(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

Yea.. Not much of a view. Got a new condo built right in front of my living room window. Now hoping it doesn't go higher else block even more.
I also think 24 is very high. But hubby likes so got what choice? And next time have bb also will worry. Sigh... Hoping to move to a cluster housing in the future but that one will have to wait long long coz no $$$. Else maybe go overseas and then houses there super cheap! Hee...
I actually don't hang clothes outside. Used to hanging them on those dryer racks inside my house/backyard. Got a small-ish space outside the kitchen. Suddenly, occured to me, if I really hang outside and then drop, very jialet coz have to go down 24 floors to collect!!! Siao!

nb01 - hee! 6yrs fr AD.. if add in ROM, will be 8 yrs. ;p .

anyhow, CD22 and got a faint line when i test with OPK yesterday. never test today but seeing TCM tonite. shall and see if she can 'detect' if i Oed.
<font color="0000ff">kwxy - back on n off still a bit of ache... im seeing specialist tmr... will discuss the need for implant in time to come.. i dont see how i can avoid it... haha... yesss.. im still waiting for AF to report
today is CD35 . . . past 2-3 cycles, it was 26-28day cycle... but today i see some brown stains... so shld be coming soon
but just sian that cycle haywire again... sigh...

nb01 - no probs la babe! hee...

kwxy - saw yr charting... looks quite cool... hee... ive never charted before... too lazy to do it... =x
You are not taking any prenatal vitamins? I am not really taking any other supplements except prenatal vitamins prescribed by my gynae which is like a multi vit. Think it might be good to take at least some vits bah... Maybe you can consider?
hi, i'm ttcing for #2 for 1 yr, still no news, want to join MTB but not ttc..sigh.hopefully all of us get dragon bb
I'm in CD5 today.been taking BFW few months,maybe only regulate mense, but havent strike ler.
Wah... competition huh? I count mine again and it is 7 years! So not as long as you but almost there! Haha...
Good luck in seeing your TCM tonight. Do let us know how it goes.

Hope your back gets better. Then you can join us in the TTC journey. Praying that I can "graduate" by then but can always still pop by.
misscandy, cool meh....so yoyo....i dont like lor. haha...today CD33...we are quite close.

nb01, i think i should...i used to take royal jelly....stop after i got my last bfp...maybe i should start again...eating more fruits now...having constipation...sorry tmi...hehe
<font color="0000ff">nb01 - yes i hope by the time i actively ttc again, everyone here wld have graduated ~

kwxy - yes... i hope u strike! hee... maybe cn ask prof lynzi on what to take and what not to take ? </font>
Girls: I am only taking folic acid and cranberry pills for my recurring UTIs =( Need to take multi-vitamins also? Is there a specific brand you recommend?
tethysea : I don't knw if the 白凤丸 helps to plan better. But i suppose so? It is suppose to regulate our blood and strengthen womb something like that. But i think it would be good for you to give a try?

Charlotte : I can't remember the price of the Eu Yan Sang 白凤丸. Around $60plus ba i think...can't remember its 6 bottles or 12 bottles.... but i only took 3 bottles then I'm pregnant liao... then after i deliver i quickly give away.. cos after preg cannot take, breastfeeding also cannot take. And I was breastfeeding. So i faster give away, scared expire...

Hope all you ladies have good news soon ya! Jia you to all !
<font color="0000ff">olivia - i saw tv ad some lady multi vit... maybe can try that ? =x if not, go guardian or watsons to look ard... so many kinds... </font>
KWXY >> Maybe buy those type of multivit that can eat even thru 1st trimester. I was thinking of doing that too, still shopping around. That way can stock up on a lot and slowly eat :p
<font color="0000ff">whats the chinese thing u all taking abt? is it the bai feng wan or something? paiseh ah. cnt read chinese =x</font>
misscandy >> Actually some women's multivit cannot eat when preg, according to the staff at the pharmacies I've been to. So have to eat specifically for TTC type to be safer.
nb01 - hee! ;p

i've been hoping not to have a dragon bb after seeing how competitive it is for my sis. DH on the other hand feels that its good to have a dragon bb!
Pro lynzi,
wat else can i take to boost the chance of conceive? i'm taking royal jelly, vit c, and folic acid, hubby taking zinc, vit c, and royal jelly..
missycandy : yes it's bai feng wan... hehehe....

tethysea : there is this pre-natal multi vits from GNC... that can take during pregnancy and also for lactating mothers.
oh btw ladies, anyone of you staying near Serangoon? Eu Yan Sang @ Nex will be having some opening special promo on 27-29 May weekend. for those who buy their products, can take chance to stock up.
haiz, so envy you ladies TTC-ing. If you all read from the previous thread. My hb dun wan #2. sob..sob.. so as much as I hope to have one, I cannot also unless my hb "co-operates and donate"
Happiness&amp;Bliss >> Thanks! Ok, I'll go check out GNC. Actually is there a big difference in vits for TTC versus vits for pregnancy? I tried baifengwan before when I was a teen, but it gives me breakouts. Maybe now will be better.
re: bai feng wan - i did take it before but i got no luck on it. so i stopped, think depends on individual.

how come hb don't want #2?
<font color="aa00aa">Nb01,
its the thought of what if the lifts not working?
Must climb stairs so high leh..jialat.
Me n cousins nearly fainted from climbing till 19th floor.
Luckily the lift started working again by then.

can take conceive well or gnc mega women.
Folic acid, vit b etc all included so dont need to take separately.
And take salmon omega 3 too with that.
Cut down on processed food, fast food n u are good to go.

hope your back will recover fast fast.
I see my hubby has sciatica already so painful..cannot imagine the pain u have to bear with.</font>
yea.. maybe can consider something "light" coz it is good to take supplements/vitamins as long as don't overdo it.
Don't worry abt TMI, I am also having constipation coz didn't eat much fruits and veg the past few days since hubby away and I am lazy to cook. Just blended a strawberry and banana smoothie for me to drink. Yum yum...

You have UTI too? I also get that easily. Where did you get cranberry pills from? My gynae only told me to take more cranberry juice or barley so I get those dried cranberry or frozen ones to make smoothies.
<font color="aa00aa">Happiness,
there is a way to get around your prob.
Use condom when bd BUT poke holes in the condom first..hehe
thats what my cousin did n when she bfp her hubby at first very worried but when he knows they getting a boy, his attitude change cos first one is a girl.
After that can close shop liao.

seems that both u and hubby are taking good vits.
U dont have pcos rite?</font>
tethysea : i suppose there is a differnce...vits for preganancy is to allow some "enhancement" for baby's grow...usually vits for pregnancy is, folic acid, calicium, multi vits etc. Then after 1st trimester will add fish oil and iron tablets.

Ashley : Hb says he very scared to thread back to those babyhood days. But to be fair, my girl was not an easy baby to begin with. She only got easier after she turn 7 weeks old....even now she is 15 months, we are still having problems with her waking up in the middle of the nite to cry bcos she is in pain from teething etc. But having said that, after she turn 7 weeks old she actually sleeps thru the nite. So to most parents,thats heaven sent.
The first 7 weeks was torturous, she don not sleep at all at nite. sShe can stay awake from 11pm till 6am in the morning, does nothing but whine and cry. We did everything we could... change her, rub oil, make sure she is cool / warm but nothing help. End up i have to sit there for ages to latch her. Until sometimes i will just latch and cry.... so I guess my hb is kinda "scared" now to go back to those days....
happiness, if i am u i will not tell him but bd during fertile period, if strike already he will have no choice but to accept, haha.
lynzi : my frds told me that too. But I cant use condoms ...I will break out in rashs... so now he very careful... withdraw in time.. :p
Sonel >> Yar, my SIL is dragon bb, and I feel so heartpain for her seeing her having to work extra hard for everything. Oh well.

nb01 >> I saw cranberry pills at Nature's Farm pharmacy.
Btw, to ladies asking abt multi vitamins or prenatal vitamins, think the ones that gynaes tend to prescribe for pregnant woman is a brand called Obimin which can be found in pharmacies and also KK (think KK sells cheaper than outside). Maybe you can consider taking it coz I feel that if gynaes can prescribe it for pregnancy, it will be safe to take when TTC and even when pregnant, you will continue taking it as you will need a prenatal vitamin. It is also quite cheap, think $5 for 1 bottle of 30 that will be 1 month's supply.

The one my gynae prescribed for me is a different brand (Abbott) but is also on the similar lines of a prenatal vitamin like Obimin which is taken throughout pregnancy. Mine costs abt $10+ per bottle but I prefer it since it is Abbott and is a trusted brand.
No PCOS, asking hubby go and do SA test but he just delay and delay, he asked me to relax dont be so stress then will strike one..
Our vits good enough? then i will just stick to these enough..hopefully will strike in this coming months.
<font color="aa00aa">Nb01,
can get cranberry from Holland &amp; barrett.

all our cells are surrounded by a layer of oil.
Its this layer of oil that help our cell to absorb the vits n minerals.
As we grow older and with pollution all around n our unhealthy diet, this will lessen that oil.
So must take omega 3 to replenish the oil.
No point taking good things that the body cannot absorb fully.</font>
Tell me abt lifts not working. They were doing some repair works yesterday and they shut down all the electricity to the block including lifts! Thank goodness they did tell us beforehand so I went out and only came back after the lifts were on. Else I will really be climbing 24 floors!!!

Actually I don't think there is a difference between vits for TTC and pregnancy. You can take the same coz I am doing that and my gynae is ok with it. And I find that it is safer this way coz I feel that if the vits are safe for pregnancy, they will be safe for TTC and "avoid" problems. But like what Happiness has said, during pregnancy, you will also take other vits like fish oil, calcium etc...

Since you are allergic to condoms, very easy to have "accident".. Just make sure he cannot withdraw in time. You know what I mean... Hee...
nb01 >> Oh, I did see one called New Obimin at Guardian. I saw $20 for a bottle of 30 tablets. KKH so much cheaper ah?! And yours even cheaper! Where do you buy from?
New Obimin??? Haven't come across that. The only one I know that my sister takes from her gynae is called Obimin, without the "New" in front. Not sure if it is repackaged or another brand. I would say not to try first and go KK and ask for the prenatal vitamin called Obimin and see what they give you.
Yea... I think KK is much cheaper coz I remember seeing it there for around that price and I was very shocked. But that was some time back and not sure if they raise the prices.
I get mine from my gynae. I tried to find in the pharmacies outside but cannot find coz they don't stock it and stock Obimin instead.
Happiness, thanks for yr info.....u shd consider yrself lucky that tr gal was easy to take care when she was 7 weeks old. U shd try my gal...We are so scare of having another baby till she is 2.5 years old! We act dun wan another liao cos HB was very phobia abt #2, she wld cry in the middle of the nite n getting sick for the 2.5mths since birth....real tired!!!!
Btw, tethysea, the Obimin that I know comes in a small pink box and pink bottle. So maybe you can check that against the New Obimin.

I am making my hubby take a multi vitamin supplement that contains folic acid, zinc, selenium, vit B, Ginseng, CQ10 etc... Basically, everything as per what research says is necessary. But it is just 1 multivit so not really over-doing it. HTH...

Twin : good that yr hb wants #2 lei. I wanted #2 so that my girl have a sibling...

nb01 : hahaha... my frd told me to go train my legs... then can "kiap" tight and dun let go...

Charlotte : actually my girl was difficult only because of her sleeping habits... the rest she is still quite ok...but then of cos she always have difficult time teething.. i know of babies who breeze thru teething... my girl seems to be in alot of pain and discomfot...and don't knw y hor, the pain always manifests at nite :S
This thread is moving oh-so fast! hehe. can hardly keep up.

Olivia, im same age as you. 32
hopefully can conceive by 35. Im married for 2.5 years.

Aiya, I just bought my blackmores conceive well from guardian during lunch. should have pop by watsons.. 20% discount is a lot! I think Robinson is also having sales including vitamins and supplements.

Actually I love rabbit babies.. but no fate so hopefully can grab a dragon home!
your girl doesn't sound too difficult. newborn transition is alway difficult, my girl was the same, cry all the time until i had to resort to pacifier. and teething is always the bane of most parents, my girl is now 9 months and still no teeth, but i suspect she's teething cause she's getting esp cranky. don't worry, we can jiayou together! haha!

lynzi, thanks for the info!
<font color="aa00aa">Just to share, im giving my hubby RJ, zinc, vit c, omega 3, coq10 with selenium.
And prior to fertile period, heap him with lots of oysters..haha</font>
That is what I mean too! Haha...

The way you are saying it is so cute... I also want to grab a dragon home! Hopefully not a fiery one... Picturing a cartoon dragon in my head breathing out flames. Haha..

Your #1 is so young! And you want to have another one so fast? Wow! Pei fu! But guess it will be nice to have another one (hopefully a boy) and then can close shop. Hee...
It looks like what I saw previously for Obimin but I really cannot confirm. As I said, best is to ask the pharmacy or ask KK. Don't want you to take the wrong thing.

Sounds like what I am making hubby take too! Where do you get the oysters from? Haven't found any nice place yet.
<font color="aa00aa">Happiness,
make your hubby so high until not enuf time to withdraw..hehe
sounds like your girl was colicky.
Rub ruyi oil with your 2 palms then put your palms on her tummy.
Can also try smashing some shallots with your fingers till bit of the water come out then rub your fingers with the juice from the shallots on the baby's feet.
As for teething, dentinox works wonders for me.
And to relieve the gums n make him sleep, i put teeny bit of kids paracetamol in his last feed.
That acts as painkiller as suggested by my pd.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tethysea,
yup thats the obimin that gynaes prescribe.

i go carousel or asian market cafe for fresh oysters.
If not then we will go eat or luak.
Speaking of that making me drool now.

Babydustshop got sell RJ in its natural form.
And also coq10 with selenium included so dont need to take separately.
I got my supply from her.</font>
nb01, yeah.. imagine a little dragon with head big big, body small small and short fat tail breathing out flames. Equally cute as a bunny!

Im DPO11 with absolutely no symptoms.. Who's in 2ww??

Just googled it and I think it is from the same manufacturer but New Obimin seems to be a new formula. Maybe they are replacing the previous product. I am not sure so better check first.

Also, a quick search online shows that the vitamin is really sold around $5+. This is from Changi General Hospital. Think KK should be around same price bah...
