TOA PAYOH mummies

thnx for the sch bus info. $90 for 2-way seems reasonable. i'm thinking of putting my gal at a sch with 3hr session next year but still considering lah.
her class is currently 2hrs. oh yeah, speaking of cakes, our gals' bday are this month hor. i've yet to look around for a cake for her and also still considering if wanna have a party in her class. indecisive me!

where are you staying? how come out of the way leh?

no problem. i would figure the reason why your boy throws up mostly in the morning is becos the phlegm is accumulated overnight. i myself am recovering from cough and i find myself coughing out a lot of phlegm in the morning.

Hi Char,Thx alot for the sharing~!I thk shd be due to that erason hw to avoid it happen?he already been couhg for 2 weeks coll said don keep hom cough too long,else affect lung...but i don wan bring him to see western dr liao le...and nw he tk Ma Guang med,seems ok,but abit slow le?
all i can say is if you think his cough is getting worse instead of better despite taking tcm then better to bring him to see a western doc. cos you wont know that his cough could be due to viral infection whc needs antibiotics else if left untreated could lead to bronchitis/bronchiolitis or even worse, pneunonia.
HI newmummy,

I'm not one who likes chinese medicine, so naturally, I bring my kids to see western doc only.

My son last month had a bad bad terrible cough that lasted for days and night and we all had sleepless night. He was wheezing and was put on neubuliser, coz the dr was worried abt leading to bronchitis.

I feel when it comes to kids, always seek professional opinion is the best, coz they should be the experienced ones who can help diagnose whats the problem.

Char, I'm not a TPY mummy, I'm staying at whampoa. For $90 2 way is very reasonable, as compared to my $120. But I can understand lah, why the dr charge so ex. He goes to kim keat link, then to TPY lorongs, before making a big round to mountbatton road there to head to balestier then round to my place area.

So i chose to walk 8 mins to the busstop to wait for her instead.
Newmummy, TCM takes a while to set in and work, so if you want to see results (fast) then western medicine is the way to go, use TCM to support and repair the system.

If phlegm is bad, then best to cut out dairy products so don't give cows milk. TCM physicians will tell you that. Some say that's rubbish (look at the ang mo) but I find that it's true, that when I cut out dairy products from their diet for that week, phlegm subsides.
initially am also contemplating whether to do a BD celebration for my gal in her sch and finally i decided to go ahead is becoz i feel tat she'll be happy when her turns come to go up the stage, blow the dummy cake wif candles and the entire sch sing a BD song for her, then follow by a mini celebration in her class during break time.
She'll also learn how to 'Give' by giving away presents to her fellow classmates.
All-in-all i spend abt $100+/- in goodie bags, makan and cake.
Morning mummies!

Newmummy - if your boy is sleeping or staying in aircon room all the time, maybe you can try cutting down the aircon time. My girl was also having a bad cold/cough that wouldn't go away. We tried just turning on the aircon and fan for a while to cool the room, then turn off the aircon i.e. just the fan switched on. The improvement was quite dramatic. Dr Jeremy Tan at Faith Clinic always advised us to not let her sleep with aircon esp when having cough/cold and esp if the aircon mode is "dry".
oic ic. thnx for the input.

woah the whole sch will know whose bday, gotta go on stage to blow out candles. :D for my gal, it's just celebration in her classroom. but i lazy to go and think wat to get for goodie bag and go buy them and pack them....hee hee....i'm a lazy mummy!

actually hor, when i was working, my ang moh boss told me that dairy products irritate the throat so he stays away from them when he's not well.
hello mommies,

just in case u all think i disappeared haha, i've been so exhausted... my baby 3mths old this sat.. wah she ar getting crankier.. hard to coax her to sleep. Night time will put up a good fight. Hopefully its her colic and she will be better when she is older lah. How u all coax ur baby to sleep ar.. i dun have yao lan at home.
U can chk out $Value shop @ tpy basement they hv most of the stuffs suitable for a goodie bags.

Items in goodie bags u can hv a choice of party packs, stationary or candies pack. u can even create your own. Mine, i bout them separately incld hello kitty, thomas train and Ben statoinary, a story book for gals and color cum stickers book for boys. U may choose a theme e.g. hello kitty, disney etc.for what u plan to put inside. U may also consider a standard goodie bag so u dun hv too much headache hee.

Otherwise order fm the link tat Ryes forward to me which is much easier the lady will pre pack the items inside upon request.
i gave up yao lan after trying it on my gal for 2weeks. she will sleep when it's shaking but will wake up and cry when it stops shaking. if it's colic then no choice but to put up with it till she's older. meanwhile keep giving her colic drops and massage her tummy. maybe no choice but to cuddle her to sleep to make her feel comforted.

thanks a lot for the tips on goodie bag!!
Hi are, envy leh .. can go honeymoon. I'm stuck with 2 kids in spore
Hopefully I can convinced my mum to let me go expo in Shanghai without the 3 monsters. My girl is not fashionista lah .. She don't really like the school uniform though. But now due to influence from TV prog like hi5 ... she love to wear 'sexy' clothings ! Gdbye to all her princess dresses.

Seems most mummies tried TCM. Working well? I think my son is the only one with TCM. Threw up at least 8 times after 1 does of medicine !
school bus ....$90 - $120 is cheap . Guess what the childcare charge me ... $150 for both way and work out to be $300 for both boys ! Ridiculous ... I take taxi daily also not tat expensive !
Hi ALl Mummies!Thx for the adv and appreciate the info as well~!
Well,i did brought him to see western dr,but the med gv to him just make him drownsiness but seems still same alot phlegm,tat y i just decide bring him see chinese dr.
So now i thk he got better,just tat still can "hear" the phlegm in his throat and cough once a while lo..thk the powder given by ma guang not so fast tk place!
so now i really lost...shall i bring him to see western dr again or shall i just continue the powder gv by ma guang...??
If ned to go see western dr,which one recommend?thk i don wan waste time see GP liao,as the med gv all is those colourful one...and was thk to get consult from KK,any idea?
Pls adv,im pretty lost now....and worry,don know wat to do...
Hi newmummy

For my first child, we didnt bring her to any PD initially, it was always KK first, KK first and KK first.

And then there was once she was very sick and the med at KK didnt work, so we seek 2nd opnion and went to aglow lor.

KK doesnt really give medication for say flu or cough. Their thinking is to let the body overcome the virus on it's own.

For cough, they give the flumicil ( i dont know spelling) powder to drink. No medication was given to me for flu. And given the price I'm paying at $80, it was basically like no medication given like that lor. So I chose to go to PD thereafter, and the price is also abt the same.
Hi Ryes
Was just considering switching to Aglow. Dr Ong right? Any feedback on the doctor, waiting time, nurses etc please.
Jfoo, thanks for the reply re ykidz. My son will be going for trial lesson tml. Hopefully everything turns out well. How old is ur son? Abit disappointed to know that for k1 and k2 is not very good but still I will enrol him if the environment is good.

Now cracking my head to put him in a sch before I deliver in June.. Didn't want him to feel that baby is born so he got to go to sch..
Babyrainbowz, my son's in N1 (3 yrs old). I have a feeling the K1 and 2 are now taken by Yu Kai, which may well turn out a lot better (she has the experience and is a good teacher). THe nursery kids are taken by teacher Janet (young teacher).
Hi Mummies
Haven't posted for stime.... everyday bz here and there... kids been coughing... boy is beta and did go for his swimming...

Started running again altho the weather has been like oven temperature...!!

Adventurous?? hehe....
My hb has driven to KL several times liao.... no problem. The route frm SIN to KL is easy, it's only when we go into KL then it gets complicated, fort. my hb is v good w/ directions so we get to the hotel alright. Of crse we don't drive within KL.
I rmbr once I was looking at map, hb was looking at the sign, the map said 'Right', the sign said 'Left', he asked me to quickly decide so I just hantam...tkfully it was correct!!!
The kids ah... took once back.. cos going up, I took the plane with them by myself! Arranged for hotel car to fetch us frm airport. No checked in baggage that time as hb had left earlier, drove all our baggage with him and he did his official work. Shud be ok this time, they wl prob. fall asleep...

School - My three kids are there.. imagine... fees....!!!! and gym classes.

Bus fare is not worth it if they take one way...

You thinking of sending ur gal there??
Did you consider the church? The rede shud be over soon..

Good that you are going on a break.. who wl be looking after your gal?? I think the cheaper hotels like Corus Hotel may do, dun expect much.

We prefer Hilton as it's near to Mid Valley / The Gardens. May go to 1 Utama this round but we expect wl be 'ker-tuk' by cabdriver on the way back... when are u going? Mar, Aug and Dec are their Mega Sale months...

Uniforms - Aiyah, they love to look pretty!!

My boy got a lot of pencils and pencil cases last year from the birthday bashes..!!! Aiyoh....

Hang in there..... daytime try not to let her sleep so much, also ensure she is well fed ie takes her meals so that she won't end up hungry at nite and keeps waking up!
It's not easy but you wl pass this phase at some point!

How to train them to sleep... sorry, we take the 'brutal' way, hb used to let them cry (controlled timing lah).. eventually they learnt to get back to sleep. But I also cannot rmbr how exactly he did it!!!
So you take a bus to wait for her at the bus stop?

Your gal ok with the morning call now??

If interested, beta check with school when they are open for registration...

I wonder if it's the haze these days that cause our kids to cough... my boy (6 years old) also finished the western med, and just finished the chinese med, and was gvn another bottle of chinese med. Yeah, no sleeping in aircon for him.
Now my twin gals also start to cough a little..

My kids' PD used to operate in TPY years ago but has moved to Robertson Quay.
good to hear from you again. dor emailed me the sch fees and then i rembr why i opted out becos the fees are out of my budget, haha. weather lately so warm, think that's why so many are sick. i myself recovering from cough,sore throat and running nose but just now only kena running nose again! think my gal also going to fall sick again, she was sneezing a few times today and kept rubbing her nose. keeping my fingers crossed that she doesn't get sick again.
Hi Sunny

Yes, it's dr Ong. I have had all plesant experience with my visits there. All my visits 90% is walk in, coz is urgent case lor, like middle of night kid got fever, very sick, then morning need to rush in to see Dr Ong.

All I need to do is call them up, see if can squeeze in. Normally is they ask u to wait. You dont have to stay in the clinic to wait, can go makan, walk around then they will call ur mobile when it is near to your turn. Waiting time max for me is an hour nia.

The recep there all very friendly and nice, I like the cold air condition, gives me a feeling that the air is well circulated. So I dont complain abt it being too cold.

Price wise is reasonable. First visit consultation $70, subsequent $50. Medicines are cheap, less than $10 type. And you can buy medicine within 1 month if u had already finished.

I'm on the way there tomorrow man. sigh. My kids havent been well ever since my gal started school in Jan. Now they are down with bad cough like last mth again.

No no, I dont take abus to wait for her at the bus stop.

Morning I send her to school.
Then the sch bus fetch her home, where he will alight her at the bussstop opposite to kim keat there, or rather shuang lin temple at the PIE.

I only need 8 mins walk to that busstop from my home. For me hor, coz 2 ways is $120, I save $40 to opt for 1 way. And I being I, I count the number of days in a month that I have to send her to school, coz I dread the hot sun leh. Gena burnt and so tan now..sigh..

So I'm looking forward to the sch holidays and the days when she dont have to attend sch..hoo hoo..

Now that I told my parents I'm sending her to sch (Cant hide fr them, coz mum asked why I become so dark), dad do offer time to time to help me ferry her to school.

BTW, anyone has suggestions to where have those enrichment class for say 17 mth old nearby at TPY or what?

I checked out the timing for kindermusik, gymboree, julia gabriel dont suit me leh. Was thinking of growing up gifted, but timing dont suit me too. Planning for weekday classes from 12 noon onwards. need to be home ard 245pm.

re KL roads - my brother (who lives in KL) told me that the signs are v confusing because unlike Sg, the highways (i.e. tollroads) are built, owned and operated privately. Each operator puts up their own signboard to destinations but via their tollroad so that they collect the $$. So if you want to get from A to B , you can sometimes find one sign that points left and one that points right (and sometimes even a 3rd sign that points straigh ahead) and all stating "B" as the destination. Following any of the signboards will (eventually) get you to the destination you want (just a matter of maybe paying more or taking more time). However once you choose a direction, stick to it... once I kancheong and ended up travelling in circles cos first followed one operators' sign, then another, then back to the first direction... .sigh... KL

Ryes, thank you for the feedback. I'll need to make an appointment soon for my girl's MMR jab.
Yeah, my mom also commented about the school fees.
Recently mil saw the bill and she was asking 'is this for 1 or 2 kids?' kekeke....
Argh. ... anyway my boy wl be off to P1 next year..
How does govt expect women to give birth to more kids when everything is so expensive, and flats are getting smaller??

Cough - this time round, the germs or whatever is v strong, can't recover imdtly. I also don't know what happened. Took all the med and was still coughing. But I'm ok now. It's my twins who started a bit of coughing...sigh.. think the air is v thick and unhealthy. Been advised to keep boy from swimming for now....

Yah confusing and can be scary for first-time driver. But hb is an experienced driver. Once he drove me in w/o stopping and it took us 3.5 hours.

Ptely owned - so are the light trains and all, it seems, hence the network of trains can be pretty daunting... my gf says they hv different operating hours too!! Hahaha.... but ok, just learn to be relaxed and not behave like a typical S'porean when there!!!

You are talking about Aglow? is this at United Sq??

OIC... think it's a good strategy... since she gets off so soon and don't need to endure the journey!!!! Oh, the timing ah, beta bring umbrella and apply sunblock!!!
Hi sunny,

today I went there just to purchase medicine. Dr Ong was very nice to come out and talk to me also.

For jabs, I dont bring my kids to PD, coz I have the concept that they are more expensive. I bring them to CK Tan, same as Dor's family clinic. My son also due for MMR this month, 18th. Need me to let u know how much I'm paying?

Stylobb, yes yes, aglow is at united square, at the corner near to Toysrus.
YEah man, it's terribly hot when I bring her to school and back. And yeah, bought sunblock too. It's written as sunscreen lotion, works the same right?

hope ur kids are better now.. =)

wah.. ur hb so gd with directions! =)
btw we have never driven to further than JB hence abit apprehensive to drive.. may wanna ask some frens to come along.. which will be a good idea.. what do u think?
so where do u frequent in KL?any suggestions what to do there? =)

u can check out ykids at lor 6?i will be gg for a trial the week after next.. wanna join? =)

bright tots campus,
any mummies heard of this sch? any comments? =)

btw, any mummies giving friso 2 formula to ur bb? i have 1 Brand new tin to spare.. letting go cheaply.. let me know if u keen.. thanks!
HI stylobb,ya..the weather is kinda change lo!vy hot!thk vy easy get also running nose and sore throat as well...

Ryes,so the dr anglow at united sq,is he vy good?how much roughtly the chargers?

my boy tunr 1 yr old soon,was thk to get him get the chicken pox jap...mayb do it at chan and tang clinic ba...
Hi mummies, i wrote in a few weeks back regarding my son's cough. he is 5 months old now. i brought him to kids clinic at bishan street 12. PD is Doctor Oh, she is very friendly..she told us is due to the haze and if it's very hazy, switch on the air con but not too cold. put a bowl of water so that air is not too dry. although my son took about 2wks plus to recover but we are quite comfortable with her. i was previously with another PD but i think i'll switch over to her coz she's good with kids. If your children are still not well, i guess it's really the weather!! PD says just gotta take a longer while to recover. hope this helps!
hi mummies,
the weather IS really bad. Agnes, glad that you found a PD you are comfortable with. My 3 yr old girl is on all kinds of anti-allergy medication for the past 2 wks plus steriods but this wk, her wheezing got really bad. I stay on the 12th Flr at Lor 8, and almost everynight, past 11pm, there is this big haze that seems to travel from Bishan side. And the smell is a burning smell . It last thru the night, so I always switch on the air-con and off it half way so my girls sleep with only windows ajar. Really bad air.... My older girl have been getting more asthma attacks too.... so stressful...
stylo, ya recently, i last fed at 930pm, she will wake up 430am, so not so bad lah. If i last feed her 11pm, sometimes wake up 7am. So i dunno shld i wake her to feed at 11pm -.-
hi agnes..the PD in Bishan charger ex?wat kind of med she gv?can tell the med name so tat i compare the med i get is it the same...thx~!
oh dear, so many kiddies are sick. mine had running nose again within less than 1mth. most nights can smell strong smell of haze so gotta turn on aircon.

agnes, thanks for your input on what your son's PD said. good to know.
We also visited Dr Jeremy Tan at Faith Clinic.
He also advised not to eat any fruits (apples also cannot) for cough/phlegm.

A few of her classmates just celebrated their 4th bd at sch.
And she already requested me to arrange one for her too... hee hee!
One interesting thing: she asked me to buy a small piggy bank for all her classmates.
When I asked her why, her reply was: "So that they can save more money, to buy food when they are hungry"
To her: Money = Food
Jfoo, have enroll my son in ykidz on Friday. Tomorrow will be the first day of school. Am glad that he likes it and keep mentioning about school after he is back..

But after lesson on Friday he start sneezing.. So afraid he will fall sick soon after he starts school..
hi new mummy,

I bought medication at $26 last Friday, no consultation, as within a month, you can buy more medication.

Consists of $3 prescription fee, 2 bottles of cough mixture and 1 bottle of flu.
Goodness, the haze is really getting worse...makes the throat feel dry.

Babyrainbowz, do you bring your son to school? Is he on the 4 hour program?
Hi newmummy08, first consultation was $50 then i think subsequent is $40. I visited 3 times so there's a number of med..such as flumicil sachet, klacid and ventolin syrup, at first she gave him sinupret but it seems like it didnt really work for his cough. btw, my son has finally recover..fingers cross..
Hi ryes, do u mind sharing the charges for jabs? thanks!
Hi agnes,

Sorry I cant help you on that, coz I dun bring my kid to aglow for jabs leh. I bring them to the GP, CK Tan.

I can share with u on that. My son had his last dose of pnemoccocal last mth, it was $170.

Chickenpox was $80 I think.

This mth he will be having MMR, will update again on the pricing.
just to share, you can buy fluimicil sachets from guardian pharmacy. i'd buy one box and always have them when i need them for my gal.

JTS: i just received a leaflet from Q-dees childcare & kindergarten centres. they have anopen house on 13th mar, sat at 10am - 2pm. they have a few branches islandwide and the TPY branch is a kindergarten located at blk 172A Lor 1. tel: 62521272. any mums heard of this kinddy? any comments to share?
HI Agnes,thx for the info,but seems quite ex ho...and u claimed the med is not working for ur son?

Ryes,seems aglow charges still ok,but is the med work for u kid?

Now i vy confuse as shall i continue gv my son the ma kuang powder as the med almost finish soon.His cough seems got better la,but still can hear his phlegm inside lo...especially morning time.
My mum suggest to get Yu Ren Shen Hou Ning for him and it cost $66 le!So ex!and don know will it cure or not?coz my fren gv to her gal doesnt work le!
Any adv??
i think if i were you i will continue to give the ma kuang med till finish cos TCM takes some time to work since you said his cough is getting better. must have some faith that it will work else you'll confuse yourself further. after finishing then see how, whether you wanna try out the docs recommended by the mummies here or try out the hou ning from EYS. for my gal,i've also given her tcm from EYS's physician and it works a little but after completing the 5days course of med her phlegm was still audible so ended up i brought her to see the GP i usually see and the med works for her. the clinic is Y.S Teo clinic at blk 177 TPY central. since his med works i will continue to bring her there instead of her PD whc is pretty ex.
Me auntie, will use umbrella when I go out for lunch...hahah

Yeah, cos hv driven in many times.
Not much to it except there are indoor playgrounds at Mid Valley and 1 Utama.
Usually to eat and rest, or dip in the pool.
My boy has ear infection, think we cannot swim this time round.

The smell was terrible last nite, tho T1 was hving a bit of cough, we decided to let them sleep in aircon.
Strangely a little later, the wind was kinda strong at my flat.

All connected - hot air/haze, cannot breathe properly, throat gets itchy, start to cough, throat gets dry, haiz... Drink lots of water.

But it's v hot today again. Can feel the heat on my arms and face...

I think can let her drink at 11pm, my opinion.
I find they take a long time to recover this time round... my kids have been coughing on and off for more than 2 weeks. Stimes they wl not cough at all, but at times they wl... Weird.
Jfoo, currently on 2 hrs lesson till he adapt to school and maybe before I deliver in June will change him to 4 hrs lesson and take sch bus..

Sadly he really fall sick. Miss sch on the first day. Last night have slight fever and today miss sch again.
I think only can start sch earliest on thursday..
ya lor, last night's haze was very bad!! the smell was so strong! i myself had running nose about 2weeks ago then stopped after taking med then last week kena again and stopped after med. my gal leh, also kena running nose and cough the pass few days and the last time she had this prob was a little less than a mth she's recovering, i hope, cos her phlegm has thickened up and causing some irritation especially when she sleeps, like snoring.
Does anyone know where to get music boxes in Singapore? Nice not too expensive (if possible) boxes? I've looked at Precious Thots - quite okay but any one else know of any other place selling? Have 2 friends having their baby's 1st month celebrations soon and I thought an old fashion music box with brahms' lullaby would be nice for both. Thank you for all input

HI Char,Thx alot for the adv..actually i already plan to let my biy finish the med from ma kuang liao..just tat after finish what shall i gv?coz even he got lesser cough liao but still...can hear the noise like u mention, like snoring lo...still can feel the phlegm inside le..
so i thk may get hou ning for him ba..but don know can cure or not,if say chinese med tk time, then how many bottle i nd to gv him!wat ex wo..!haiz...if bring him back to see GP/PD,gv those med also same like wat i get b4,so don know good for bb or not as consume more western med is not good also ma..haiz...really crack head~!
