TOA PAYOH mummies

welcome back. too bad your gal, like mine is picky with food, duno how to appreciate other types of food. i admire my nephew who is 25mo & eats so much and almost anything (but doesn't like to drink milk) and yet he's so skinny. i really like to watch him eat. he luvs to eat cherry tomatoes. my gal prefers to take porridge and can take forever to finish her rice when kena forced by me. else after 2-3mouthful she'll cover her face with her hands.

aiyo, wat timing, u moved into lor 1 while i moved out of there. else can easily meet up during the weekends.

its ok, i'm only joking.
actually i just wanna try out playgrp for her 1st. K1/k2 can look some where nearer like maybe jessin. btw, the wind at my plc is also very strong too. have a feeling that one day the door will spoil too. hmmm....

Lor 1/2
1) Miin - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236
3) Dor - Blk 121

Lor 5
1) Joyce - Blk 50

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A
2) char - blk 79A

Lor 7

Lor 8
1) Dor - Blk 215 (mom's plc)

hi mummies,
i'm trying to set up a group in google and consolidate all of our details (addr,h/p etc.) in there so anyone of us can view it anytime.

just a question. any one looking for the bugslock brand of mosquitoes repellent? its the wristband styled ones. my friend say that she can get in Malaysia at $4sgd.

also is this good as this is new to me but i also see that there is a bp going on for it at $4.50. your opinions? that is before i make a decision to buy this. :p coz there is a moq to hit. also there are limited colours that she can get.....
like to know if its good before i get for my boy. heheh otherwise i will be wasting money again
Hi Jasmine, I personally prefer the spray type of repellent. I don't spray on their skin but just on their clothes, and that works well enough. If they out at the zoo or somewhere I think there'd be a whole lot of mossies waiting to attack, then I'd use repellent as well as those stick-on. I've not use the wristband stuff before but I've used wristband for motion sickness and those really don't work, at least not for me.

Precious, haven't quite decided whether or not to put my son at Singapore Mont Kindergarten as well. I mean so far so good and feedback from other parents are all positive but the only thing that I'm not so keen on is the fact that they don't have proper classrooms (ie no doors to close for each class). So the groups are actually in "compartments". Knowing my son (at his age), he gets distracted easily. Maybe at a slightly older age then put him there. Anyway, I'm holding him back at least another half a year. I'm gonna check out a few places in the meantime. Heard of Shaws? There's one at Lynwood (near Comfort Del Gro HQ). I was gonna put my daughter there but their Kindergarten program all full. The student-teacher ratio is low and program looks promising.
yeah, only members get to view so its private. i actually got this idea from the pasir ris mums thread, we have a google grp where we can view each other's details like who's child goes to whc sch and also who has what discount at various departmental stores like OG, DMK, kiddy palace etc.....and then we help each other get discounted items being members.

thanks. oh really thats so great!
heheh oh yah any discounts on diapers can let me know. also your takes on cloth diapers, bumgenius? coz the cost of diapers are steadily increasing!

there seems to be a prob when entering with my yahoo account. anyways i have sent you a message from there coz i tried to register with my goggle account instead.
have added you in google group. u can update your particulars liao.

members can up load pics there too whc u wish to share.
Hi mummies,

I chanced upon the business thread on this, not sure if you will be interested.
Seems like another center for our kids to try out.
Address: 190 Lorong 6 Toa Payoh #03-512 Singapore 310190
Telephone: 6255 7790
E-mail: [email protected]


started by miin

shall we do a consolidating list so we koe who's staying where.. our tpy mummies is really expanding.. :)

Lor 1/2
1) Miin - Blk 116
2)cutie-blk 236

Lor 5

1) elijah'smummy (jasminechenx)-blk 79A

Lor 7

Lor 8

1) ryes

hey dor, welcome back. BTW< think umight have missed my posting. When's ur gal bday? my girl also march bb
Hi! Ryes,My gal bd on 07/03/07.

Char, PM u oredi.

Precious, i reckon your bathroom door is those folder kind rite...quite fragile like mine too. Not durable @ all (by HDB), strong wind the door will open by itself. How much u spend to fix or change the door?
Wow! We r talking abt Glass door surprise it got damaged. Hope u also put door stopper for individual room as well incase the door slam and ur daughter might get hurt.
HI Char, PM you.

Precious, do you still want some more snack-size packets of ginger and plum?

Jasmine, I'm using cloth diapers. I use a few different brands and material, for different purposes. The one I use at home during the day is called Tiny Tush. It's 100% organic cotton so very soft and breathable but not that absorbent. Apparently absorbency increases with the number of washes...hmmm, not too sure about that cos I've washed them plenty of times (been using for almost a year) and it's still the same! Haha! I use bum genius and baby beehinds for outdoor as they can be stuffed with stuffing. Nights I still use disposable cos no matter how I stuff or even change to hemp stuffing (which by far is the most absorbent material), my son pees too much and there's always a leak. My friend uses cloth diaper for her daughter at night and it works.
Anyway, cloth diapers, I find, are easy to wash. I just throw them in with my normal washload. Sometimes I'll hand wash them if I'm hardworkingc
The reason I switched is because my son gets rashes time to time, and so far ever since I switched he's been free from it. Furthermore the chemicals they use to make disposable (which makes them so absorbent) is something they use to use in tampons, which is now banned, cos these chemicals have been proven to cause harm.
Thanks. My sis bought some from Parkway Umeya, the taste and texture is quite similar.
I'm a lazy mummy, have been using disposable diapers for my daughter, and even since she is toilet-trained I let her wear training pants at home.
i've added you as member liao. you can update your particulars there. btw, re cloth diapers, whc brand do you find is best and how much are they? after learning from u about how well they are, i'm thinking of giving them a try since they're environmentally friendly and in a way saves $$ from buying disposables.
j foo

when did you start on the cloth diapers for your baby? coz i am thinking that with my no.2 i will do so immediately post delivery once we are home but am thinking if i should invest now and test it out on my boy first?
Wow! 5yrs old liao ah...they r now in N2 or Kindergarten? I have a 22mths old daughter and am sourching a good Nursery cum Kindergarten for her. Very KS mom hahaha! Which sch u currently send ur boys to?
Hi Jasmine and Char, started using cloth diapers at 1. Won't recommend for newborns cos you'd be washing non-stop! Haha! And they do take quite a while to dry (as compared to those white terry cloth). I'd say start at 1 or earliest 8 months, when their poo-ing is "established". My friend puts a disposable liner on the diaper which she expects the daughter to poo in so she can just throw the liner and poo away and put the diaper in the laundry basket without having to rinse away the poo. I don't do that. I just let my son poo and I'll wash the diaper up. My hubby can't bring himself to do the dirty job so he'll call for help if he encounters it! Haha!

Can't quite remember how much I paid...the ones I bought are from States, think when the exchange was around 1.5, I paid about $25-30, depending on which brand and what type. There are so many different ones, like fitted and pocket. Why don't you gals pop by my place to see and feel the diapers? Serious, then you'll see and feel exactly what it's like before making your "investment".

The place I bought mine from is called Whoopiekids ( I think, I'll check the exact add and post it here).

I have quite a few brands - Tiny Tush, BusyBees, BabyBehinds, Happy Heinys.

So yup, come by. Any other mummies out there who are curious and interested can also come.
heheh j foo

actually i have email the same company just to check the pricing .... here is the email reply that i got

But I can arrange for viewing of the diapers at
Dragon Dor Cosmetics
32 New Market Road
Singapore 050032
Tel: 65352005
Daily 12noon to 9pm
Near Chinatown MRT, People Park OG
Above Food Centre

I can explain to you, make prior appointment 91440668, on weekdays Mon to
Thurs 7 to 8pm.

Use coupon code "SPH2008" to get 10% additional discount on top of the
existing bulk discount (cart may not be working well but I will adjust

On Fri, January 16, 2009 10:37 am, jasmine chen wrote:
> From: jasmine chen
> Email: [email protected]
> ------------------------------------------------------
> hi
> am interested in the bumgenius diapers but would like to try them out
> before
> i make s serious commitment to buy them in bulk. is there any thing that
> you
> can do for me? coz this is really a very big cut out of my budget as i am
> looking to get more then 12diapers if i were to make this commitment.
sorry, need a place to vent ... Maid issue .. really angry!

I just got this new Indonesian maid from this Honesty Maid agency at Toa Payoh Town. They claimed she worked in Spore for 2 yrs and took care of young children. When she came, the maid told me she has not taken care of children in her past employment and only do general housework with no cooking and well basically serving a rich tai tai with a 25yo son. Anyway, angry of cos since feel very cheated ..n paid extra $100 sevice fee for experienced maid and give another $20 for her spore experience. Anyway I'm willing to train the maid and basically, her duties are only to clean the 5m hdb flat and kitchen and occassionally play with the 2 boys if my mum or me are busy.

Haiz, after 9 days, this maid came to me that she can't cope with general housework. I'm really quite furious since I've waited so long and paid so much to bring her in. I called the agency and the consultant wanted me to pay her one month salary. Damn unfair right !! Now, they wanted me to keep her since they claim the maid will improve. I feel so unsafe keeping an unhappy maid at my house, what will you do if you were me ?
Sorry to hear that. One can undstd how frust you are. Heard fm my colleagues that usually the agency will allow the employer to change maid within certain grace peroid thou. Gotta feeling that she's trying to play punk, otw she's leading a very senang live @ the previous emloyer's hse now tat things change cant get use to it.

pls add me in the yahoo grp. im a SAHM of 6 and 3yrs old.

u got ur maid from Shirley from honesty maid agency?? she's quite rude

don stand for it! most contract will state that the agency will give you a choice of 2-3 maid changes before they charge you for another maid
also only need to pay her for what she has done so far. if she has only been with you a few days then only need to pay her for those few days not 1 month.
think its also time to lay down the ground rules and set a time table for her. at least this is what my mum does with a new maid. coz sometimes as what dor mentioned, the maid may play punk and try to get you to lessen her load, coz this is a new employer after all and don know any of her tricks yet!
hi cherry,
welcome to the thread. i'm a sahm with a 22mo gal,staying at central blk 79A.

pls PM your email addr so that i can include u into the group. thnx. sori to hear about your maid problem but sori i cant be of much with advice as i dun have any exp with hiring maids. the agency is also playing punk, how can lie to a client and then give a maid who cant do general house work. i wonder who u can complaint to.....
It sounds so unfair to you of the way how the maid agency replied you. Did you prepare a timetable/house rules for your new maid? I'm getting a new maid soon, probably once her work permit is approved, she can start work next Wed. Had a face-to-face interview with her since she is a transfer maid, the interview went well.
If I were you, I will make a complaint to the Manpower against the maid agency for being DISHONEST.
Precious- Wow! So fast gotten a maid liao. What's her country of origin? Hope this maid of yours turns out good.

Janice - I reckon u find out more of the employer's rite b4 u reason things out wif them. Give your agency some sort of warning, beleive they wont like to be black listed specially during this down time.
Precious, wanna ask u if Sha is hving solid for all her meals now or a mixture of breast milk? How old is she fully on solid?
Tks mummies ... just went to the agency. I have reasoned with her since its not my fault and its the maid who is looking for a tai tai job. They agreed to my terms and this maid will be put up for transfer and will leave my house until her workpermit is transferred to another new employer or until I cannot tahan her. Well, I guess they will take their own sweet time to find another employer.

I do ask them about the experience, she claimed she interview the maid infront of me so we recived the same info and its the maid who is dishonest not their fault. She showed me some data but none suits me .. haiz.

I gave her a very detailed time table and even give her step by step training. Just my luck loh ... Haiz . in Spore, employer is always in the losing end when comes to employing maid.
I managed to wean her off recently, at mth 30mths.
She has been having solid for all her meals since she turned 1 yr old as she prefers to eat rice as compared to porridge. I'm hiring a filipino.

Do refer to your contract, how long would they take for an replacement? Mine is within 1mth for any replacement at no additional cost.
<font color="ff6000">Interesting Article</font>
Should working parents feel guilty for spending less time with their kids?

I once hesitated if I should go back to work or not, until I remember what my pastor shared : "Enjoy each day with grace and peace, for tomorrow has its own problems, as don't worry about tomorrow, simply just ENJOY, and thank God for every decision we make which give us the peace".
Precious I share the exact sentiments... really must enjoy our kids while they are still young... cos this is the most valuable time of all...
does any mummies need S size mamy poko diapers?
I have 1 bn, selling away. bb upgrade to M size already..can pm me...

hope u'll get a new maid soon and one who doesn't give much problems.

wow! i really admire and envy mums who can BF for so long. i wish i was able to BF that long but couldn't cos of very low supply. during my confinement i had to supplement FM.
agree that we have to enjoy each day with our loved ones.
