TOA PAYOH mummies

Hmmm...didn't know that Montesori operating hours vary b/w branches.

Jfoo, Precious, thanks for the info. Will check out these branches when my son coming 2yrs old. BrightStart is just opp my hse, so it's easier to send and fetch in time. Others hor, got to check if I have bus to go to work from there, can be inconvenient.

Toa Payoh area not much those Montessori teaching playgroup right ? cos i feel that nearer to our house is easiler lor ...

Precious ,

your girl attending the PCF , good ?
jasmine, my gal is in infantcare. every baby's different so observe them and try to cater to their needs. my gal n korkor are different too so i hv to learn the different habits. a bit shorthanded cos i'm working n handling 2 kids n doing hsework. hubby helps but he's not that domesticated. i feel i dun spend enough time with korkor so i try to read to him before sleep now. cant spend much time playing with him.

favored, dun bother with blk 200. they r LOUSY! my gal at 13 mths, still cant walk on her own. she's very lazy.. wanna be carried all the time.

j foo, my gal likes to climb onto vehicles too.. anything with wheels.

char, last i heard, rate is 600 if u put there mon to fri n bring home nightly. $800 if u bring home during weekend. as they grow older, seems like rate will go up $50 due to increase in food expense. i suppose this differs from babysitters

don worry about not spending enough time bah.... think they will voice it out to you. :p coz i use t with my mum...(hahah i am the eldest of 4 children)
infantcare... wow but they are costly.... poor thing... but i think that men are all not too domesticated..have the same prob with hubby....


hahah now i envy you... but then again.... living and handling a maid is really not easy... don think i can take a stupid one at this moment.... and boy have i seen some really stupid ones.... think sometimes they do it on purpose....
ya jasmine, i think he's voicing out in his way already.. cos he's always pulling my clothes and say 'come, i wanna show u'.. 'sit down and play'

ya infantcare is costly, after subsidy i'm paying abt $671. actually abt the same as babysitter. i'm appreciative of my hubby's help. maybe i'm more fussy so easier to do the thing myself than explain how to do it. sometimes have to just close both eyes.. haha

cheaper to get a maid but if no one is home, i cant leave her alone n u dunno if she's good to bb.
Char, am paying my bbsitter S$600 meals incld (Mon-Fri and alternate Sat). Some bbysitter charge S$550. Cost for leaving your bby overnite wif bbsitter is subjective. If there's really a need better let her noe and fix an amt b4 u engage this is to avoid further misundstdg and unhappiness in future.

Any mommies brout your kid/s to MWTR for right-brand training? I intend to stop her class @ GUG on wkend and start-off my gal wif this group of MWTR.
My girl enjoys PCF very much, though there are some feedback that the teachers are firm and fierce. When I ask my girl if teachers are fierce, she always replies "No, Shasha likes new sch"

Elijah's mummy
My helper knows her main focus is cooking and daily housechores. So far she is quite diligent, even when she finishes her job, she will find other things to do, tidy and organise etc.
anyone koes where to get those charts with days of week and dates on it? i saw those velvet ones which are very exp.. anyone koe if there's cheaper ones? dun hv time to do diy unless 5 mins can be done. if any mummies wanna discard theirs, can i have it?

wanna teach my son days of week. any suggestions how to do it?
<font color="aa00aa">Char, like what Dor and Miin said...mktrate abt $600. Only thing you want to ensure is if the bbsitter is also taking care of another baby. Some bbsitters want to earn more $$, so bbsit two at the same time. Then the rate might be abit cheaper.</font>
hi mummies

i have updated my profile in the yahoo group

ur gal is same age as my elder gal. wondering if u are keen to meet up and do some activities wif our gals?
Precious, sounds like you've got a good maid in your hands
But as you said, no complains YET! Haha! No la, must see things positively

HI Pooh, yes, I'm game for meeting up and doing stuff together.
j foo

tot of bringing my gal to toa payoh garden for a slow walk..or u have any suggestions??

my gal back frm sch at abt 2.45pm...which sch ur gal attending??
thanks precious, just went to popular tampines. they only have the clock for teaching time. it's not wat i want. it's ok.. i'll look ard somemore.. or just diy. .
thnx for the input on babysitter's market rate. just wanted to know for future reference. but most imptly is to be able to find a really good one.

good for u, to have to a good maid and also that u are able to spend more time with your gal.
HI Pooh, my daughter gets back around that time too. She's attending Singapore Montessori Kindergarten at Upper Thomson. Toa Payoh garden? Is that the one opp HDB Hub? Can. Which day? I'm ok with most days except Wed and Thu. Check my mobile no from the google group and sms me.

oh..i might be visiting the sch next mon wif my no2. She might be attending SMK next yr. Shall we plan to meet next week then? do u use msn??mayb we arrange thru msn or sms
Hi Mummies,
I am new to this forum. Hope to know more moms and share experiences! I stay at Blk 10B TPY Lor 7. I have a newborn gal who is just 6 week old now.

I am returning to work mid Mar. Now in dilema to either find a babysitter or place my baby in infant care. I heard infant care is good in terms of learning social and motor skills, but I am so worried my little one is left unattended and crying for hours since 1 caregiver is to attend to 3-5 babies.... Also baby always tend to fall sick in infant care? And my baby is such a light sleeper and loves to be carried to sleep....Maybe I have spoilt her??
Anyone can share their experience on infant care?

As for baby sitter, how do I go about to look for one trustworthy one? Nowadays, seems like not many babysitters around!

So stress as a mum! Sometimes I do hope my baby will suddenly just turned a year old!!!
hi li leng, welcome.
u better start sourcing around early as infantcare/nannies usually need advanced notice. in the infantcare, the tr wont leave the bb crying for 1 hr.. for ntuc, u can stay with the bb the first day.. subsequent days one specific tr will stay with the baby until he/she is familiar.. anyway, since ur bb so young, she will not ren people so fast so easier to hand over.. ;)
Hi! LiLeng,
Welcome! I fully undstd how u feel. I'd put my gal in infantcare when she's abt 8mths old and withdraw her out at 11mths. Now she's looking after by a nanny much happier and healthier I mus say. Personally I feel it is not advisable to leave ur bby in infantcare at this tender age as they nd more attention and care.
Looking for a good nanny is important,better if u can get her thru recommendation otw thru agency which will charge higher.
Infantcare they do learn a little but very much depending on the ctr itself if they hv responsible staffs. But your gal now is too young, priority should be given in taking care of her instd of letting her learn something.
Hi White Lady, charges for K2 per term is, I think, less than $1200. On average it works out to be around $400pm. Not exactly cheap but I do like the teacher-student ratio and the environement is nice. They're tops for hygiene cos the child has to bring his/her own hanky to dry hands rather than using common towels. I was rather impressed when I first heard that.

Pooh, where does no 1 attend? Not putting no 2 in the same school as no 1? Yup, let's arrange something for next week. Not into Messenger or Facebook, haha, bit "sua-ku". SMS me, thanks.
Hi Miin,

For learning days of the week, i think the fastest way for kids to learn is through singing the song. Tat's what i did with my daughter and she picked it up pretty fast.
Hi Miin and Dor,
Thanks for the warm welcome.
I have listed with various infant care since early last month but all said full. The safra one claims if I can put a deposit this week, they should be able to find a teacher by mid mar, i.e before I return to work. They currently have only 1 teacher and 3 babies... didn't seem to be too popular ya? Whereas for NTUC first skool (where Miin place her gal), the might only take in in Apr/May when one of the toddler graduate to next phase.

Dor, did you go through agency to get a nanny? Nanny in toa payoh area also?
Ling, I was abt to do so until someone I knew recommended this current nanny staying in TPY to me, coincidentally she used to tk care of my gal b4 she left the infantcare ctr. I mus tell u then I felt panic and worried that I cldnt get a gd bbysitter to look after my gal. I even resulted asking among my colleagues and even chk wif some aunties at the mkt hee! God bless that I found this nanny who tks good care of my gal. I'll try to source for u and c if there's any ard tpy available.
Ling, nt sure if you have chk out Club HDB childcare located at the interchange lift ent. nxt to bus svc no. 159 i think. U can call this no. 64901200
Ling, last time a mummy from this forum gave me a contact for nanny in lor 7.. hey, u r staying at lor 7.. just nice.. i think i may have deleted the email contact.. let me check with her ya..

spiderman, wat song do u sing with days of week inside?
Ling, Miin reminded me of a bbysitter contact I got fm another mummy Aunty LiTing tel 63541348, she's staying at blk 155 tpy lor.1.
Dor, I tried calling the Club HDB, they told me is full and not expanding as they have limited space. I was telling Miin that they din sound friendly over the phone though. Unlike the first skool, the principal whom sounded friendly and helpful.

I will try to call this aunty Liting soon. Hope to find a good nanny. What's the market rate for day time nanny hur? Thanks!
Ling, S$550-S$600. If u prefer to do ur own mktg for ur gal's food and bring over to nanny, the charges will be ard $50 cheaper. Does the principal sounded impatient? I actually went dwn to view the plc n met her. In person she's ok perhaps is the way she talked tat gv a diff impression hee!

Spiderman, if dun mind can u share the song to me too. My gal loves to hear me sings hahaha! Thanks in advance.
<font color="aa00aa">Spiderman, I also want to know the song! Can PM me too? Xie, xie!!

Ling, perhaps you can google the web as I have seen nannies advertising their services. If I can enroll my son in time to childcare in April, I can intro my bbsitter to you if you still need.</font>
Favored, thanks for offering help. But I need to go back to work by mid-mar leh...

Dor, the principal never offer to let me visit the infant care leh, just told me it's full and a no. on waitlist.

Precious, tks for the bbsitter contact. I visited the NTUC infantcare this morning n was told they might have a place in mar. The centre is full of children! The envt looks more pleasant as compared to the safra one.
hey Ling, if u put ur gal at first skool, she'll be classmate to my gal.. hahaha.. so cute hor.. so small already have classmates.. kekeke

spiderman, i save u the trouble to retype la..

here's the song Spiderman sent to me.. teaching Days of the week but I dunno the rhythm.. :p

There are 7 days
There are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Friday, Saturday
and Sunday

Note: As you sing the song, use your fingers to do the counting too).
oh ya Ling, it's better if u start ur gal 1 week before u return to work. Start with half days first for a few days then prolong it.. to let ur gal get used to it..
precious what is the title of the Barney song?

I'm not sure if there's an infantcare with ratio 1:2. MCYS std is 1: 5 babies
Safra will definitely qualify.. hehehe.. there oni have 3 babies there.. but in terms of conduciveness, I feel first skool is better than Safra.
