TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi! Sunny, here's an early BD wish for your princess hope she stays happy & healthy thru! Miin and I hd chked out Kinderland at SAFRA @ different occasion and we r not very impressed with the infant corner. Miin's daugther is now wif 'My First Skool' and she's quite pleased putting her daughter there. As for my gal she's being look after by a nanny previously werking in my gal's childcare @ Bishan Tpy North CCC.
Which level r u staying in blk 215. My mom is staying the same blk too.

started by Miin (as of 10 March):

Lor 1/2
1)cutie-blk 236
2) Dor - Blk 121
3) girlizz - Blk 700
4) seveneleven - Blk202 (toa payoh nth)
5) Cherry75- Blk 145 (Lor 2)
6) Euniceyy - blk 155 (lor 1) (wef mar while looking around for a new place)

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216
3) favored - blk 218
4) Sunny - blk 215

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
started by Miin (as of 10 March):

Lor 1/2
1)cutie-blk 236
2) Dor - Blk 121
3) girlizz - Blk 700
4) seveneleven - Blk202 (toa payoh nth)
5) Cherry75- Blk 145 (Lor 2)
6) Euniceyy - blk 155 (lor 1) (wef mar while looking around for a new place)

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216
3) favored - blk 218
4) Sunny - blk 215
5) Dolphingal - blk 226

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
thanks dor for the update.. hehe

hi sunny, long way to send ur baby hor.. every morning squeeze with the crowd.. ke lian neh.. as Dor mentioned, my gal is in MyFirstSkool.. so far the best one in TPy infantcare centres.. trs are good but not sure abt non-infant sections. personally not too impressed by the non-infant sections

r we having another gathering?? hehe.. playground date.. anyone??
Mommies & Tods Gathering
Date/Time: 14 March, Saturday, 9.30am
Venue: Blk 97, Lor. 3 (cool & windy)

1) Dor & Chloe (2yo)
2) Miin, Aleesha & Rasheed

Hope this list will be filled up heehee!

Mommies & Tods Gathering
Date/Time: 14 March, Saturday, 9.30am
Venue: Blk 97 Playground, Lor. 3 (cool & windy)

1) Dor & Chloe (2yo)
2) Miin, Aleesha & Rasheed

Hope this list will be filled up heehee!

its the taka and isetan baby fair that i am talking about... the mother and baby fair was an utter disappointment....

taka baby fair is on from the 12 to the 29th of march

isetan baby fair is on from the 13 to the 22 march...

hahah that is why am going down... also at isetan there is avent trade-in going on with 30% off on bottles if you trade in old bottles...
hi Miin

Not too bad cos either I drive or my hb sends us. Was a bit rough at first but she's used to the car seat and journey now. Mornings are a breeze cos she's a morning person. Still working on the evening trips. Not too bad overall. I didn't want to put in TP cos my hb has his own business (i.e. VERY long hours) and I only finish work at 6pm. If put in TP, I'd be stressed everyday, rushing to beat the traffic james to make sure that I pick her up before 7. Here the centre is actually open until 8pm so if for any reason (touch wood) I have to work a bit later, I'm not so worried. Can actually have dinner, pick up baby, then slowly drive home. Quite lucky - I changed jobs when 3 months preggers. This job, so far, I can leave on time. The previous job, I used to work until 9pm on average. The other good thing is that I can see her during lunch which is always a highlight to my working day.

Hi Dor, thanks for your wishes. I stay on 20th floor. Your mum? I thought that you are a SAHM?

Wow Dor, you can wake up at 9.30am on Saturday ah?
My baby still have night feeds and I'm still TBF so currently quite tired all the time.

Dolphingal, hows your baby boy? He's one month younger than my girl right?
Sunny, am a ftwm. my mummy stays on the 22nd lvl unit facing the big cannel. usually i'll visit her on a wkday after werk to enjoy a home cook meal and 1 wkend 2gether with my hb n daughter. U can pm me ur mob no. if i drop by my mom's plc will come over and say hello to u heehee! Waking so call early is a norm to me liao, well trained by my little one hahaha! Will tk note of ur timing for future get-to-gather.
Btw, how do u find the current childcare ctr @ china sq? perhaps can share with me for future reference. Wow! r u in advertising or IT trade gotta werk till late hours almost everyday.
Sunny, I went to TPY Safra infant care twice/ Frankly not very impressive. The sleeping area is very small which is to accomodate 5 babies... I only saw I musical mobile out of the 5 cot/playpen. The play area is an opened area.
BTW, my bb is 2.5mths old...ya night feeds are tiring.
The childcare at China Sq is called Citikids Academy. Supposedly loosely affiliated with Pat's Schoolhouse or something. So far my girl is quite lucky. There are 3 infant care teachers and currently only my girl and another 3half month old baby in the section, so plenty of attention given to her. The teachers (infant as well as toddler/children section) are all quite nice. They all know my baby by name. Now that my baby is alert (not sleeping all the time), the infantcare teachers will read stories to her and sing songs plus let/help her crawl in the soft play area. Quite good la. The only thing is the it's quite ex compared to the centres in the heartland areas. Oh, FYI, I found out recently that they offer "emergency child care services", meaning they can look after your child during the day on short term or per day basis, for example if your nanny is sick or on holiday. Not sure if any other centres offer this service and didn't ask their rate. If anyone wants me to find out, do let me know.
wah.. i din know there is a Isetan fair!only know there is a taka fair this coming wk. Jasmine, i dun really understand what's the 30% trade in for avent.. can share?wat time u b heading there this cming thurs? u come back can share with us? I'm keen to go & see see. =)

Hi Sunny, yup. my boy is 3mth already & i'm also TBF. it's normal for bb to wake up for nite feed. yup mine is a boy, he is quite playful but now got stranger anxiety.. sigh..stranger carry then he cry.. din know stranger anxiety starts so early!I brought him for swim already.. recently hub is so busy work non stop even sun also have to work.. hence din bring him for swim this wk. likely to go next wk. how abt u?have u brought ur gal for a swim? =)
Sunny, the infant care at china square sounds good. And your gal really lucky to have so much attention. Hope this stays. What's the monthly fee?

Dolphingal, where you bring your boy for swim? Must pay one?
started by Miin (as of 10 March):

Lor 1/2
1)cutie-blk 236
2) Dor - Blk 121
3) girlizz - Blk 700
4) seveneleven - Blk202 (toa payoh nth)
5) Cherry75- Blk 145 (Lor 2)
6) Euniceyy - blk 155 (lor 1) (wef mar while looking around for a new place)

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8
2) Ling - Blk 10B

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216
3) favored - blk 218
4) Sunny - blk 215
5) Dolphingal - blk 226

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
btw, Jasmine, is the sale private sale?coz i saw some items are meant for private sale? u have Isetan card?
I would to get some toys for my boy.he seems very bored at hm with me.moreover he doesnt have much toys to play with.. sigh. let me know ya, tks!
sunny, i agree with u.. everyday i leave at 5.30sharp so i can be back in tp to pick my gal at 6.30. i work in tampines.. if touch wood, my gal has fever, i have to rush from tampines to pick her up lor.. the disadvantage of having her near workplace is if i need to take leave n run errands, i cant leave her at infantcare tho..

wish i am so lucky to sleep until 9+.. i'm still breastfeeding my gal. she still has night feeds n my kids all wake up by 7am everyday. latest 7.30 am.. i havent slept past 8am for the last 4 yrs liao.. hahahaha.. pining for that day man..
wah really? hmm.. wat time u gg there Jasmine?
like that i also wan to go there both days.. then can exchange the bottles & get some cheap stuff for my boy! =)
but hor.. u preg rite?u gg there alone or gt help?are u bringing ur son along?

yaps will be going with my boy. hahah preggy... not too bad lah, just that slower then others loh... timing to go out ah,... up to you coz i got the whole day. :p but for Friday i already arrange to meet with a gf to go both isetan and the taka fair. if you don mind can join us ah but you will be with 2 preggy + 1 yr old loh.
Hi Ladies, so quiet for the past week!

Oh, I think a few of you wanted the contact for the phonics teacher so here it is. Sorry I took so long to get back. :p By the way, she only teaches on Sat and Sun @ Commonwealth and I heard that she'll be moving to somewhere near Bkt Timah by the end of the year. 96871170 Suzy
hi Jasmine,
Of coz i dun mind!but i'll need to bring my 3.5mth old bb along & he's on TBF. abit troublesome..later i pm u my contact. =)
how r we gg there?public transport?

yaps... hahah too bad that i cant drive leh. meet you at the mrt? hahah no worries coz isetan scotts has bf room and facilities... hahah you may be seeing me latch my boy too....
great!then no pro!! wah.. jasmine u preg still can latch ur boy??!!
no pro i can meet u at toa payoh mrt then.i pm u my contact number then we arrange from there. =)
Miin, wake up, feed, then sleep again (happens only v v rarely but when it happens BLISS! )

Ling, monthly fee before deducting govt subsidy is S$1750. This is for infants, toddles slightly cheaper. Yep, I can just hear the exclamation marks now.
What to do.
Sunny, i'm not so hardworking. I skip the wake up process.. hahaha...
for me, it's cry, unbutton, latch on, sleep again..
my button will be open until i regain conscious or the next cry then switch over.. Oops.. hahahaha

i use to do the same when my boy was total bfing. now though its my hubby who wake up to feed him... hahahhah

wow, that is exp!!! hahahh think that is the same as my take home leh! hahah that is why am a sahm now....
Sunny, the infant care quite exp leh. But I am happy for you that you bb is in good hands. Of course we all hope we could stay home and look after them ourselves but guess many a times, we have limited choices.

Miin, my kids are early birds too...never sleep past 7.30am.

Jasmine and dolhingal, enjoy your shopping ya. How I wish I could go on a retail therapy too.
BTW, anyone uses huggies dry / dry comfort diapers for your kids? Found a contact selling @ $14.50. NTUC selling $19+. If order 6 packs, free delivery. We can consolidate orders. Anyone interested?

$14.50 is cheap
The best part is delivery for 6pks. There's a BP recently that sells $15.00

My boy is using dry comfort for night time. Trying huggies dry for day now.
Hi! Mummies, I manage to steal sometime during lunch and go for the private sales at isetan. Is always very crowded everytime they hv the private sales coz lots of gd buy. I grab a pair of benetton sandals ($15 only) and tights for my gal, Mphosis & Mango also hving gd discount too. Items @ thier supermart all 5% off except for Alcohol drinks so sad...the bottle of jap red wine i bout no discount.

Jasmine & Dolphingal happy shopping! Hope u gals manage to get some gd buy fm there.

hahah really enjoyed my day out.... hope yu did too... hahhah the best buy for me was the new diaper bag.... hahah. :p hubby is going to faint when he sees this.

abit sad that we did not managed to see the other levels though... haha only baby section... hmmm maybe the next one we go shopping for us?


if 6 packs got delivery i want tooo!!!!!
hi jasmine,
ya i enjoyed the shopping though it's abit short.. limiting factor are the little ones.. hence we din manage to see other section.. it's an eye opening for me to go private sale!!!i'm happy with my purchase today!tks alot! u super duper onz leh.. so fast can go online! take my hat off u!super mummy!=)

hi Dor, the shopping was great!hehe..wished i could stay longer.. =P
7/11, sorry what is BP?

Jasmine, sorry they dont have S size, only M to XL.

Here are the sizes and packaging size:
M (5-10kg) - 84pcs (dry) / 66 pcs (dry comfort)
L (8-13kg) - 72pcs /60 pcs
XL (over 11kg) - 60pcs / 54pcs

Availability depends on stock. Order + delivery will take about 7-10days. I will consolidate your orders and call to check the stock k.

1) Jasmine - M sizes 3 packs (dry?)
Hi! All,
Anyone looking for a Nanny I have a recommendation. Her name is Jennifer in her mid 40s, english spking, staying at TPY North, previously werking in my gal's exinfantcare ctr. She's been bbysitting since she left the ctr. Understand fm my nanny that she's now available again. Ping me if anyone is interested.
