TOA PAYOH mummies

Hi... I wld be moving to Balestier soon thus looking ard for presch for my kid. (Also abt primary sch incase need to do PV etc)

Have a few questions to ask.

1) Any kids in kinderland safra tpy?
2) Any kids in Pei Chun Primary?

*wave* hi ivy... :p

MTDT, kin here from july babies06. still remember me and my 2 girls? My older girl now in Pri 2 PCPS. wanna do PV should register latest next yr. PCPS always full for PV.....
kin - yes yes rem u

so how's PCPS? so far so gd?
how did u get in? via PV too? :p

Safra tpy will be closed in June and will reopen 2 to 3 yrs later. they are gg to rebuild new facilities

My elder gal in PCPS. P1 this yr. so far so gd.
pooh - I know kinderland safra tpy going to move to Whitley.
but guess trs etc wld be the same... thus asking if any existing kids there now

PCPS - all kids learn Higher Chinese? it is v chinese speaking environment? single session already?
pcps just had a change of principal last yr. there is another mummy here, jfoo, whose girl in P1.I got in thro alumni, my husband's.

V chinese speaking envt, my girl and us, all English speaking, but its ok, sure can cope one.
SIngle session will be in 2016(internal news..) so still a long way.
Kin - yup... read tat their P now is ex VP of Meri stella.

ur gal coping well huh. Got Chinese enrichment class before tat? Berries/Tien hsia etc? :p
MTDT, as mentioned by Kin, my DD is in P1 this year, and so far so good, coping well, like Pooh's DD. We're also a Eng speaking family (though I'm from a Chinese school and from a Chinese, or rather Cantonese speaking family). DD didn't attend and still doesn't attend any Chinese enrichment programs though she does go for those one-off holiday programs. I think the pressure mounts in P2, and when Chinese composition sets in.

I didn't do PV, got in to PC via balloting, so considered very lucky indeed. More than 130 applied in Phase 2B (?) when there were only 60 or so places.
Jfoo - thanks for the info. so u were in phase 2c huh. wow... big risk huh. 130vs60! :p

single session only 2016... tat's seems long :p
do u gals find pm session v unproductive? :p

me jump ship from NE to Central! hahahaa
I think you don't have to worry too much.However, I find the jump in Chinese lang expectations of P1 and P2 v diff. Even though they try to ease the students into the compm writing and all that,I thot that they should do more in P1 rather than push more in P2. So if you can, expose yr boy to really more recongnising characters and oral speaking. My girl didn't go to any chinese enrichment , but she started individual tuition at second half K2 by her K2 teacher. The teacher was v concerned that since my girl gg PCPS, she must know chinese very well.

Jfoo, you must make it a habit for your girl to writing her characters and strokes realy really well.In P1, Marking for Exams v strict in chinese, even if on the whole, the chinese words look correct, if the strokes are placed a little out, it will still be wrong....And for math, if you dont write number sentence and and answer statement properly, also minus marks. By end of the yr, no model for problem sum also minus marks.....

PM session got its pros and cons.... but just have to adapt lor.....
Kin, I'm very strict when it comes to the strokes and also the neatness, but then I realised, some of my strokes aren't quite right afterall! I was telling my SIL (who's an ex Hwa Chong Chinese teacher) and she said that in lower primary teachers really look into all these tiny details but by P3 or so because the kids are writing long compo, teachers stop paying attention to the smaller details and that's where bad habits start as one's writing faster.

And I agree, I can foresee the jump in Chinese to be a big one btw P1 and 2. I think Pin Yin should only take up one term, or start Chinese character writing by term two and run concurrently with Pin Yin.

MTDT, yes, it was a risk to take, I thought long and hard about it, as I could have confirmed a place at Kheng Cheng without going thru balloting, and KC is a pretty good up and coming school. However, distance played an important part for me and since PC is just a stone's throw away I took the risk and hoped for the best.
Kin- ur gal k2 tr so nice. Gave her extra help.

All the talks abt p1/p2 making me scare!!

Precious- thanks! ;)
Hi mummies,Just to ask at TPY area,child care is only mindchamp in HDB HUB?and other child care is good to recommend and fees is reasonable1?:p
Wer is NTUC My First Skool located?my boy this coming Sept is 18 mths,so was thk to chk out the child care,or mayb wan let the nanny continue tk care him...will see how,as in nanny hse,is good,but in child care can learn more thgs and get know other kids...
newmummy, my first skool is above the bigger ntuc, near to courts that side. I know safra also have childcare right? HDB hub also have but tats reserve for hdb staff 1st then got space release to public.
hey mummies... me "bac". its been a torturous april man. i started PT work in march, but my maid start to think she is the boss so i booted her hm in april aft my KL trip and was maidless for 2 weeks. was really jialat cos ger fell sick w ear infection and was on antibiotics, which gave her diarrhea. finally tat course over, she started crying for no reason the whole day. will oni stop when i carried her. aft a wk, i sent her for all blood and even urine tests & even A&E but found nothing. then a wk later, she started having diarrhea again. i tot i can handle but had to resend to A&E ystr aft a wk non-stop diarrhea. now we suspect it is gastroentities so strictly on soy milk oni. seems better today & i hope she doesnt develop lactose intolerance cos soy so ex!

dolphin... for cockroaches, i buy the cockroach poison bait "tabs" regularly & leave them around. i dun noe if it kills them, but i dun see any. then when i do see any, i will replace with new ones. most insecticide brands have them. most impt is not to leave food ard. muz empty bins @ nite, or better still, get one with cover. i oso ask my maid to spray insecticide regularly around the rubbish chute cos the door got holes where the small ones can crawl thru. am terrified of cockroaches so i will do anything to stop them from coming into my house. but too bad, can't control the flying ones so i will usually scream and run if i see one! hehe... i very violent one, if i see any, i will spray insecticide on it non-stop until it is not killed by the smell but drowned in the insecticide! as long as the legs can still move, i will not stop spraying! ha! i always hv 2 cans of insecticide in the hse!

jasmine... me sama sama as you, maidless. but my new maid came mid apr. u not getting new one? u went bac to work rite?

ivy... hope ah ger better liao. sorrie to your hubby hor, i was rather rude to him cos unknown nmbr. nowadays many sales call so i always ans in single words now. "ya?", "no", "bye!" hehe... :p

kin... welcome bac!
newmummy08 - hi, I also looking for CC.
u can go to tis link to find more TPY Cc

I went to a few in TPY

Mindchamps in hdb - High end. New & Pretty sch.
dun think it's reserve for HDB Staff. there is another cc in HDB Hub.. maybe it's tat one.

Kinderland in TPY Safra - they are shifing out. not sure where yet

First skool (on top of NTUC) - BIG BIG BIG BIG plc. but too big also hv issues as virus will spread like wildfire. I went there and was not allowed to view as they say they hv 10+ cases of HFMD thus no visitors. ALso they say they hv a long long waiting list. But px wise, tis is the BEST!

Saw these 3 only. I heard there is one call "Jessin" tat's very gd... waitlist v long too. It's at a void deck near to kim keat. maybe can check out too.
Hi are..i thk i will same as u wen i saw "thg",my hubby scold me saying that coz of me he also scare ofit,not of it,but coz of my sreaming voice..haha!
so wat is the "poison" can get from?wer shall it to put at?coz i also scare my boy crawl to that area and tk it le!how much it cost?
Hey MTDT,thx for the info!i was thk to call My First Skool as to view it ,but seems u said they not allow to view then no need liao,but how long is the waiting list ah?how old is ur kid?plan to register wen?
newmummy - i went last wk. maybe tis wk they are "open" for viewing again. u can still call.

How long the waitinglist - i also dunno :p

My kid is 06 kid. i am moving hse to balestier thus looking ard now.
are, My girl also once had diarr for 2 wks till she started to have blood in her stools. Sent her to KKH and guess what, they insist we admitted her and those youngsters doc who don't know what's gg around, started poking around her backside. Made her stay for 2 days. In the end, they said, some bacteria infection.... and had no medication for it. Wrong choice.
there are also some antibiotics that give really bad diaa, Augmentin is one of them, Euthromycin gives really bad child may complain hungry all the time.

mtdt, my brother in law's boy, 06 bb in mind champs. They signed up one yr early just to be be on waitlist. NOw after being in there for close to half a yr, the most fantastic part of the CC is the cleanliness and also the small ratio.the boy previoously was in the safra TP cc...
I need your help and feedback. Anyone sent their child to KKH, or TTSH for allergy testing(skin prick). My girl had a anaphylactic reaction to something she ate in school which triggered a very serious asthma reaction. Her GP thinks that she may need to carry an epipen with her in case she gets it again. She says only KKH under specialist care can issue such things. Any feedback pls???
Hey all experience mummies!need ur all adv!my boy recently recovered from fever on sun,today found that he got red spot on his tummy,neck and face too!!thk is "ma chen"?(don know wat it call in english) Don know it itchy or not,but he seems always only scratch on his neck.He isonly 13mths+,don know how2express himself!this few days,he re-act vy abnormal!refuse to tk specifier anymore(previously he always need to call zz),so now he hardly get zz,always cry,even he already feel vy sleepy!eyes not even can open liao!but still refuse fall zz!!i feel vy heart pain with it and also vy tired with tk care him whole nite!sometime he also cry for nothgs of of sudden!then he will poo out yellowish shit!might be due to stomache?he refuse tk specifier due to teething?mount pain?i really exhausted with it!can any mummies adv me wat to do?bring to see doctor?then dr will gv wat med?don thk it can solve it....the most is gv him med to fall zz?but i don wan to gv him tat med!pls help me....
kin - oh ur bil kid trf from Kinderland to MC huh.

can help me ask him abt kinderland? :p can pm me ptely if u hv info :p

skin prick test - my fren went to a clinic in paragon to do it. u need info?

after eating antibiotics - best to hv probiotics to replace back the "gd bacteria" tat anti "killed".
ok will pm u, but let me know specifically what you want to know.

skin prick....I am at my wits end too...

newmummy, maybe he got roseola(false measles), its normal its ok. It is like the body's reaction to the fever. Maybe he is teething. At night, the gums get painful, even reddish and swollen, and the child will just cry and cry, even soothing him doesn't help. You may want to check with doc. To ease his discomfort, sometimes they give paracetemol to ease the pain . Don't be too stressed out ok.... there are many mummies out here who can support you.
newmummy... re roach : can get frm any supermarket. they are called baits i think. the poison is inside the tab, so cant reach, but still better to hide where boi cant reach ba. anyways, roaches hide in corners too. they got double-sided tape behind, so can tape behind cupboards. ok to be near food since no smell no residue. quite ex, but i rather pay than hv them crawling ard!

re red spots : i juz brot ger to GP 2wks ago cos she had clusters of spots on backside. doc say not measles, prob heat rash. usu i will let doc chk, cos not scared of measles (since no med), but more afraid of HFM and H1N1 these days. anything not sure, better bring to doc cos they noe wat to check, juz in case he got sores in mouth and kena HFM.

kin... my ger will diarrhea on any antibiotics so we are used to it already. juz tat tis time is no cause, so a bit worried. the doc also want to admit, which is usu for diarrhea, cos they scared dehydration, which my ger kena once. but my ger had no fever, was active and not listless, so he say giv another 24hrs observation cos he noes i am experienced taking care of her. i even hv a timeline drawn up to show him the progress of things for the past 2 weeks. machiam flow chart for work like that. ha!
Mummies, HFMD is active again. My girl has caught it. This is the first time for me so it's quite stressful, esp when there's a younger sibling too. Anyway, all started on Sat morning when she came down with a fever, I put it off as being just a passing fever as it wasn't high. Gave her paracetomol and rest. She recovered the following day. And so I thought. On Sun evening she complained of throat pain, gave her salt water to gurgle and boiled barley for her. Mon morning I saw a rash starting on her arms, thought it was heat rash. Asked whether her throat was better and she said "no", I checked her mouth with a torch and to my horror found a few ulcers near the tonsils and suddenly the words "Hand Foot Mouth Disease" came to my mind. I called my friend who's a doc and checked with her and she said it may well be the starting stage of HFM or throat infection. She said to monitor and if it is HFM, things will develop very quickly and the various symptoms will start popping out. Sure enough, by afternoon, I could see a few small red spots on her palm and a few small blisters on her fingers. Ulcers also started to form at the cheeks of her mouth. Brought her to see the doc immediately (went to EJ Tan but they were close for break so ended up at blk 47 Teoh Clinic). Doc gave antibiotics and MC for the week. So she's to stay home and away from all the toys and all the other bedrooms except her own. Trying the best I can to separate the two kids but there's only so much I can do. I'm getting rather paranoid, going round disinfecting common areas and things every night. But on the other hand, I count myself lucky cos if she caught it later, like two or three weeks down the road, I may have to cancel or postpone our UK trip (we're leaving end of May). So now fingers cross my son won't catch it, now or esp before we leave.
hey gals, haven't been in for awhile, how's everyone doing?

My boy's sch also got a few cases. Just prayfully he won't catch it. Just recovered from flu.

Holiday programme
Any mommies sending kids to hol prog? Any good ones around to go for?
Newmummy, Mindchamps is open to everyone but I heard quite ex?? The one for hdb staff is another one in hdb hub above interchange. First skool big n yes virus spread is an issue, I kept my girl home due to the hfm spread n she still kanna serious flu lead to bronchitis. I queue for almost 9mths or more. Better bring ur kid to doc, in case mouth ulcers cause him to reject pacifier.

Are, my hubby never mention u rude leh hehe.
oh dear, my ger had hfmd once too so i know how terrible it can b.But does hfmd need antibiotics? i dun rem my ger taking that...more like just giving her cold stuff that will relieve the sores etc. Most importantly, treat the fever.

hope ur ger recovers soon. Take care.
BV sounded so tempting isit high flr? how much the owner is letting go? Am asking ard for u.

Thanks for gtg the yummy cakes. R looks ok last nite. Hope she gets well soon.

is your gal eating well? Hope she has a speedy recovery. aiyor now i am gtg worried will start to monitor my daughter too. she's dwn wif cough & flu for 2wks liao still hasnt recover sigh. So soon u r leaving for UK again.
BV's bank valuation is $950K
There would be an open house this coming Sat frm 2-5pm. Thank you for helping me to ask around.

Oh dear! It must be very stressful for you. Is she eating and drinking well? Hope she recovers fast.

Are you looking for half day/full day program?
u must be prepared that your son will fall sick quite often once you put him into childcare. Perhaps you can consider to wait till he's older ard 2-2.5yo by then his immune system will be stronger and is also ready for Nursery.
My daughter is eating and drinking well, I'm cooking softer food (like porridge, noodles and soup) so that it's easier to chew and swallow. I've also bought a bottle of isotonic drink for standby, doc says these are easier on the throat than plain water. She, of course, was more than happy to hear the doc say "eat ice cream, ice lolly, drink cold water" but I told her since she can drink water normally then these "treats" would be limited to just once a day. Haha!

Not sure about the antibiotics, but I think need cos my friend (who's a doc) did mention about antibiotics. She was given a relatively mild one (acc to doc) as the HFM is not too serious.
Hi Kin,i thk my boy may get roseola(false measles), as it was abit better today,redspot seems not so obvious liao, i ask nanny apply water powder on his body,don know it helps or not.I thk is really the body's reaction to the fever,coz after he fever, then next day got it already,but i also suspected is due to the med i gv him for fever le...he allegic to it?i also don, yes Char, i will bring him see dr today le.but may visit GP only not PD ba...may go visit dr Jonathan and chan&tang clinic. I also suspected maybe he is teething?but i cant tell as he refuse open his mouth to let me see,then he will shouted and cry!!he got 4 each upper and lower liao,so the next will be which teeth will come out?the behind one?heard that will be the most painful? me really stressed lo!!thx for comforting me and the support~!really appreciate it~!

Are,thx for the info,may go get it this weekend,to prevent~!:p
Oh,HFM?don scare me..but how to tell?if got red spot might be due to this?thk only can let dr chk. He even diarrhea for 3 days liao,but each time,just came out like water and yellowsih,no crying no pain,thk so..
yes Ivy,Mindchamp damm ex lo!doubel of my firt skool le..!don know y also...
ya..will bring him see dr le!

hey Dor,ya lo..i also thk hubby also scare him fall sick le but go chikdcare can learn more thgs rite?:p

hey jfoo..hope ur kid recover soon~!hv a nice trip to enjoy can fly here and wan back Penang also hv to wait my hubby leave side can approve leave or not la...see flight got cheap or not la...alot thgs to consider...
depending on the childcare. some they'll provide basic learning and manners, while others dun really bother. however, u can tell if he picks-up any when u send him there. however most CCC will teach the child manners such as keeping toys etc. u may also face problems such as tods got bitten by another, it all depends.
Are, ur girl better already?? Is it related to rotavirus thingy?? No wonder din see u in forum in april, i tot u as busy as me hehe.

newmummy, mindchamps is a private company, hong leong use to have a share.. or still have? Cos i do some video editing for mindchamps, their teachers some angmos.. maybe tats why more ex hahahaha.

MTDT, yes my girl in first skool.

hi dor,is quite true la...but my hubby said mayb put him half day there, then another half day ask nanny bring him back her hse lo.will c how.

Hi ivy,do u know my first skool got halfday program?i may drop by this sat to view the environment lo,anw,will be in waiting i shall wait lo,by then thk my boy will already turn to 2 years old liao..haha~!
