TOA PAYOH mummies

hope all your little darlings who are sick will get well soon.

brought my gal for her review today and she doesn't seem to have HFMD, i'm so relieved!
fyi, there will be babycare festival at spore expo hall 6b, 27 feb -1 mar, fri & sat: 11am- 9pm, sun: 11am - 8pm, free admission. plus 1000 free goodie bags will be given out each day. for more info log on to
thnx. saw in the itinerary that the fair as some things for toddlers, even have a toddler telematch, sounds kindda fun but i also see how. when free admission most likely is gonna be jammed pack.
Char, i vistited the fair last year was quite crowded, the telematch was fun i almost participated when they called out my gal's name however, my hb nt up to it...maybe he's too tired after coming dwn fm werk on sat. Last ur u jus nd to reg ur kid's name early for the telematch when u r there and they will let u noe.
btw, travel fair is going to be at expo the same weekend.. it's def gonna be PACKED! be prepared.. i'll give it a miss..
Thanks Char for sharing abt the babyfair.

Saw the online program. Looks like got some good buys. Want to get the Gaia products(up to 30% off). Ordered in a bulk purchase but the organizer just had a miscarriage
so canceled the BP. gd time to stock up.

Any mummies want to go on Fri? first day should be not too crowded.
Hi mummies,

MIA for a while .. been so busy with maid, kids and finding job, finding schools .. and managing the rebellious kids .. just wondering when can I have some time for myself!

Do count me in if you ladies have any gatherings. How do I get my name on your list?
Hi! Janice, there's a gathering this Sat @ Precious hse Lor. 5 pse see below for details:
Hello Mummies,
Precious' laptop conk-off hence unable to access and update this thread. I am helping to organise this Saturday gathering on her behalf. Btw, Hubbies r welcome. Please confirm your attendance by Friday so that Precious has ample time to prepare. Below is the latest update:

Durian Feast:
Interested mummies on 21 Feb, Sat at 7pm
1) Precious and Sha
2) Dor and Chloe
3) Jfoo and 2 kids

Hope to see more of u coming.
<font color="aa00aa">Eversince married, you won't find my footprints in any Mega Sales liao. My hubby dislikes sales crowd. Now with a running toddler, lagi NO WAY!

Count me out cos my son sleeps at 830pm. Got to take time to wind him down. So meeting at 7pm abit too late for me leh, somemore got to wakeup early for church on Sunday. You mummies enjoy hor...</font>
Seveneleven, I have a small bottle of Gaia moisturiser, you want? Can give you.

Precious/Dor, we'll just come by for durian
The kids have dinner early at 6pm cos like Favoured's son, they're normally off to bed by 8-830pm. So glad Precious stays just a stone throw from my place! Otherwise will miss out on durian! How can?!
Mummies with k2 kids, which kindy / childcare do you send your child to ?
Not sure if you share the same experience like me ...I'm a KS mummy who is so worried that the child cannot catch up in P1. My girl is now in a church kindy, and not learning much. She can't count nor add properly and the school is also teaching very little phonics. Everyday I feel so stressed up coaching her Maths (really want to vomit blood)and teaching her reading and writing. Now I feel like changing the school but hubby say its late now since the girl love the school so much and she is already in K2. Currently a SAHM, but I just wondered how to coach my girl if I start working again .. hmm..
my colleague fwd to me this article:
8 things you can do to help your child sail though school.doc

if anyone is interested, pls pm me.. it's quite interesting.
jce, sure sure i'll let Precious noe to count u out for dinner, btw is ur hb coming? She's actually preparing meehoon kuay hee! Dun think i cld mk it to her plc either my gal still hving slight flu and cough unless she recovers by tonite.

Seems like most of u manage to let ur kids sleep early can share with me how u do gal only tks 2-3hrs nap during the day and she only wants to goes to bed ard 10pm plus.

gaia moisturiser i'll take if u really don't want. Thanks!

favoured and jfoo, do share how u get ur kids to sleep by 8.30pm. Mine will sleep around 9.30 but want to push earlier, dun know how. Plus he nap less than 1.5hr in the day. and wakes me up at 6.30am sigh... he really one early bird.
JTS saw this email this morning. Hope u are not using wyeth-progressgold- promisegold infant formulae for ur babies.

"The import and sale of infant and follow-up formula containing lutein is currently not allowed by AVA, as lutein has not been approved as a food additive in infant formulae and follow-up formulae.

Our kind member spotted this on AVA website and provided us with the link

For more information please click the following

With Regards
MummySG Reporter"

MIAed for a while as my no2 was down with cough last week and only attend 2 days of sch out of 5 days!

hey janice, which church sch ur kid attending? my elder gal also in k2 attending church kindy. Agree that the academic is quite relax ya. Im been homeschooling her at home to prepare her for p1.

Do u have msn ? since u are SAHM, mayb we can meet like once or twice a week for our gals to do some activity or learning?
Hi Janice

I agree with your hubby, no point switching now that she's K2. Two of my sis-in-laws send their sons for phonics class, apparently the teacher is really good. One of the boys attended church kindy too so phonics isn't really touched on there. The other attends Gracefields which I find their curriculum pretty good already but his mum is one of those KS one, keep saying that the son can't read as well as he should so attending class. I can get the contact if you're interested. My daughter is attending Singapore Montessori Kindergarten but she learnt her phonics at her old school (in Jurong West). And she's a very keen reader so that helps.

Seveneleven, yes, you can have it. Arrange a day that's convenient for you to pick up, either from my place (Lor 5) or somewhere convenient. I'm at Safra on Wed afternoon 4 till about 6. Or Lor 6/8 near mkt on Thu afternoon 530-630.

As for the sleeping time issue, I think it's a matter of training. Started off pushing the bedtime earlier 30 mins each week until I got to 830pm (and in the process a bit of "forcing" was needed too). Haha! And my daughter doesn't take afternoon naps so makes her tired at an earlier time. As for my son, I realised if he did a lot of walking during the day, he falls asleep really quickly. Thu is always difficult cos the cousins come over for dinner so they play and play and it's over-stimulating for him. By the time I get him ready for bed it's almost 10 but yet he'll still take almost 20 mins to fall asleep despite being way past his usual sleeping time.
Hi Pooh, my girl is attending the TRBK beside United square. Which school is your girl attending? Oh, it will be great for the girls to meet up and do something .. I've run out of ideas to keep her occupied in the afternoon. Will pm you later

Hi j foo, thanks. Anyway she strongly refuse to change her school and she loves it so much that she becomes quite defensive if we speak bad about it. I really wondered how did the school manage to brainwash her hehe .. Can I have the contact of the phonic class? I've just signed her up for enopi maths, hopefully will help to build up interest in her maths.
hi Janice

Ive added u on my msn list. we could catch up there?

my gal is also v attached to her church kindy. initially we wanted to withdraw her and register her to same sch as my no2 but she strongly rejected! We thought mst as well stay on since next yr she will be gg to p1 and she needs some time to adapt to new environment.

U can try I CAN READ for phonics class. My gal used to attend the phonic lessons there and i find the programme is gd. they put the child to the class according to their ability rather than age. withdrew my gal after she attends abt 3 terms as she could read independently. Nw she is doing creative writing with another enrichment sch.
Yes, CMA. She started about 2 weeks ago and she's loving it.
Comes home and she still wants to do more (after 1.5 hours of maths!). Every morning she also wants to do CMA exercises!
char &amp; jasmine, every weekend i bring my son to different playgrounds ard tpy to play.. last sat went to blk 79 playground. It's very clean and fun.. without the sun, it was very windy and lotsa fun for my son.. wanted to call u gals but dun hv ur hp with me.. hahaha..
Jfoo &amp; Precious, how was the Durian Feast? Its a pity i missed it as my gal still hasnt fully recover. Luckily the weather was nice and cooling after a heavy dwn pour on Sat. I was like drooling @ home thinking u gals tasting the yummy durians tat Precious bout fm Lor. 8 and enjoying the meehoon kuah slurpslurp...

should be able to collect from u on thur. i'll PM u my hp number.

How's the durian party?

Anyone uses Similac or Gain IQ, Gain IQ Kid? Have some coupons to give away. Buy 2 tins (900g) get 1 tin(400g) free. vailid till 31 mar 09. Buy from NTUC
Oh sadly I too was drooling at the thought of durian. My daughter came down with a fever that afternoon, thought I'd be able to sneak out after the kids sleep (and I tried tucking them to bed a little earlier than usual at 730pm) but sadly my daughter tossed and turned (probably because she was feeling uncomfortable) till almost 9pm. I tried to get her daddy into the room to keep her company but she said only wanted mummy. Oh sigh...

And Precious sms to say she still have some durian left over... and I replied asking whether there'd be round 2! Haha! So all cleared now?

Seveneleven, yup, Thu is fine. Let me know the time. I should be in most of the time except from 5-7 where I'll be around Lor 7 (daughter attends Prime Gym next to Pei Chun from 530-630).
<font color="aa00aa">
Yia, yia, how's the durian feast? Bet you gals enjoyed alot!

I did not particularly train my son's sleeping hr. He sleeps at 830pm since birth. Many ppl advise me to hold back his sleeping time so he can sleep thru the nite. But the more we tried, the more cranky he was and we felt it's very cruel to deprive his sleep for the sake of our own convenience. Now at 16mth, he wakes up at 630am, his morning nap is 930 - 1100 and noon nap 430 - 6pm. I'll always put him in bb cot during these timing. However, if he doesn't sleep within 1hr in the morning, will carry him out to play lor. But will not let him sleep till 330pm earliest.

not bad leh. Think will learn from you to bring son to different playgrounds. Usually almost every morning will bring my son to Lor 8 mkt, then let him play at the playground near my blk. Aiyo, damp dirty one lor esp after a pour. Got to prepare paper wipe to clean the slide.

how's your search for CC?</font>
i was at my mum's plc on sat, too bad we can't meet up.

how is your gal? better?

yeah so how was the durian feast?
Hi favored, CMA is a place that teaches abacus and mental arithmetics. There's a centre at the Toa Payoh Safra. Actually I was there to check out Eduplus but sadly the timings didn't suit so checked out CMA instead.

Char, gal's ok now. Sunday morning her fever subsided and till today nothing, so thank God for that.
hey, jcefoo

ur gal's teacher at CMA is teacher E? My gal has been attending sun morning class and have intention to switch to thurs 5pm class
jfoo, how did u train your child to love CMA so much? My girl really hates it, and I also hate to force her to do her practise. Now she is doing her books at home instead going to the daily class. Who is your gal's teacher?

Is there a play gym in Toa Payoh ? Where is Prime Gym?
Hi pooh and janice, yes, teacher Esther. Uh, didn't train her to like CMA, she just did. Haha! Perhaps I caught her at the right age and time?

Prime Gym is at Lor 7, near Pei Chun Public School. Next to the Lor 6/7 market. They have group classes for children starting from age 18 months and above. They train gymnasts for competition too and you can see just how vigorously they train! And this is just S'pore, can you imagine how they'd train in China?! Goodness! The teachers are from all over - the one from China trains those selected with potential to win, win, win! Haha! No surprise there! A few Aussies (I think) train the older secondary girls. Then there are locals too who mainly take those who do gymnastics for pleasure. Then there are the boys who are into competitions, they're trained by men.
Ling, has been awhile since we hear from u. Hope u manage to find either a reliable bbysitter or infant care centre for your child.

Mummies, any good suggestion where to bring little ones age 2yrs to hv fun? My hub and I wanted to celebrate her BD by bringing her out to hv a gd time be it indoor or outdoor. Thanks for the input in advance.
u can go to those indoor play like bambini or free ones at vivocity.. IMM also has one i think.. or throw a party.. haha..
Hi Miin and Dor,
Hubby on reservice last 2 weeks so home alone with my gals and no time on internet. Aiyo, my bb still not accepting bottle that well but at least cry less. Every night when I nurse her directly, she can suck for half hour and not wanting to let go even when full!

Dor, safra got a bambini-like playground too. Big splash at east coast also have. I think price reasonable.
Ling &amp; Miin, thanks for your imput. We dun intend to throw a party coz she's still too young to enjoy the activities.

MamaG, r u providing the svc or u r recommending someone?
Jasmine, ic thanks. maybe i'll chk out too coz now my current one no doubt she's fast and charges S$10/hr but she's nt very detailed in terms of cleaning...hence thinking of changing.
