Your's Truly - Hello Kitty

Anyone keen?

I have 2 extra golden hp charm for sale. Can exchange for ribbon hp charm and rose hp charm.

msbrown, borrow your pic. tks..

I hav an ribbon hp charm, but juz wana sell nt to exchange leh, u keen? Coz' i oso hav extras of the gold crown hp charm.
ladies who went to kittylab,
may I know what is kittylab abt?
saw the ppl holding the cloud like thingy what is it?

I went.. I had fun! Was a kid again.. hahaa...

But then again, i went for the preview where we allowed to take photos..
I enjoyed myself too. Yes, during the preview, it's was an exception that we were allowed to have our photos taken as there were media taking pics too.

It officially started on 14 Nov and no photo or video taking are allowed.
Eliz, Daphne
Really? can say that all kitty fans should enjoy very much at the kittylab. wonder y my bro's frd say not worth going. kekeke....
Hi Ladies

Have the following items to let go from the Winter Series LD at cost :-

a) Ear Muffin X 1
b) Socks - Black colour x 1
c) Note Pad - Light Pink x 1

Anybody interested ?
Hi Ladies,

Anyone letting go hot water bag (no. 5), please let me know. I would like to buy or exchange with No. 4 (fluffy cushion).

Thank You.

Got the following items to let go at cost:

1. leg warmers - black x 2
2. Ear muffler- black X 3
3. Room Slippers- Pink with bright pink ribbonx3
4. Room Slippers- Dark Pink with light pink ribbonx2

PM me if keen.

Have a hot water bag to let go at $30, or bundle of hot water bag + a notebook to let go at $35.

Also keen to exchange notebook to leg warmers.

Pls sms/pm me.


Hi ladies,

I got the following to sell:

Cushion x 2ea - $18.00ea
Room slippers Pink x 1ea - $9.00
Pouch Pink x 1ea - $9.00

Don't mind exchange the cushion for leggings too.
Hi Ladies,

Anyone has the hood no. 3 or the light for sale do let me know...Thinking of using it to bring my baby back from hospital and decor the light with the light...Thanks.

Wow your luck very good leh! Got the light, poncho and 2 cushions with so little draws! Congrats!

Btw, I wanna get the HK mould u posted above. Add in my order when your BP is up ya? TIA!

The round round like cupcake thing? It is a pair of soft bedroom 'shoes'.
Hi Kelly
Hmm, are u refering to the round thingy on the box?
Its a lamp... when on, will shine HK prints on the walls!! Very dim light though..
More for night light.. but "eats" alot battery.

Hi Dior
The poncho like too big for baby ley.. If you see my gal pic above, fits her just nicely.

Hi HelloKitty
Yaya.. very lucky. 1st dip was the lamp! I cldn't believe my eyes.
I was late somemore.. Was already 3 set when i reached KP!
Noted your order on the HK Mould. Cakediy BP#9 will start next week.
The sandwich mould very cute hor?
Ya i saw the real thing... but thought can sew or do something to it to make it smaller..I really no everything except the first 3 prizes... sigh..
Hi Dior
I see.. The material is really suitable if you are able to DIY it smaller.
Hope u will be able to find someone who's selling.
I'm bringing this for my gal during my upcoming Korea Trip
Hi Dior
I see.. The material is really suitable if you are able to DIY it smaller.
Hope u will be able to find someone who's selling.
I'm bringing this for my gal during my upcoming Korea Trip
i will join ur BP for the mould, its cutee..
can i ask what's the mat'l for the LD pouch? isit furry? i like it, i wish i can get hold of that when Sanrio released this LD.

ur leggings refering to leg warmers? if yes, i am keen to exchange cushion with my black leg warmer. let me know if u r interested.
Thanks for all interest. Managed to exchange 1 of my cushions for 2 leggings.
Now left 1 cushion for sale of $18

Haha.. Rarely mummy so lucky so You are right, lucky megan.

Oops sorry I misunderstood.

Wow first dip got the lamp liao! Lucky u! Going Korea? Keke can use the earmuff too!
The lamp is really pretty!

Sanrio released this LD liao leh. I drew at Taka. The SA mentioned only 1 set at Isetan Scotts and 2 sets at Taka.

Revised price:
Hot water bag @ $25
2 dark pink notebooks at $8 each.

Sms/PM me if keen!

I'm rarely so lucky ah.. I was so worried cldn't draw coz 3pm I was still stuck in Malaysia!!

Yup, That's why this LD came at the right time for me!
I also bought another HK Winter Jacket for the megan for the trip too.
1st overseas trip with her, super anxious!
I'm tempted by the Hot Water bag ley.. Keen on my cushion? I can top up the balance.
<font color="0000ff">hi ladies,
i've lots of the following to let go at cost ($10):

1. Room Slippers - pink &amp; red
2. Ear Muffles - pink &amp; black
3. Leg Warmers - pink &amp; black
4. Pouch - both designs available
