(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

PhyLee: I'm in 2WW too! DPO9 for me. Almost tearing my hair out haha.

I have no symptoms too! =( But my husband vomitted last night. Maybe he's the one who's preggers. LOL.

Haha.. you make it sound so funny!!! I want my dragon now!!!

PhyLee and Olivia,
I am also technically in 2ww but doubt got chance this cycle as I only BD once this cycle on the day I got +OPK as hubby was busy and then the next day he went on biz trip. Currently, 3DPO.

Good luck to the 2 of you! Just a few more days and can test! Hang in there. Btw, how long are your cycles?
Olivia >> LOL!

nb01 & lynzi >> Oooh okie thanks! Ok, I live quite near CGH, shall pop by over the weekend to buy :p

PhyLee >> Haha ok you've convinced me. I want a dragon bb soft toy now!
wah... this thread is moving very fast
nb01: good luck to us all! My cycle is usually 25 days, but this month I O-ed late, so probably 27 days... now at CD22.

I worked very hard this cycle. Actually went on a holiday to TTC. And we BD 4 days, on O-1, O, O+1 and O+2. Wah lau. Tiring lor..so says my husband. Really hope our efforts pay off!
Ashley: hahah... maybe i make it sound easy... but really she wasn't very easy for the 1st 7 weeks... then she slowly become better of cos in between still got her moments la...
My girl 1st 2 teeth pop out when she was 4 months... but i heard of babies who teeth later. It's actually ok de..the good point is, teeth later and can maintain teeth longer too...

Lynzi : Now she outgrow the colicky stage alr. We did add ridwind into into her milk but still cry.. we tried all sorts of way, the ru yi you, even indian leaves, warm up with fire and place over tummy and feet, stil cry... use pomelo leaves bathe still cry... just dun knw y and no reason...
I have dentinox too, but she hates it. So i only can apply after she falls asleep... if she is awake and i apply she will scream murder.

Olivia : When i was preggers, I have no cravings. But my hubby is always craving for certain food... hehehe...
Wah.. yours become soft toy huh??? I also want!!! Anywhere to buy cute dragon soft toys?? Haha...

You stand a good chance! Hope to hear good news from you. Only a few more days to go. Good luck!

I am also planning a holiday next month to relax and TTC. Hoping it works too!
Regardless of supplements, I think must see if the supplements suits yr body or not....been taking CW for 5 cycles but does not seems to help. Heard some ppl eat 1-2 cycles then strike liao, so think it does not suits me....

Hope all of us here can grab a little dragon home. my HB n me also hope to as I am a little dragon girl (fat version) n my gal is coming to 4 yrs old....
haha, yeah hubs and i don't want to wait too long for #2.

i'm sure the happiness is much more than the difficult moments, if not why we ttc now for #2 right? i'll go through everything again for a healthy baby.
Olivia - wow, sounds like you'll have good chance. good luck!

im going for holiday early next month.. if BFN, hope AF comes on time so i can work hard during holiday. ;p
You sound like me! Which CD are you in now? When are you going? I am planning to go around 8th and if BFN, around then, should be my "window" too.
nb01 - CD22. holidaying from 4th to 16th june. should be able to 'catch' O. lolx
DH & i actually planned to do SO-IUI in june. but gynae keep asking us to go holiday... so here we go! haha!
I should be going from 7/8th to 19th. So like you, should be able to catch O during that period. Good luck to the 2 of us!
nb01 >> Wahahaha... I'm feeling all sorts of strange impulses to adopt kittens and puppies. At least soft toy is not living thing, can just keep in cupboard after my craziness dies down :p

KWXY >> Haven't see red still have chance!

Olivia >> fingers crossed for you!
tethysea>> why have this sudden impulses of adopting kitten or puppies? I keep 2 dog. Small breed. Whenever i reached home, only 1 will greet me. sigh...plus they behave like tom and jerry, chasing around all over the hse.
Woa! We all have good imagination here. Haha. Keep it up! My baby dragon is now giving little coughs of black smoke cuz I just drank koi. Hehe. So silly.

My cycle is usually 28 to 30 days. Expecting AF next Monday. I'm those type that no symptoms also AF, got symptoms also AF. Haha.
HELLO ppl!!! I am here!!

Can't believe it is ttc-ing for 2012 liao!!

I got question, eh, do u guys find that the cheaper strips from those BS accurate? Cuz mine is forever faint +ve. Make me wonder if I ever ovaluated

Just spoke to my mentor today abt child care option after I conceived. He was very supportive and offered to help me source. Makes the pressure of taking ML in the future off!!
nb01 and mummies,

may i know which multivitamins include all necessary vits for man? Blackmore? what is the name? is it "multivitamin" only?
Sorry cos i always spend so much time reading those vits bottles..

My hubby only take royal jelly. And he will try to eat food with more zinc during my fertile period.

I remember someone mentioned today abt bai fong wan (sorry, only have time to come online now). I have also heard ppl mentioning it is good and see results in like 2-3 mths. I guess it helps to regulate the cycle and all.EYS having members discount now so it is $36.
Merry >> I just started my husband on Blackmore's Men's Performance Multivit. I checked the ingredients already, what's supposed to be there is there lar... like the selenium and zinc and vit B.

PhyLee >> And my baby dragon is hibernating cos office too cold :p
Don't worry so much. Might be just a bit of spotting.

yea... we can hold hands and jia you! Hope to get good news soon!

Think your cycle sounds similar to Olivia so both of you should be testing around same time? Good luck to you both!

I have no problems with the ones that I buy. Can test positive and seems to be quite accurate as I double confirm with Clearblue. Where do you get yours from? Maybe it is due to different sensitivity or brand? Or maybe you can consider using Clearblue for 1 cycle to try as it is supposed to be more accurate and then see if the result is positive. Use it together with the cheap strips and then you can tell whether it is working or not. Or else visit a gynae during your supposed O and see if you can see the egg and then test with your strips. That is what I did to confirm that my strips are "working".

I am not sure what the multivits that the other ladies are getting. I got mine from overseas and seems like it is not available in SG as I checked with Guardian and GNC before.
Yea.. entered 2ww, 3DPO but think no chance at all. So I am taking it easy. Comforting myself that a little dragon that breathes fire is nicer than a bunny so will try again next cycle. LOL...

What abt you? Have you O-ed? CD wat?

How much is the Blackmore one you got?
So not much price diff from mine. Will stick to mine then coz I just googled yours and it has higher "dosages" per tablet which I like but then it doesn't have some other ingredients like CQ10 and Ginseng. Doubt my hubby will want to take more than 1 multivit. As it is, he keeps forgetting to take already. Sigh..

You can try the Blackmore recommendation from tethysea as it seems not bad but maybe see if you want to supplement with the other supplements like CQ10 which Lynzi mentioned.
Nb01, thanks. For me, gt baby can liao. Don't want to think so much. Hai.

Oh no! Hubby seems to be falling ill. A little worried now. Supposed to O soon. Hopes he will be in the mood
tethysea, ya the mens miltivitamin also very heaty, got to ask yr HB to drink more water. If yr HB taking this medi got knee problem also have to be careful....cos a lot of protein inside the pills n may make the knees swell, if not then thats ok!

So u all think its the Conceive Well or 白凤丸 better?
For me, I prefer conceive well cause got results for me after 2 months of taking it, even though it ended in mc. But bfw I take for a yr no results leh. Maybe depends on individual.
I also think it depends on individual. I don't take either but for me, I prefer "western" medicine so would choose to take Conceive Well. Have you tried either before? Maybe you can try one and if you think it doesn't work, switch to the other one?
Hi ladies & some old frens here

I'm trying for #2 for 6mths missed the rabbit now see try luck for dragon.

Hope we all BFP soon!
tethysea, I just bought blackmores conceive well from guardian this afternoon at $46. Urs so cheap! Heartpain..

I like blackmores in a way that it gives me more EWCM nearing to O. Initially I would gag everytime I swallowed the super big pills but now used to it le.

nb01, is ur hubby back from business trip? Grab him still if you can! 3dpo maybe still early to say?? There's always a chance that you might O late.

Peapea, actually I also find the Internet opks not as sensitive. There was one cycle that I couldn't get any strong +s. I think maybe you will get better luck testing twice a day? In case you miss the surge since the strips are not that sensitive. But dunno if that's more stressful or not to test twice a day.
Yeh I think I see red ! Hee ! Shld b reporting soon

Kwxy - hope yrs doesn't come! *shoooooooo*

Hmmmm hw much is bfw? Maybe il take to regulate my cycle... Heard it helps ...

And yes this thread suddenly like train... Lol ! Don't come in will get lOst... Hee
nb01 >> Haha yar I must remind my husband to take every day also.

Charlotte >> Oh, will cause swelling? I do have a slight knee problem ("runner's knee", from my school days)...
<font color="aa00aa">Tethysea,
if taking supplements or tcm meds must drink more water.

how is your girl? Saw u posted that she is having fever.
Poor thing..she just recovered rite?
Heard got 500 over cases of hfmd now..i also scared.
Hope she will get well soon.</font>
tethysea, have u heard of gull problem? it will affect the knee swelling bcos of the large amt of protein in the pill, patient with this problem cannot have too much protein in their diet! must drink lots of water to flush out, if not be very heaty....

donkey, hihi....I am the old fren here...still here trying, sigh....good luck
Hi girls,

Spotting getting heavier and I'm sure AF will report full force tmr. Am glad that it's not a long cycle, as least I know my cycle went bk normal to my 32-35 days.

Will work harder to cut down on cold drinks...drank too much this cycle.

New cycle new hope for me!!
Lynzi - I gave her voltaren supp... Now shes sleeping... Eee I hope it's not hfmd!
sigh... Ya just got well not long ago...
thx for asking
I see yr appetite quite good hor! Hee that's great! Hope all goes well !

Kwxy - wow looks like we might be cycle mates ... Hee
morning ladies!!!

phylee, thanks thanks, actually, i find it can be quite inconvenient to test esp in office.. got to find a small container to pee into.... i had the gagging prob when i first started on conceive well, but it got so bad that i will throw up everytime after i take conceive well, so i have stopped ever since... heeee

missy, i saw promo at EYS for BFW. $36 for members in the month of may. usual price $45. the EYS auntie told me to take one bottle 2 days after AF cleared then subsequently once a week for two weeks.

weeee EWCM a lot this cycle (sorry tmi)... hopefully my +ve OPK come tonight.... lalala
hi all,

I am new here :)
hope you ladies welcome me...
Me too TTC and hopefully possible to get dragon.
I am not sure whether is this new or what, my hubby and I are seeking TCM helps as i feel western method is very hurting to the body especially using clomid...

at the same time i am using the clearblue fertility monitor which i bought it second hand at mummysg forum

not sure any one here using the clearblue fertility monitor here?
sama sama, i used to puke out CW after taking it. try taking it with something sweet, like milo or a drink of your choice, it'll be better. and after a few months of taking CW, your body will get used to it, juz need to perservere.
