TOA PAYOH mummies

Dor ,

ya i am aware of that and have to prepare our own snack . But i like that their teachers speak more english and the space is big =)


sent you the no. already.
hahah am looking to her for the adhoc nanny services.... hahah if you see that she is good do let me know k... coz looking for someone that is able to come in at least 3 to 4 time a week to do all the house work but got to work on a very tight budget.... :p hehehe coz i was thinking that to employ a maid is very tough and got to live with a stranger my hubby is not keen on that....
Hi mummies, any comments on toa payoh methodist church kindergarten? I am sourcing around to see which kindy to send my boy next year but not childcare. I'm a sahm so juz looking for 3hr program. Thks in advance.
Hi rkjk, if you don't mind the distance, then I recommend Singapore Montessori Kindergarten. It's a 3 hour programme either from 815-1115 or 1115-215pm. There is a school bus transport service. Teachers there are nice, patient and they do prepare the kids well. My daughter is there at the moment, K2. Will probably send my son there in June or latest next year.

Hi Dor, I'm also interested in taking a look at Jessin. Must make appointment? And do they have programme for 2 yr old? They run a 3 hour programme? If Jessin is about the same as SMK then I may consider here cos it's nearer.
Dor , ya , i find the place not bad .

j_foo ,

the playgroup is conduct at blk 122 , you can just call the princial and say you want to take alook at the school . Thats what i did , but she ask me to go when the kids off class , so not to disturb the kids when they studying . My son is 2.5yo and i enrol him to Jessin , 2hr playgroup , per month is $180 ... will be starting next month =) heard their nursery or K1,K2 classes is 3hr ... i think not bad .. and their person in charge very friendly , i feel not bad =)

And where is Singapore Montessori Kindergarten ? what r their charges like ? thank !
white lady,
i was about to ask u if jessin is playgroup or childcare. thnx for the info. do u know wat is their min age group for playgroup? and do they charge material fee? any comments on apple tree?
Hi Janice,

My gal is also attending TRBK, currently doing her K1.

I find that you need to spare time to coach your child personally, cannot rely on schools too much. Perhaps you will like to try 'I CAN READ'. There is an outlet at United Square. A good way to start off. My gal pick her very fast and can see tremendous improvement in her.
Hi Char ,

i think their class is for maybe age 24months and up ? i not very sure , maybe you can call and check ... yes , they do have material fees , i think is around $60 or $90 half year ( forgot liao , something like that ) . i feel that their price for play group is abit higher , but i m confortable with them , so should be ok , but also havent start yet , hope my son wont cry ! hope 1st day i can throw him in and say bye ! haha ... apple tree no comment , cos no see before , but i think their fees cheaper .. like $125 issit ?

Hi spiderman ,

can i check with you , " I CAN READ " is for minium how old kids ? and r they expensive ? cos i cant seem to find their webby , thank !
Ling, thanks for bringing the bottle back yest.. I was not prepped to meet guests.. haha.. plus abt to start cooking so I feel so dirty.. ;) u look so young.. I thot u have oni 1 kid.. :p how old is your elder one? she must be glad u r picking her up from school..

my gal had fever from tue evening and on n off yest cos of teething.. aiyo she very suai.. always 2 coming out together.. but save time too hor.. haha
btw, fyi, if your ezlink card is giro linked, u better be careful abt losing your card.

My colleague recently discovered she lost her card at 6.30pm, when she called transitlink, the office is closed. Nobody returned her call. She reported loss again the next morning. but someone has already picked up her card and used it at 7+. She just found out that to terminate the giro on her lost card takes 48 hours.

Transit link told my colleague that she has to bear up to $10 if her card is lost due to the misuse by the one who picked up her card. Any usage beyond $10 will be bore by SMRT..

so for those with giro-linked cards, pls be aware of the danger hor..
My sis-in-law sent her boy to Apple Tree for half a year and she gives the thumbs down...but that's the one at Serangoon...
Hi White_lady,

I started my gal at the age of 4. I am not too sure what is the minimum age for them to start.

Just to let u know the child has to go thru a free assessment test in order for the centre to know which level is their phonics skill and plan the enrolment class for them. The test is on reading out words related from A-Z, eg A for apple, b for bear, etc etc. Next they will test the child on the sound of A-Z.
Hi Jce, thks for your recommendation. I saw SMK website & like it there. It's juz tat the distance is a bit far. My son is super active so we are not comfortable letting him take sch bus. Anyway, will still consider this kindergarten. Thks alot.
My elder gal is 4yo. No. 2 is just 2 months old. Look can be deceiving...hahaha.

Spiderman, I think the school (I CAN READ) will rejust my child after the test leh.... she can recognise all the alphabets but she cannot read the word. Like she can recognise A but if you show her the word apple, she wont know...unless there is a picture! She cannot even write alphabets without the dotted tracing!
white lady,
apple tree abit cheaper than jessin, fee is $160 + $95/term for material fees. both are near my plc but apple tree is nearer. i would like to send my gal to either one but she falls sick very often and her PD said that she can't go to school yet becos of her condition. sigh!

your gal poor thing. yeah more teeth come out then faster get over it. my gal had 4 teeth come out at the same time. now waiting for her last 4 molars to come out, a bit slow leh, it's been almost 1yr since her pre-molars came out. anyway, hope your gal feels better soon.

thnx for the link.

yeah different branch may have different ways of conducting their schools. someone i know sent her kid to carpe diem at hougang and found the school there to be less than good, the principal there is not good. whereas a few mums i know who send their kids to the branch in pasir ris find the school good especially the principal.
Char ,

ur gal always fall sick as in cough fever those ? really cant go school like PD say ? where u staying ? near blk 85 ah ? u SAHM ?
mummies, anyone has OG card? OG has luggage sale for members, very cheap.. and I need to get 1 big one.. sale is only for 3 days. if anyone has, can I borrow for the weekend? Thanks in advance.

btw, Carrefour is having 2nd purchase 50% off.. quite a lot of items .. interesting..
My colleague has the OG card. No need anymore.. THanks..

Dor, I'm eyeing the luggage (26") in My Papers today.
Non-Member: $126
Member: $56
white lady,
yeah, my gal gets sick almost every mth so PD said can't go to school yet until her health stabilises. i'm staying at central, blk 79A. i'm a sahm. wat about u?
Char, did ur PD advise u to get any Vitamins for your gal? U can try cod liver oil orange flavor and Delrose (vit c) for your gal. U may also consider bringing her to TMC for consultation. Maybe by checking her pulse the sinsei can target the cause and treat it.
Char, did ur PD advise u to get any Vitamins for your gal? U can try cod liver oil orange flavor and Delrose (vit c) for your gal. U may also consider bringing her to TMC for consultation. Maybe by checking her pulse the sinsei can target the cause and treat it.

Miin, wow! wat a good discount.
PD and even sinseh said that my gal's condition is common and not worry as she'll out grow it when she gets older. i've been giving my gal multi-vits and cod liver oil everyday.
actually 2-3weeks ago i brought her to see sinseh and was taking chinese med but i stopped when she had fever recently. she hated the chinese med, always struggle and cover her face and cry when hb or i try to feed her that. anyway i'm going to let her try sambucol for kids soon.
Char, she's not in childcare and yet fall sick so often, better build-up her immunity to prepare her for school nxt time as she'll be exposed to common sickness specially wif so many kids ard there. Previously when my gal in infantcare she fell sick almost every other mth poor bb luckily i withdrew her out fm there and put under the care of a nanny which is much better.
ya lor, haven't go school and yet fall sick so often. can imagine if she goes to school, her absentee rate will beat other students.
everytime she gets sick hb & i feel sian cos another big hole in the pocket and sleepless nights. hope and pray that she'll outgrow this phase soon.
char, ya i fully understand and feel likewise. perhaps u may seek advise fm ur folks see if there's any food she cld consume that build-up her health in long run, might help.
Char ,

oh you staying at those new block new central ah ... i can consider half SAHM , haha .. cos my office is at home . dealing with own design n printing business =)
oh issit , same blk ah ... =)

so u everyday bring ur gal out to central anot ? =)

ya , into my own business , own time own target , haha ...
Char, agree with Dor, need to build up your daughter's immune system. Cod liver oil works for most kids, have to be consistent. A good diet, plenty of fruit and veg, and personally, I believe in a good soup everyday, or at least 4-5 times a week.

Oh, Janice, sorry, forgot to post the tel no for Prime Gym. It's 67732901. website
And one more thing I kep forgetting...anyone need to buy Magiclean dry wipes? I can get them for $3.30 per packet (NTUC sells them in packs of 3 for 10.80 or something like that). If need can let me know cos I always get them from the shop at Pasir Ris.
Dor, i managed to get a even better deal on the suitcase from people's park complex. :p

jasmine, u did the cake yourself??? wow i'm so impressed.. very pretty and pro looking neh.. haha.. u can do cake based on a picture? my son's bday next month.. he's asking for a train cake again.. haha..

char, ur gal has 4 teeth out at 1 time.. cant imagine the suffering.. poor gal..

my son also falls sick every month since young.. it's only the last 6 months that he's getting stronger and he's already turning 4. Med seems like his best friend.. sigh.. he's now on Seven Seas Multi Vit. Hope it's working for him lor..

oh ya, did anyone read abt the bulk purchase cheat in SMH on Sat? So scary.. the seller is so horrible... hope nobody is affected here..
hi mummies

hw's yr weekend?

jasminechenx, ur cake look v pro leh..can teach me ?? btw, i have add u in facebk waiting for yr confirmation.

very nice cake. i tink u can set up an online cake ordering service :p Sure got business.

What is the bulk purchase selling? Heard of it but dunno details.
hahah thanks for all the compliments


added you already....
the cake do you want me to send you the youtube links or you come over to my place to learn?


wah... hahah can try to do it yourself... can get the cake toppers online and then simple cake... then the topper can also keep as his play toy.
wah.. tis thread is soo busy!!!
hi all,
been quite sometime since i last updated.
my bb is already 3mth old.. time flies..
hw are u coping w pregnancy Precious?How's ur little one Dor? =)hope everything is well..
Char, which PD is attending to your child? I think can still afford to wait a little longer before going to school. Let her build up some immunity. Nowadays so many germs around!

Jasmine, the cake really looks nice!

Miin, I also got OG card. If you need it next time, call me ya.

Jfoo, I use magiclean wipes also. Used to get it from people park market (the one next to OG)at $9 for 3 packs but now hardly go there liao. The shops there sell quite cheap toiletories, eg Johnson baby wipes @ $3.30/ pack (NTUC $5.60), baby lotion @ $5.90 (NTUC $8+), etc. If anyone wants to know where is ther shops, can PM me k.

dolpingal, Hi hi My baby is 2 month old.
thnx for your advice.

looks like your boy is starting to outgrow that phase of getting sick easily, so happy for u! a fren of mine also has a son who falls sick easily and can be quite bad when he does but now that he just turned 4yo he has been falling sick much less often.

tried to PM you to find out more about that shop u are talking about but u dun seem to be able to accept PMs leh. btw, my gal's PD is Dr. heng at children's clinic.

yor cake looks so nice that if it were my cake i wouldn't cut it, too pretty to destroy. haha!
seveneleven, found the article abt SMH BP scam..,4136,194379,00.html

thanks char, my son was just getting stronger then after cny, fell sick again.. was on med continuous for last couple of weeks.. sigh..

Ling, thx.. actually i dun shop at OG very much.. find their stuff quite exp.. hehe. in the end, i got the cheaper deal on luggage in people park complex but must bargain with them tho..

jasmine, cant do the cake myself ar.. i dun even have an oven.. haha.. no place to bake cake lei.. anyway prob will order the cake with his fav train on it again.. he'll have the party in ccc i guess..
Miin, wow gd for u manage to get better discount for ur luggage bag. Hmm, y u ended up at Chinatown instead of OG hahaha!

Dolphingal, welcome back again. Wow! Your bb 3mths old liao so fast show us some pix leh. My gal is going to be 2yrs old this coming Sat heehee! Wanted to order a barney cake for her but so hard to find. We ended up geting fm Angie's cake shop.

Jasmine, the cupcake and bd cake looks so yummy can we hv some heehee! Aiyah, i got to read the thread too late otw i'll plc order from u for my gal's bd cake. I cant seems to find Barney character fm the popular cakeshops.

Dolphingal, very interesting blog. so little and oredi has his very own blog liao cool. I was smiling and laughing reading it, reminds me of my gal when she was first born. Hope the forceps mark on his face has oredi faded u din complain to ur gynae y on his face alamak ...
