TOA PAYOH mummies

My boy also attend morning session . Think ur girl n my boy are friends . I am withdrawig him as he always sleep till 9 plus , so no point going there . And he dont really learn much i feel . And my mum dont like to let him go as he lost weight ! Not enough food ! Haha ... And i still got a infant at home . So if big one sick. Will pass to small one . Stress

what's ur boy's name? i also find my girl got skinny when she's there.. they dont feed enough.. and she's such a slow eater.

everytime after my maid fetches her from sch, she'll tell my maid that her tummy is 'fighting'..
ayo, is this an extended Kindergarten or child care ? Sound bad with Hand foot mouth cases and not enough food for children. Did you feedback to the school about the food issue ?

If for me, I will definately withdraw my kid if he is suffering instead of learning and having fun in the school.

After much enq. u ended up sending your son to YMCA bishan....undstd it is not very good leh however i personally did not go there.

Have you check My 1st Skool at Blk 54 for childcare service, this centre is pretty new and is open concept hence u r able to see wat r the trs and children doing.
YMCA Bishan, my friend used to send her girl there. Withdrew her after 1mth. I had enquired the centre too, school principal was not friendly, and the teachers are quite 'mature'. No idea about current situation. But as long as your child enjoys, that's very important

White lady
There is a Toa Payoh mummy who send her girl to the Blk 232 cc. Feedback from her was good. Actually sending them to cc, is to socialize n share. CC can't really teach much, patents play important roles to teach too. Not easy for a teacher to take care of many young children
Hey Dor, Precious~!
Thx for the adv and feedback.
Oh really ah?not so good ah?The principal is it name mrs.Au?
Dor u got feedback frm mummies not good?tat was hong low back?
I did chk blk54, no vacancy le!!
Found that u both mentioned is YMCA, but mine is YWCA at blk 185 le...its different cc le...
Precious, blk 232 cc is my first skool?Still gt vacancy meh?
hi rlrenn

check out
I got my maid after shortlisting a few bios from this website. I like the fact that you can view the fdws' biodatas from quite a few agencies online without being hassled by the agents or being given only "selected" bios.

I shortlisted a few fdws coming from 3 agencies using the "search' function - lets you specify required criteria you want in the fdw including religion, nationality, race, age, etc. Printed the selected bios and went down to the agencies in question.

My fdw finally came from A1 Employment Agency. The service is so-so not great or anything but at that time (may 2011) their "portfolio" of fdw candidates seemed quite 'solid'. You can try them. They recommended a different person to me (not one of my initial candidates) after listening to my requirements. So far, I'm quite pleased with her performance.
So long no come here...

Blk 54 my first skool is full and has a long wait list. Blk 14 supposed to have another my first skool coming up in nov/dec 11 but seems like it's not happening already.

I wanted to switch my kid to a new cc a few months ago and was actively searching around tpy and bishan. Hence, know about this.

Hi Janice, tpy got I can read meh?
My kid was with I can read at harbourfront for about 10 months since he was 2 years and 8 months. During this 10 months, he improved and jumped 3 levels but I pulled him out eventually. He was getting restless (because he knows the stuff already) but they refused to promote him on the grounds that he is too young for the next level. I was pissed because they gave me the impression that children attending their programmes are judged by their ability to learn and readiness, age is not a deciding factor.
hey... rlrenn... u can call my agent as well, shirley @ 6344 7665. she runs her agency MDS herself with an assistant so she is very hands-on and a very responsible person, which is very important in case you got probs with your maid. you can tell her you were recommended by "rae".
Hi sunny n are

Thanks. Will take a look. Btw do u all get new maids or existing maids who r here? I'm actually need one urgently to look after my mum who had stroke recently..
hey rlrenn...

so sorrie to hear about your mum.

as for the maid, it really doesn't matter if they are transfers or not. sometimes it really depends on your luck, and also affinity with the maid. since you need urgent, you might want to lower your expectations (like age etc) and pick someone to try first.
Hi Rlrenn
Sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she's recovering well.

My maid is a transfer. The previous employer had two maids and they didn't get along so my maid asked to leave. As Are said, I dont think it matters. There are pros and cons to each. But most imptly must take a person who is willing to take care of sick elderly. Most prefer to take care of children.
Hi Samantha, the I can read is at goldhill . Do u teach phonics at home or solely depends on I can read? I'm teaching myself, but progress is slow.
Hi new mummy, I bought mine at baby hypermart at kaki bukit, cost 30+, I think its a good buy
hi janice, i send my child to the i can read at goldhill... i also find the progress for my child extremely slow... she already knows her begining and end sounds (TSC), and it took the centre 2 terms to move her to te next grade.. and that is after i asked the teacher to review her!!

now she's in the pre-icr class.. wonder how long this will last..
New mummy,
What type of booster seat r u looking for?
I have 2 for sale. One is Graco brand which comes with the backing and another is mother care booster seat (no backing type).

Let me know if u are keen.
To be able to read independently is a long process. Most importantly is to create an environment and good example to the child. We are the best example. Phonics itself has many stages, and we also must understand children learn fast, and forget fast too, if no regular practices at home. Sound letters is the basic, blending is the next stage, and the higher stage can take a few years to conplete. You may help your child to focus on sight words at home too. Once a week attending phonics class, it will benefit more if we do home practices at home on regular daily basis.
Hi pooh, just PM u..looking for without back type but budget lower than $10.
Can let me kow today as i will go view another from other mummies today.
If possible can send me pic?
Hi Janice,

Initially I relied on icr entirely becos I didn't know the proper phonics myself and I didn't think I can teach. I think teaching young children requires a lot of patience and I don't want to end up shouting at my child all the while. I don't want to end up killing my child's natural interest in learning.

Learning to read is a long process. Some children will take longer, some shorter. If parents are avid readers, it will certainly help. Or you can get your child to be interested in prints.

As he progressed through to picr level, I learned along the way and asked the teachers many qns about what I could do to help my child. I started doing what the teachers advised and what some mummies here shared with me. Indeed, once a week lesson is not enough. I started seeing good progress within 3months. By then my child had already progressed 2 levels and it was 6 months after he first started.
Newmummy, why dont you try Cash Converters at TP Central, near Courts. They sometimes hv second-hand car seats n boosters there.
Any mummies here feed your kids w sambucol supplements? My Kids been down w flu n cough every other month. Fed up really. The younger one on puff everytime he has cough aft flu.
Hi surf, I do. But not long enough to determine if it is really working. According to a sambucol spree organizer, need 2 years to see results.
Hi samantha

Wah, 2 years. But how is it different from the normal vitamin c?. Anyway me went to get all the items under scotts fisherman brand first. Pumped my kiddos with these while I find a spree to get sambucol
Hi Surf,
My fren recommended me 1.5yrs ago and according to some reviews on sambucol elderberry, most took during winter as an antihistamine to prevent flu or onset of catching a cold. At first my kiddos do show improvement but don't seem to take effect anymore after half a yr. That doesn't mean it's no good cos I realised my kiddos have different set of problem. Their nasal tend to accumulate mucus over time (abt 2mths) but can't sneeze out. Then it will drip thru nose and back drip causing cough esp sleep. The end result is antibiotics cause by then bacteria has grown. Worst is after medi, the cough remnants persist for months b4 next attack..That means the mucus accumulate daily and if dun purge out, will encourage bacteria growth. super xian...

3 weeks ago, my fren recommended an osteopath whom she saw improvement in her son's months of on and off stuffy nose and cough which affect his sleep. After 1 visit, he slept thru. Went 3x and was good.

I brought my 2 kiddos and she did some maneuvering at the base of their skulls, saying that when bbs are born, their bones can be under some undue stress, hence blocking nasal drainage. She taught me 3 simple massages which I did 3x daily to my kiddos to encourage drainage. First few days, my kiddos still accumulate mucus but they can sneeze out more readily. I'm seeing her again this thur which I feel is rather far apart from my last appt cos she's too popular. 1st visit $150/child, subsequent $120.

a week ago, invested on a very ex vacuum cleaner (I'm sure you mums know what brand) as recently my gal started to sneeze continuously when woke up. Now nothing matters compared to my kiddos health (esp my gal started her cc last week), seeing that they have to undergo such vicious circle pains my heart.
Hi surf, dunno leh but I know the 'selling point' of sambucol is that it is a supplement to build up one's immunity.

I think fitty nut has brought up a very good point. Whenever a child sneezes/cough etc, almost immediately we think oh, flu (or similar) again but it may not be the case. Runny nose and cough are just symptoms. When my child first started cc, he was down with
Flu too - fever, runny nose and cough. After close to $600, one cough specialist, 3 visits to 2 pd (including the specialist) and a dozen of crap medicine, it was finally confirmed that my child had contracted with a skin disease.
what skin disease that cause flu? and how did u manage to find out? My girl has a skin growth on her feet for a long time, and i still have not find out whats the cause of it.
Hi Ivy,

sorry for the late reply.

Not 'skin disease cause flu' per se, sorry I think I typed wrongly in my earlier post. Rather, this is a form of bacteria infection which is residing in the skin of my child's nostril back then. This bacteria infection is known as MRSA in short. See here for more info -

Zoom into the part of "signs and symptoms", third para and you would realise how serious this was. I could have lost my child if I listened to the specialist's diagnosis.
Hi Surf,

btw, fyi - my kid is into his third bottle of the sambucol. Hey, I think got use leh. While he still fall sick during this period of time (about a month), he's indeed recovering faster and require less drug presciption. I think this by its own is very good already as I think (to a certain extent) prolong intake of western medicine is not good for children.
Hi Janice,

I am using. So far so good. I like it coz its compact, handy and quite easy to clean. I use it mostly on matress and sofa.
BTW, any mummies know any body want to sell YWCA childcare uniform?
Dor,my son will go cc this dec already...currently his nanny,the one u recommend me vy nice and already build vy good rapport with us and my son...abit Bu Se De..but i still hv to let my son go to cc to learn more things lo...
omg... what happen to your kid that you eventually found out this disease? He keep falling sick??

Actually we were very lucky. The story goes- The usual PD was on long leave, so I took my kid to the famous specialist. I was told by friends that he's very good and he specialised in cough. The comments from forum confirmed the same. By the time I took my kid to see him, my kid was already 'having flu like symptoms' for 5 days.

Cut the long story short, he mis-diagnosed my kid's condition. Another two weeks gone, my kid was still the same but the usual PD was back already. (So Ivy, to answer your question - My kid 'didnt keep falling sick', my kid just never recovered until the correct diagnosis was made)

So I took my kid to see the PD and told him all that the specialist had said and the medication that my kid was given.

PD just listened to me and immediately ordered a nasal swap. Lab result came the next day and PD called me to bring my kid back to his clinic.

He tried to explained to me what was happening to my kid but I really didnt understand. So he told me to go back google "MRSA". My child was given some suspension and we left. PD didnt charge me anything this time round.

Back home, I googled what the hell was this "MRSA". I almost fell off the chair when one article said MRSA killed more people than Aids(that's why I said I could have lost my child). See details here

Within a week, the flu like symptoms went away and my child recovered fully with no aftermath. While he might merely be doing his job, I am forever grateful to this PD.
Hi Yem,
My son was there last semester.But he will go child care already.
Is ur kid boy?don u want to get uniform from me?i can sell u cheaper.
Currently they sell at $18 per set.
My boy born in 2009 n looking for a good pre sch in Bishan? And good recommendations? I'm now enrolled at Mindchamps TPY but unfortunately they don't have bus service to send my boy home after half day class so now desperate to find a nice sch in bishan area so it's nearer to my aunt to pick up my boy. Many thx ladies.

i see... my girl has been falling sick or has not recover for weeks, cough flu non stop till im so tired.. i think i will go seek 2nd opinion.

Hi ivy,

Ya shd seek 2nd opinion lor. Sometimes the medicine not suitable. This is the flu seasons, young children and old folks most susceptible.
