TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi Dor

the quality is as good. Can buy some home.My house all the vcd is $1.90 one...coz hor my girl will change the disc herself then scratch it and spoilt lor. So at least cheap cheap not heartpain.

I was at the Pasar Malam last evening. Nothing much to see. Was looking for those rides/games for my girl to play. I managed to buy one Barney VCD (Barney's Colourful World Live!). She enjoys watching stage performance, hence bought one to try it out. Quality is good.

I'm been having quite a bad MS for this pregnancy. As compared to previous, at least I vomit less, and able to eat more. I'm feeling hungry every moment, and been eating non-stop... OMG! And feel sleepy every 3-4hrs.
hang in there, hope it is over by end of 1st trimester. i had bad nausea when i was expecting my gal and it was worst in the evening. the sight, smell and even thought of food is enof to make me puke. i was feeling so sick and weak that i was lying down most of the time. i ate instant noodles cos the smell at the foodcourt/coffeeshop makes me wanna puke. one night i puked 6times and i felt completely terrible. so hungry but cant eat, will puke watever little food i eat. will even puke out watever i drink too. i was feeling so sick that i cried told God that i didnt want to be pregnant anymore, haha. but it was over by end of 1st trimester and of course i ballooned up from there. my GP prescribed me some antacid whc helped prevent me from puking at that time but can't take it in the long run. hope you'll feel better soon.
Hi precious,

I didnt see the barney's colourful world live leh. The rack was quite a mess. BUt funny is hor, I show my girl the vcd, she like dun want to watch after 15mins leh. Waste my money.

You can try smelling peppermint to take kiam kaim? maybe it will help.
btw, any mummies staying near to the philips office ah? I need to get citric acid from them, wonder if anyone can help?
hi precious,
well u can try taking ginger drink. it helps when i was preg in the first trimester. =)
dun worri,it will be over soon. like me now my boy is already out but i'm just experiencing too much problem with my breast.. haiz.. i bf him and i get block ducts, it's so painful. haiz.. any mommies here have similiar issues?can share your remedies with me?tks!
i also had bad nausea during my 1st one.. all the way till 7mths.. i drink milk, turn my head, vomit all out.. hehe.. 2nd one until 5mths.. haha

precious, make sure u have plenty of rest. dun carry Sha too often.. btw, it's normal to feel guilty towards Sha if u feel u r too tired to play or do activities with her.. i feel guilty to my son when i was pregnant.. even at times now when i have to take care or bf my baby and i cant play with my son.. ur hubby have to chip in more now..

j foo, we'll be there ard 9.30.. no prob, bring ur kids along.. there's a playground just next to the court.

ryes, i may go there next week or so.. broke the lock on my chopper.. have to get a replacement. i cant confirm yet as my hubby managed to glue it back. but i've yet to test it.

dolphingal, try massaging all those block ducts to get the circulation going.. hurts like hell but no choice.. massage in circular motions.. it happened to me when i had my 1st one. or else keep waking your baby up to drink lor.. hehe
hey girlizz, email you liao.

hey miin, thanks for the offer, I see if girlizz can help me or not.

hi dolphingal, my massage lady told me to use the milk bottle, fill it with warm water and then press it on our breast in circular motion until the block ducts "melt" and then you express out or hand squeeze it. You try.

Coz I realise when I use hot towel, the towel cool very fast, then I gotta dip in hot water again.
Badminton session earlier was fun although onie miin n i were there. Good werk out thou after so all...we r heading to tpy central pasar malam lata at abt 2pm if any mummies care to join pse contact miin via hp as i will be logging off soon.

Precious, miss ur presence in this thread. i was abt to sms u and find out how's everything. Stay cool ya hang in there of all u noe ur morning sickness will disappear liao. Take care!
Hi Dor and Miin

So sorry I couldn't pop by this morning. My son's down with fever. Daughter was down a few days ago so I guess the virus has caught up with my son. And I'm down too (but without fever) as my voice is hoarse.

Glad that you two had a good workout. Replenished the calories back with a hearty lunch I hope
Hi Precious,

I had very very bad MS when I was carrying my twins, and it lasted for 5months. The most effective way for me is taking the sweet and sour ginger, and taking small and frequent meals. Hang on ... your cravings will soon return
Just now I went Shop & Save and provision shops to search but was in vain. Tomolo I ask my hb go Umeya or Ajiichiban to buy, thanks thanks.
Jfoo, no worries will organise another one again. Hmm perhaps can try my plc lor. 2 badminton court nxt time, there's a play ground nxt to it as well.

Precious, no pix leh onie miin n I, 'u tk me, i tk u' hee!

Ryes, I bought 3 barney vcd fm tpy pasar malam, quality not bad except for 1 dice that I nd to go bk and change coz the recording sound too soft.
Hi Precious, I bought them from those chinese medical shops in toa payoh town .. I think I bought the Bee's brand. If you want, I help you to buy.
Dor, sorry i stood u up.. baby oni woke up ard 3.30.. in the end went to pick my son and had an early dinner..

j foo, no worries.. now my gal has recovered, my son is starting to cough.. it's a vicious cycle.. sighz.. must realli take good care in this horrid weather..
I'm a Growing Fun member. If anyone needs anything, let me know.

As for Ajiichiban...think there's one at Centrepoint and one at Parkway Parade...but to be honest, I haven't been to Aji for a long, long time...
hi tpy mummies... i'm a new member here..and is kinda lost until i found this tread..
erms.. is there any treads that recommends gd babysitter? am looking for one urgently... cheers
Hey dor

which vcd that has a soft sound? I have 1 disc also quite soft, is not those live stage one..wonder if it's the same as urs?
Miin, no worries being a parent i noe there r impromptu moment!

Janice, I'll enroll MWTR my gal in Mar/Apr nxt yr when she finnished her last term @ GUG.

Ryes, I bout the 'Farm....' something, sorry cant remember the title liao. Did u manage to change to another disc? I went back on tat evening and change, got her a diff show instead coz am afraid the recording will be the same if I got bk the same disc.

Daerius, welcome to this thread, you can find 'babysitter' discussion in MH forum
Hope you manage to get a good bbysitter soon.
welcome element, where r u staying? a mummy here recommended a babysitter to me recently but i'm not using her.. maybe i can pm the contact to u.. she's at lor 7 though...

precious, there's a stall at novena square & tampines mall that sell sweet & sour stuff.. dunno wat brand. not sure if they have the sweet & sour ginger. i'll pick my son at novena tom.. check for u la.. if i pass by the stall at tampines mall, will check too..
these 2 days hot topic seems to be zhou chu ming.. even appears on the news abt his illness.. ke lian.. so young yet has such a disease..
hey precious, my colleague says the ginger is available at 'mei wu'.. is that umeya? she even show me her 'stock'.. haha.. it's like slices of ginger with sugar on top. is it, Janice?
Oh ya, I also heard about the news.
What illness is that? It sounds so serious!
Life is so fragile. Earlier this yr, my church friend's hb passed away due to late stage cancer, and he was only 33yrs old.
I went umeya and asked about "sweet and sour ginger", the salegirl said they don't sell.

Terrible MS I hv been having.
These 2 days at around 6am, my terrible MS starts. Then after all, I cannot sleep at all.
Hi Dor,

I didnt boy that vcd, i didnt go back change also, no chance, no time, so forget it lor.

I'm now catching the little nyona show, anyone catching too?
hi mummies

i decided to let my girl join the Teddy playgroup since near my house also the teacher seems nice. Her name is Mrs Soh.
btw i planning to make new year cookies (almond & oat cookie) to sell. i going to put some to sell at the dry stuff stall at my nearby market...

hey Ryes, i also bought some barney vcds from pasam malam, twice i bought.. i realised those with outdoor scenes are not so clear and the sound not so good i try to buy those indoor type..
Hi Sabrina,

So far so good with the vcds. I think the one that has this celebrating around the world one very nice and colourful.
girlizz, 7kg is a lot leh.. i lost 3 kgs.. in the end, i even master how to throw up so the the stuff wont go into my nose.. haha..

precious, i'll ask at novena..
if they have it, will sms u la..

btw, Merry Xmas to all who r celebrating it..

there's no mood to work in the office today.. kekeke.. if oni we can stay under the covers in such a weather today... sighz..

Have A Wonderful X'mas Celebration!

Ryes, am catching 'littly Nonya' too ... most of the actors and actresses in this show are quite good especially 'Hao Jie'. I used to dislike her however after watching this show change my view thou. As for 'Xiang Yun' the way she talks wif her lips twitching put me off. In this show 'Hao Jie' somehow steal the limelight off 'Ow Xuan'. 'Ow Xuan' acting @ least improve a little less 'act cute' action liao. That's my personally view nt sure wat others think.
I went to enquire about Teddy playgroup. The ratio is 1:10 and the area is very small. But of course, being convenient is very important factor too. Hope your girl will enjoy. When is she starting her sch?

For my 1st pregnancy, I lost 4kgs.
Though I'm still vomiting, thank God I'm feeling hungry every moment, eating like a pig!

Thanks in advance!

I love watching 'littly Nonya' too! But I personally don't like Yuen Niang (Ow Xuan) as I feel the way she acts, the expressions in every movie is the same.
Hi Dor,

wait har, I cannot recall who is hao jie leh! Haha, I only know the tao jie. are we talking abt the same person? Tonight gg for buffet leh, so cannot watch liao.

I now no more mood to catch liao leh, after yesterday not easy to have escaped out, then last min decided to go back to the house, xian half lor.
Sounds like my morning sickness is the worse (7kg) Hahahaha... If only I could lost half of that now I'll be a really happy woman! Sigh...
hi mummies,
merry christmas to all of u.

hope all your little ones who are sick will get well soon. my gal is also sick. terrible weather....

welcome to the thread,element.

wat happened to zhou chu ming? me very out of touch with news.
Hi! Ryes, ya same person 'Tiao Zie' sorry thot she was known as 'Hao Zie' heehee! 'Yuan Niang' beliving in choosing her own destiny now that she has a chance to escape she shld either elope wif Xing Er, otherwise set herself free from that horrible place dun hv to go bk again. The 'Er Xiao Zie' sacrisfy herself for nothing. The Director jus wanna prolong the episode for the sake of it i think.

Precious, I feel the same way too very sterotype nt much changes or improvement in her acting. Btw, who's your gynae? which hospi to choose to deliver will it be the same hopsi where u delivered Sha?
char, zhou chu ming has some muscular illness.. which will eventually cripple his movements.. chinese is ji rou wei suo zheng..

btw, if mummies are interested to learn ur kids learn phonics, i find Leapfrog dvd really good.. my son watched it for some time.. out of blue recently, he started to repeat all the sounds of the alphabet. and the illustrations are really good..


Fighting with MS ? Seems that all mummies here have terrible MC during early pregnancy.
Two of mine ok last time.2nd one worse but managable only sleepy i can't stand it. Most of the day was fighting with "Z Monster" kekeke....
Perhaps you need more rest and the other things is don't let your stomach empty can be worsen.Eat light (a bit such as biscuit) and frequent.
