TOA PAYOH mummies

hi precious, thks for the info, do u know the name of the shop or unit no?? coz i seldom go to Toa payoh, thks, zbuzz78

helllo mommies, gong hei fatt choi.

i cut my girl hair which she hates it haha, and im not fast so she will be angry end of the hair cut cos she will perspire -.-
My son is in k2 this year . Anyone also the same age ? He is in PCF k2 . And I only let him learn phonic outside but he pick up rather slow ... Wat else shall I let him learn ? Am so worry that he can't pick up next year p1 !!!
Hi Gong Xi Fat Cai every one~!
Just want to ask any mummies let kids drink Mamil Gold Step3?May i know how many ml or oz usualy for 5 scoop?
Initially i gv my boy drink 5 scoop with abt 10 oz water,is it too much?
Heard that if too dilute the milk will coz constipation too?
Hi mummies,

I'm looking for a gd pd in tpy/bishan.
Can anyone here recommend?
Anyone here consulted Dr Oh Meng Choo at bishan b4?
Is she good?
hi winnie,
I used to bring my gal to Dr. Rebecca Tan bishan blk 258 she's very popular long queue most of the time. However in long term i find it quite inconvenient cause i stayed at tpy hence decided to visit normal GP near my plc.

I just realise that Dr. CK Tan clinic at tpy lor.2 do rent out neubelizer. If I'd known earlier, will not hv brought my younger one to PD @ tmc and waited 4+hours fainted!
HI Any one interested to go for the show of Voyage La Vie at RWS near casino entrance?

I hv 2 tix, original price $89 per tix, now sell at $40 per tix only!

Row: G
Time:26/2 sunday 4pm show.
Pls PM me asap.Thx~!
Any comments on YKids at Toa Payoh Lor 6? They conduct Montessori phonics and Creative Art but not sure if gd..
jcefoo: u tried b4? (since u mentioned above..
My son was there for phonics, he enjoyed and improved. I know of a friend who sends the daughter for creative art there. Again, the daughter enjoys it very much.
Hi dor & soudez,

Thks for sharing. I hv brought my girl to dr oh Meng choo at bishan but my girl doesn't seems to show any improvement. Haiz.. Hv been consulting western & Chinese doc but still no improvement. Really dun noe how now. Prob will bring her to kk already.
Welcome Sunflower

Winnie, may be a bit out of your way but try Dr Anthony Chee at from Anthony's Baby & Child Clinic at Hougang Ave 5. I've tried Kinder Clinic (Dr Terence Tan and Dr Lim and Dr YS Lee), Dr Simon Ng (clinic at Mt A) and now Dr Chee. Find him to be the best so far.
Hi Newmummy08,
Jessin Kindy and Student care @Blk 85B whereas Jessin Playland @ Blk 122. They do not clasify playland as childcare and they do not operate on Sat.
Hi Dor,thx for the info.I managed to found the Jessin website can call to ask already.
They operate like student care ctr,so like mixture with diff age group after the 2 hour classes.
Any one one it that good?

Student care is for older kids P1 and above if am not wrong, whereas playland is for tots 3yo and abv. The playland is located at blk 122, lor. 2. Currently 26 kids @ playland.
thx dor for the info...
i thk now jessin still hv vacancy ba...
will call to ask again.,,,but i was wonder they only hv 2 hour class,the rest time is more like student will mix with diff age of kids together,,,but how they control them?
hey mummies... found this by accident when i am searching for flu vaccine cos travelling next mth. so now no need to scratch head to find docs in tpy. this list is extremely useful cos got opening hours! super useful info esp on weekends and PH! but for 24hours, i still recommend Mt Alvernia 24 hours clinic. they've got lab, so can do blood test if necessary. plus not so crowded. they are not A&E, so is same 24 hours rate.
wah long time no come in.

winnie, i got to aglow children clinic at united square. Doc ong is good pd.

Jessie afternoon care i dun like. I went there a yr ago, not sure if they renovated, the toilet bit dirty and dark and the kids sleep on carpeted floor which i find not so hygiene, but thats so long ago, maybe they change.
you are referring to Studentcare @ Blk 85 or Playgroup @ Blk 122. The Playland @ Blk 122 toilets are clean and children sleep on mattresses.
The room they sleep in is carperted.

JTS, TPY Mummies that love to bake good news, there's a newly open bakery supplies shop Phoon Huat at tpy lor. 1 blk 107. They have almost everything tat caters for baking...interesting.
HI Mummies...Jessin is more ex and no subsidy?
After the normal 2 hours session for the activities, then all kids are mix with diff age group for the afternoon nap,lunch etc,rite?

I know I am abit off topic here. Any of you engaged helper, and kids are closer to helper than you?

Recently, I realise that my 16mth old boy is preferring helper to me when it comes to putting him to sleep. My 4-year old gal started to follow the same. Maid contract expires dec. Am thinking if to renew her.

She is good at helping take care of the kids and the kids love her. But I don't like it that kids prefer her to me (if you know what I mean). As a mummy, it's just so sad to think abt it

But hubby felt that our kids are still young and we are busy working, so an extra pair of hands to watch the kids can allow us to rest at times.

hi Surf

no topic is off topic so long as you're a TP mum

Dont worry about it. Kids know who is their mum/dad at the end of the day. If your helper wants to continue working for you and there's nothing majorly off with her except that your kids like her, keep her and be thankful that your child is well looked after.

It's natural for kids to like the helper. Helpers are usually more patient, they do things one thing at a time, when they are with the child, they focus on the child not like us, ... when I'm with my children, i'm surfing on the phone or watching tv or checking blackberry ...body there but mind miles away basically.. i think children sense that. And obviously, helpers dont scold as much as harrassed parents as well. What's not to like, right.

Here's another way of looking at it -
Some mums have the same 'jealousy' feelings towards their child's grandparents (esp mummy's MiL). Cos grandma is more patient and more forgiving and gives more presents than mum...but we dont think about getting rid of grandma do we ?

Be thankful. If you change, it may be better for your feelings but it could possibly be very much worse for your child.
For those looking for a place to bring your kids, check out the new and improved Bishan Park (It reopened a few weeks ago so I may be quite "behind" in this discovery.) It's great!
Hey sunny

Your words are so inspiring. Suddenly dawned on me why my kids like helper so much. U are so right. Yes, we are looking at iPhone or tv when with children, n yes I scold n nag at my kids. I suddenly feel v guilty. Just shared wat you said w hubby. We must be more conscious from now on. Do u hv a helper too?

Do your kids sleep in same room? My kids sleep in separate rooms. Younger boy taken care of by helper. Thinking to put the 2 kids together n sleep w me instead. Hope they don't end up playing till late hours!
Personally, I don't think kids should sleep with the helper.

I'd let the siblings sleep in the same room. BUT not in the same room as parents. Husband and wife should not share the room with kids. Somehow it becomes a "barrier" between the husband and wife, or it may become a "bridge" for the husband and wife, but one has to remember, this "bridge" will not always be there. When the kid grows up this "bridge" goes missing and the husband and wife suddenly realises there is a "gap". Husband and wife need time alone, and the bedroom is a good place to pillow talk (plus other things as well, of course!). With kids sleeping in the same room, many things are hindered. Just my 2-cents worth
Hi Surf
I took on a helper when number 2 came along. Maybe its her background and upbringing - she come from a kampung where presumably the pace of life is slower so they have a "one thing at a time" kind of attitude. I've been noticing that my helper "pays attention" when she's with the children. Unlike me. So I'm trying to learn from her.

Presently my 2 kids (3+ and 8 months) sleep at nights with my hubs and me. I'll move them out sometime... before they start school probably.

For afternoon naps though, the helper takes care of baby in her room(also cos the sarong is hanging in that room). I take the big one. Otherwise neither will go to sleep.
Whatever works for you is my motto.
Hi all didn't know there is this thread for tp mommies! Good!

My girl is 6 this year and beginning to sneeze in the morning ... Then vomit phlegm ... I wonder how come last time don't have? Is this cumulative bec of the environment ? I live next to the shuang Lin temple.

Anyone use delphine cleaner? Bought one this week .. What else will work? Pls advise!
hi ekhoo, welcome.
just moved in or been living for long time? Could be smoke from the joss sticks? I'm just assuming here since I've only been to "visit" that temple once. Maybe nasal buildup over the years plus change in lifestyle (since started school this year)?

If it doesn't go away, go see doc. Otherwise, can try Flumucil (supposed to get rid of phelgm).

Either its virus or its genes... sigh... my bigger one has my blood type and looks like she inherited my nose and skin allergies and attractiveness to mozzies. We went to malacca over easter weekend and both of us were bitten like crazy. The little baby has her father's blood type and even though she slept next to her big sister and me, didn't get bitten at all!!
Any other mummies have this kind of experience with your kids??

I should be grateful I guess that it's just 2 and not all 3 of us that the mozzies love. My 3yr old is learning to sigh from me, v drama. So I'm trying to set a good example and cut out my sighing. Must look for silver linings

another silver lining - it's FRIDAY!!!
Hi ekhoo,im using delphine cleaner vacumm now, but sometimes lazy to use coz it heavy to me,so i will ask my hubby use it instead..:p
Well,i thk it has it function, u may try and use it see any changes..
Hi tpy mummies.: I spotted this thread when searching about hdb club child care and infantcare in tpy. Anyone has feedback about block 146 pcf sparkletots ? Thanks in advance.
hi JTML,
my son is in B146 PCF for the past 1 yr, aft we pulled him out from HDB club CC, after 5 days
sad.gif comments so far on the PCF:
Gd pts:
- teachers (& even cleaner/cook) are frenly n approachable
- they prov addn enrichmt eg Chinese sp & drama(for N2 and above, not sure abt other level)..which my son looks fwd to every wk!
- my son seems to learn q well fr there...
Not so gd pts:
- Not sure if it's a norm across all CC but they don automatically prov v regular upd on the kids' progress or what they are learning or hv learnt. It's only during the half-yrly parent-child-conf then we know. Of cos, on parents part, we can proactively ask the sch for info anytime, if we need.
- I noticed the tc likes to give candies to the kids (as incentive?). So i wrote in the comm bk that i apprec their kind intention but no candies for him pls

Hope the feedbk helps!

p.s. Bad experience we had with the HDB one, 1 yr ago. Rude/bo chap staff.. 1 of the worst environmt (for the kids) i've seen. Hope they improve now...
Hi mummies, i wanna place my 2 year old toddler in a childcare center in Toa Payoh. Have been searching since early this year but all the ones near central are full... Do lemme know if you know any vacancies. Thanks!
Thanks milk bottle.
Hmmm sounds okay. I more at ease now, cos when I visited I saw the Malay supervisor talk on phone and it's not office business. I bit like Zzzz.
Dear mummys,

Desperately need help here. I'm returning to work soon and have a vacancy for my dd in tpy lor 4 my first skool. However I'm concern their capacity is 20 babies which to me is a lot. And ratio 5:1. Anyone has any comments on this infant care? Thanks!
Hi mummies,

I'm totally new here. I'm staying at Blk 48 and is a mother of 2...

Are there any mummies with kids at Ykidz Montessori here?

Hi Sunny

Sorry for MIA. Just saw your reply. Gal better these days, no longer asking for maid. Think it's a fad for that week only! LOL. We now training her to sleep by herself in her room for afternoon nap. So far so good.

As for boy, sigh, not only is he asking for maid, but he been waking up at 2am or 4am kind of timing...zzzzz.....and then cry and don't want to go back to sleep. We gave milk but still fussed. Do not want to get back into his cot, prefer to sleep on maid's bed! ZZZZ....

j foo - agree that if we can manage, kids shld sleep with us. But i guess depends on the kid's nature. Mine the age gap too close, will disturb each other as boy wakes up at night crying still whereas gal can sleep till next morning alr. Plus hubby works late so I be on my own with the 2 monkeys during bedtime! Am trying to take over from helper on weekends to put boy to sleep since I am not working and can let her rest. Wish me luck!

Also, need to go buy floor mattresses already. So that both helper and boy sleep on floor. One sleep on bed and another sleep in cot. Dangerous at night if bot attempts to climb out. Put on helper bed, also can fall off bed.
