(2012) TTC for #1 2012 Mums!

missycandy, kwxy, canopyhaze
new cycle new hope! cheer up, it's the weekend, and if those of you who take leave on monday, will be super long weekend!

peapea, ya I also took it with Ribena, something sweet if not will puke out...I puke out abt 3 times since eating it till now still hate it but no choice....as u eat it, u imagine the baby waving at u, then u will swallow it, haha.....

Shi Jia Xin>>Welcome!!

Have been keep sneezing due to the haze..
Hubby was scolding me this morning from keep rubbing my nose so hard.

Today CD23. Finger crossing!!!

Hows everyone today?
Hello! So many new faces!

Charlotte >> Gull problem? No... and when I googled all I got was news of oil slicks and seagulls :p Did you mean gout?

KWXY >> How are you today?

peapea >> Jiayou jiayou!
charlotte, thats a great description!! hahaha... maybe i shld consider trying it again.... i will try BFW for at least one more cycle... if cant, then will go back conceive well...

thanks tethysea!!
Mrng ladies!

Canophaze, new cycle new hope let chiong for dragon babies

Missy, hope ur girl gets well soon. My gal also having slight flu & cough too.
Morning ladies! For those who've had their AF report this morning, cheer up. *hugs*

I couldnt resist testing again this morning. BFN. =( Since I dont have any 60cents tests handy, I have since blown 30 bucks on HPTs...and it's only DPO10. It's going to be a loooonnnngggg and restless weekend for me.
tethysea, wahaha....ya ya pls lah, dun laugh at my Harvard English, ok!!!!! u noe what I am referring to can liao.

donkeymami, all the kids getting sick, my gal also sick last week till now, running nose on n off.....sian
Morning ladies!

TTC status : CD34 and temp dropped from 36.7 to 36.0! waiting for AF to report.

Tethysea, I'm feeling tired and restless. Didn't slp well last night
morning ladies! TGIF!!
seems like most of your DHs are taking supplements. my DH is quite stubborn, refused to take any. sigh~

saw TCM last nite & she suspects i never O again this mth. given that i only gotten faint lines on OPK. she feels my cycle will be 40+ days again for this cycle. there goes my BD holiday in June!

peapea - you know what, i was thinking if the strips are accurate too. cos i keep getting faint lines. may just get clearblue from next cycle.

missycandy, KWXY, canopyhaze - new cycle new hope. jia you.

Shi Jia Xin - i was thinking of buying the clearblue fertility monitor too. isit gd/ easy to use?
Charlotte >> LOL... I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing near you :p Okok, back to serious topic. Actually I do have hyperuricemia, which is the precursor to gout. Ok, will take extra care and drink lots of water! Thank you for the advice

KWXY >> Oh dear... maybe take a nap later in the day?

Olivia >> It's ok, I totally understand the "itchy-fingers" feeling. Maybe reward yourself every day when you successfully resist the urge to test before your period due? Like tell yourself if you manage to resist today, reward yourself with a dinner at a good place.
Hi sonel (simplysonel)

I am a first time user for this monitor, to me it's pretty easy to use. It just need to take the morning first pee to test, basically u dont have much thing to do or play with.. just need to wait and see the instruction to test, after that wait for the fertility result.

To go along with it, I also had my BBT chart done which my TCM told me to do so... so now i am pending for fertility and my big O to come.. i just 14 days pass from my first menses... i lost track of my duration as just had an ectopic pregnancy in Feb this year...

I was from mummysg forum, and i get to know this monitor as a lot of them got preggie it hence thought to purchase one to try it out
TGIF girls!

Olivia! You itchy fingers har.. hehe.. We have to lock you in the wardrobe le.
I used to test hpt on DPO12 but realised I will get more disappointed if I don't see a BFP! Alternatively, you can get those cheap internet hpt strips (about 60cents each?) so you won't feel so heartpain when you feel like testing!
Sonel: Just go for your hols in June! Who knows, perhaps being happy and relaxed will help with your cycle woes. Besides, any excuse for a well deserved holiday!

PhyLee: Yes, I am the impatient sort. But I guess being impatient will not make the BFP come sooner. Let's perservere together. Stay off the HPTs till Monday for you and Wednesday for me!
Hi gals! MIA for 2 days le and went to the old thread to find out tat u gals have shifted! Lots of reading to catch up on. =)

This month seems like I haven't O at all.. No signs at all. OPK only showing faint line and BBT temp damn low. =(
thanks Shi Jia Xin! was discussing with DH last nite and told him maybe i should just invest on the monitor. but heartpain on the other hand....

Olivia - hey yes.. still going for holiday. booked and paid. just pray AF comes earlier & i can catch O during holiday.
tethysea>> I am at CD 27 today. Been monitoring my CM, but no signs of the fertile CM at all.. Maybe didn't even ovulate this mth. =(
Hi all,
anyone encounter hubby's sperm not good for natural pregnant?
my hubby did twice sperm test and doc said that only 15% chances of getting natural pregnant...
so only ivf can help us to get pregnant..
anyone can advise?
hi amy! havent seen u for a while! i thought u are seeing TCM?

i have a lot of fertile cm but my hubby is sick!!!!!!! oh no! pls pray he get well for tonight... hahahah
Hi sonel (simplysonel)

personally i think the monitor is a good investment if you have been TTC for long and cannot manage to catch ur big O or fertility period...(i cant)
it is heartache, that is Y i bought the monitor second hand and the stick online (like amazon) which is so much cheaper...

Personal i think using OPK is very difficult for me to judge, by using BBT and this monitor i feel the accuracy is there...

I hope this monitor can help me TTC for this month and next... |*pray hard*

i trust ladies here do use this monitor and conceived, if you do not mind second hard purchase, maybe u can consider to buy from the mommy here...
Hi Shi Jia Xin,
Yes i was in TCM for about a year plus...
My hubby sperm test result is not good in mophology and mobility... which TCM are you in?
Hi ylgoh (ylgoh)

my hubby is the sperm form...but there is an improvement after see tcm

we seeing Dr Chen in NTU, she used to be from TongJi. She was recommend by forum friend hence I gave her a tried and have been seeing her for half a year... not trying to promote her but my hubby's soldiers have improvement
Hi ylgoh (ylgoh)

Of course!! Below is information:

诊所 1 地址:
南大中医诊所 NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic. 60 Nanyang Drive SBS-01s-68 Singapore 637551 Contact number: 65921732/65921733
诊病时间, Consulting hours:Mon, Wed, Fri: 8.30am to 12.30pm,
Tues, Thurs : 1.30pm to 4.30pm
可以打以上电话预约(with or without Appointment)
Begin on : 4-1-2011
Pioneer MRT NTU shuttle bus or Boon Lay / Pioneer Bus No : 179

诊所 2 地址;
康得美中医中心 Health & Beauty Pte Ltd Traditional Chinese Medicine Clentre
No 38 Upper Cross Street, Singapore 058341
诊病时间:Consulting hours: Mon, Wed, Fri : 3.00pm to 8.00pm
Please call Contact number: 65344131 for appointment. Begin on : 5-1-2011。由于在康得美时间较短敬请打以上电话预约以便安排。
ylgoh, can let ur hubby take multivits for men can improve sperm quality too.

I bot megaman from GNC for DH but he lazy butt i thk eat 1 day stop 3-4days. dunno work or not.
Hi ylgoh (ylgoh)

yes yes that's her!

who u seeing???

Hi donkeymami (donkeymami)

yes indeed, agree with u too
my husband taking the herbs and multi-vit from GNC
super KaiSu haa
Hi SHi Jia Xin,
Currently i am seeing Dr Zou at amk.
so normally those medicine that Dr Chen gave need to brew? or did she do accupuncture for your hubby?
charlotte, do u mean if taking BFW dont take CW and vice versa? cos i still have stock of BFW but thinking to buy CW too, advise?
Sigh, cannot tahan my sister keep asking me why still havent pregnant, she easily got 2 kids now, thinking should be my turn to pregnant, so everytime keep asking me, so insensitive, what should i say to her?
Morning again girls....just woke up...yawnnnnn....

the brown stain come and go...and am still waiting for my AF.

And im getting bored staying at home...was thinking to find a job to do...so i wont keep thinking of ttc only...haha...hubby said full ttc quite good for me...but i think its quite stressful too.
wah the thread move super fast.

Merry : after I ROM i also kena a lot of questions from my family until I fed up... until i came up with an answer ..

QS : U married liao still dun wan to get pregnant, wait for what?

I answer : Ya going to deliver liao, tmr deliver liao i call u ok!

Usually it will keep people off. Cos i think my relatives know i'm quite pissed.

But I always think this is my baby / my pregnancy I do not need to explain to anybody. In fact, I did not tell anybody I am pregnant, only my immediate family know... till i deliver... i send mass sms out then inform them I deliver liao.... and won't be joining for CNY...hehe... then my relatives / frds knw i deliver my baby...alot of sms came in and say they wasn't aware i was pregnant...
Hello ladies, wow this is moving so fast

Btw ladies with af reporting, cheer up ok, new cycle new hope.. as for me waiting to bd hahaha..
Merry, I did not take BFW, currently taking CW but for 5th cycles liao, like no use lei.....so maybe chinese medi more suitable for me, msy try it out after I finish my CW.....see how!

BFW is used to regulate cycles rite? mine is quite regular so think got use? a bit confuse
kwxy>> haha..ok. Hope your hubby aprroved your proposal tonight.
But is kind of tired for the start as everything a routine. From waking up early, rush to work, working in the office etc... How i wish i can stay at home shake leg!!! So envy you.
KWXY, i know where you're coming from... it's stressful to think of ttc all the time at home. but if join new job and strike, then will be quite tough. must tell new boss and some cos might not confirm staffs.
kwxy>> good luck to your job hunting after your proposal is being approved tonight.

Me keep having on and off leg aching...that hubby of mine still can reply me "is it kind of bfp symptom"? faintz.... everything i said now, he will link to ttc... worse than me.
bear, haha...your hubby so funny!!

am making porridge and red dates drink for lunch...super boring friday.

Merry >> Are you close to your sister? If you are you can tell her and maybe she can share tips with you mah. I think a lot of ppl don't talk about TTC cos they think it's embarrassing, but seeing how many of us are here, maybe more couples also try very long and don't dare to tell people.

KWXY >> Maybe if you found something that can work from home, or a freelance job?

Amy >> I think not necessary to have EWCM to have O. I didn't see EWCM at all the cycle that I had bfp.

ylgoh >> I saw some other forum mentioned IMMUVITE as supplements for men going for IVF. Supposed to increase the quality and amount of the sperm - one person said actually doubled! I think I've seen it at Guardian before, but not cheap - around $80?
