TOA PAYOH mummies


hahha me too! aircon on all the time!

heheh so you all know if from tomorrow you don see any post from me.... its just that am going nuts! hahhahhah

Chinese is a beautiful language, I also wish I am more eloquent at it. I can read and write but still not good enough.

Keke...looks like my std is higher than yours, can lah, I can read... no problem so far...keke

Our kids are still not big leh.. still a long way to go....haiz... that's why I'm scared of NBs now...hee

my #2 also very young... :p not much bigger then yours. as of now he is 9mths... hahah but then my #1 also not very big... just turned 2...

sigh. am wondering how my maid coped with the 2. am so tired that i cant keep my eyes open! but #1 refuses to have his nap... luckily he is willing to play on his own. quite funny to see too coz he is "talking" to himself about what he is going to ask us to buy.
the article is really an eye opener.. But read the comments on the article, lagi exciting..
12 bags really very over, but I like the change clothes during different activities, suitable for clean freaks like me! Hahah eye opener article.. Thanks!
thnx for sharing that interesting article about japanese kinddies. personally i find the constant changing of clothes & shoes a little too much.
Elijah's mummy
Would you be a SAHM again?
I take care of the 2 kids when my helper has to cook and wash etc. While I shower #1, then she entertains #2. When I have to breastfeed #2, then she entertains #1. So far she has no problem to take care of the 2 kids alone when I am outside. Now #2 is 8mths old.
My personal favourite is the attitude "Of course! The reason we send our kids to kindergarten is to get sick."
The rest of it I agree is a bit too much.
however i like the idea that they train the kids to be independent but a bit too much. poor kids kena carry all the bags.
wow! the article is cool! hahha but the one about infant sports day really take the lead for me!


hahha seems like it! hmmm actually me and the helper work the same way as you... only now that am alone i can see that she was really amazing for the 4mths that i was at work.
HI All Mummies,
Got a Q to ask,how can i train my boy zz back to bed rather than zz in Sarung now?and how shall i train him use bowl rather than pass his motion in the diapers?and slso how shall i start let him don wake up in the midnite and drink?its pretty tired every nite hv to wake up let him drink le, then after that he will zz back, but heard that like not so good as he cant digest and tummy will be big big wo...i been tried gv him water wen he make noise, but also fail...haiz...
pls help and do gv me adv....thx alot~!
hi newmummy
how old is your boy now?

Fothe night time wake ups, I solved the problem for my girl by putting a scoop of plain rice cereal with the last milk before sleep. (Childcare's suggestion and it Worked!)

For the rest, one thing at a time la. dont stress
Hi newmummy

just put him on bed and tell him is sleeping time? Sleep besides him, pat him n sing song. tats what i did to my gal. Mayb u can start with his day nap then gradually nite time. I believe he will like it coz he can roll ard before sleeping. Like my gal. :p most of the time i sleep before her. hehe.

As for nite wakeup, hw abt reducing each feed if he wake up? I did tat to my gal and she has been sleeping thru since 3mth.

For toilet train, i tik dun be too stress on it coz u will put pressure on him too. My gal nw 19mth, i tried to let her go diaperless but she very scared. Dare nt urine without diaper and dun even want to sit on potty. But with diaper, she is willing to sit on potty, like playing with it.
to release your stress on potty training or diaperless, tell your nanny to train since she spend more time wif him and chk on his progress, that's wat i do. When he comes home u may apply the same method as well. According to my nanny, she will let my daughter go diaperless at home and bring her to loo or sit on potty or ask her every hr or 2 if she wants to pass urine.
my gf's daughter now coming to 3yo still refuse to sit on the toilet bowl, she has to wear pampers whenever they go out. hence it all depends on each child.

nite feed, i cant remember having this prob heard from my gf, she fed her daughter later in the nite so that she's able to sleep thru.
Also worth trying sunny and rlenn methods.
hi newmummy08

I tried the "reducing feed" and "give water" methods before I tried giving the rice cereal.

For the 'reducing feed' method, the result I got was that she would wake up again after 2-3 hours since hungry again, so instead of waking up once, she wakes up twice! Very cham. The whole period, my eyebags like birkin bag size

For the water method, wah... the little imp refused to sip even a bit and cried cried cried for so long...

Different methods work for different kids I guess. Just have to try and see what works.

Oh, IMPT - if you put rice cereal in the milk, do use a larger teat size. Without cereal, I use the Avent teat no.2, but for milk+cereal, I use size 4. Otherwise, the teat will clog and very frustrating for baby to suck suck suck and not get anything.
So sad, as of now Ascension Phase 3 reg for N1 has no more morning session. Only 1130-245pm.
Any mummies with kids in this session? Wondering should I go tomorrow to register..
char... so long time! my pd did say maybe feed some semi-solid. I think i try a little more, sometimes she ok, sometimes not ok..
stylo haaha, tats why my hubby say next time give her a bro or sister, i swallow saliva and shiver haha.
my gal was in a.m. session however, moved her to p.m. session as she has prob waking up early in the morning and was cranky most of the time.
when she reached home abt 3pm+/- after taking her bottle of milk took a long nap.
tell me about it. when i started to give her semi-solid then, she was only interested in it for about 2 weeks then after that, dun want to eat or drink milk. super stressed that time.
Hey sunny,Dor and rlrenn, thx for the adv ya~!
i thk i tried all the method u gals suggested...and i thk i come out the conclusion is:ur kid all is gal, mine is boy!
mayb boy more noti!!!don wan listen to parent~!more diff to train!!!haha!
Well, i try to gv him lesser milk and guess wat!he cried vy vy loud ask for more!!then out him to sarung,he turn his body and make fun of it, then i pat pat him and sing son, then he only wan zz without move here and there!just imagine,in sarung he already turn here and there,if in bb cot,how can let him zz quitely?i doubt tat!! tired le...coz of this me and my hubby keep on quarrel...haiz...

i did let nanny ask her train my boy for using potty,and jus make fun of it, and nanny told me she doenst know wen he wan pass motion, so abit difficult train him also no idea how to train lo...
i did gv rice cereal mix with milk,he also will wake up, just the matter early wake up or late wake up only!
help~!i vy tired of this lo...wan to slow do it really tk time and exausted!how come my boy so diff to train, i hear alot frens of mine,seems vy easy le...hmm...
may try slowly lo...hope one day he can more "behave"~!hee..
Hi mummies,

I am currently staying in the west but will most likely be shifting to Balestier area end of next year...cracking my head over where to send my kids for their kindergarten in the area of Novena/Thomson/Toa Payoh...

Are they any good mid-range childcare/kindergartens in the Novena area? Seems like other than the church kindies, the rest like GUG/Pats/PMI are all at least $800 per month...Any feedback on GUG/Montessori for Children(MFC)/Shicida Kindergarten? They are all about the same price range $800-$900, so just thinking which would be the most worthwhile investment...
Hi newmummy08
This is in addition to and not separate from all the other suggestions.

Try the post sleep 5-minute suggestion (also recommended by Sichida) on your kid. It worked for me with my kid (80%).

Basically, according to research, the period just before and right after we fall asleep is the time when a person is most susceptible to "suggestions" or input. The Sichida Method manual recommends talking to your kid just after he falls asleep. Should be positive comments - so start off with telling him how proud you are of him and how much you love him. Then you can make the suggestion like: "you are a big boy now and big boys sleep on the bed. Sarong is for little babies. If you sleep on the bed, you have plenty of room to stretch and grow even taller and stronger. See, the bed is nice and soft and lovely to sleep in and Mummy knows that you'll be so comfortable. " Sometimes, you'll see results the very next day but sometimes he will need a few days of you repeating the same message before the suggestion sinks in. Recommendation is for talk to be 3-5 minutes. Limit to 1 or 2 things only. Dont overload and dont say "Dont do this...Dont do this...You are very naughty.. mummy is very angry...Dont..."

If you're interested, I'll try and reproduce the exact sichida explanation in the manual sometime this weekend.

In the meantime, I did a quick google search using key words "sleep talk" and "sichida 5 minute suggestion" and got a lot of hits. If other mummies are interested, can also read more about this 'improvement' method on the net. A lot of mummies use this for potty training as well
happy.gif impress with it Sunny!thx alot!i will go to chk on net of tat topic u mentioned!!
well,normally i really say tat to my boy,"u are noti!!"
i i really really doubt it works le!mayb u said nd few days,but for my case, thk nd few weeks or month!!!really no confidence to do tat...not to him, but im say myself!me also less patient le...

this sounds alot like what mind champs teach too! my siblings went for it and my mum used this on them... :p but did not think too much on it coz it was years ago... :p haha i even thought it was outdated! ok will do it tonight with my boy!!! hahah
very interesting sharing.

it's a worth a try. like they say, if you dun try u never know.

wat r u gonna try on your boy? tot he's been sleeping on his own bed all the while?
I tried. But unfortunately it did not work.
But at least my 4yrs old girl is comfortable to sleep in her own bed in our room, instead back to her room.
Maybe because I breastfed her till 2.5yrs old, and it is more difficult.
ic. hopefully it works. if it doesn't then you may wanna try the reward system which worked very well for my gal.
actully precious, if you breastfed your girl, the bond should be better and the method should be even more effective. you need to visualise what you tell your child. If e.g. you want him/her to sit on the potty, when you're doing the talk, you have to visualise him going tothe potty. (easier if he's done it once before so you can call up that memory) .
Mummies, I finally delivered. Having problem trying to get my boy to latch on for direct feeding. He likes to use his tongue to block. Any way I can try to direct latch on? Pumping milk and sterilising is very time consuming. I can hardly do anything since every 3 hours I have to pump milk....
congrats to you! i didn't bf my gal successfully so can't advice much on that topic. maybe you can call up the hospital's lactation consultant for help?
hmmm.....sometimes no choice gotta just let him sleep on the bed. it's a matter of him getting used to it. just like recently when i trained my gal to sleep by herself in her own room. it's been quite tough becos for her, she was so used to having me & hb sleep with her in her room at night for 3yrs. and i had to accompany her while she falls asleep every night and after 1hr she'd wake up crying for me if i'm still not in bed with her. during the first 2 weeks of training she did wake up crying looking for me but i used the control crying method and the pass 3days she managed to sleep thru out the night. keeping my fingers crossed that it'll last so that we all can get a good night sleep.
hey char,tats great u successfully train her up!thk i really need patient on it!nowadays my boy 13 months, don know might due to he grow up liao or wat,coz nowadays he refuse to tk afternoon nap,but after awake from morning his lunch liao,few hours later,he keep on yawn,so let him zz even zz in sarung,he will suddenly awake,oepn eye big big,then turn over inside the sarung, then i bring him up zz in bb cot,then he play around again or lye down play with his pillow..wat la!then i decide not let him zz,bring him go shopping, then he make noise again,wan zz,but refuse zz in pram already...haiz..really don know how to handle him!!
aiyo, last night she woke up twice and cried, cheh! anyway, will still keep encouraging her to not cry at night. as for your boy, i think maybe he's going thru transition where he may take one nap instead of 2 naps. i remember my gal also got one period where her napping time is haywire due to the transition. takes some time to adjust. be patient, i know it's not easy.
she used to take sch bus when she was in 1st session initially she cried but on the 2nd or 3rd day she's ok. At the meantime, we revert back to letting her ah gong fetch but will soon let her tk school bus again.
It is quite hot to play o/side however with shades down shld be better. Ryes also suggested to apply sun block which i did.
According to the menu, lunch has more selection compared to a.m. breakfast which is bread thru out. Just in case i suggest you let C hv her lunch at home b4 going to sch coz u'll nv noe if she really eat in sch or not....
i'll train mine when she's older and more excuse for me too coz lazy & tired to go thru the sleepless nite plus gotta work nxt day wow cant imagine how am I gonna 'tong' thru out.
meantime, 'jiayu jiayu' for u! and do update her progress.
haha, ya it's tough for you becos you gotta work the next day. you can train C when she's older bah. last night she didn't cry and i praised her for that this morning. usually i treat her with some chocolates on days that she didn't cry. she works well with reward system. at night b4 she sleeps, i remind her not to cry at night, just sleep. when the sun comes out then she can come and find me in my room.
hey char, ur girl how old liao?thk rewards system works,but my boy only 13mths le,don know talk,only know cry!haiz...this am more worse,wake up cried for milk ,t eh gv him liao,put him on bed play himself as usually he will, then i can do y thgs prepare to work....he refuse and cried and wan me hug him...haiz...tired!!
my gal is 3yo. the reward system works when she was about 2yo. aiyo poor you! sometimes some kids are like that, got to bear with it bah i guess.
Any of u have the korean series 'My wife is a Superwoman' or "Queen of Housewives"? if yes can i borrow from u?
am watching it on w drama and will miss few episode while i am travelling. i like tat guy in the show nickname 'taebong' cool.
hey char,ya...i thki hv to bear with it le..anw,this am,he good boy le,no cry and play himself on the small and young kid already show his temper and attitude...
hello mummies

would like to ask any mummies with babies about 18mths (younger older also can)? i would be organising a small playgroup at my home, resources and effort would pooled by us mummies cos i find going to babies schools is so ex.

my objective is to let my baby socialise and meet new frens, also with a schedule like tat, i will be more disciplined. since its self organised and free, and my first time, i hope it can work out. so far its my baby and dolphin gal's baby, looking for another 1 or 2 toddlers.

we are looking at every tues & fri 9.30-11.30am. i will be the one designing the activities and the mummies will share in preparation and carrying out of activities.

my plan is like tat:

Tuesday /Friday
9.30am Toys
9.45am Gd morning song + 3 warm up songs (mandarin)
10am Storytelling + Magic box activity (Mandarin/English)
10.15am Alphabet zoo time (phonics)
10.30am Snack time (self provide)
10.45am Art & Craft
11.15am Video Time (情商故事)Mandarin
11.25am Gd bye songs (4 songs) English
11.30am Bye bye

Excursion (Once/twice a month)
1st month: Animal theme (Zoo)
2nd month: Garden theme (Botanic Garden/Jacob B Children gdn)
3rd month: Beach theme ECP (Sandplay)
4th month: Food theme
5th month: Transport

P/S: but my place is quite small so we just make do with what we have.
Hi Orangeymum
Wow, excellent effort! I'm a FTWM and my girl (just a few days past 18mths) is at childcare but would be very interested to join your excursions if you arrange it on Saturdays.

my girl ifc now got many kanna HFMD, so im officially a SAHM for only 1 week haha. Pray hard that my girl dun get it.
