TOA PAYOH mummies

Just remembered two more - Angeli and Elsie's Kitchen. Tried Angeli last year, at ROM celebration. Elsie's popular amongst the various Govt Ministries I think.

hey mummies,nd get adv again,for chic pox can tk later than 1 year old?like how many months?adv not over how many months?and Pneumococcal le?
hi mummies,

may i know if any of u send ur child to childcare at toa payoh? m thinking of sending my son nearby.. need some recommendations.. can help pls?

Newmummy, pneumococcal if you can wait till 2 then just one jab is needed. Generally if the child has no underlying conditions or in the high risk group or exposed to many other children (ie chidcare), then can wait till 2.

Chic pox I don't think there's a "deadline" as such (I know of kids who are 3 or 4 taking the jab) but I guess the sooner you take it, your child will then be protected from a really bad outbreak and since chic pox is quite common I guess it's wise to get it done soon.
is optional whether you want your son to take the chixpox jab or not. some parents find it is not necessary. I am planning to let my gal now 3yo take it but whenever am going to do so she fall sick ;P.
Pneumococcal and Rotavirus vaccine are recommended for young tods. My gal took her Pneumococcal jab when she's abt 1yo plus.
j_foo, thanks much!

Gal.dolphine, recently I went to visit Mindchamps cos they got vacancies. Not too bad, have always liked their program for the kids. You can check it out.

Newmummy08, pneumococcal jab is recommended for the young. I didn;t let my son take rotavirus jab though cos I think the impact is not so severe as compared to pneumococcal. Today, there is news report on rotavirus vaccine contaminated with some virus but no severe issue. For chicken pox, think is optional too. If they get it young, good for them since the immunity would be there. Think mostly parents prefer to let the kids take the jab to protect them from outbreak esp during exam period, that is thinking long term wise.
Hey,jfoo,dor,eunice..thx for the adv...
ya..i thk i plan to gv him chic pox jap 1st..but he cough now..again!haiz....tat time tk ma guang med recover liao, but came again!haiyo!

For pneumococcal, any idea how much?abt which year recommended ah?
Pneumococcal - can start from young, at birth even , if I don't remember wrongly. But the younger the more jabs the child has to take. So if not in high risk grp or exposed to many children for long periods (ie childcare) then can hold on till 2.
oic...thx for the info ya jfoo~!thk wen i wan to let him go chold care then will let him tk the jab by then ba...
now he still came on and off le...hear he cough i also feel heart pain...

yesterday again, he throw out all milk after he drank it,...
if there's phlegm in it then it is better to throw out.
btw, thot u r having a babysitter already? and you still are planning to let him go childcare?
stylo, am suppose to be back to work. Then she catch a cold one day when i went to namseng to see her colic -.- so end up skip 1 week, i start work 1st april.
Hey Sgal,thx for the info~!seems no cheap wo...:p

Hey Dor,no la,me not putting him at childcare now,mayb wen he turn 2 years olf or 18 months..will see how by then ba...currenty nanny is good...:p
all thx to u lo!really appreciate ur help le~!!
hi mummies,

anyone going to enrol for ascension next year? reg starts 13 april depending on which phase u fall into.
My gal will be N1 in 2011, born in Sep 08. I will fall into phase 3 which is on 16 April. any mummies going to register as well?
Hi orangeymum

I'm still undecided if I should enrol my son for next year N1, born Mid Oct 08. Still so young leh, as compared to those born early of the year 08.
I dont know leh, like cannot mid year go in.

janice, are u ard? you said you defer your boys to N2. How to go about?

So you pay $50 to register and secure a place first, then did you pay up the 1 mth deposit later of the year when they ask you to do so?
Hi Mummies
Been super bz...

Yep, Angeli and Elsie's Kitchen are good.
Continental? Think they are called CSS or sth.
Thomsom Catering is good too but need to cater for the more expensive package then the food is better.

Oh, hope ur gal is better.

My kids were also down, went to see PD for two of them, 1 had stuff in lungs, another about to kena viral infection. Said bye bye to $168. But they are ok now... at least they stopped coughing.

My three took the pneumo and chix pox after 2 yrs old. Been asked to bring them for flu jabs but I'm hesitant.

My boy will be out of Ascension next year, going to primary school liao...!!!
My twins are still there.

Any of your kids who are 4 this year??
glad to hear tat you find this nanny up to expectation. btw, my gal now 3yo is still under my nanny's care dun intend to do any changes till she's in K1 maybe.

your boy is in wat class and who's his trs.?
I just enrolled my gal in Cold Storage KidsRun held in 23 May 2010.

This yr their kids jersey r much better looking compared to previous year, they incorporated looney tunes as part of the design cool. This year they also add in a new catagory 'Gain Stroller' hence tods get a chance to participate and run wif parents too.
Hi mummies

I have 5 sachets of Abbott grow school chocolate flavour. It says that it's for 6 yrs old onwards. I took by mistake from my pd. Didn't read in detail.
Who wants it just pm me to arrange how to meet k..
Dor, my kids going for the run this year too! Looped in two of their cousins too. Let's see whether we can meet up this time round, haha! And they'll be taking the F1 track this year, woo-hoo!
hey Dor...thx for recommend her to me lo..:p
oh,ur gal 3 yo liao huh...y don wan to put her in child care and learn thgs and know more frens there?i intend to start search childcare ctr for him liao...hehe..kiasu...:p
but actually i heard those childcare ctr if famous one,need register earlier,else the quota will full,is that rite?which one is good near tpy area?and cheap also of coz..hehe...
Hey mummies

Anyone enrolled their kids in Edufarm PG at Blk 78B/78C?

I am on wait list for May class when my girl turns 18 monthys but they hv not called me up still. Not sure if they lack the number of kids to form the PG class
hi mummies, can i check if there's any mummies happen to be making use of your birthday month purchase with the GNC? Can i tag along to get some supplements for my son too? Thanks thanks!
Actually i'm also interested to find out more about Ascension, but am hesitating bec of the logistics & fees thingy. It's expensive rite? Anyway, my child is with the PCF pre-nursery class now.

May I know which PCF you sent you child to? The one at Blk 142 or something? Opposite the central where fairprice is?

I am thinking to send my girl there for N1 also.
Erm there's no PCF at blk 142, :p i think that's Jessin? Hee...
i sent mine to Blk 157, yes, the one opp TPY central. N1 is for child born in yr2006?
Oh yes yes, blk 157 i think. Hehe.... I am still confused with the blocks after staying 3 years here.

My girl is born in 2008, so can only enrol her for PG first.
oic! haha! i thot you are referring to nursery class.. For PG, i only noe abt *KiddyABC @ blk99-ish, can't rem the exact blk..paiseh, can't input much infor..
hey mummies... i've got 3 adult bird park tix for sale @ $15 each (UP$18). valid till 25 apr 2010. great for good friday long weekend. email me at [email protected] to arrange pick-up/meet-up. TIA!
my gal is now attending N1 @ Ascension, occasionally my nanny will bring her over to her sil plc (nanny) jus opp to play wif her kids.
I did consider putting her in childcare cheaper however my nanny is taking good care of her and everything is ok so far. Hence I am rather hesitant to put her back to childcare and she has to adjust a new env again.
You are rite abt early enrollment and long waiting lists for popular childcare such as 'my first skool' @ typ central. Mindchamps is also another popular one.

yeap hope this time round I am able to reach earlier and meet up if possible.
the running track is cool ya tats wat i tld my colleague my gal will be running a F1 race track keke!
mummies, i need some clarification.. pre-nursery is for how old ah?? getting confused leh. my gal turning 2 this year, so next year she shld attend school? And what does pre nursery do? i only knw last time we hv nursery, K1 and K2. Now even got pre-nursery... is it the same as playgroup? hehe..

Here's the clear up:
Year your child turns 3 : N1
Year your child turns 4 : N2
Year your child turns 5 : K1
Year your child turns 6 : K2

So you are right that your gal will attend N1 next year when she is 3 years old.
At ascension which my girl is currently attending, they are taught of songs, learning Monday to Sunday, do arts and crafts, water play, sand play, painting, learn to eat by themselves, drink water, go toilet on their own.
Hi Mums
Any recommendations for multi-vits for toddlers?
So many variaties, not sure which to get. Dont want too sweet though. If you have any feedback, appreciate it.

am back!!!!!
hahaha back to being a Sahm and the com is fixed!


you are asking about the edufarm rite?
my boy is there!
give more when i am back from picking him up!
ok am back now.

for me choose this coz am at 79a

so far quite happy with the teachers but the service from the others like when you make phone calls to them... it sucks big time, had issues with them! also got to know that you got to pay reg fees of 120, uniform of 40.
Welcome back Jasmine! =)
remember to call me when u gg for shopping.. hehe.. =)

hello mummies.. m back to being maidless again.. after i started having a maid back in Oct.. till last week. almost half a year.. now decided to go without.. so much trouble.. haiz.

btw, Ryes, can give more feedback on the Ascension? you gal like it?how long is per session? Any homework to do? have to pay for uniform? pls advise.. coz m thinking of signing up too! =)

hi JFoo
Thank you. Where can I get that from? I just checked out 3 Guardian outlets, Watsons and NTUC healthcare during lunch and couldn't find it at all.
