TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi Dor,
My Twins Boy in Bishan-Toa Payoh CCC.
Hi Char,
Nice to know you.I am staying in Blk 145 Toa Payoh. I would like tob add in google group member, thks.
Elijah's mummy
I was advised to stop bf during pregnancy due to my terrible ms. Today went for the scan, gynae said 80% is a bb boy. I'm into 12wks now, how about you?

The 1st 2 mths my supply was very low, as I continued, the supply automatically increased.
nice knowing you too. re google group, pls PM your email addr so that i can add you as member. thnx.

i can't remember whc one of you updated your particulars in google sorry but i was editing the particulars in google group and noticed that your particulars is erased for some reason when i logged in jus now. need to trouble you to re-enter your particulars. pai sah ah!

congrats! good lah, have a gal and boy. i'd like to have a boy the next time not becos i prefer sons but would like to have the experience of having a son.
noticed that it was you who updated your particulars but duno why must click on edit then can see your particulars. am trying to figure out how to set it in a way for the whole list to be visible w/o clicking on edit.

hahah, just found out that we have common friends!
heheh or rather our hubby has common friends! think you will know who am talking about. :p


i was given a diff story by my gynea. am still bfing my boy for his night feeds as i cant seem to wean him off it (used to be total bf for all his milk needs, now his day feeds are all formula).... he says that bfing can cause premature labour so he advise me to stop bfing.
yeah i know who u r talking abt. wat a coincidence! he told me that u were bz baking pineapple hardworking wor. i duno how to make tarts.
re BF, i'm no expert in BF but jus sharing wat i jus learnt from a fren who breastfed her son for 1yr. she practiced cold turkey on her son as he suckles at night for comfort so wat she did was whenever her son wants to suckle, her hb wud take him out of the room but he'll cry so carry him around till stop. all this took about 1wk or so. or u may try to bottlefeed him at nights and slowly lessen the frequency. jus sharing wat i learnt from frens.
wow.. i was away for 5 days and I can't keep up with the updates.. phew.. now i'm a bit blur liao with the different topics.. haha..

mummies, i'm now staying at blk 116. Moving to blk 96 (lor 3). Officially moving this thu. very slow and tedious work..

char, i went into google group already b4 i read the threads so have registered.

j foo, jeffrey is ok so far. just like all contractors i guess, many times they just proceed as they like. so have to keep a very close eye daily.

btw, not sure if anyone watched the news last week. NTUC ccc is now officially known as MyFirstSkool. I also just realised MySkoolHouse is the premium branding for NTUC ccc. Facilities are very nice at the Tpy branch so if u r considering a ccc, do take a look.
Hi all,

I was fm here long ago and went MIA... once awhile will log and read....

I am staying at Lor 8-blk216, am a FTWM with a 5YO boy and 20mths gal. Hope to meet up with the mummies and kids here.
Elijah's mummy
There are some mummies who still bf #1 till #2 arrives. Most gynaes would advise to stop bf so that the pregnant mummy can have more rest and able to produce sufficient nutrients for the bb. Thank God I have no difficulty in weaning her off, if not I would be very soft-hearted to give in to her demands... keke!

I have moved houses many times. Most important is to unpack those you need to use first, the rest slowly unpack when you find some time to do so. Oh ya, I saw the news. After renovating the centre looks so impressive, even teachers have to wear uniforms. Do they have individual classrooms for each class?
unlike precious, i've only moved once whc is recently and yeah, can be tiring especially for your case with 2kids. slowly bah....

welcome back to the thread.

i agree with you.... i am very soft hearted and it just breaks my heart to hear him cry. so will give in an allow him to latch on leh. hahah rest?.... am looking after my boy alone so rest is only when latching him on and sleeping with him leh. :p
thanks for the moving house advice. i'm gonna basically grab a few boxes.. throw in whatever i need then carry over.. the rest, take bit by bit..

precious, some levels have classrooms while some have a specified specious area for themselves. trs wore white t-shirt that day cos of the ceremony. not sure if they still do so. kids are given white t-shirts instead of the normal red ones. even infants wore white.. must be the pap colour..kekeke..
AHHH...I'm so behind schedule this Chinese New Year! Haven't got round to changing notes! And no clothes yet either! My mum says "never mind, as long as the kids get their clothes, nobody will bother about you!" Haha! In a way, so true, cos everyone's focus is on the kids. Wherever I go, people will greet the kids first then it's "oh hi Joyce!" Haha!

Miin, moving with two kids, no joke. Had the experience when moving from Jurong to here. I had to take one and my hubby took the other (as he had to be down in TPY waiting for the movers and me up in Jurong overseeing the movers). Hubby took the younger one as he had the car, so little one would take his nap in the car. Older one with me and we'd just be doing all the last minute packing as the movers moved the packed boxes out. But at least for you, you're moving from TPY to TPY, not as bad. The movers took the entire day to move out load. At the end of the day, we were totally knocked out. It took us yet another 2 weeks to slowly unpack...

started by miin

shall we do a consolidating list so we koe who's staying where.. our tpy mummies is really expanding.. :)

Lor 1/2
1) Miin - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236

Lor 5

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8

1) ryes

Jfoo, thks again for getting the disc for me. My son enjoys it very much.

Char, pls incl. me for the grp. Thks.
Precious, either urs a boy or gal am happy for u. Thanks for the working mom' link as well.

Miin, where hv u bn no wonder din c u log on to sms recently..happy hse moving hor. Did u pick an auspicious day to 'official' move-in? Heard for new flat hv to sprinkle salt and rice at 4 corners of the hse, nt sure wat does tat mean.....hee!
talk abt auspicious.. had a big tongue lashing from my mom over the weekend liao.. i'm a now a spoilt ungrateful brat.. accidentally offended her with my tone. she was being helpful by supplying me with all sorts of things as she said when moving hse, everything must be full.. actually i'm not pan thang so I wasnt very particular abt all the auspicious things to do. then got a huge tick off by saying the wrong things and using the wrong tone. sigh...

now i'm suffering her silent treatment.
My fil is very superstitious.
Bought a few things (claim those items will bring fortune and etc) and expected us to display them in our house.
We did not listen to him, and we actually threw them away.
Most of the folks thinks the same, but I believe these r all good intention let, otw they wont bother so much either.

Precious, wat happen if ur fil asked to c those thingy, o dear where u gonna get them.

Miin, jus apologise to ur mom , tell her no heart feeling and buy her favourite food, she'll prob forgive, afterall u r her daughter not dil tat will be a different story liao haha!
We just told him that we don't like such things in our house. Sometimes no choice but to be direct.
Just like the way we disliked them to get involved in our wedding preparation etc.
We planned it to be a simple wedding celebration and they did not like the idea.
Maybe it is all about generation gap and beliefs... keke! That explains there are many things we cannot stand them.
ya it's a lot of give n take. i din express my wish clearly and politely n she took it upon herself to help out. anyways i'm guilty as charged. just waiting for her to cool off. but the thorn will be there for a loooong time..

living under one roof is realli not easy. being independent is better. although having an elder at home is good, space is necessary too...

when i stay with my inlaws in jkt, i just keep mum abt most things.. staying with ur own mum is different, i'm less tolerant somehow.. i am grateful for them too la..

will we be like that too when we grow old and having the similar kind of displeasure with our kids? i hope not...
thnx for sharing the article about cloth diaper. think i'll put the idea onhold 1st as i still have stocks of disposable diapers and am starting out to toilet train my gal.

i know wat u mean. during and after my confinement where i stayed with my parents, i appreciated my mum helping out with my gal but we both have different mindsets over certain things; like my mum feels that my gal should not be bathed at night, just sponge bath. but i disagree. but mother is mother, somehow no matter how rude we've been to them, they'll forgive us with their unconditional love.
precious, no i'm currently staying with her. we're moving out to stay on our own. 1st time we r gonna stay alone since we got married!

char, u r right.. it's always difficult to say 'sorry'.. sigh.. have to make up with her tonite before i move on thu.. (have to face the cold stare or another tongue lashing first).. it's always difficult to put own pride down, isn't it... i'm gonna suffer all the nervous gitters until she comes home..

still thinking how to teach my children to overcome their pride to apologise in future..
buy her favourite makanan and break the ice by offering to her. Tat's wat i did instd of saying 'sorry' is hard to say out sometime. At times i wanna show my affection to her but cldnt bring my self to say 'i love u mummy' jus find it very strange leh...i just stroke her back instd to show my love. Do u all hv the situation as well?
After my mum accepts Christ, she is more expressive. Will give me a big hug and tell me how much she loves me. I suppose that's the way she feels how much Jesus loves her too.
ya, is nice if one is more expressive. i think if i start hugging my mom or vice versa think we'll start asking each other 'wat's wrong stg happen?' hahaha!

hmmm. i have life so much easier.... now that i have heard all your stories! i grew up in a Christian family and my parents are not afraid to show us how much they love us. will even sneak up behind us to give surprise hugs.
miss those days now that i am staying alone after i got married.

my mum and me has even on occasion agreed to disagree!
haiz miss her now that i am home alone!
Thank God that my girl loves to give kisses and hugs. And it seems she is the one who starts the 'flow" in my family. Sometimes she would also wants me to hug my siblings too, especially when we have to say goodbye. My mum is a very simple-minded person, hence for her to trust in God much easier.
its so true that its hard to say sorry to our parents maybe (to me) its becos they dun say sorry to us when they made mistakes. so now i say sorry to my gal when i was in the wrong. hopefully it'll show her that we should apologise when we're wrong. as for having a tiff with my mum, i'll usually sms her with my apologies. hee hee!

hahah. so sweet! i wish my boy will be like that too in the future! my parents and siblings would be overjoyed with that!

praise God for that!
I just spent many hours in preparing the timetable for the helper.
Not easy task 4 me as it is my 1st time.
Thank God the maid agency has a sample of detailed house rules as a reference.
I also prepare a simple chart for her to write down what she wants to prepare for meals and what the main ingredients to buy.
My MIL has just moved in to stay with us...she's ok...but sometimes she really gets on my nerves - there's been a few occassions whereby she "interfered" when I was "disciplining" the kids. I was telling my daughter that she couldn't have a certain thing and she said "but grandma said can". I then told her that my word is final since I'm the mummy. Then recently with CNY approaching, she bought these really "o-biang" deco and hung them on my plants! We have really different taste, not so much because of generation gap but more because we were brought up in a very different environment and exposed to very different culture and life. Oh boy...many more months to go...MIL sold her semi-d house and is putting up with us until she decides to get her own place... I'm the type who will "silently bear" everything unless the matter is really, really serious. So I don't see any heated arguments anywhere with my MIL but will probably vent here more often! Haha! And vent at my husband's ears! Haha!
j foo

poor gal. i know how tough in laws can be..... my heart goes out to you. heheh will willingly listen to you venting.


will be having another boy. am into mine week 17 now.
but still unable to wean my boy off bf. :p am partially to blame as i cant take his crying... also i cant seem to break this time with him on my part coz it just heart wrenching to me. :p
Elijah's mummy
Congrats! I always feel it is nice to have 2 kids of the same gender (hee hee, maybe becos I am closer with my sis).
Does your boy alright with drinking fresh milk/formula milk? My girl dislikes formula milk until I introduce Isomil Soy Formula to her. And from there, I slowly wean her off.

Poor u! How I pray my inlaws would be like my parents. Etc: Where I bring them to eat, they will definitely say "nice food". Unlike my inlaws always want to pick the location, and when we arrive, they change their mind or if the stall is not opened, they will ask my hb to drive the car to another location. And if we were the one who suggest where to eat, they will definitely give bad comments about the food or make comparison. Actually things get worse, when they dislike the idea of why I am so young and yet wants to be a sahm (as both my sils are ftwm). I suppose now I'm hiring a helper, they would give comments again... it seems nothing can please them. So in order to make ourselves happy, is to Ignore, Ignore and Ignore. But if they were to teach the wrong things to my girl, yes I will interfere, be firm and direct (same applies to my own parents too). Objective is simple: as not to confuse the kids, and teach them the correct and appropriate way to react to certain issues.

Just saw this thread and is interested in joining any upcoming gatherings.

I am staying at my mum's place at Balestier.
I have 2 gals - 5yo and 8mths old.
phew, the worst is over. Guess what! I made use of my baby.. cos she's my mum's bao bei..

Dor, u r rite.. maybe our parents are more traditional ya.. so at most we'll do is a pat on the back. same goes with my bro, he's not too comfy with hugs to siblings.. so he's always banging us with pats on the backs when he wanna show his love.. those times we hug were realli tight..

j_foo.. poor thing.. just vent ur frustrations here.. no probs.. ;) stimes it's difficult to vent it on hubby too cos it's his parents after all.. saying too much may cause conflicts too..

my hubby n i are the affectionate sort so we r always cuddling n kissing the kids.. hehe.. otw we'll be pinching them.. ouch.. :p
just updated...
Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)

1) ryes
Dear mommies here...

Need a favour. Anyone know of any good obgyn in KK Hospital? I don't mind guy or woman obgyn. Thanks ahead. :D
Hi Morning!

just updated...
Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
Updated: :D

Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
Yo Jfoo, is not easy staying 2gether be it in-laws, our own parents or even wif hubby. I guess both party gotta learn how to gv n take. Maintain a comfy distancce btw u n ur in-law and hope things will turn out fine, meantime.

Talking abt staying 2gether, I hv stg to share as sil n her 2 daughters (10 & 14yrs old) were staying wif us for abt 4yrs b4 i got preg and they gotta look for aonther plc due to my pregnancy as the hse is too cluttered wif bby stuffs n confinement lady staying in.

Unhappiness is unavoidable however, we'd managed thru by me taking the initial move or setting example like hse chores, cleaniess etc. a lot of time was give and take. Things were ok until it was due to one silly misunderstanding tat made our relation, as well as, my fil relation sore.

While chatting wif my sil elder daughter abt educaiton, out of good intention I tld her to advise her younger sis to put more effort in her study as hving good acadamic is always the priority for employers. Hence, i sd to her avoid being '寄人篱下'(relay on others to survive). Perhpas i'd misused this proverb and she tk it that am looking dwn on them coz they r staying in our hse. Thereafter, their attitutde towards me changed including my fil that was during my pregnancy. Initally I cant figure out wat had happened n i even asked my hb which he din mentioned and kept fm me.

It lasted until last year whereby he finally tld me the reason. U know how i felt when i heard tat, i cired of coz, as am so dissappointed and dishearten especially to my fil, all the while i respected them alot n yet he think differently of me. I was so pissed tat i blamed my hub for not telling me earlier so tat i cld clarify this matter. For goodness sake, do u think his son will choose such a vivious woman as a wife. I trusted my fil wld be fair n listen to my side of story however he din instd took his granddaughter's word for it.

I finally had the opportunity to clarify with my sil and fil in separate occasion, thereafter, things r much better. However, there will always be a 'scare' and no matter wat happen i always believe tat am jus an outsider to them, sad case rite. sigh sigh.
Anyway, thanks for your patient for reading this long winded tale.

hey Dor.. totally understand what u mean.. 说者无心听着有异 (what u say is not wat other hear).. sometimes we really dunno when wat we say or the tone we use may just be misunderstood by others. ur hubby by protecting your feelings actually may hurt u more..

i have this problem cos i do have a quick tongue and easily offend people. In jkt, my sil's family of 4 and my fam stay under 1 roof with parents inlaw. In addition to pil's feelings, i also have to adjust to my sil. I realise the culture difference is really great at times and stimes I din koe wat I may hv done wrong until my hubby or mil tells me.. The advantage is language. Since I'm not well-versed with bahasa, many times i just act blur or let my hubby handle watever..

having said that, i'm sure they need to do a lot of adjustments too having a stranger in their hse and one who doesnt koe anything. i seriously cant help much eg if there's any marketing/cooking/servicing related to the house cos i dun koe their rules and regulations so my sil/mil hv to handle on their own. i basically just do as i'm told. :p
