TOA PAYOH mummies

mummies, i won't be online until next year.. haha.. so wishing everybody 牛年行大运, 心想事成, 开开心心..


Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
Thanks, Miin.

Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
Hi mummies, thanks for lending me your ears
I took the o-biang looking stuff off my plants already. I didn't take ALL down, left two which are "on the borderline of o-biang". Thought it wouldn't be very nice to take ALL down. Haha! When my MIL came home I told her that there were too many things hanging on the plants and that made things look cluttered and messy and takes the attention away from the plants! She seemed ok about it. Haha!

Went scurrying around the various banks wanting to change new notes this afternoon. And all the banks are out of notes! Oh dear, oh dear...The lady at Maybank said to go back tomorrow, they should have "stock" coming in. I managed to collect red packets from the banks though - their way of saying "sorry no more notes but you can have red packets". haha!
looks like every family has their sad stories and somehow we manage to live with it.

anyway, cheer up everyone and lets look forward to a HAPPY lunar new year!
Hi mummies,

Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700
5) seveneleven - Blk202 (toa payoh nth)

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
can identify wif ur MIL woes. my MIL helped me during my confinement. Am glad it was over :p She's a nice person but just some habits/ way of doing things just erks me. She still comes over to my place once a week to play wif my boy and tries to do all the housework.(very sweet of her but i rather do it myself). So sometimes really need to be sensitive wif wad i say.

haha... we too will be MIL one day. pray that we'll be good MIL wif high EQ
Hi mummies,

Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700
5) seveneleven - Blk202 (toa payoh nth)
6) Cherry75- Blk 145 (Lor 2)

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
Yes, yes, haha! We'll be MILs one day too. :p I want to be like my mum, or like my aunties, they're such nice MILs but still some of them not appreciated by their daughter-in-laws! Maybe they should swop with me then perhaps they'll appreciate their MILs... but then again, maybe that's what they want their MILs to be!!! Well we can't choose who our MILs are...we've made our choice as to who our husbands are so it's a package. Haha!

Miin, your new place blk 96, is that near Kheng Cheng? I go there almost everyday...hee get my supply of TVB serial
Nice kway chap at one of the coffee shops. And there's nice Nepalese and Western food.
j foo

hahha yaps i totally agree with you on the point of the MIL! hahah if i could change my MIL i would too!

hahah here is my turn to grouch about my MIL!

been having probs with her even before we got married.... and have been avoiding probs by just letting her have what she wants and how she dictate things to be done..... till i had the final straw on christmas.... she demanded that i ask money from my parents to give to her as its her right and my parents are earning big bucks, so much so that they helped with paying for my confinement when i had my boy.... haiz how not to fight against that? why must my parents give her money just because she is a housewife? (FIL is still gainfully employed)even if FIL is not employed its not my parents problem but her son that has to look out for them right?
jfoo, you got your tvb series near blk 96? Are they all in Cantonese? How much are they?

Here's wishing everyone a Happy Chinese New Year!!
hey Precious, it was such a pleasant surprise to have bumped into you this morning...
I was seriously very puzzled when my name was called... and I didn't recognize the person who's called me teehehe... ;)

hope to meet up with you again... here's to wish you a fabulous Lunar New Year!
your mil really has the nerve and cheek to demand $$ from your parents leh. wah lao, i hear about this i also angry wor. where got such thing? its not that she doesnt have any children to take care of her.
Goodness Jasmine! I hear about your MIL my jaw dropped!! Just because your parents are more well-to-do so must "feed" the extended family! What "right" is that?! They have the "right" to pay for your confinement cos you are their daughter!! Aiyoyo...

Girlizz, the rental for TVB dramas are $3.50 per DVD disc (VCD I think is $2.50, not sure cos I normally rent DVDs as the picture quality's better and I get 3 episodes per disc rather than just 2 on VCD, though VCD does work out cheaper per episode). You get a "rebate" of 50 cents if you return the following day. Otherwise you can keep the disc for 2 days. Anyway the aunty's nice, she doesn't impose fines if it's just a day or two late. They're in Canto but you can switch to Mandarin (the left right audio thing).

And to all the mummies here, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! Don't know about you gals, but my hubby's brothers are all coming over to our place for reunion dinner. So I'm gonna be busy, busy, busy tomorrow. And it's so sad that my parents are in UK every CNY so we haven't celebrated CNY together for...8 years already!
hahah dor

was just grouching that i have an impossible MIL that even has the face to ask me to get money from my parents for them. :p


thats my opinion too. but then she say that its coz of me that is why her son is no longer a mummy's boy(as in no longer gives her his whole paycheck)! but when i check with hubby he has never even given her his paycheck before.
heheh before we got married, she even told me that i must give her 10-20% of my pay.... but then i refused saying that its only right that i try to support my new family before i can try to support her, which is her son's duty. and if i were to give to her then even more i should give to my own parents before giving to her (stopped giving to my parents when i got married as there was so many new bills that i have never seen before and finances were tight and we were paying off the wedding dinner debts.... haiz wedding dinner was paid by my parents and us... no help from her).

j foo

hahah, she was saying that i should not have gotten a confinement lady and just looked after my boy on my own during confinement as i am a nurse by training..... also to save costs... was actually thinking about that but when my parents heard it, my siblings, and parents rejected the idea coz there would have been no help at all from my in laws and we would have been left to sink or die on our own. that was why my mum got the confinement lady and even paid for her for me (parents came to that idea coz during the pregnancy i was order to be on complete bed rest for a total of 7 months and also had to leave my job at that time..... so there was no more income from me... finances got very tight... thankfully my parents came to the rescue with food and the likes... when we told this to my MIL that i was not working then she even said that its our own life, and even asked me to abort the baby since we cant afford to keep it and that it was not her responsibility to see to our needs or even to help us... she disappeared for the whole of my pregnancy and we only met her during the reunion dinner before i delivered...that is another story altogether....)

hahha on a brighter note.... i found it so much better when i was preggy with my boy and post delivery.... up till a month there was no disturbance from her....we were so happy then
I'm back.. so much gossips to catch up on.. haha. until i forgot who i'm replying.. short term memory..

blk 96 is facing kheng cheng. .i din koe abt the video shop yet.. still going back to lor 1 side more often.. havent really explore all the shops on lor 4 side..

i felt like a labourer just b4 cny.. moving n packing.. mil suddenly changed her plans to come on thu iso fri.. so i was like a crazy woman, rushing everywhere to stock up fridge and packing n unpacking.. until i had wind in my stomach n diarrhea yest.. due to eating late n nt resting enouf..

actually mil offered to help pack the flat.. but how can i let her do that.. dats y i rush like crazy.. finally all is ready..

jasmine, wat a thick skinned mil.. gosh.. meet lesser, less conflict, less upset.. as ppl grow older, they can become more senile and selfish.. so i guess we just have to 'ren'..

my fil also starts to say weird things as he grows older.. sighz.. we r planning to go bk to jkt in jun now that my hubby has finished his course. fil complained y my hubby not go back immediately n stay in sg.. so we explained that my agreement with my co is to stay until jun. i cant cope with 2 kids so hubby has to be ard. at first buying a flat is not part of our plans until a friend proposed this idea to us. we decided to get a flat for asset building n in case our kids come bk to sg to study, they have a place to live in. Fil din help financially n commented y we buy a flat when we hv no money. sighz.. 'real supportive' ya..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummies, I'm new here. SAHM with 15mth son. Working part time Tue-Fri from 12pm - 3pm, so will put bb with bbsitter during this timing. Considering to place my son in a childcare environment cos bbsitter there learn nothing leh. Only check out First Campus (NTUC) at Blk 192, not bad but not sure the teachers. Hope they are the caring lot! Anyway on waitlist. Other playgroup centers abit tough cos of my timing. Hope to join your next gathering

Lor 1/2
1) Miin (mum’s plc) - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121
4) girlizz - Blk 700
5) seveneleven - Blk202 (toa payoh nth)
6) Cherry75- Blk 145 (Lor 2)

Lor ¾
1) Miin (new plc) – Blk 96

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50
2) Precious - Blk 36
3) PW - Blk 36

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7
1) Rkjk - Blk 8

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)
2) Mummy_Tang - blk 216
<font color="aa00aa">3) favored - blk 218</font>

1) ryes
2) Spiderman
any mummies kids is at lorong 7 play group ? i think the market there has a playgroup right ? is it good ? my son is 2.5 yo

hahah yaps that is all i can do.... 'ren' coz if not then it would be world war 3 between hubby and me. furthermore i don think that this should be an issue between us as its not his fault that his mum is like this.... not like he has not tried to stand up for me.... its just that his mum does not listen to reason... hahah i would label it as total dictatorship (do what i tell you or suffer the consequences). :p


just another grouch..... sob sob my boy is sick again.... haiz now am really tired...

oh yah, any advise how to stop MIL from feeding my 10mth+ boy with chocolate chips or CNY goodies and keeping him warm? think i almost went nuts trying to maintain my peace... and silence. :p
welcome favored! my bb is in the infantcare at firstskool.. trs in infantcare are good.. but i cant tell abt the other levels. din realise they hv a waiting list.. maybe bcos mine was infantcare.

jasmine, true.. as long as ur hubby understands ur position n concern N his mum's kuan. is she looking after him? if just visiting, u cant do much unless u voice out directly that he's sick n cant eat. let him drink more water.. n remind him he's sick so he cant eat anymore..

haiz, we tried voicing it out but it does not work... they will keep telling us that he is not eating it just sucking on it. 'faintz' thankfully she is not looking after him. how to remind him? would he understand? he is not yet a year old.
Welcome Favored! Hope to hear more fm u.

Jasmine, cant believe such mil exist. She's being so ridiculous. Anyway, glad she's nt staying wif bth of u.

My daughter tried all sorts of cny goodies and she looovvvveee it mann. However, i'd tld my mil n nieces nt to gv her too much.

Hope everyone has a nice celebration and holiday.

hahah.... will try... :p haiz


yaps i am so thankful about that too. think i would have been admitted to a mental hospital if she was to have been staying with me. :p hahah
hey Dor.. even my 13 mth gal.. she loves the cny goodies.. so greedy.. she see the container and went 'ar ar ar ar ar'.. hahaha

<font color="aa00aa">Isaac says 'hi' to all mummies here! He loves to sit in between the ikea chair legs. Despite his thunder thighs and growing butts (haha), he still manage to crawl out.

First campus is expecting more toddlers coming in on Feb and Mar. Afraid not enof teachers to cope, so dare not commit yet.

Re: New Year Goodies
Probably inherit from my hubby who doesn't snack, my son only likes to play with the container (very good with unscrewing the cover) but didn't touch any goodies. Good thing that he doesn't has sweet tooth but loves more sour stuff, weird! </font>
hi mummies,
how was your long weekend? mine was ok just that my gal &amp; i have been sick b4 reunion dinner. getting better slowly.

welcome to the thread.

your mil is really terrible!! to tell u to abort if can't afford, really really terrible!! good thing u dun live with her.

re: playgroup at lor 7, i know of a mummy who sends her kid there, so far no complaint from her.
favored, Isaac is so adorable.. my gal is opposite. she likes to crawl under the dining chair, holding the rails on each side of the chair and stand up. Naturally she can't and keeps bumping her head. :p

now first skool has upgraded, registration could be higher. used to be almost have immediate vacancy. with new subsidies from govt, suddenly many ccc have long waiting list. do source early and secure a place first.

how old is your gal? hahah sounds just like my boy. hahah so that is why we don have tables and chairs at my place other then an island unit in the middle of the kitchen and bar stools that only have single leg.
Miin, Aleesha so cute and smart noes those containers contain yummy goodies heehee!

Favoured, i used to put my daughter in infantcare however decided to pull out partially I need to travel cant leave bby overnite @ infantcare, another reason being she'll prom to fall sick often. After i leave her wif nanny/bbysitter she's much healthier and happier gal now. Am so glad making this choice. Is impt to find a gd bbysitter who'll tk gd care of ur child. Is true the child dun learn much fm bbysitter, what i did was sent her to enrichment class or playgroup over the wkend. U can arrange wif ur bbysitter to fetch ur child to and fro if its nt too far. Othwerwise, u can choose a playgroup which fit in ur werking hrs so tat u can fetch him bk after werk.
Hi Dor,

My working time is lunch hr, so far can't find a playgrp that fits my timing leh. It's either am or pm. And for 18mths, only 1.5hrs max.

Agree children are more pron to diseases, have to pray over him everyday. No offends to mummies here, personally feel infantcare is a no no environment cos can be very stressful to a newborn where physical needs are utmost important. I always tell my fren to consider bbsitter if they can find one. 1:1 and definitely cheaper!

The amt I pay my bbsitter is only slightly lesser than childcare. My son enjoys playing with other kids and can tell he abit bored at my bbsitter plc as he grows older.

My plan is to bring him to the center at 930am when lesson starts and fetch him at 5pm after the Chinese lesson. Also,learn some social skills lor. If I preggie again and stop working, will pull him out and sent to playgrp. If not, will wait till 2.5 - 3yrs old cos more centers accept this age grp which may suit my timing.
favored, babysitter vs infantcare.. my hubby n i had that discussion before too.. ultimately we decided to put our bb in infantcare bcos unless u can find a bbsitter highly recommended by others, we dun hv that assurance our gal is well taken care of by that stranger. in the end, we put her in infantcare where we can see how the trs take care of the kids.

previously my gal was in the same infantcare with Dor at blk 200 near SPH. the chinese tr n P sucks so there was nothing much to learn. now i put my gal in my firstskool (Ntuc), they really do more things with her such as read to the babies, puppets game, sing song, etc. much more interactive. we r pretty happy with her there now.

my gal is 13 mths now

your gal is in the infantcare there or the playgp? coz my boy is 11mths as of yesterday.
now am looking around for someplace to put him in so that by the time the new baby is here it wont be a new thing for him to adapt to. currently i am a sahm with him.

am getting abit worried as he is now rather sticky to me or hubby and am wondering how i will be able to cope with the new baby and him once i deliver in june.
As our kid gets older, the more active they become. They would want us to play together with them. After getting a helper, I realise I actually have more time to spend with my daughter then to be busy in the kitchen, laundry and etc. And when I am still having MS, then she will help to entertain my daughter like reading, singing to her.

How old is Isaac? I like this name.
Are you also considering some infantcare/playgroup centres at Bishan area? My daughter used to be in Brightstart Montessori at Bishan Community Centre (they do provide 3hrs program for 24mths above). Too bad, they don't provide transportation. And each time I wait for bus 57, it is always takes more than 25mins

ur son is 11 mth yesterday. Mine is 10 mth yesterday. 1 month apart
. Wah and u will have another one in June. So exciting, i think u will get very busy. I'm waiting for my boy to start walking before thinking about no.2

Favored welcome to the thread. Isaac looks stuck. heehee
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, thanks for all your warm welcome!</font>

Miin, you are right! To find a trustworthy caregiver is not easy. Knowing that your gal is doing fine boost my confidence over My first skool. I also called the childcare at Blk 200, the principal sounded 'arrogant' like can't be bothered with having another business deal. I 'xian' half liao. Anyway I have not gone down to enroll on waitlist.

Isaac is coming to 16mth in a week's time. I have also checked out Montesori at Bishan. Sadly for 18mth, is 1030-12pm, 1.5hr only. Can't fit my schedule. And the 3hr playgrp is 1230 - 330pm for 2.5-4yrs old.

So now, is your daughter K1 already?

hahah... then if yours is as fast as mine you will be having one very soon too.... coz my boy is almost walking on his own already. now he is able to walk 5steps on his own already.

hmmmm also there seems that there are quite a few of our babies here that are of similar ages. yah! hahah then we can start our own playgroup before sending them to formal school! thats good news!


hmm yours is 2 months older then my boy... is there anything i should be watching out for? hahah coz this is 1st time mummy talking....
Miin, my daughter use to be like yours, like to go under tables and chairs. She use to take the plastic stools round and "build" them into a little space for her to "live in", like a portable house. Haha! Now my son will push stools around like some kind of push cart. He loves pushing Toyogo/Ikea plastic containers too, and no matter how many I stack up he'll still find the strength to push. I think I'm more worried that the containers might topple than whether my floor will get marks all over!

Favoured, Singapore Montessori Kindergarten at Upper Thomson (near Thomson Plaza) has a session running from 1115-1415, but they only start taking in at 24 months.
Hi mummies,

Anyone interested in Chingay Parade tonight? I have a pair of tickets, hubby bought and wanted to bring my daughter but sadly she's down with a cold and so she has to stay home... Any takers here? Hubby bought for $45 each but seeing that it's so last min we're willing to let go at a lower price. Do let me know if interested, PM me before 5pm.
