Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

back in sep 2014 i ask the nurse at delivery suite before... even if u r under private in kkh for prenatal check up.. if say b4 37week u feel smthg is wrong, u can walk in 2kkh delivery suite 2check n admit if required as c ward... in that case, both baby in nicu n mummy will b subsidised.. but canot choose doc.. but i din test this system back then..

back in sep 2014 i ask the nurse at delivery suite before... even if u r under private in kkh for prenatal check up.. if say b4 37week u feel smthg is wrong, u can walk in 2kkh delivery suite 2check n admit if required as c ward... in that case, both baby in nicu n mummy will b subsidised.. but canot choose doc.. but i din test this system back then..
Actually, usually if you think something is wrong, the first thing you would think of is the doctor who attended to you all this while cos he knows your condition :p I think not many ladies would want to risk getting a new doc to tend to something which could be risky. Cos already waited till the last 5% already, so I assume most will close one eye and pay the private fees.
Dun worry too much. I'm expecting twins too and have spotting even before my beta and it continues even till now at 11th week. Dr also told me could be implantation bleeding back then or that the uterus is expanding. I was also told could be placenta implantation. Also had 1 episode of red bleeding but thankfully everything is alright. You just monitor and if bleeding red, please go to the hospital/clinic immediately.

Take care and jia you! :)

Thanks Joy for the reassurance. Yup I'm taking extra care and rest now. Pray that everything will go smoothly..
I was one of the lucky "1 - 2% of all pregnancies" that had placenta previa major all the way till I delivered. My case is much worse, the placenta is not only low laying, it's actually sitting ON the darn cervix. Had one minor bleed at 22 wks, but luckily no other episodes till my scheduled c sect at 37+5 wks. U can refer to my earlier posts abt what to take note of. In addition to no BD, no heavy lifting etc that u ladies already mentioned, one more thing I was told to avoid by my Gynae is rubbing my tummy. Apparently that might set off contractions as well. N no travel too, in case of medical emergency. Because of my minor bleed, I was advised to visit a polyclinic to "open a file" with KK as a subsidized patient, in case I deliver before 35 wks. So from 22 wks to 35 wks, I was visiting both KK n Mt E. U have to register yourself as a subsidized patient via the poly route if u want subsidized rates for yourself n bb, cannot go in as private patient n ask to downgrade later.

But since yours is low laying with >2cm separation, u still have a fairly good chance of it moving up as the uterus expand n stretch, n having a natural birth. My colleague's moved when she was 35 wks n she delivered naturally at 41 wks. So don't worry so much yet! Just take it easy from now on. For me life still went on, I worked till 4 days before I popped, I played mahjong every Friday night, n I went for every baby fair under the sun. Hehe.
Actually, usually if you think something is wrong, the first thing you would think of is the doctor who attended to you all this while cos he knows your condition :p I think not many ladies would want to risk getting a new doc to tend to something which could be risky. Cos already waited till the last 5% already, so I assume most will close one eye and pay the private fees.

Actually depends on the situation - if it's very heavy bleeding n early delivery seems imminent, KK is actually not a bad option cos the worry is on the care of the premature baby, not the mummy. The mummy will be discharged 4-5 days later anyway. In this aspect, KK NICU is definitely the most experienced in SG. When my Mt E "kicked me" to KK, he explained that NICU a day at Mt E is $1k. Imagine if the bb is born at 30 wks. 3 months of NICU is $100k! The subsidized rate is abt 30% of that.

Of coz, if it's a case where it's not torrential bleeding so not confirmed that have to deliver immediately, then of coz go back to the experienced Gynae who might be better able to prevent early delivery. Cos the KK subsidized gynaes are a joke - most of them look younger than me!
Hi ladies a rather 'lame' qns to ask, did u inform ur parents/In laws on ur BFP or wait till past the first trimester?
I think most important is what is safest for bb. Pray hard that bubbie will be safe and things will go smoothly. You will do your best and take very good care for your bubbie. Try not to be afraid k. *hugs*

*hugs* Yup yup correct. Must think what is safest for baby. Someone I know did natural with low-lying placenta and the poor baby came out with a half-bruised and swollen face. I think it will break my heart if I see that. Better C-sect than that.
Then Dr have to order bed rest until u almost due. U Gd girl ask ur baby stay until at least 35wks. Jia you

Thank you, yah I keep talking to baby and tell him he must stay inside until 39 weeks and don't come out too early. Yah I think if continue to be lower twds the end of the third trimester, Dr may order bed rest.
Rest more should be fine. Maybe nearer to delivery date everything ok.

Yup yup.. I'm telling myself to do everything slow and walk less, bend less etc. Hopefully it'll correct itself as time goes by.

Don't worry, one of my friends has her placenta blocking the entrance too, and it didn't help that her water bag was leaking, so she had bed rest in the hospital for about 1.5 - 2 months before undergoing C-sec. Her girl is 2+ years old now.

Ooh no, that's scary. But yah, I did hear Dr will give bed rest if it comes to a worrying stage.
Buy the Ribena less sugar one. Bluff him say see its indicated less sugar so I can drink haha.

I do have the less sugar version at home but I got a naggy hubs! And diluted Ribena actually taste quite bad! haha

My bump not obvious yet so far no one come and touch me. Maybe try not to stand too close to the other party?

Well, one of them is my bff and maybe she's just excited or what...she even asked to see the bb scan pix but I'm just not comfortable. So I just told her straight that I'm 'pantang'!
Hi ladies a rather 'lame' qns to ask, did u inform ur parents/In laws on ur BFP or wait till past the first trimester?

I didn even tell my mil until we step into Taiwan n ask my hub to ask her can preg women eat tea egg anot. That's where they know I'm preg as for my side I nv tell also coz my nausea action show them that I'm preg haha
Hi ladies

I got my beta of 1039 on 15dpt 3dt on 30 December and this is the best Xmas and NY present I have gotten.

Everything was ok so far but this morning I saw light bleeding after I visited the bathroom. Not sure the bleeding was from the front or back, was totally freaked out by it and trembling when i called my hub to inform him.

Decided to go to KK O&G clinic even though IVF centre asked me to monitor first. Thankfully the bleeding stopped after that wipe in the toilet. Doctor checked and said there is no more bleeding either from the front or the back. She sent me for scan at the AMC.

Saw 2 yolk sacs from the scan and Doctor say it is too early now to say if the pregnancy will continue successfully. Will have to go back for another scan next week and see the gynae. She said the bleeding could be implantation bleeding. Is it normal to have implantation bleeding at this stage when I should be around 5 weeks?

I had spotting for 1 week after getting BFP. Thereafter, I had 2 red bleeding episodes on 2 consecutives weekends. Both times the doc at O&G couldn't tell what could have caused the bleeding but I was given support jab on both times. Despite the bleeding stopped subsequently, being the kiasu and kiasi me, I requested to be given jabs when I went back to my gyne for review and he's totally cool about it seeing how paranoid I am. So I had another 2 more jabs on bi-weekly basis before he says no need to jab anymore. So no harm asking your doc for it also if it makes you feel more secured as well. Take care and everything will be fine!
I didn even tell my mil until we step into Taiwan n ask my hub to ask her can preg women eat tea egg anot. That's where they know I'm preg as for my side I nv tell also coz my nausea action show them that I'm preg haha

Sometimes I do have the urge to just share the joy but i guess it's better to be on e safe side? Luckily there's this channel for me to vent my excitement...
Thank you, yah I keep talking to baby and tell him he must stay inside until 39 weeks and don't come out too early. Yah I think if continue to be lower twds the end of the third trimester, Dr may order bed rest.

hey babe, my friend had low lying placenta also. And towards last tri, her waterbag level low but she had a lot of rest and everything turns out fine. Natural birth at 39 weeks. So just take good care of yourself. I'm sure your boy can hear you!
*hugs* Yup yup correct. Must think what is safest for baby. Someone I know did natural with low-lying placenta and the poor baby came out with a half-bruised and swollen face. I think it will break my heart if I see that. Better C-sect than that.
OMG!! why half-bruised? they used forceps? The mummy must be in severe pain!
Hi ladies a rather 'lame' qns to ask, did u inform ur parents/In laws on ur BFP or wait till past the first trimester?

I only inform my parents but not my in-laws as not close to them. Infact I wanted to wait till after detailed scan then say but I know my dh will slaughter me if I do so! haha
I had spotting for 1 week after getting BFP. Thereafter, I had 2 red bleeding episodes on 2 consecutives weekends. Both times the doc at O&G couldn't tell what could have caused the bleeding but I was given support jab on both times. Despite the bleeding stopped subsequently, being the kiasu and kiasi me, I requested to be given jabs when I went back to my gyne for review and he's totally cool about it seeing how paranoid I am. So I had another 2 more jabs on bi-weekly basis before he says no need to jab anymore. So no harm asking your doc for it also if it makes you feel more secured as well. Take care and everything will be fine!
It's always good to be more kiasu and kiasee...! Don't you agree it's so damn stressful to see blood, regardless pink, brown, red on the panties? The feeling just feel so sucky. The previous pregnancy, I practically checked into KKH O&G almost every week to have jabs till the 12th week and I requested to pop 3 duphaston pills instead of the usual 2.
I only inform my parents but not my in-laws as not close to them. Infact I wanted to wait till after detailed scan then say but I know my dh will slaughter me if I do so! haha's like that! every daughter (opps, or rather most ladies) is not close to the in-laws! Priority is given to parents, then in-laws :p If own mummy nags, it's fine. if MIL nags, sorry, I am getting my canons and guns ready to shoot back :p
I didn even tell my mil until we step into Taiwan n ask my hub to ask her can preg women eat tea egg anot. That's where they know I'm preg as for my side I nv tell also coz my nausea action show them that I'm preg haha
wa, not bad ley, but you need to walk alot in Taiwan, you felt ok? Plus your nausea won't act up while working through the food street (as in strong smells from the street food)?
It's always good to be more kiasu and kiasee...! Don't you agree it's so damn stressful to see blood, regardless pink, brown, red on the panties? The feeling just feel so sucky. The previous pregnancy, I practically checked into KKH O&G almost every week to have jabs till the 12th week and I requested to pop 3 duphaston pills instead of the usual 2.

OMG I feel you!!! For my 2nd bleeding episode, I couldn't contain my emotions and cried at O&G while waiting for our turn. Was the longest wait to see doc ever! I was on jab, 3 times of duphaston, utrogeston every night and progynova. Guess I was on max support during then and glad to be able to pull through. But still not taking anything for granted. Hope your current pregnancy & all other mummies to be here will have a smooth sailing 9 mths with no spotting & no bleeding episodes.
Hi ladies a rather 'lame' qns to ask, did u inform ur parents/In laws on ur BFP or wait till past the first trimester?
We informed parents and in-laws only. After first scan, then inform siblings (our families very small) and agreed with all that for all other relatives, will inform only after first tri.
OMG I feel you!!! For my 2nd bleeding episode, I couldn't contain my emotions and cried at O&G while waiting for our turn. Was the longest wait to see doc ever! I was on jab, 3 times of duphaston, utrogeston every night and progynova. Guess I was on max support during then and glad to be able to pull through. But still not taking anything for granted. Hope your current pregnancy & all other mummies to be here will have a smooth sailing 9 mths with no spotting & no bleeding episodes.
It just didn't help that O&G doctors are so matter of fact - "Ï have no explanation for your bleeding, there is nothing much we can do"and you see them scribble ""threatened miscarriage" on their notes. My heart flipped and my limbs turned cold.
We informed parents and in-laws only. After first scan, then inform siblings (our families very small) and agreed with all that for all other relatives, will inform only after first tri.
You are a very good DIL, Dawn. So any ÿou must do this, you must do that"" from your MIL? :p
You are a very good DIL, Dawn. So any ÿou must do this, you must do that"" from your MIL? :p
Actually no lah, it's really because my MIL really very nice to me as I think she has two daughters herself and she herself blessed with very nice MIL while hubby is her only son. I just do as feel should reciprocate her kindness. It's my mum who is the more 'I know better than you' naggy type. But she's my mum after all and will take care of me too.
I was one of the lucky "1 - 2% of all pregnancies" that had placenta previa major all the way till I delivered. My case is much worse, the placenta is not only low laying, it's actually sitting ON the darn cervix. Had one minor bleed at 22 wks, but luckily no other episodes till my scheduled c sect at 37+5 wks. U can refer to my earlier posts abt what to take note of. In addition to no BD, no heavy lifting etc that u ladies already mentioned, one more thing I was told to avoid by my Gynae is rubbing my tummy. Apparently that might set off contractions as well. N no travel too, in case of medical emergency. Because of my minor bleed, I was advised to visit a polyclinic to "open a file" with KK as a subsidized patient, in case I deliver before 35 wks. So from 22 wks to 35 wks, I was visiting both KK n Mt E. U have to register yourself as a subsidized patient via the poly route if u want subsidized rates for yourself n bb, cannot go in as private patient n ask to downgrade later.

But since yours is low laying with >2cm separation, u still have a fairly good chance of it moving up as the uterus expand n stretch, n having a natural birth. My colleague's moved when she was 35 wks n she delivered naturally at 41 wks. So don't worry so much yet! Just take it easy from now on. For me life still went on, I worked till 4 days before I popped, I played mahjong every Friday night, n I went for every baby fair under the sun. Hehe.

Hi bbcrips, so if it's via poly route, will ur gynae still be w u? Or the doctor will keep changing as subsidized patient?

Then during delivery, which gynae assist to deliver?
Don't worry, all scans are done gynae's clinic except for dating scan and the detailed scans.

Thanks shiro_ger :)
Sounds more pleasing now when o dun hav to go AMC or dept of DR

Anw it's super hard to get Dr Tan HH. My next appt is like 6 weeks after week 8 checkup. Is it normal to be 6 weeks apart? I thought it's bi-weekly check since Im having twins. But week 12 will be my NT scan.
It's always good to be more kiasu and kiasee...! Don't you agree it's so damn stressful to see blood, regardless pink, brown, red on the panties? The feeling just feel so sucky. The previous pregnancy, I practically checked into KKH O&G almost every week to have jabs till the 12th week and I requested to pop 3 duphaston pills instead of the usual 2.

Thanks both for advice. I'll be seeing Dr Jerry Chan next Thursday and will ask him if I should get a jab or increase my duphaston dosage.
so it's true that in the event of complications, cases will be referred to KKH? Cos my that friend who had placenta issues, she was from TMC, her doc referred her to KKH, but at that time, KKH did not take her in (dunno whatever reasons - could be bed availability etc) so she ended up in SGH.
Ya, private patient under private gynae in the Private Suite is definitely more ex (but the single room is quite cosy :p)

My dr told me if there is risk of premature he will arrange for me to go SGH and deliver but Ofcourse by another dr. The nicu bill in Pte is too expensive and can be 100 thousands. I really hope no need to face this decision.
Thanks both for advice. I'll be seeing Dr Jerry Chan next Thursday and will ask him if I should get a jab or increase my duphaston dosage.

Havefaith I remember the girls in smh thread mentioned dr Jerry has an email address and he reply promptly. You may want to check with him.
Thank you, yah I keep talking to baby and tell him he must stay inside until 39 weeks and don't come out too early. Yah I think if continue to be lower twds the end of the third trimester, Dr may order bed rest.
I delivered my girl at 38wks become of water level low at the final scan. Did a e C-sect
Thanks shiro_ger :)
Sounds more pleasing now when o dun hav to go AMC or dept of DR

Anw it's super hard to get Dr Tan HH. My next appt is like 6 weeks after week 8 checkup. Is it normal to be 6 weeks apart? I thought it's bi-weekly check since Im having twins. But week 12 will be my NT scan.
Is normal. After the 8wks scan, my next spot with Dr Tan is at ard 14-15wks
Thanks ladies for the reply. Me n DH feels that at least past first trimester then announce to parents. Cause both also don't know we going thru ivf so if announce early then they sure gan Chong spider volunteer accompany for check up.
Hi bbcrips, so if it's via poly route, will ur gynae still be w u? Or the doctor will keep changing as subsidized patient?

Then during delivery, which gynae assist to deliver?

nope you have to use the KK team of subsidised gynaes. n yes the doc changes during every appt, which was why i just forked out the money and go to both kk and mt e for my gynae visits, cos at kk they really don't check much - they don't even scan during the regular visits. for my case, as its was a high risk delivery, they told me they will get a senior doc to do the c sect. but they couldn't tell me who it will be, as its on a rotating basis. so to me, the kk visits are just for formalities, in case really any emergencies, they have my background. ideally, if can tahan till at least 35 wks, best to go with your private gynae la, cos frankly speaking, i really didn't have any confidence in that few young docs i met at kk. my delivery was complicated - my pte gynae had to cut through my placenta and my blood was (n i quote him) "gushing out like a fountain". i ended up with 3 packets of blood transfusion. but my surgery was handled very well by my gynae n i recovered very fast.
nope you have to use the KK team of subsidised gynaes. n yes the doc changes during every appt, which was why i just forked out the money and go to both kk and mt e for my gynae visits, cos at kk they really don't check much - they don't even scan during the regular visits. for my case, as its was a high risk delivery, they told me they will get a senior doc to do the c sect. but they couldn't tell me who it will be, as its on a rotating basis. so to me, the kk visits are just for formalities, in case really any emergencies, they have my background. ideally, if can tahan till at least 35 wks, best to go with your private gynae la, cos frankly speaking, i really didn't have any confidence in that few young docs i met at kk. my delivery was complicated - my pte gynae had to cut through my placenta and my blood was (n i quote him) "gushing out like a fountain". i ended up with 3 packets of blood transfusion. but my surgery was handled very well by my gynae n i recovered very fast.

Wow u r really a brave mom!


Ya it's true that those young docs can't really make higher decisions. I went O&G 24hr clinic n I had enough of them after spending almost $400 yet they found altgt 7cm cysts on LO n do nth to it and they can't even extend my HL until I see Dr Tan.
Anyone had serious MS ? It's like having stomach flu. You feel giddy and do not want to move around at all as it makes you more naseuous. I have been throwing up the whole day. I can't even go to work today. Went gp get 1 day mc.
Thanks ladies for the reply. Me n DH feels that at least past first trimester then announce to parents. Cause both also don't know we going thru ivf so if announce early then they sure gan Chong spider volunteer accompany for check up.

I did tell them from start I went ivf and my mom took care of me tru out. Think they are concern and regardless if it's successful, at least they know we r making an effort to TTC.

Prob they may know what to cook for u during first trim so to provide more nutrients and they will not cook wrong food. Eg, pedai, danggui and black fungus will prompt for early miscarriage.
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Anyone had serious MS ? It's like having stomach flu. You feel giddy and do not want to move around at all as it makes you more naseuous. I have been throwing up the whole day. I can't even go to work today. Went gp get 1 day mc.

Think u can go to your gynae to get a week or two of HL. My colleague did and she's resting at home.

I had giddiness but not to the point I will throw out. It mayb due to not enough blood or growth of placenta. When I'm giddy, I will crave for salty or sour food. Will sour plum help? I prefer gummy bears and drinking hot soup to soothe the nauseous.
Wow u r really a brave mom!


Ya it's true that those young docs can't really make higher decisions. I went O&G 24hr clinic n I had enough of them after spending almost $400 yet they found altgt 7cm cysts on LO n do nth to it and they can't even extend my HL until I see Dr Tan.

I think most of them are just medical officer and not really a full fledge dr yet. After graduate these student will be trained as medical officer in govt hospital before they proceed further.
Thanks ladies for the reply. Me n DH feels that at least past first trimester then announce to parents. Cause both also don't know we going thru ivf so if announce early then they sure gan Chong spider volunteer accompany for check up.
I think doing what's best to make you comfortable and stress-free most important. The subsequent 2wws for scans can be torturous and worrisome at times but you are not alone, can seek comfort through this forum mah. Jia you! :)
Did any lady here hide the fact that your little one/ones are through IVF? I did not tell anybody (except one bestie) including my family cos I didn't want them to think that my kid is different from others. The last thing I want is if he has the usual cough/flu, the comments are "there, I know why he's weaker than others, cos he's an IVF" baby.
I think doing what's best to make you comfortable and stress-free most important. The subsequent 2wws for scans can be torturous and worrisome at times but you are not alone, can seek comfort through this forum mah. Jia you! :)
Ya! Tend to be very paranoid - don't know if it's due to hormones or what. Seems like the brain tend to have negative thoughts!
Did any lady here hide the fact that your little one/ones are through IVF? I did not tell anybody (except one bestie) including my family cos I didn't want them to think that my kid is different from others. The last thing I want is if he has the usual cough/flu, the comments are "there, I know why he's weaker than others, cos he's an IVF" baby.

I understand how U feel. I also worried if anything happen people will put the blame on ivf. Cos not many people understand how ivf works. If U feel your family will make such comment then is ok not to let them know.
I understand how U feel. I also worried if anything happen people will put the blame on ivf. Cos not many people understand how ivf works. If U feel your family will make such comment then is ok not to let them know.
Ya, you r right. So far I am so glad I made the right decision of not letting anybody know. People then to have a misconception of how IVF works and think that IVF babies are less healthier. If I am not in this situation, I would have the same thoughts too
wa, not bad ley, but you need to walk alot in Taiwan, you felt ok? Plus your nausea won't act up while working through the food street (as in strong smells from the street food)?

I was towards ending my first trimester n not really walk a lot I got 1 day bed rest in kao shiong. I dun have much nausea feeling only certain food.
Did any lady here hide the fact that your little one/ones are through IVF? I did not tell anybody (except one bestie) including my family cos I didn't want them to think that my kid is different from others. The last thing I want is if he has the usual cough/flu, the comments are "there, I know why he's weaker than others, cos he's an IVF" baby.

I didn hide at all, my family are very open they say nowadays many ppl go for ivf even my cousin who is base in China for work, his wife also came to Singapore kkh to have ivf. Most of my hub n my side family n friends all know we are on Ivf. I don't see it any wrong. In fact they admire us bcoz ivf is not a smooth journey need to take jabs everyday n etc...
I will wait till my boy grow up next time n tell him hw 'mummy suffer just to have u' so u must be good to mummy haha

Did any lady here hide the fact that your little one/ones are through IVF? I did not tell anybody (except one bestie) including my family cos I didn't want them to think that my kid is different from others. The last thing I want is if he has the usual cough/flu, the comments are "there, I know why he's weaker than others, cos he's an IVF" baby.

By then they will say must be ur breast milk that is causing them to be sick blah blah blah now is the trend thing
