TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi Precious,thx for the info.So that is more on playgroup instead of cc right?im actually look for cc,coz me is working mum...
Oh Gal.dolphin, the Young Talent is only for kid 3 yo abv? so the new PCF of blk 146A is near there right?


nice to see u too.. ya.. too bad cant chat for long.. so what class u sending ur gal to that day?
oh i choose Fun chinese and cherry tots..

ya.. i was kind of shock too that my son is turning 3 when he havent even celebrate his 2yrs birthday...

yes.they only take in 3yrs and above and the vacancy is running fast.. yup sparkletots cc will be just near by.. wow.. i din know the waitlist is long.. m glad i decided to enroll my son..
ya lor.. coz by calendar yr he shld be 3 next yr.. but the thing is he is end yr bb... hence lose out abit.. comparing him and Jasmine's son.. really quite big difference..
Hi Mummies

I will be enrolling my gal at TPY methodist church next Jan for their 2-hr pre-nursery class. The last I enrolled, they still hv vacancies. Interested mummies can go chk it out. Not sure about the teachers and curriculum yet.

Agree that the choices of pre-schools and CCs are so limited in TPY.

Am moving to a new office where there's little skool house nearby. Still thinking if to enrol my gal in CC there later on, if she cannot adapt to the church kindy. She has been so sticky to me these days, wanting to follow me to work every morning. Cries like very cham. Hubby said she can go vie for the Golden Horse award liao. Was thinking may be a good idea for her to follow me to the cc at my workplace.
Oh yes, I am also interested to enrol my gal in the Hokkien Huay Kuan chinese enrichment class. Must we be their members to enrol? Heard need to find 2 members to bring you in one har?
U dun need to be a member of Hokkien Huay Kuan, u may enroll your gal for their enrichment classes if there are vancancies. I was under their long waitlist hence was being notified.

My gal used to be very clingy during her the first few days and weeks of school. I couldnt bear to see her cry in school but gotta tell myself to be more 'hard hearted'. Is a matter of time they get use to it.
I was sending her to Little Neuro Tree (LNT) @ tpy ctrl. Going to stop her class soon, give myself and her a break b4 new classes starts nxt year.

Btw, LNT starts a new class known as 'Fast Track' is more lively and active mummies interested may chk it out.
HELLO ALL~~~~!!! Just wanna say hi haha.

Has been so busy with work and baby, i tot i will vanish from earth soon.

BTW for the immune system issue. I brought my girl to a TCM recommended by a friend, just to see see my girl health. The sensei say, my girl ”气虚“, heaty body thus will fall sick easily. He told me dun expect her to be fat one, her body will be like this till she grow older as her lungs are weak. And she cannot 补... and he end with "小事“... and comment i 1st time mommy so more kancheong haha. 0.0 -.-

i wanna check out those weekend class, tot of every sat bring my girl to some activity when she is 1 yr old. Cos i think she is very bored at home. LNT got weekend short class for 1 yr old??

MY FIRST SKOOL, i heard from the IFC teacher. The teachers for the new branch, some of them start orientation in the current branch liao. I think they preparing the teachers their system for the new branch.

p/s: HAZE HAZE go away!!!
Hokkien Huay Kuan classes for next year 2011 new term, child born in the year of 2008, which is abt 2yo-3yo, may start to enroll now.
Hi Ivy,Ykiz at Lor 6 also got montessori class meant for kid and parent together let parent learn how to teach kid when at home...only 1 hour course every sat...but my boy vy difficult to concentrate in class...sad
'Growing Up Gifted' @ Goldhill Sq cirriculumn pretty good. The lessons r interesting comprises of arts & crafts, phonics, learn to read simple words, puppet story telling, music session. Parents may choose to let their kids attend English or Billingual class. The teachers then were dedicated as well. My gal started from 10mths old till she was 1yo (parent and tot) and she enjoyed every lesson very much.
Trial class is available.
Hi bubumommy..

I stay opp of your block.
We stay at blk 60.

Thats good... We got company..

I seldom log in the forum..
I will pm you, I check email regulary..

My girl reacted differently for Mummy & Child program. When I was around with her in the class, she did not pay attention and stuck to me throughout the trial lessons. She enjoyed the most for drop off program.
Any on interested to get 2 adults ticket at total $120 only? Date is 31 oct.
But only can collect it on the same day, timing is 10am onwards at the main entrance.
Pls PM me if any one interested to get it.
Hi precious, boy also same le!!and tat time ur girl was how old?,y boy cant pay attention at all lo!!he is among all the youngest!19tmhs liao wo! Kind of waste money, but hubby say let him get know other kids also good..
my boy only will participate in is dancing in the class!
hey mummies~!Any one using Bfree milk bottle?wan to get new bottles?i got 1 set twin pack,sell at $25 brand new...
Pls Pm me if any one of you interested...thx~!
Hi..any one wan get the universal studion ticket?i leave 1 ticket, will selel at $50 only!pls help or pls help ask around any one interested?Thx alot~!
Precious, i think so too but still scare to have no 2, cos no help from parents/family is tough, i prefer parents help then domestic helper. So see how lah hehehe

Dor, the hokkien huay kuan is at lor 2? I also tot of GUG cos i go there often.

Newmummy, is it? i dun mind, i wanna do with my girl cos i also bored, i rather be teach how to teach my girl or play with her creatively.
yeap hokkien huay kuan located at Lor. 2 opp. The Peak and next to TreVista.
u can always try out their trial class and remember to ask the parents there for good recommendation of trs. as it depends very much on how the trs. conduct the classes.
thx dor for the info, called to ask the fees, seems no one answer call le?hmm...

Ivy,u can try let ur girl join the class,also can let her join with others pals...:p
but ho,my boy not really like to join others and refuse follow the inx from teacher!headache!

All the infant cares are now having a long waiting list even the one which are not opened yet at lor 1 (40 pple in the wait list), first skool at lor 4 (cannot confirm till next year). If any mummies have any contacts for nannies please do pm me.

Tks a lot
hi bubumummy

sorry for replying late. we (just me & my hub - hehe....) went away for holiday. been yrs since we had a chance! felt guilty leaving my gal behind but it is much needed! ;P

my mum takes care of my gal when i work.

i am on leave 22 - 23 Nov! you'd be out of town then
Hi mummies

Just checking how to start toilet training? My gal is 26mths already n she doesn't like to sit on potty n will only urine if she is wearing diaper.

I'm bringing my gal to HK in dec. Just wondering will it b v cold there? I'm not planning to bring stroller, was wondering will it b very siong for both hb n me.. Any mummies go holiday without stroller??
HK in Dec should be around 10 - 15 degrees celcius. As for stroller, I never bring when we're on holiday. For us it's because neither of the kids enjoyed sitting on the stroller for starters so when they're tired they want to be carried. But then chances of them getting tired is almost nil as they enjoy walking very much and their stamina is good, even at a young age. So if your gal enjoys sitting in a stroller then I suggest bringing. HK is quite child friendly so should be ok.

As for toilet training, I just let them go diaperless so when they can't tahan anymore they have to pee, somewhere. Sooner or later that "somewhere" will be the toilet. However, if your gal really tahan for too long then it's not good for the bladder. You'll have to monitor. If she's not ready then don't force. Show and read her books on potty training. Explain what it's all about and she'll get it, just need to give her space and time to "disgest" the info.
Hi jfoo,my gal dun enjoy stroller anymore too. But she dun like to walk, want to b carried when outside. Mayb I shld buy a sling instead. If nt how to tahan carrying her the whole day?

As for toilet training, she can hold her bladder very long if nt wearing diaper. More than an hour kind lor. Even if she can't tahan anymore, she won't sit on potty instead she will ask to put on diaper..
Hi rlrenn, my gal is 26 mths too. She is also the same. Love to be carried. I will carry her but will bring along stroller and let her sit when I am tired. When I tell her mummy is tired, she understand and willing to sit in stroller. Sometimes, she walks with me and I push the stroller :p I wouldn’t suggest buying a sling, I used to sling her when she was baby. 26 month toddler is too heavy for you to carry with sling and she may not feel comfortable.

She also refuses to use potty. So I just wait for a while. May be she is not ready yet.

We brought stroller when we went to HK on August bcos she need to nap in stroller when we went for whole day outing eg Disneyland, ocean park. But alot of HK mtr stations have only stair access and my hubby had to carry the stroller up and down the stairs. Quite tiring :p
Sling will get a bit of getting use to, for you and your child. So if you want to use that, you'll need a "trial period", perhaps borrow one and use for a few days, see whether you are comfortable and whether your gal is comfortable with it.

More than an hour of "tahan-ing" is acceptable I think if her intake of liquid is not excessive. When she can't tahan, try not wearing a diaper for her, let her tahan further but give her an option of the potty. Stretch as much as you can, worse comes to worse she'll just pee in her undies. When she feels it being uncomfortable or feel that it's wrong then perhaps she will move on to the potty. But if you see that she feels too stressed out by it all then it's probably not time yet. Try for a few days and see, need to give some time. Otherwise wait till 3 yrs old, generally easier by then.
BubuMommy, I also scared she is not used to sling. Btw how heavy is ur gal? Mine is only 10.5kg, doesn't seems to gain any weight for quite sometimes. She is a fussy eater now. Sometimes very difficult to feed her n she will refuse porridge n rice sometimes. Did u bring any food for ur gal to Hk? Coz we r going with tour group so Mayb I should bring stroller n just dump the stroller in the coach if we r not using..
Hi all,

latest info from Zion Bishan, there will be no renovation for 2011. So mummies who are interested can contact the school for registration.

Hi rIrenn,

My gal is around 11kg now, I think at this age they aren't growing much weight but growing taller instead. My gal has food preference but I will make sure she eat vege and fruits everyday. She doesn’t like porridge since 1+ so she eats either noodles or rice everyday. We didn't bring food when we were at HK. We were on free n easy, so we chose restaurant that serve the food she likes, e.g wanton noodles, japanese food. Can bring along some stickers book for her to play in plane or bus.

Unless your gal doesn’t take afternoon, else I would recommend you bring stroller
Since you r going with tour group, then dun need to worry about carrying the stroller up n down the stairs at train stations.
