I had started to cut down on beef, cos anyway steaks are usually not nice to eat well-done and we can't eat food that are not well-cooked now. So for me to reduce is ok, but my hubby is a steak lover, so may be a bit diff for him....

Hi yck,
jia you and take good care

Hi bliss,
haha....until last week, i am still trying to squeeze into my stretchy old tops, but now cannot liao! So bo bian gotta wear all maternity now. BTW, quite a few pple say my body nvr grow bigger, oni commented that my tummu very big and my face very roubd haha....
maybe twins so urs go higher earlier?
or maybe my body heat all along low, esp now i dun take mutton soup so much, so prob less heaty.

i still can tahan crowds but only if i feel up to it. wanna take HL also worry, cos peak period &amp; not much reason to take HL like dat.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No. of Baby</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Clinic / Delivery Hospital</TD><TD>Baby Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>yck</TD><TD>05 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>L C Cheng</TD><TD>TMC </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Emma</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof. Ng Soon Chye</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD><TD>1 Boy 1 Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>babywee</TD><TD>25 Mar 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Benjamin Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Merlenna</TD><TD>04 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH </TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Imel</TD><TD>21 Apr 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>MaybeBaby</TD><TD>02 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Cheng</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>mikojade</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Maykel</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cale</TD><TD>03 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>juju78</TD><TD>07 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl (TBC) </TD></TR><TR><TD>Josephine</TD><TD>12 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bliss Tan</TD><TD>27 May 09</TD><TD>Singleton</TD><TD>Sadhana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sam</TD><TD>09 Jun 09</TD><TD>Triplets</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pleasance</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopefully</TD><TD>03 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>S F Loh</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>ponytail</TD><TD>27 Jul 09</TD><TD>Twins</TD><TD>Prof Wong</TD><TD>NUH</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
hi juju,
maybe loh, my temp was usually low oso...
oic...you used to take alot of muttin soup? I heard from an auntie now cannot take mutton cos worry of 'yang dian feng' (fits), dun think its true right? cos tat time i still take indian mutton chop leh hehe....

ya, save ur HL an AL until you really need it. dun be like me, no more Al and HL now, lucky yr end liao, alot of PH.
I also do not know there is zhu sheng niang niang in waterloo, I normally go to Joo Chiat Kuan Im Tng Temple where there is this goddess of fertility and birth.
Yes, the waterloo temple is very accurate! I have experienced that a few times so far in my life when I prayed for several very important matters, my work, my lovelife, my marriage and this ivf.
You know what, last Oct when I prayed for lot regarding whether I will successfully conceived soon, I got an average lot. It said to let nature take its course, be patient. I did not read more into the ancient story(典故) that explains the lot, but I told my parents about the lot. My dad is good at explaining the lot. He read into the details of the ancient story, which says that to achieve success, I have to wait till the eighth month of lunar calendar. My parents did not reveal that to me however, as they thought that the eighth lunar month had already passed that time anyway. They never thought I would go for iui and ivf treatment at that point of time too.
Then, this year when I had failed iui in June, my mum asked me to rest for a couple of months. And it just happened that it was Aug when I started my first ivf, my dad then realised that the month which I could possible be pregnant is actually the eighth lunar month which is also sept this year! So he told my mum that he believed that this time, my ivf treatment will be a success. And true enough, I got my BFP this sept which is during eighth lunar month, same as what the lot said! Accurate right? My mum only revealed this to me after I got BFP, she told me that Guan Yin has actually told me the time I will conceive one year ago when I prayed to her. Oh my god, it is really unbelievable!

I am thankful really and really believe in her compassion and kindness even more!
I am also not sure leh, but my dad did tell me that the calculation and counting is not as detailed as those using the exact birth date and time(生辰八字), just that this is good enough then. So we are all fine with it.
I find that my tummy looks big when I wear maternity dress. Haha, really like very very pregnant. I actually only gained 1.5 kg so far, doc said it is normal and not too much. I was worried at first that I have gained too much only during 1st trimester.
congrats on your pregnancy dear! I was very happy for you when you joined here. I do come here once in a while and am very happy for you. Do have loads of rest and enjoy your pregnancy ya!

i am doing good. Still can walk around and do shopping but not for too long lah. I now prefer to sit and rest more. I have gained about 8kg since my pregnancy. Not too much but my gynae says i am doing well as the babies are of comparable weight with singletons so i am very relieved. Breathless? I think i will be when i reach my 8months this end Dec. Do have plenty of rest and enjoy the pregnancy. I sure will miss mine once Jan kicks in! The steroid injection is to mature the babies' lungs, in case they are going to come out early.

your case is just like one of the ladies who had triplets last year too. 1 of her egg split so she conceived 1 set of identical boys and 1 fraternal. Do listen to what your heart says and discuss with your husband. I was like you, rather nervous with all the possibilities and all but we chose to keep all and we are a step closer to holding them in our arms. Having family support is crucial too. Now, i just can't wait to have them in my arms and have my life turn upside for the next few years!

yes, the steroid injection is to help mature their lungs.

Jia yoh! Is the jab painful and where was it administered? Your EDD is very close to mine so we are really very close to reaching the finishing line. I am very excited leh!

Yes, i will be a SAHM until i feel comfortable to leave them under the care of my mother. Nope, we are not hiring any maids or helpers. I'll be looking after them with my mother.
Hi bliss,
oic...i went pass the Joo chiat temple once but nvr really see wats inside...
my fren oso told me the waterloo temple very accurate, so she encourage me to go.
Oh, maybe last year the timing is not right for you loh? wow, ur dad really good hor
so it means the lot is quite accurate too.

ya, me oso nvr gain much weight but tummy looks so big haha...hope by next wk can see myself gaining more weight.
ok la... end of yr liao. can afford to spend balance AL &amp; HL, but dun feel good taking. cos only tired.

i used to go for mutton soup wif hubby. but cos got danggui which i heard cannot take, so dun go &amp; drink le

think fits is bcos of myths la. not much truth bah. guess it's up to individual.

wow! so zhun! my mum also tell me dun pray for lots, so i nvr try. anyway, i'm not very lucky also, everything have to work hard. this ivf is 1 of the very rare times i get lucky.

i also feel dat tummy appears bigger when i wear dress or maternity skirts. maternity pants or jeans make tummy look flatter
Hi Ms Hae,
Good to hear that
But seems like you had not gained alot of weight, but as long as babies are growing should be good enough right?

i started to get breathless few wks back when my tummy starts to grow and tightens, but nowadays better. Well well, do enjoy ur pregnancy for now and rest more

Oic...do all preg women get steroid jabs or is it for multiples oni?
Hi juju,
Tired is a good enough reason to tak a day and rest for pregnant women heehee....

oh, you took chinese mutton soup ar, tats why got herbs....ya, dun drink better.
okie, i going to sleep, liao, good nite gals
ya, chinese type. so now cannot drink cos need to avoid the unknown herbs.
maybe friday take leave. very sleepy nowadays. why ah?

go sleep liao. nites all
ms hae,
the jab is done on the buttock. bearable pain. something like proluton (progestrone) jab and less painful than pregnyl(hcg) jab. for us ladies here, i believe we are so used to jabs liao that anything is bearable for us. am going for a 2nd jab tomorrow. i am also very excited and also aiming for at least 36 to 37 weeks. at least still can enjoy the CNY goodies first before the confinement. hehee. lets jia yoh together

i am currently still working. hope to work till CNY. but this week starts to feel heavy, not sure whether can tahan or not. will see how.

you also jia you wor! me also take leave sometime to do the shopping. weekend is really too crowded especially holiday season now and it so difficult to get a good parking lot near the lobby. have to walk so far.
maykel, bliss - wow, what a wondeful sotry. and i think its quite brave for both of you to qiu qian. i dare not qiu cos scared get xia qian. maykel, wow shang shang qian before your BFP. i didn even dare to take HPT before BFP. Big chicken right? bliss, wow your story is really zhun. last year i went to see feng shui master Tan Koon Yong (he always appear in papaers) to ask him about my house reno. then he also said very hard for me to get pregnant cos not enough water in my ba zi. i was really really really upset, and tried not to think about it. then this year, on same day that i got MFP, went back to see Master Tan for house reno again. i told him i got BFP and he said i must drink lots and lots of water, cos i'm heaty. think that also explains my constipation and hameroids.

Ms Hae - wow 3 babies and you're not hiring help. pei fu. my MIL already thinking of hiring 2nd maid when my twins arrive. also partly cos i'm working. aiya, but i'm so sian of working cos my work very stressful, and i get stress easily. last time i also chat with my hubby on quitting after we have kids. cos also my hubby is based in m'sia, so we have long distance relationship, quite difficult. but now economy so bad, and i got good paying job, quite sayang to quit also

yck - jia you
i also cant wait for CNY cos then i'll be in 2nd tri.

ladies with stuffy nose - i read from pregnancy book that you get stuffy nose cos of increased blood circulation.
Hi Miss Hae
Glad to hear from u and the triplets are doing good. When is your scheduled EDD? Everything bought and done up for the nursery room? So far I have put on 13kg from my original weight but luckily the weight gained are on my tummy instead of face/arms.

Hi yck
How often do you need the steriod jab? Do we get the jab once we reached 28 wks?

Hi Maykel
Did you get a phillipino/indon. maid? Im still stuck with my present maid as it's holiday seasons and not many new maid wanted to come to sin now...so got to wait till jan...

Hi josephine
I think it's 'to be comfirmed'
Im not sure also. but remember i read from the twins thread like it is only once with 2 jabs done at 24 to 36 hr apart. some done at 30 weeks. (if i remember correctly)

TBC is "To Be Confirmed" la.
Ms Hae,
wow, no need to hire maid, your mother and you will be very busy leh. Must be prepared to be v busy with lots of matters to do with babies. But I am sure you can manage well with your mum's help if your mum is very experienced.
You only gained 8kg so far ah? Sounds not much leh, that means all the weight gained must have gone to your babies only, then you will be able to resume to your original weight quite easily after delivery. good good!

ya, my parents also dont really encourage me to pray for lots too often. It is ok to pray only for very important and critical matters in life, must be very very sincere when praying, so the lot will be accurate.

yes, there is a goddess of birth and fertility(zhu sheng niang niang) inside the Joo Chiat Temple. I have been going there to pray since this year. This temple is also very popular especially to people living around the east part. It is not as crowded as waterloo temple, so it feels very peaceful there.

I really wish my weight gain is on my baby, I dont wish much on myself, very hard to get rid of the fats later on. I dont want to be a fat woman after delivery...heehee...

oh you went to see fengshui master before? I never like to go for fortune telling or seek advice on fengshui. I have a friend who likes to do that so much that she always is willing to pay alot for that. Heehee...
Actually as a buddhist, my understanding of buddhism is that Guan Yin is a teacher with great wisdom to me, not a god or savior. So praying lots is to seek wise direction instead of getting a direct answer.
i believe it's for mums pregnant for multiples as possibility of us not carrying till full term not very high mah and also the babies might come out early.

if it's done at the butt, i am more than glad lo! I thought it'd be at the thigh. Ya lah, we are so used to injections that if they poke us more also got no feeling. Exciting right? If all goes on well to my plan and my babies can wait till 36weeks, CNY week then i give birth. Cannot wait! Yes, we must jia yoh together! You cannot try and take leave so you can rest earlier? That would be better for you.

i never had the thought to resume work after giving birth. At least i want to be with them for the first year then see how. On my side, we are not really keen in hiring maids so we are doing it ourselves lah. It will be difficult but once we get the triplets into a routine, i think should be ok. At least my experience in working with children for over 10years will not go to waste.

my EDD is 23rd February but i am aiming for 36weeks which will be in end Jan. Nursery room, no lah, i never do anything as i'll be at my mum's place. Me too! I gained 8kg, maybe more when i go for my checkup tomorrow but it's all in the tummy. My face, my nose, my butt and everywhere,still look the same like not pregnant. Tummy only getting huge. Now, heavier.

ya, we are not keen in hiring maids right from the start so we already plan who do what and all. Of course lah we will be busy. I think have 1 baby also will be busy, just that i will be busy times 3! Haha! But we are prepared. My mum don't have any experience. The only experience she had was taking care of me and my sister like 20+ years ago? But we should be able to manage. Positive thinking!
Yup, i think so too and am very thankful for. But if i gain more also i don't mind cos it's not everytime you can just eat and not bother about the weight. Later after give birth then lose all the extra weight lor.
bliss - since we're onto food near temples, have you tried the fei fei wan ton noodles ? i just went to joo chiat temple today and after that had the noodles.

ladies - 1 good news and 1 bad news. heh heh, i puke today, my 1st time ever MS !!!
bad news is still some dark brown spotting, but less than before. i think its the leftovers from the previous times. i prayed for no more spotting and bleeding and smooth preg today

emma - are you making a nursery room ? would you like babies to slepp in your room or nursery room ? just curious.

ms hae, emma - wow, no put on weight on the face. so good. my mum already say my backside and arms fatter already. tummy still same size :p
Hi Ladies,

I don't seem to have appetite for anything except fruits, especially grapes &amp; apples. Although, i am always hungry, but nothing seems appetitizing to me and fish is the worst (it was my fav last time before preggy). I am so sick of eating liow ... everyday also headache about what to eat. Any suggestions? Do you all have this problem too?
hi BBW

Im just like you...im hungry but dun know what to eat, dont seem to have appetite for anything, got craving for maggie mee but at the same time trying so hard not to touch maggie.
yes, I tried the fei fei wanton noodles before, the one tended by china people. You like it? I dont really like it, the noodles is oily and they use those ordinary chili sauce, not home-made chili paste for the dried noodles.
I quite like the fried Yong Tau Foo at the minced pork noodles stall near the temple.

Haha,you very cute leh! So happy to have vomitting... hahaha!

Hope that your spotting will stop very soon. Stay happy still, your babies can feel it. I am reading a book on how babies are affected during pregnancy(胎教), it says that babies can feel everything mother is feeling, seeing and hearing through connection of the brains, amazing leh! So you must stay positive and confident that your babies will stick to you healthily no matter what.

understand what you are going through now. Dont eat fish at the moment if it makes you feel sick. I also could not take fish at all during 1st trimester. You will get better slowly.

Irish Coffee,
I also wanted to eat instant noodles that time, took a few times but has caused bloatedness in the end, so dare not touch then. Try not to eat lor, it contains MSG, bad for your health and baby.
Hi Bliss,

Would there be sufficient nutrients if we are not taking enough food? My hubby kept asking me to eat meat (chicken chop, pork chop and so on), but I just cant stomach them in ... haiz.
Hi morning ladies,
My back pain is getting worse, now can feel my right hip bone a bit swollen. On top of that, my right groin oso super pain, now can oni walk at 5km/hr heehee....nowadays nvr walk alot but my sole oso pain and can see the veins like swollen leh....lucky i managed to book a pre-natal massage for 2mr, hope it'll be better after tat. I realised that the pre-natal lady i book oso does post-natal, her name is Maya, find her quite friendly over the phone. I try her pre-natal then update you gals again

Hi juju,
ya, dun anyhow take herbs better.
me too leh, this whole wk very sleepy and can't wake up in the Am. I thot its due to my back pain, so mayb its normal ar....?

Hi yck,
yest took leave pm oso cannot shop much, cos my back and feet pain, walk super slow haha....imagine wkend worse....ya loh, can't tahan tat parking so exp yet cannot find lot!

Hi ponytail,
qui qian is brave meh? Me oni done it a few times (when i'm desparate) tat time is for my career, then now its for my ivf.
haha...this kinda thing is very individual and everyone has their own way of dealing with things

Good to hear that ur bleeding reducing, if dark means its old blood already.

Hi Emma,
I had applied for an indon maid, cos alot of pple say filipino too smart leh...
Nation has alot of database now. But the agency oso say the last batch of maid would arrive by 13/01/09, else gotta wait til after cny in mis feb.

Hi bliss,
oic....ya, the Joo chiat temple very quiet. I oni know got Zhu sheng niang niang in jurong or something, too far for me, i nvr went b4.
haha...me oso scared after deliver very fat, but dun think so much for now lah, just eat well for our babies

Hi Ms Hae,
oic...thanks for the info

During my 1st tri, i oso had nausea and vomiting ++, oso got very bad appetite. Can oni swallow fruits and potato, watever i can swallow i just eat (chips, bread, watever), dun even care got nutrients or not. But anyway, i read that babies usually absorb nutrients in the 2nd tri, so i not so worried. After wk 15 then i feel better....Me oso cannot tahan fish til now. The last time i love durians, but during 1st tri oso got turn off leh. Oni last wk got craving then i ate heehee...
hi bbw,
would suggest u take whatever food that you could stomach in even if they are just fruits &amp; vegs. making sure you aren't hungry is more important. actually i realised the past wk my appetite also starts to dwindle. eat for the sake of eat &amp; get full easily. so i told myself to snack (with healthy foods eg. cereals, plain rice crackers etc) whenever hunger strikes. my EDD is 5 days before yours.
how many weeks are you now? Dont worry about if sufficient nutrients or not for this trimester, baby is taking in very little nutrients at this stage, so it is more important to make sure you do eat something at least and make yourself feel better from all the MS. Baby will start absorbing nutrients from you rapidly from 2nd trimester onwards whereby you will find your weight increase rapidly during 2nd and 3rd trimester. So at the meantime, take good care of your appetite and mood with all the nasty MS first. Just dont eat too much unhealthy and junk food will do.

I also realise that must really take more calcium. I think my calcium is not enough leh, my baby is snatching my calcium already. My bones feel aching easily and nails dont look good leh. I must take more calcium, so scared I will suffer from insufficient calcium in the end, all give to baby, next time no energy to carry my baby then jialat! Hahaha!

ok, I also dont really care about what I eat. In fact I like fatty food leh, though I am scared of becoming fat. :p
You are hiring indo maid? Their english is poor leh, heard that is poorer than we expected, hard to communicate leh. Hope yours will be better. Not to scare you, all indonesians are very familiar with those black magic leh, you must check your maid's belongings on and off(it is better to be 先小人后君子,coz防人之心不可无), and also make sure your belongings especially photos or underwears are not missing. My friends had quite some terrifying experiences with their maids.
Hi bbw,
Dun you worry about eating, I can really eat after 4 mths and for the first trimester I lost nearly 4kg. Now I gain 5 kg in 1 mth. But make sure you try not to eat too sugary type of food as pregnant women tend to get gestational diabetes.

Hi Maykel,
Where do you go for pre-natal massage? I went to Body Contour, but the massage is not that good. As for post-natal massage, are you doing it at home? I always have headache now adays due to my stiff neck and really need a good massage.

Hi Emma,
I intend to hire another Indon maid, though you need to be extra careful with Indon maid coz they are not smart. You have to monitor her. But at least she can help in washing baby clothes as I dun intend to let my baby to wear pampers.
Hi Maykel, Pretyy_lady, Bliss,

Thanks for the reassurance. I feel relieve after hearing the info from you gals.


I am 8 weeks now. For calcium, are you drinking milk? That may help ..
