TOA PAYOH mummies

re: valentine's day
hb and i only celebrated during the 1st 2-3years of paktor then after that it felt so artificial and commercialised so we stopped celebrating. to me, everyday should be valentine's day. like wat most mummies here mentioned, we should appreciate each other everyday as well as appreciate wat we do for each other too.

your hb is so lucky, get freshly baked cakes/pastries. i used to like to bake but even if i feel like baking now i cant cos my oven is faulty, whole house will black out. also afraid my gal itchy fingers will go and touch the oven while i'm not looking. already she likes to turn the knobs of the oven.

jasmine, i want pastry too.. so envious of ur hubby... if my hubby cook for me, i feel so lucky already.. haha..
Jasmine, u really tk the trouble to suprise your hb, bet he appreciate u v much.

Miin, am the opposite, my hb will feel so lucky if i prepare meal for him hahaha! Coz I hardly cook nowadays n the only time i do is when am on leave n feel like cooking kekeke!

Nice to hear tat everyday is a valentine day for most of romantic. My hb werks late most of the time n travel quite a bit too, by the time he got hm fm werk we hardly got time alone wif each other coz little one sleeps at abt 10pm and I will sleep wif her too. However, occasionally we'll mk an effort to tk leave, go for movie and dinner b4 fetching our little one home fm nanny's plc.
hahah miin

if all goes well sure you can pop by on sat to get the taste of the cakes! hahah all here are welcome too.... hahah only that will ask you all to pop by with in the time frame of 12 to 3pm. hahahah... coz got something planned with hubby after 4pm... and i would be doing the baking on sat morning if there is no need for me to do any check ups on friday.
char, dor

haha i can only hope so.... but i must say that i am also very greatful to hubby coz now he has taken over all the household chores... other then those that the cleaning aunty does once per week.
jasmine, thanx for the offer. .

how do u manage to just bake one for ur hubby every week? isnt it more tedious?
hi, someone is looking @ Brightstart Montessorri @ Bishan, opp Lorong 8. They are closing end of this month. But the HQ will still be conducting clss at Bishan CC.
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, are you organising any gathering soon? Hope to know you gals closer leh.

Is the closure permanent? Or just renovation? You are just living beside my blk! But not very active here leh. Can know if you are FTWM or SAHM with how many kids?</font>
hi mummies ,

i did call Brightstart and check ... ya , they closing down , but the bishan CC still have . Check their play group , find their price abit high , so decided not to =)

Any gathering ? hope i can join , miss out last round ones ! =)
Hi favored,

I am a FTWM, I hardly had time to come in and log on, usually its once in awhile to read....

I have a 5YO boy, Lucas and a 21mths gal, Megan. Lucas used to study @ Brightstart Montessorri and I thought its time for Megan to go , so I called yesterday and found out that they will be closed. I have yet to talk to the Senior Teacher, Cai Lao Shi to find out more.

You a SAHM? how old are yr kids?
Hi Mummies
Does anyone know if there is any centers offering Chinese classes for toddlers at 3yrs old in Toa Payoh?? Thanks!
hi styloBB, somewhere this week we mentioned abt the teochiew hui kwan at lor 2.. they have chinese lesson. the link is in this thread

jasmine, i like to bake but havent done so since sec sch.. hahaha.. cos i dun hv any oven at home.. y dun u organise a baking session if u have space at home?? hehehe... i dun mind joining if it's weekend. :p wat kind of stuff do u bake usually...

no specifics... just what i feel like. sure can come my place for bake sessions... but can i ask some one else to organise? heheheh coz lately with my boy and the ever expanding tummy... getting tired. hahah but never too tired to do baking loh coz its me directing and hubby doing it now adays. hahah :p
oh yap anyone coming over tomorrow.... hahah its just to get the cakes and a chat and meet time lah. all here are welcome. coz would like to meet all face to face.

hehehe need to know how many to do the pastry.
Hi all! How was your V Day? Hubby and I (as well as the kids) stayed home and ate crab!
Both of us enjoy crab very much. We also had durian, which the entire family adores! Mmmm....such satisfied tummies by the end of dinner! Haha! Then we sent the kids to bed and we played Taboo. Hee hee! Had a good laugh.

Jasmine, sorry couldn't come by at the "alloted time frame" cos I have to teach at my friend's music school till 130pm... But I'm sure you'll be baking again! Haha!
thanks for the offer jasmine.. ;) unfortunately din see it until today.. hehe.. wow lucky woman.. ur hubby even helps to bake.. very homely hor..

j foo, durian?? yummy.. r they back yet? saw some at ntuc but waiting for them to be avail in central leh.. i was quite surprised to know how other people ate durian, eg, put it in freezer and it becomes like ice cream (then eat it with chopstick! haha.. dun wan hand to be smelly), my hubby eats it with rice.. heard my fil even add chilli to it.. gosh.. hahahaha

went to vivocity on sat.. looks like the couples are out in force.. everywhere all Q at restaurants.. so scary.. i told my hubby, at first feel romantic to eat an exp meal but after looking at such a long Q, sianz liao.. better eat at foodcourt.. hahaha..
<font color="aa00aa">Mummy_Tang,
I'm a SAHM but part-time very short hrs daily. Not a young mother but a has a toddler son of 16mths

Try the big fruit stall at Lor 8 market. They start to have durians again but not everyday. Hubby has been buying from there for past 2weeks and not very ex. 3pkts for $20 bitter,bitter,yummy! My hubby can eat durian everyday and not get heaty. Sometimes got to stop him xia.

Valentine's Day:
Finally bought a bicycle with bb seat (my hubby said it's my valentine gift wor...) so can ferry bb ard for different experience. Late afternoon, I cycle with bb while hubby rollerblade to Bishan park. Had great fun!</font>
Yes, yes, the stall at Lor 8, near Mellben Seafood. So far so good, as in trustworthy. We bought Mao Shan on Sat, it's probably one of the most ex, $15 per kg but seed is small and it's creamy and fleshy
Has a bitter-sweet aftertaste. MMMMMM........ As you can probably tell, I'm ga-ga over durian!

Sometimes if we're "hardworking", we'd drive to Highland Centre (near Upper Paya Lebar). The stall there has some really super durian!
Wow! All the talk abt durians mks me drool leh. I mus go chk out Lor. 8 liao. Durian is my fav but hb nt a fan, he'll jus eat 1 or 2.

Miin, your fil so steady eat durian wif chilli?!? Am nt so adventurous kekeke!

On Valentine's eve hb ordered a big bouque of roses to my ofc it was a pleasant surprise as am not expecting any ha! We went to UnitedSq Waraku Pasta and had a big feast, we ordered at least 5 appetizers, follow by soup and pastas accompany wif Jap Red Wine. I mus say the wine is v smooth n fruity, verdict thumbs up for all. We figured this is the nearest fm nanny's plc, we cld tk our time enjoy the food and drinks b4 fetching her home.

Valentine's Day we brout our little one 2gether wif my mil and niece to the club for a swim. She love the pool and everyone enjoyed playing wif her the entire day. Boy it was tiring!
Our Valentine's Day present this year.
Gynae has confirmed we are expecting a bb boy!

What a romantic VD's celebration you had!

I love durians too! Let's organise one @ my place on Sat evening?
Precious, thanks for offering your plc. May I noe roughly wat time, coz little one has to attend class that ends at 5.30pm. My apology 1st that I may not have time to buy durians, I will chip in instd.
DURIAN PARTY??!! YEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha! I have something on till 6pm...can probably get back only at 7pm or so... But Precious stays a stone throw from my block...I'm sure can get there before all of you clean up the lot! Haha!
Maybe after 7pm?
Can hv dinner at my place too.

Interested mummies on 21 Feb, Sat at 7pm
1) Precious and Sha
2) Dor and C
3) Jfoo and 2 kids
Know wat, i jus fixed a durian feast wif few colleagues n we r going lor. 8 lata hahaha! Fast rite this moment was talking abt it and wowlah nxt moment going to makan liao.
i was at vivocity with hb and gal last sat too but we took the sentosa express and brought our gal to the underwater world. she doesn't seem too interested in fishes but more interested in the travellator, she kept walking around. however she got a bad rash after touching the water at an open aquarium there, thankfully the rashes subsided but now she's having fever since yday. sigh!!

congrats!!! wow, that'll be an experience that i would like to have if i were to have bb #2. good to know wat it's like to bring up a boy.

re: durain feast
i may be going to my mum's plc over the weekend, if not going then will go over for the feast.
wow, just missing out on 2 days and there are so many new stuff going on!


wow.... congrats! hahah now we are going to add 2 more boys to the list!

the baking sessions

heheh no worries about last sat... we hads loads of fun! hahah my boy was playing with flour the whole time so funny!

durian feast

sob!!! i cant join as hubby is having a company meeting at that time... will only end late in the night, so he made the arrangement with my parents for me to go back for dinner....
3 of us visited the durain stall @ lor. 8 beside Melben yesterday evening we bout 3 durians for $20 and had 1 that cost $22 for free as we were not satisfied wif the quality. The uncle actually opened 3 durains in total b4 we settle for the latter. We guessed he wanted us to buy the super ex one hence choose the 3rd grade for us heehee! Overall it was quite enjoyable we had a good laugh too chuk chuk the uncle.
Wow durians! yummy. But have to go to my in-laws place for dinner (at Holland). so won't be in time. If u have another one during the week let me know. i love durians.
i still remember my friends sneak durians for me during my confinement. my MIL won't let me eat if she sees it.

And congrats for having baby boy


i'll love to bake but sat always need to go back to in-laws place. Need to make good use of my oven. So far only did those very idiot proof packed mixture kind hee. maybe can get recipes from u.

My valentines' day...
We stayed at home and watch Heroes(season 3) with 2 very special person and dinner at in-laws place.
Hello Mummies,
Precious' laptop conk-off hence unable to access and update this thread. I am helping to organise this Saturday gathering on her behalf. Btw, Hubbies r welcome. Please confirm your attendance by Friday so that Precious has ample time to prepare. Below is the latest update:

Durian Feast:
Interested mummies on 21 Feb, Sat at 7pm
1) Precious and Sha
2) Dor and Chloe
3) Jfoo and 2 kids

Hope to see more of u coming.
sori precious.. going to mum plc for dnr on sat.. enjoy urselves gals..

char, hows ur gal now? weather is bad.. my kids are coughing too..
cant turn on aircon for a while.. so stuffy...

i think my son will enjoy underwater world.. will bring him there one day.. hehe
Miin, my gal also coughing quite badly of a sudden last nite, brought her to KK as she sounded like out of breath. We were lucky we din wait for long after the 1st consulation. There were like 40 over kids there and I overheard the nurse telling another parents the waiting time is abt 3hrs. Spent $80 bucks, I asked for as many medicine/cream as possible since medication is incld in the fee as well, money well spend mah.
hi all , anyone know Kim Keat Blk 248 NTUC is a childcare or play group ? if is a play group , anyone know the rates ? cos i call but no one pick up
oh no dor.. how's chloe now?? yes my son started with a cough like asmathic.. no phelgm.. it's a virus. have to give antibiotics.. now he has phelgm backflow.. meaning he coughs a lot when lying down as phlegm flows back to his throat and irritates it. coughs so much until he vomits.. esp in aircon room

white lady, when ntuc had a reno recently, i koe the kids move there from morning to afternoon. not sure if they sitll have operation there. try calling ntuc ccc to check la..
Miin, o dear, Rasheed mus be feeling very comfortable and unable to get a good sleep. Chloe has similar situation accept no phelgm (i think)and her cough usually comes in the nite. She was given steroid in KK i am quite reluctant but dr. says is a better choice. Hope for a fast recovery for both of them.
Oh dear...looks like the weather is really playing up...lots of water and rest for the children. I find that Chinese Medicine works with my kids. And I'm into homeopathic tablets too so at the start of things I give them the tablets and that suppresses a flare up.
thnx for asking. my gal's fever subsided just today. my hb and i had to work hard last night to bring down her 40deg fever. tmrw bringing my gal back to dr heng for review cos she was afraid it might be HFMD cos of the rashes incident. my gal is also taking antibiotics and anti-viral med. on mon morning she was coughing cos of the phlegm and threw up with some specks of blood. according to dr it's normal since she's having infection. your boy's cough is like my gal's, with phlegm and backdrip, always cough and cry at night when sleeping when she's sick. i see also feel so bad for her.

how is your gal? better? sigh, weather is so hazy lately no wonder so many sick people/kids.

actually b4 my gal got fever i actually brought her to see a chinese physician at lavender recommended by someone. but b4 she could finish her chinese med whc she hates, she got so sick. i may bring her back to the chinese physician to help with her health problem once she's recovered. and am also interested in letting my gal try sambucus for kids. it was known as sambucol b4.
my son seems to have a slight fever this morning so he's at home with his papa today. of cos the happiest one is him too cos he gets to play his trains whole day.. told my hb if still not well tomorrow, bring him to doc lor..

Char, thanks for ur concnen past 2 days was an early warning for her flu outbreak. Todae she started to hv running nose liao and a little feverish haiz! Hope she'll recover b4 Sat otherwise i wont be bringing her to Precoius hse, dun wish to spread the virus ard hee!
