(2014/01) January 2014

Music, u not working too? I found out I was pregnant on my last day of work. Lol... What do you do everyday? Although I'm quite glad I'm not working, I'm afraid of the expenses. .. although ppl always say live within your means but sometimes can't help but worry. Do you plan to be a stay home mom?
Me too, me too.. everyday rot at hm, noting to do.... Tink I growing cobwebs along with growing a baby.

I think low placenta during the first trimester is ok? Cos it will or it should move up subsequently. If bleeding, must take care. Read also that if by 3rd tri, still low, will have to do c sect already.
Not too sure what the gynae means when they say below tho...

Yes, seems like we are unable to tell by the ultra sound....my gynae also mentioned it might go up during third trimester....
Hey... I returned fr gynae visit this morn. He previously diagnosed me with low placenta. He said that if there is spotting, no s*x and rest more. No stress, carry heavy stuff.. For better analysis, better call your gynae n check.

Yes, this is exactly what my gynae said to me too. Did he give u mc?
maybe they met so much of these case which is normal ..it may not be serious but just rest ..take care...
Me not working...watching TV :D although is boring channel 8 & U is afternoon...i zzz listening while my mum watch in her rm..Channel u 6pm 7pm drama now is exciting too...
update us when you are stable :) cheer

I have been on mc during my first trimester and its quite boring at home! But I do appreciate the ample rest..... :> iPad have been my best pal during that period....
yes they are like that! really hate them, go back to your own gynae if you have and engage a private one, when i first found out i was preg after a loss again i had bleeding issues due to blood clotting near placenta, the a&e gynae just laugh my concerns off and couldnt even find out anything, just tell me he has seen many mummies bleed and bleed but their bbs are still fine, i was so pissed! in the end i found a very good gynae and he manage to find out the underlying problem. A good Gynae is really very impt.

Hi, can share whose your gynae?

I have no choice but to go A&E as there is always a doc around. For private hospital, they still need to call the doc which might not b available. I find the a&e doc is quite rough too but no choice......
Yah. .. No issue. Anyway, Some dogs are pretty good with kids. Just have to train them if they are still a puppy?
Mine will be one half years by the time my baby comes. .. so I guess should b ok. Although he is still quite jumpy and hyper. ..

Mine have been with me for 4years so ill definitely work things out between them! Just hope that her barks don't scare the bb.....
Ya I think they too numb le ba. I hate to go a&e but sometimes no choice. Even wen I lost my baby. They are talking so coldly with no emotion. Feel like screaming n say its a life. It's my baby

I agreed with u.....I felt they're numb n rough.....but no choice as during weird hours....I only can go there.....
Anybody having sore, painful boobs and sensitive nipples? Sometimes will have sharp pain which I find it uncomfortable..... Or very heavy kind of feeling around the breast area..... I have been using lanolin cream and it helps a little.....but still feel pain on off.... Is it normal?
Hi Mums,

I am selling mostly unused baby items, still in packaging. Prices are negotiable.

Belly belt from spring maternity @ $18 (retail: $29.90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...belt-from-spring-maternity-W0QQAdIdZ510229899

Cot bumper @ $25 (retail: $39.90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...ile-cot-bumper-rarely-used-W0QQAdIdZ510143521
Tiny Love Cot Mobile @ $60 (retail: $90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff-for-Sale-Baby-Children-Tiny-Loves-Cot-Mobile-W0QQAdIdZ510221757
Infant head support @ $15 - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff-for-Sale-Baby-Children-BN-infant-head-support-W0QQAdIdZ510222225
Owen brand 4 pc receiving blankets @ $16 - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...pc-Owen-receiving-blankets-W0QQAdIdZ510233170
Mama's love swinging cot @ $180 (retail: $399) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-ViewA...qVAPi0n0zKAhN8eKH02YOxL8ofwCW8&wmid=510237145

Kindly drop me a sms @ 90059905.

Happy Monday Mommies!! It's a short working week! counting down to the holidays!

My bump also not showing leh... was thinking if bb is doing well inside... see my gynae next week. Hope everything will b ok. Baby movements will start in week 16 yeah?
What dog u got? I think bb will get used to it. If from day one. Just hope your dog don't bark one your bb fall asleep and wake bb up! Hehe
Mine have been with me for 4years so ill definitely work things out between them! Just hope that her barks don't scare the bb.....
My bump also not showing. Hehe. Although I think last night I got feel bb kick. Our maybe I was dreaming. Lol
Happy Monday Mommies!! It's a short working week! counting down to the holidays!

My bump also not showing leh... was thinking if bb is doing well inside... see my gynae next week. Hope everything will b ok. Baby movements will start in week 16 yeah?
Hi Lyn, how do you find SF loh? I'm currently seeing him but I felt the waiting time is very long and he seems to be very busy. Was thinking should I switched gynae.... U heard of anyone having c section done by him? Thanks a lot

starcy8899, my apt is in the afternoon... so far so good. my waiting time is less than an hr.... not long ago, I had a friend's friend c-sect twin under Dr loh, review was good from her.
Hi all mummies, been having on off bleeding and its probably due to low placenta. Should I have total bed rest? I have been trying for many years for this first baby.

i am currently working and do not have so many mc left.....

oh, u must inform your gyne if spotting/bleeding!! try to ask for HL instead of mc... nothing is more impt than bb now, moreover u said u had tried for so long to have this miracle bb...
any mummies sneeze or cough and will feel a mild lower abdomen ache ?

raineraine, there is once I sneeze when I was curl up sideway on the bed... tummy hurt so much... got a feeling that I "giap" bb... was so worried.... coz the pain lasted for few seconds... luckily bb was bouncing happily during scan... phew.... guess, so long as there is no spotting/bleeding, bb is fine :)
oh, u must inform your gyne if spotting/bleeding!! try to ask for HL instead of mc... nothing is more impt than bb now, moreover u said u had tried for so long to have this miracle bb...

Starcy, agreed with lynhope, you have tried so long for this baby... the more you should be careful and take good care of yourself. Your boss should understand.. if not .. there is no point to continue.. single income may not be easy..but its temporary.. you never know when the next miracle will happen.
Good morning mummies! What a nice day to sleep in this cool weather!
Gbob, do take care and rest more! hope that you get well soon!
Starcy, hope that there is nothing to worry abt, do check with gynae.
GBOB.. I had diarrhea last Thursday evening and last till friday. Yesterday evening started with running nose.. sigh.. taking zrytec which hopes will be ok soon. Worried about passing to my gal :(
Hi, wads genetic scan?
hi starcy, genetic scan is a more detailed scan compare to Oscar (NT Scan) and similar to the detail scan we all will go thru on our 20 weeks onwards :)
its another opinion to go for those who got bad result of Oscar (like me) yet got time to spare before proceeding to amnio
Hi mummies,

Have been silently reading for awhile but didn't contribute coz was quite worried for sometime. Expecting my #2 edd should be 22nd Jan or till it changes again :) Had quite a bad OSCAR result but didn't want to wait to do amnio so did the Harmony test. Finally got results from doc that risk has gone down! Whew! Now feeling more relieved, hoping to chat more with all the mummies here!

hi ylyn, totally can understand coz I'm exactly like u now :( but glad that u have a good result back from the Harmony Test :) its time to enjoy the pregnancy already
hee like so long hor! wonder how are them doing haha

yayay!! like very long...my bump not showing, and am abit worried if bb is doing well inside :( so wanna quickly see if he/she is ok inside. Hopefully bb dont cross leg... so i can see is boy or girl.... hhhehehe
yayay!! like very long...my bump not showing, and am abit worried if bb is doing well inside :( so wanna quickly see if he/she is ok inside. Hopefully bb dont cross leg... so i can see is boy or girl.... hhhehehe
haha! totally agree with u.. hope bb co-operate :)
Morning beautiful mummies!

Thank q girls. Wanted to go c gp but its raining so heavily now... Zzz... Later when rain subside I'll go. I kinda feel a tad bit better as in nose not so runny but think better c a doc la. Shirlynn, u must take good care n rest more. I've been trying to up my Vit c intake. U get well soon also ok.

My apt also next week!! Can't wait!
Morning ladies, MIA quite some time. Been busy this period. Just settled my gir's primary 1 registeration last week. :)

I went for my usual visit 2 weeks ago and couldnt determine the gender yet. Oh well, just have to wait for the FA scan 2 weeks later.

Do we have a FB group now?
Morning ladies, MIA quite some time. Been busy this period. Just settled my gir's primary 1 registeration last week. :)

I went for my usual visit 2 weeks ago and couldnt determine the gender yet. Oh well, just have to wait for the FA scan 2 weeks later.

Do we have a FB group now?

darbebe, yup we do have hee.. email address please :)
Morning beautiful mummies!

Thank q girls. Wanted to go c gp but its raining so heavily now... Zzz... Later when rain subside I'll go. I kinda feel a tad bit better as in nose not so runny but think better c a doc la. Shirlynn, u must take good care n rest more. I've been trying to up my Vit c intake. U get well soon also ok.

My apt also next week!! Can't wait!

drink more water ya and speedy recovery!
hi fellow mummies, anyone interested in these 2 ASOS dresses? Hoping to sell here to fellow mummies at a discounted price. Both pieces are in size 8. The price which I have bought the dress at and the selling price are indicated in the thumbnails. do contact me at 98446512 if interested. Tks.


  • Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
    Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 117
  • Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
    Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
    29.3 KB · Views: 103
GBOB, you too .. I am already taking medication but bcos my department everyone on leave, thats why I still need to come into office :( ... just now when driving.. I feel like dozing off.. such good weather to sleep in .

Darbebe.. so long then you settle? Which phase are you in? I settled my boy on 9 July :)

Seems like everyone will be seeing their babies soon. My next visit is 4 weeks later.. such long time away
Due to financial reasons, I can't do without a job now. However, I'll be very careful & if really got to make a decision.....my baby will come first no matter what.....
Understand. We also very tight. Can't spend on alot of things. N can't afford to place my gal in childcare.

It's not easy to have a single income in SPORE. Unlike oth country. Some don't even need to worry about medical bills. For instance I can't work because of my pregnancy, check up n scan will b free. N insurance even give u some allowance. If I'm in such country I don't mind poping more lol
GBOB, you too .. I am already taking medication but bcos my department everyone on leave, thats why I still need to come into office :( ... just now when driving.. I feel like dozing off.. such good weather to sleep in .

Darbebe.. so long then you settle? Which phase are you in? I settled my boy on 9 July :)

Seems like everyone will be seeing their babies soon. My next visit is 4 weeks later.. such long time away

shir, coz u last visit is last week? haa
tmr is balloting day! will wait for letter ba :p
I'm sure your results will be fine, though i know u will not stop worrying until you get the results saying all is fine (like me). Did you also do the harmony or something else? If harmony then it will also come with the gender results. Hang in there and enjoy the long weekend and next week u will see your two precious again!
Mei.. ya.. last Monday..lol.. seems so long ago.. I cannot remember liao.. nowadays I can hardly remember current stuffs.

Which school is A registering?
I'm sure your results will be fine, though i know u will not stop worrying until you get the results saying all is fine (like me). Did you also do the harmony or something else? If harmony then it will also come with the gender results. Hang in there and enjoy the long weekend and next week u will see your two precious again!
thanks! I going for genetic scan as a 2nd opinion, meantime amnio's appt was made on the 29th Aug.. so if the scan next mon is good then will cancel the amnio test lo :)
go shopping for our new flat's stuffs that can also takes my mind off abit :)
Kmei, it's a secret group? Else what we post will be seen by others outside the group.

Shirlynn, yup settled! I'm in phase 2C and got to know that balloting is not required. phew! I'm stressed out the few days leading to the start of registration...not slept well those few days. Glad that its over now.
Mei.. ya.. last Monday..lol.. seems so long ago.. I cannot remember liao.. nowadays I can hardly remember current stuffs.

Which school is A registering?

Registered Horizon lo but who knows this year soo hot :( 209 registered for 143 seats
Kmei, it's a secret group? Else what we post will be seen by others outside the group.

Shirlynn, yup settled! I'm in phase 2C and got to know that balloting is not required. phew! I'm stressed out the few days leading to the start of registration...not slept well those few days. Glad that its over now.
yup secret group :)
I think low placenta will change cos i read cases they will change...
Low placenta will spot izzit? cos baby change position..
My experience :
i have few scans on fri....
1st scan..baby doesnt seem correct position...gynae ask me to cough to make baby move but it didnt want to move...
Gynae ask me to walk around for 10 mins then scan again...
2nd scan, baby turn another way ...then placenta is below...
So is it same as low?

Early preg tends to have low lying placenta and will move up as tummy grows bigger. Not all low lying placenta will have spotting.. I don't think yours is considered low. Gynae will highlight if it is low. Mine was low coz was covering the cervix. Now, has moved a little and just by cervix.
