Recent content by ashley_tan

  1. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    tethysea your bbt high for 18 days now... hmmm, maybe u want to test in case. if not, just monitor cause our first few cycles after mc will be abit haywire. maybe it's just that. before my first AF came, we used protection. but after it came, we heck care liao. haha. thanks christine...
  2. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    tethysea your first AF came already? your BBT has been high for more than 14 days? maybe just monitor a few more days. ladies, just wanted to ask something. hb and i bd couple days ago and during it, i had some pain in my womb area. not sure if it's the motion causing it but anyone...
  3. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Sarina, if i were you, i would stop the tcm meds and go see the gynae to induce af. i wouldn't want to wait 80 days and still no af. it's so frustrating! maybe gynae can scan n advice and see if there's anything holding up your cycle. and as for insensitive people, sad to say that they are...
  4. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    holidaygal my cycle seems to be the same as before... linggie/tethysea same here! my 1st AF is abit weird cause i was spotting for quite some time, almost 2 weeks. i usually have AF for only a few days. think is our body trying to re-adjust after the MC. christine your cycle of 32...
  5. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    pigy u waiting for 2nd AF already... my 1st AF just over. i'm feeling so impatient, wanna ttc soon. how come u put on 10kgs? i know i put on 10 kgs after my wedding over a span of 3 years. :P
  6. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Christine Yeah, get what you mean about the expenses... But don't worry, we'll get our bbs very soon, jia you!
  7. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    jo's mummy (jo3309) my AF for the first couple of days not heavy, some spotting then it came full blast on third day. not really jelly, but very bright red blood. sorry, tmi. my gynae ask me to ttc after 2nd AF comes, cause he says that 1st AF is recovery and 2nd AF is conditioning, but i...
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    (2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

    Hi anne raj, I'm also planning a dragon baby now and my #1 is 9 months plus. Would ideally love a 2 year gap, but plus/minus some months is ok for me. So I'm going to start trying soon, maybe in July. U started ttc already?
  9. A

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies Hope everyone is fine! I bet some of u have taken leave today so enjoy the long Vesak holiday. Juz an update, my first AF is finally here, 5 weeks after my wash. Feel so relieved that didn't have to wait too long and hopefully it'll remain regular. Let's all jiayou for our little...
  10. A

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    KWXY, i know where you're coming from... it's stressful to think of ttc all the time at home. but if join new job and strike, then will be quite tough. must tell new boss and some cos might not confirm staffs.
  11. A

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    missycandy, kwxy, canopyhaze new cycle new hope! cheer up, it's the weekend, and if those of you who take leave on monday, will be super long weekend!
  12. A

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    peapea sama sama, i used to puke out CW after taking it. try taking it with something sweet, like milo or a drink of your choice, it'll be better. and after a few months of taking CW, your body will get used to it, juz need to perservere.
  13. A

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    Charlotte For me, I prefer conceive well cause got results for me after 2 months of taking it, even though it ended in mc. But bfw I take for a yr no results leh. Maybe depends on individual.
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    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    nb01 haha, yeah hubs and i don't want to wait too long for #2. happiness i'm sure the happiness is much more than the difficult moments, if not why we ttc now for #2 right? i'll go through everything again for a healthy baby.
  15. A

    (2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

    happiness your girl doesn't sound too difficult. newborn transition is alway difficult, my girl was the same, cry all the time until i had to resort to pacifier. and teething is always the bane of most parents, my girl is now 9 months and still no teeth, but i suspect she's teething cause she's...
