Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

谢谢! 其实只想加一个 1.8mx 1mx o.5m 的橱 放客厅.

刚怀孕, 爸刚进医院, 我看也没办法,得去. 有办法保护自己吗? 谢谢.

医院是‘生门’既是‘死门’的原点。有baby出世,有病人从死亡边缘活过来,死的人更是无计其数。每家医院是肯定有人mati. 百分百有hantu.

此外,在农历七月,全世界死的人数稍微比平日多一点。(Read post click -> #57 #1890)

1. 在医院,不要与病人、医生,或者其他人握手。
2. 探病后,晒晒太阳,出出汗。又或者,去super crowded shopping centre逛一/半个小时,然后才回家洗澡。
I read through some posts...mostly return the eggs to tpy temple. I believe the procedure is the same for tanjong pagar temple?

Blessed with our #2 after a sudden 'feeling' to want to go pray at the temple as we usually go to loyang tua peh gong.

After returning, can we take some eggs on other people behalf and pass to them? Got this close friend who are christian and they had been trying for very long.
Thanks very much for the advices! What about funeral wake of a very close relative we are needed to help out? Esp if wake is held likely at the 殡仪馆 eg. Singapore Casket, what can i do? And may need to go to the Mandai Cremation place too?
Thanks very much for the advices! What about funeral wake of a very close relative we are needed to help out? Esp if wake is held likely at the 殡仪馆 eg. Singapore Casket, what can i do? And may need to go to the Mandai Cremation place too?

Hello wonderfuljoy,
Teacher did mentioned before best to avoid. Pls see attachment. If not you may want to use the search engine to find the answers as well. Hope this helps.


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Thanks v much! I know its not good to attend funeral wakes etc, but what if its a parent's wake? I think my dad may be in a critical stage now, doctor told us to prepare for worst already. We do not have many siblings, just me and my brother. Dun think i may absent myself and not help out coz i m pregnant... =( ..... pls advice any precautious i may take if my participation is unavoidable. Many thanks!

Would like to know is it true that pregnant women cannot go massage shoulder? Because of got 胎神. I actually sad till now because I did went for wash and blow hair at salon and they massage my shoulder and when my baby girl born her shoulder got one big patch of 胎质. Till now I feel so guilty and feel very sad.
Thanks very much for the advices! What about funeral wake of a very close relative we are needed to help out? Esp if wake is held likely at the 殡仪馆 eg. Singapore Casket, what can i do? And may need to go to the Mandai Cremation place too?
你得必须读一读post #63 #331 #907 <-click


Thanks v much! I know its not good to attend funeral wakes etc, but what if its a parent's wake? I think my dad may be in a critical stage now, doctor told us to prepare for worst already. We do not have many siblings, just me and my brother. Dun think i may absent myself and not help out coz i m pregnant... =( ..... pls advice any precautious i may take if my participation is unavoidable. Many thanks!
父母亲往生的话,白事是得办的。孕妇要协助办丧事,是有好几种方法。老师只能教你最简单的方法之一。This is the one of the most simplest methods. 你得自己准备花水,回到家后沐浴。Refer to post. Click -> #64 #86. 若丧事是五天,你就准备五份。明白吗?

1. 最重要是要看得很开。不要哭。不要流眼泪。眼泪千千万万不能滴到棺材或者大体。最好不要触摸大体。

2. 千万不要一把鼻涕一把眼泪。老师看到的鬼魂,非常眷恋红尘依依不舍。人的阳寿尽了,宿命到此为止。人生已经是complete full stop. 鬼魂一定要离开人间,去他该去的地方。

3. 不要对这遗照、大体乱讲话。不要说"I missed you", "We love you", "Please visit us", "I am willing to be your child in next life" and etc. 这些话根本是没有意义。有没有爱父母、有没有恨父母、父母有没有对子女有怨恨,人一断气,慢慢就知道已经离开了。接着,人一做了鬼,真相会大白。老师知道有很多人犯了天大的大忌,那就是对着死人讲话及嚎啕大哭。要是周围有任何认识的人这样做,一定想办法拉住他。这是在帮她/他。不是开玩笑!

4. 要盖棺前,吩咐家属看最后一面的话,可以选择不要看。孕妇没胆,看了恐怕恶梦多。没有人可以强迫或者硬性规定家属得瞻仰仪容。老师建议,把爸爸的样子留在脑海里。而不是记住没血色的样子,令你永远睡不着觉。明白用意吧?

5. 若经济许可,请(佛教)诵经团的话,可以陪同诵经。这个最practical也能帮得了往生者。


除此之外,顺便让你知道,在新加坡有个华族籍贯,连自己的亲戚/亲人过世也不出席白事。Many Singaporeans do not know the older generation of that particular dialect group is still practising. They (most) do not show up in the wake or funeral of their close relatives/next-of-kins. 究竟是哪个籍贯,老师不讲。
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I read through some posts...mostly return the eggs to tpy temple. I believe the procedure is the same for tanjong pagar temple?

关于‘拿’或者‘吃’红鸡蛋, You may refer to post #1942 <- click.

After understanding post #1942, there are two hyperlinks (#578 #1592) must read too.

Blessed with our #2 after a sudden 'feeling' to want to go pray at the temple as we usually go to loyang tua peh gong.

After returning, can we take some eggs on other people behalf and pass to them? Got this close friend who are christian and they had been trying for very long.
1. Irregardless of religions, 生不出孩子是有原因。Refer to post #2229 <- click. There is a .pdf format file for everybody to download. It is written in Chinese. 老师接触过许许多多childless couples,凭多年的经验写的。

2. Christian and Roman Catholic believers 是可以求一求注生娘娘。要拿敬果求福,得必须自己用诚意去请。老师举个例子 - 你要找MP帮忙替你写信appeal for waiving parking summon. 你写了封要求信致给MP,然后拜托邻居拿去给MP. Now, do you think is this acceptable? 求神拜佛的道理是一样的。要请求菩萨神明的庇佑,必须亲自求。

圣经从来没说教徒不可以进佛寺道庙,也没说不可以拿香。老师认识也亲眼见证美国ang-moh Roman Catholic devotees拿香拜菩萨。老师也认识非佛教、道教徒拿香的。


老师百分百相信Virgin Mary的存在,但不会信奉天主教。
老师认同林俊杰、Kit Chan、孙燕姿的歌唱得很好,但是 老师不是他们的歌迷。
这摊肉骨茶客似云来高朋满座,但是 老师不吃也不会死。

这道理是相似的。Other religious devotees 相信注生娘娘,可以来参拜祈求。但这并不代表拜注生娘娘要改信仰。拜一下拜其他宗教的神明,不会"yeow-siew" 短命的。明白吧?
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How about pregnant lady visiting hospital to visit new born?
老师已经说过了,孕妇没事就别去医院。See post #37 <- click.


No doubt giving birth is a joyous occasion. 但是,一生了孩子就是‘坐月’了。有些人是不能沾坐月喜庆,连红鸡蛋、满月饼都不能吃。See post #1123 <- click.
Would like to know is it true that pregnant women cannot go massage shoulder? Because of got 胎神. I actually sad till now because I did went for wash and blow hair at salon and they massage my shoulder and when my baby girl born her shoulder got one big patch of 胎质. Till now I feel so guilty and feel very sad.




说到前世,老师岔开一点点话题... ...

要是孩子害怕坐船、搭飞机、游泳、diving、听到割草声、门铃声、铁链声、开窗、吹海风、又或者害怕/讨厌跟某个家庭成员等等,是他/她的先天恐惧,不要逼他去面对。甚至有些大人,做某些事突然也会感到非常恐惧。这个是正常的。No need to spend money to see psychiatrist.

要是孩子很喜欢溜冰、rock climbing、拉小提琴、表演话剧、吃curry/四川菜、照顾动物、跟猫狗讲话、看monkey、安静画画、学讲印度话等等也是他的前世带来的。百分百错不了。
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Thank you. Im believe my in 胎神. Just that I always tot is at home and won't be at outside. I really feel so so sad coz I'm cause her like tat she is girl. When grow up Don know will blame me or not.

My daughter is Zhu sheng niang niang help. I did pray and got my daughter. Very happy but I'm ruin it. Feel so sad.
老师已经说过了,孕妇没事就别去医院。See post #37 <- click.


No doubt giving birth is a joyous occasion. 但是,一生了孩子就是‘坐月’了。有些人是不能沾坐月喜庆,连红鸡蛋、满月饼都不能吃。See post #1123 <- click.
now I think I know my my mil told me not to eat the stuff in a first month cake box from sweetest moments that time when I was preggie. I thought it's because the box was given a few days ago and she thinks the food is not fresh so it's best that I don't eat it. I didn't really ask why she told me not to eat , i just thought , ok maybe u r scared that I fall sick. nvm I eat sth else then..
Thank you. Im believe my in 胎神. Just that I always tot is at home and won't be at outside. I really feel so so sad coz I'm cause her like tat she is girl. When grow up Don know will blame me or not.

My daughter is Zhu sheng niang niang help. I did pray and got my daughter. Very happy but I'm ruin it. Feel so sad.
Hi Gemson
Don't be sad. It is not your fault. Like what teacher mentioned, it may be due to her past live (s)
Hello gemson,

Would like to know is it true that pregnant women cannot go massage shoulder? Because of got 胎神. I actually sad till now because I did went for wash and blow hair at salon and they massage my shoulder and when my baby girl born her shoulder got one big patch of 胎质. Till now I feel so guilty and feel very sad.
i dun think is 100% your fault..
alot of people goes for pre-natal massage or visit chiropractor to fix their back but their babies also dont have 胎质

on my third trimester, i definitely will go to salon and cut my waist length hair to short hair... hair too long very troublesome...
I didn't know preggie so many things must avoid.. omg... I broke so many taboos le.. not on purpose but I didn't know..... I went to cut nails on my bed..... attend funeral etc (cos that time haven test yet) oh dear.. I can only cross my fingers and hope all is well...
I didn't know preggie so many things must avoid.. omg... I broke so many taboos le.. not on purpose but I didn't know..... I went to cut nails on my bed..... attend funeral etc (cos that time haven test yet) oh dear.. I can only cross my fingers and hope all is well...


Maybe you are stronger... hehe....
Thank you very much 老师!
感恩! =)
我有个疑问, 母亲喜欢在祖先祭日,七月, 清明等做些美味素食到庙里( 很多牌位的地方)祭祖, 拜拜. 同个地点也时常看到新的牌位在拜头七.
我们拜完后往往 把食物再包好带回家吃. 我上周末一起去拜, 拜了一起回家吃带回的拜过的食物.
隔天就不舒服, 可能天气热吧? 不知在庙拜过的食物可以吃吗?

也请问大白天中午在外用餐还可以吗? 我以为好兄弟只有傍晚出没... 谢谢
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Thank you. Im believe my in 胎神. Just that I always tot is at home and won't be at outside. I really feel so so sad coz I'm cause her like tat she is girl. When grow up Don know will blame me or not.

My daughter is Zhu sheng niang niang help. I did pray and got my daughter.


Paya Lebar 城隍庙、Sengkang崇义庙、四马路观音堂、佛光山、光明山,甚至有些neighbourhood的联合宫有免费香可以拿。点香、拜一下、然后插在香炉,前后时间花不到1min.

虔诚的Islam信徒 everyday sembahyang 5 次。要礼拜之前,必须洗手、脚、脸,每拜一次要花3-5mins. 华人嘛... 要等到初一、十五时,才来考虑要不要去拜。

至于,胎记没关系的。当着上天给她的permanent sticker as souvenir. :)
Dear all,

I will be returning 100 red eggs to 崇义庙 Chong Ghee temple @
80 rivervale crescent S545087 and 100 red eggs to 双林城隍庙 Toa Payoh Shuang Lin temple TOMORROW early noon - Saturday 22 August. Think by 2+pm they should be there. Do go to either one of them (or both) to collect your red eggs.

Hopefully u can catch some baby dust :) ALL THE BEST!!!

Sorry for the late notice.
老师已经说过了,孕妇没事就别去医院。See post #37 <- click.


No doubt giving birth is a joyous occasion. 但是,一生了孩子就是‘坐月’了。有些人是不能沾坐月喜庆,连红鸡蛋、满月饼都不能吃。See post #1123 <- click.
Hi teacher, how about lady that just give birth and visit the hospital to visit terminally ill parent after baby's first month?
Yes we did every weekend Sat and SUn go Sengkang there pray as we stay nearby only. We always pray and always say thank you to ZHu SHeng niang niang. When I on leave I sure will travel to bugis pray kuan yin. And for chu Yi Shi Wu I will go other tampines temple pray. Pray for good health and happy happy family.
Just want to check is it correct the way I pray and talk. Coz I only always pray and say 请观音娘娘,注生娘娘 保佑我(my name)的家人我妈妈name,我的弟弟name,我的老公name,我的儿子name 和我的女儿name身体健康,出入平安等等等。is it correct way to pray and say?
Hi Gemson, you should be paying respect to the god first then say out your stuff. Below is my statement. Just like you go see President, you confirm you will greet him first before you start the conversation.

南无大慈大悲观世音菩萨,我XXX(own name)向您请安。菩萨才接受你的礼拜. Then you can say whatever your wish to the god. Teacher had stated before.
Thank you Steve. That why I also feel I like say not correct because I did heard some ppl and I different saying. Will take note on that when pray. How about ZHu sheng niang niang how to greet?
Teacher, thanks for your help in answering all the questions for us here... i am really impressed by your knowledge. there are many taboos that actually our own elderly at home or relatives also may not know. And We are thankful that you are always here to advise us... i am actually the threadstarter of this thread, my initial motive of starting this thread is to learn about how to pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang. But I am happy that i learnt more things than expected and get to receive many valuable advice from the experts here :) :)
Teacher 早, I HV 2 girls, age 3 and 6 now. Within these 2yr, I had 2 failed pregnancy, atound 8weeks, one with no heartbeat, 2nd one only yolk Sac but no fetal pole. Now is my 3rd pregnancy, seen Gynae saw fetal pole but no heartbeat. Gynae say chance not high, but ask me do ultrasound again nxt Monday , if still no heartbeat HV to schedule DNC. 1)From now till Monday, any thing I can do like 念经 or抄经 to hope for miracle? 2)Now July month, if really HV to go for DNC How?3) previous 2 pregnancy also DNC. If July not on time to 超度for them, can wait till nxt yr 清明? Thank you for your advise。
I just left the tpy temple. And i saw that there are many red eggs! If you stay or work nearby, please come and take. I think temple closing at 5pm. If i am not wrong.



ya, during the funeral I didn't know I was preggie.. then I tot only cannot use scissors on bed then when I read carefully alamak, nail clipper also cannot.. now that I know, I don't do it anymore.. just pray that everything will be safe and smooth from now on..
ya, during the funeral I didn't know I was preggie.. then I tot only cannot use scissors on bed then when I read carefully alamak, nail clipper also cannot.. now that I know, I don't do it anymore.. just pray that everything will be safe and smooth from now on..
i also got used... but my case is my family not traditional one.. even my grandma or mother or aunties also wun know this type of thing...haha...
so i think i also break alot of "do not do stuffs"
Teacher, thanks for your help in answering all the questions for us here... i am really impressed by your knowledge. there are many taboos that actually our own elderly at home or relatives also may not know. And We are thankful that you are always here to advise us... i am actually the threadstarter of this thread, my initial motive of starting this thread is to learn about how to pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang. But I am happy that i learnt more things than expected and get to receive many valuable advice from the experts here :) :)
您是threadstarter. 谢谢您开了这个thread哦!功德无量!Many members/readers相信收获不浅。

This thread is among the few popular threads that has the highest number of readers. 目前为止,in the entire Singapore forumboards, 就只有这个forum and thread discussed alot about 民俗习惯以及拜神求子。

老师尽量try to stick back to the origin of discussion (with respect to this thread). 也会尽量少写其他的,免得discussion topic drift away.
我有个疑问, 母亲喜欢在祖先祭日,七月, 清明等做些美味素食到庙里( 很多牌位的地方)祭祖, 拜拜. 同个地点也时常看到新的牌位在拜头七.
我们拜完后往往 把食物再包好带回家吃. 我上周末一起去拜, 拜了一起回家吃带回的拜过的食物.
隔天就不舒服, 可能天气热吧? 不知在庙拜过的食物可以吃吗?

也请问大白天中午在外用餐还可以吗? 我以为好兄弟只有傍晚出没... 谢谢
你的问题与post #1928类似。

不会是天气热那么凑巧。鬼吃过的和人吃的,还要老师说吗?哈哈... ...


老师很喜欢给人机会test try. 你可以尝试供给观世音菩萨的苹果和供给七月半好兄弟的苹果,试吃之后不就知道了嘛!呵呵... ...

也请问大白天中午在外用餐还可以吗? 我以为好兄弟只有傍晚出没... 谢谢




Kindly note: Any queries pertaining to Chinese Lunar 7th Month, please post in the correct thread. Click -> [Advice About 7th Month] or [Can Go Zoo During 7th Month]. I encourage members to use search engine in this forum too.
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Teacher 早, I HV 2 girls, age 3 and 6 now. Within these 2yr, I had 2 failed pregnancy, atound 8weeks, one with no heartbeat, 2nd one only yolk Sac but no fetal pole. Now is my 3rd pregnancy, seen Gynae saw fetal pole but no heartbeat. Gynae say chance not high, but ask me do ultrasound again nxt Monday , if still no heartbeat HV to schedule DNC.

1)From now till Monday, any thing I can do like 念经 or抄经 to hope for miracle?

1. 别到处乱吃食物。
2. 向你夫家的祖先以及附近的庙宇祈求。你有三天的时间给你去拜。

2)Now July month, if really HV to go for DNC How?

3) previous 2 pregnancy also DNC. If July not on time to 超度for them, can wait till nxt yr 清明?
水陆法会 - Not many temples can do it. Not necessary to be in 清明 or 七月。

Just to ask, tomorrow my husband company praying 7mths at office which this company is my aunt and she ask me bring along my kids also. I don know is it can bring kids go? My kid one 6 one 18mths . Thank you
Thanks for informing babyjuan! I just went to TPY to pray and get the red eggs! There are still many many left! Those still keen can go get. Good luck to all and hope your baby dust will bless us with babies soon!
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Just to ask, tomorrow my husband company praying 7mths at office which this company is my aunt and she ask me bring along my kids also. I don know is it can bring kids go? My kid one 6 one 18mths . Thank you
See post #121.

Kindly note: Any queries pertaining to Chinese Lunar 7th Month, please post in the correct thread. Click -> [Advice About 7th Month] or [Can Go Zoo During 7th Month]. I encourage members to use search engine in this forum too.
Hi teacher, how about lady that just give birth and visit the hospital to visit terminally ill parent after baby's first month?

For Mother
南洋华人的传统上,坐月(30日)完毕之后,才算是比较“干净”。有些坐月14日、21日。要做足30日的,most Singaporeans do not practise.

For Baby
Baby弥月30日是华人比较普遍重视。49日相当完整。要非常安全又非常讲究,baby出世过整100日之后,长辈可以出庆祝 - baby纳运!父母请大家吃斋米粉、蛋糕、ang-gu-kuay. Baby在出世的100日以内,起不少变化。老道长、老法师、甚至少部份经验丰富的老阿嫲老ah-pek会知道。

The Importance of Post Delivery Recouperation (坐月)
话说回来,重要的是生产后就应该要好好地坐月,而不是到闲逛四处跑。Ang-moh产后没有坐月,吹风、洗澡、喝冰水、游泳等等。所以,大部份的老外是整身病, everywhere pun sakit. 这个是老师旅居国外时发现的。
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For Mother
南洋华人的传统上,坐月(30日)完毕之后,才算是比较“干净”。有些坐月14日、21日。要做足30日的,most Singaporeans do not practise.

For Baby
Baby弥月30日是华人比较普遍重视。49日相当完整。要非常安全又非常讲究,baby出世过整100日之后,长辈可以出庆祝 - baby纳运!父母请大家吃斋米粉、蛋糕、ang-gu-kuay. Baby在出世的100日以内,起不少变化。老道长、老法师、甚至少部份经验丰富的老阿嫲老ah-pek会知道。

The Importance of Post Delivery Recouperation (坐月)
话说回来,重要的是生产后就应该要好好地坐月,而不是到闲逛四处跑。Ang-moh产后没有坐月,吹风、洗澡、喝冰水、游泳等等。所以,大部份的老外是整身病, everywhere pun sakit. 这个是老师旅居国外时发现的。
老师,if I offer prayers twice everyday with joss stick to the Lord Buddha, could I do the same when I am menstrating? I am also chanting the heart sutra..can I chant during my menses period?

Thanks teacher, hope to hear from u soon!
