Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies


ya lor. she used to do tat. now much better liao cos i spoon feed her n she's extremely keen to eat from the spoon. heehee...


saw your blog, nicely done!

btw, i saw Maishia's birthday cake, it looks sooo pretty... may i know where you ordered from? and was it good?

i can't go for the pool gathering.. my august07 mummies gathering clashes directly with the pool gathering..

glad to hear both bbs better le . take care of urslf too k? boil more raw barley fr jerald n if his nose is stuck , cn try using the aspirator to 'suck' mucous out. v effectv n bb feel better aft that too.
ha, i read ur post to mist telling her to 'talk' to mummy2 frm upstr make me laugh.


wow, dylan is fast , molars/ incisors alr ? thts gd, u cn gv him more variety of foods nw that he cn chew well. does he like rice?


I cn understd wat u mean when R scream in protest against med ! i alw alone at hm, so i had to devise a strategy to dose my girl . hehe, i cut n paste frm my blog:

Step 0: Put her into her combi hi chair and lower the back rest so that she's reclining but not totally flat down.
Step 1: Get ready HT teddy biscuit and give her a small bite to get her smiling and in a good mood. Put balance biscuit in a bowl.
Step 2: Get ready syringes with diff medication on standby.
Step 3: Take first syringe behind my back (so she can't see it) and use other hand to take biscuit.
Step 4: offer her the biscuit. When she opens her mouth quickly move the syringe which is in my other hand towards her mouth and inject the med in.
Step 5: pop a little biscuit into her mouth to kill taste of med in her mouth
Step 6 : Repeat the above


glad u enjoyed the read . cake was frm cofi bean . super cheap nia . but dunno whether nice anot, cos they make the wrong flavor for me which is ok la, but i wasnt interested in tastg it le =P
Yeahhh! Thanks Mirorei for the tip!
Btw, u can't join us on our pool gathering?

Esther: How's randal now? hey my coll went AMK and bought for me alot of jibbits. haha! Got spiderman,mickey mouse,donald duck & car!

Mink: i wanna see the cake. Coffee bean cake is nice but v sweet.
Thanks thy r recovering liao. I see both their appetite improved i'm sooooo happy

I tried using the pigeon brand to suck but it dun seems to work so i use tissue or cloth to wipe it faster too.
Cos mist yet to meet up with mummy2 & thy near so near but yet so far haha...

Finally u can post here during office hrs. No police around??

PM u my blog le


so far i use the pigeon (with the long tube rite?) , its quite effectv. Cn suck out big thick mucous .. *grossss* hehehe
i also use the pigeon aspirator, but my boy refused to let me suck for him. He can be very violent and he is now very strong. When i feed him medicine, i also use the same technique as urs, i distrace him with biscuits.

hey u can post! cool. ur colleg bought u lots of jibitz, now u can change a different one every time u wear it. then it will be a fresh new look! I also have a few jibitz to change for R's shoes. Now he is a bit better, can breathe properly, but when he cough, i still can hear a lot of phlegm stuck in his airway. poor thing. But he these days very notti, even refused to eat his porridge and especially cranky and temperemental, but i put up with it since he is unwell.
Esther: I think it's difficult to take out and change once we put in. U can cook mee sua for randal if he refuse to eat porridge.

irene: yeahhhh thanks to miorei haha! Next time tell u the secret when we hav the gathering. haha!

Mink: Hee..cake is sweet. 3 of u all born in the month of June?? So nice can celebrate together. Happy belated birthday!
Me & Jovan are in the month of Feb so we celebrate together too!
r also dun wan to eat mee sua leh. now he only likes fruity rice cereal. SO i blend apple or avo or pear or banana and mix it with cereal lor. But he cannot be eating it every meal right? then he become vegetarian laio! any suggestions wat to cook for him?
i also realised the jibitz wld leave a mark if u take it out, so i just change the design, but its always the same hole of the shoe.

Is jovan so cranky too when he is sick? these days R's crankiness is driving me NUTS!
Hello mummies

Seemed like alot of babies are falling sick.... Hope all the babies get well soon and mummies take care too

My boy kenna the HFMD on last fri. Running a high fever and ulcers all over his mouth. Not able to drink nor eat. Keep throwing temper at me, himself and the ulcers. Keeping telling the ulcers to go away and want me to take out his ulcers..... poor boy....

And my girl also got it on Mon and having high fever and the worst thing is when I brought her to see GP, GP suspect her heart got problem 'cos her heartbeat abit abnormal and ask us to bring her to see PD once she recovers from her HFMD.... sigh
Yesterday there is a big ulcer infront of her tongue and she totally refused to eat nor drink. I'm worried that she will get dehydrated so no choice hv to force her to drink. She cry and screamed so badly and really struggle very hard to fight with us so I think it must be really very very painful for her to swallow the water. Now she got phobia leh... once she saw the bottle, bowl, spoon etc, she started to scream and run away. Basically she did not eat nor drink anything for the whole yesterday except those few spoon of milk which I forced them into her mouth. Today she is much better but still refused food and milk but at least willing to drink water from her water bottle, wat a relief for me.... but I realised there is alot of small blisters around her bum which is itchy for her and she keeps scatching them. Hope she will recovered soon....

I'm dead tired with 2 cranky kids.....

Irene, I think I saw u yesterday during lunch time. U r crossing the road to BHG right?? Couldn't go up to u to say hi 'cos I was at the other junction walking back to office. Hope to meet up with u again someother days........

Aiyo... irene u sala, mist is staying one floor below me lah.... Ya lor, i still hv not meet up with mist yet. Maybe we can arrange one day to meet up together at the senior citizen corner...
Esther: Ya i understand what u mean, yes when he's sick also very cranky food eat less then just drink milk lor. There's really nothing we can do much. Don't give too much cereal cos u say he has phelgm right? Will worsen Ur cereal means those corn flakes right? Give him mashed potatoe?
my cereal not the corn flakes. its those powder rice cereal, heinz brand. how u do the mashed potato?

poor thing ur both kids kena HFMD. i belief ur boy kena at school, then spread it to ur girl? It really dreadful when kids kena this HFM, hope they both recover soon.
Mummy2: Oh...it must be hard on u taking care of 2 of them! They kena fr the childcare issit? I hope they gets better soon and recover.

Esther: Errmmm dunno...buy fr KFC hahaha! Oh u mean Heinz cereal? Then i think it's fine. How abt bread? butter with bits of kaya? Or try buy those baby food jar? Can eat alone or mix with the porridge or put some bread crumbs inside.
Ya i use tat also but dun seems to work no matter it is watery or sticky kind heehee...

I wonder when can i see u again as i may not be able to make it on 6/7

Sorry to hear tat both ur kids kena HFMD. It's really not easy to take care cos i heard it's really vvv painful for them. Not scaring u but just be careful when u get in touch with them cos it may spread. My frd & relative got it from their child tat time & whole family were down. Try to drink more water & pop more Vit C take care... Hope both ur kids recover fast fast.

Yeah.. I went to see chinese physician at Golden Landmark Complex after tat go BHG to shop for bb stuff.

Heehee... pai sei then u call her lah since u r upstairs haha.. Ai yo we've been saying to meet at SCC longgggggggg timeeeeeeee agoooooo liao but everyone seems busy lei.
Esther, bless & Irene, tks. My boy has 80% recovered now but my girl still struggling with her painful ulcers which I think will only go away in another 2 days time. Yup, my boy got it from his school and spread to my girl which I hv expected 'cos they r too closed together. Sleep, eat, bath and play together every day....
It very heartpain to c her crying and screaming so hard 'cos her mouth is pain. She stick to me like a kola bear now and keeping crying for nothing and refused to sleep at nite, just want to be carry for the whole nite. Just hope that she will be back to normal soon
mummy2: The did u took leave to look after them? Very tiring to go to work everyday without much sleep.

Esther: I called u on ur hp but guess u r bz. I think mashed potatoe can be done quite simple. Steam mash poatoes till soft or u wanna use the food blender for faster results then add some butter to it for tasting. Or u can steam sweet potatoe let him eat. Very nice too. Of cos u must eat with him cos kids see us adults eat ma chiam very nice so he will eat as well i guess. Hee, ur HP last 4 digit is my office extension! Haaa!
No, still working. Put them at my MIL'plc in the morning and fetch them back at night. Go back to my MIL's plc during lunch time to be with them for a while and at the same time see if they r getting better??? So the past few days are like rushing here and there......

So bless, u now can come to the forum and chat during office hour?? office no more blocking lao?? that goods
mummy2: Wah very rush like that. U took taxi to and fro? Regarding ur question tell u secret next time, incase got spy hahahha!
no lah, cannot afford to take taxi like that everyday. I took MRT but lucky my mil is staying just 3 mrt station from my work plc. Ya lor very rush but lucky my boss is on leave this few days, so can dragged abit longer for my lunch time and my colleague quite understanding so they will try to cover for me lor...

ok, tell me yr secret on our next meet up

really sad to hear both ur kids are dwn with hfmd. hope they get well soon .. hv u tried giving ur girl the delrosa / gripe water? hopefully sthg sweetist may be more palatable for her ? did doc say hw long before they can stop quarantine?


haha, think u salah liao .. jang not refering to my cake la .. wahaha... she's refering to my girl's birthday cake =P Her birthday was 2 mths ago. so u must check the older blogposts. hehe


hw abt changg the menu for this week? mayb r's curiousity on the new taste will trigger him to eat more? does he like pasta? i make pasta with cheese + zuchini n tomato n my girl likes it. hw abt lentils? i personally dont like it *blech* but my girl likes it =P. i think when kids are ill, they like thgs that r more 'tasty' (cn be more saltish/ sweeter) becos their taste buds more bland during this tm. Cn also add wolfberry to make ur porridge sweeter.
ya im gonna try new recipe tonite for his dinner. Mashed potato seasoned with butter for taste, and fish and vegetables in cabonara sauce. Hope he will like it. Im keeping my fingers crossed
Mink, we tried all we can think of and even her favourite cold Soya Bean pkt drink but no used. Once she tasted it and feel the pain, she will started to cry and reject them totally. Now I give up lao.... just let it be.

Don't need to separate both of them since both already got it but need to quarantine both at home so that they don't pass it to other kids.
sorry to hear abt jerald... Several times i wanted to take isabelle to KKH too so i understand ur anxiety... Take care yah...

PD fees
yep yep PD fees r indeed ex!
For isabelle's constipation pblm, I spent more than 200 bucks seeing 3 PDs...a lot of money too. Saw 3 diff PDS. All said no need to chnage my goat's milk powder. But guess what?
After i switched to cow's milk her constipation pblm is gone!!! Yay! But haiz... shld have done that earlier but din realise the milk powder is the cause until FIL suggested. That wld have saved her much trauma and me alot of money!!!

Feeding Medicine
Isabelle hated the syringe. She wld scream and cry but after we put the medicine directly into her feeding spoon she thot it was food and happily ate it up. Now we have no pblms feeding her medicine. Mebbe mummies can give it a try?
both ur kids got HFMD? Poor things! U take care too. Cos my colleague's kids got it during the last outbreak and then he and his wife got it too. So be careful ok?
hey hey girl! ya indeed goat milk is heaty, though its very nuitritious. Last time when my brother was a lil baby, he was very underweight, then my mum switched him to goat milk, and goodness, he balloned till he was so chubby..

Re feed medicine
i also wanted to try using spoon, but i very KS, want to be accurate on the amount la, haha.. so use syringe instead of spoon.

i gave R the new recipe and he didnt like it too! sigh, i tasted it and found it quite tasty leh, argh.. Tomolo gonna try something new again. I realised he like food that is sweet, he has a sweet tooth! He doesnt like savoury food that much. Perhaps i shld just lace his porridge with apple, so its sweet and covers whatever taste in the food. Yep, tomolo gonna try it
we actually used the syringe to measure first then squirt it out onto the spoon.
yah, i din know that goat's milk can be heaty before this. Now i know all those ang moh websites cannot believe. I actually tried to check it out and they all said goat's milk supposed to help with constipation, and PDs also said no need to change, it's the calcium blah blah blah... MY FOOT!
yup maybe i'll try it out soon. thks for the tip. Anyway, now i give him a biscuit to pacify him when i gota feed him med. it works, and he is less resistant laio.
Hows life in school? hows ur lil one doing now?
oh ya, last time R also got constipation when i switched him from Bm to FM. I helps when i gave him lots of fruits. I blend avocado n apple together. Avo is oily and helps . U can try it too
isabelle: Jovan just recover fr flu last week and he loves his medi cos it's orange color! And i think it taste abit sweet too so he is very happy and ask for more! Haaa! He knows is medi and i just put the syringe into his mouth and he sip fr there while i push the syringe bit by bit in.
hi all, good to see the posts flowing, flowing...
been abit since i last posted

mummy2- sorry to hear about your kids. it must be real tough. take good care.

isabelle - your gal wont 'pui' out the food when she realised its medicated food? haha. Why is isabelle taking goat's milk powder and not cow? shes not lactose intolerant right?

esther - looks like alot of attendance for the swim party! i am looking forward!

nonoelle - you are in LA? must be alot of fun shopping! tell us all about it......
Morning mummies!!!

Glad that it's finally thursday looking forward to TGIF tomolo!

Clarissa: U also having alot of fun!!! I drooling hearing the amt of stuff u bought!!! :p
wow its thurs laio, time flies very fast! It was just last friday , and tomolo its friday again!

yup u have beem MIA for a while, gd to see u back here posting. Im also looking fwd to the playdate we are having next sunday.
the goat's milk was really very 'powderful'. Even those medication the PD gave to soften stools and prune juice didn't help. Somemore my girl is a veggie and fruit lover. The milk powder slowed down her digestive system so much she only poo-ed once in 3 to 4 days. That made the stools very hard.
But now with the cow's milk, she can do onnce every 2, 3 days and it has softened so much i told my mum and maid to stop the PD medication and prune juice yesterday and see how...

As for me, I kenna gastric flu and was on mc yest and today... So suay...

cos i thot goat's milk is easier to digest and causes fewer allergies mah. All that hype. haiz. Anyway the organic cow's milk that i use now is in fact cheaper than the silly goat's milk! What an irony...
And hmm... she seems to think that taking medication is fun. Weird but mebbe cos medicine for kids is sweet? I'm not sure either...
ur boy is such an angel! Even when isabelle was like 6 mths old, she already resisted the syringe... But strangely took fr the spoon
u mentioned that the goat milk was in powder form? i thought its those fresh goat milk? whats the brand of the goat milk powder?
the brand is called Karihome. In fact, I'm trying to sell my remaining 4 tins at a discount! Dunno what to do with them! And so ex! What a waste.
Yoohoo... Any mummies interested? Hee...
oh its that brand! I saw the karihome sweets. heard its quite nice. maybe u try posting on the want to sell forum and see whether any mummies respond
ya we did finger-painting today, and he loved it. The paints are the crayola washable non-toxic kind. I got this idea when i attended the Julia gabriels playgroup. apparently finger painting stimulates their imagination and creativity. Aiyah, as long as they have fun in a safe way , im on for it!
hi esther,

your boy's pix is cute... hehehe...

btw, me started work at my new co today!!! many readings to do.... hehehe

mummy2, irene, nonoelle,

yeah, i think we shd arrange to meet man... hehehe... chaim, mummy2 stay 1 level above me and yet i've never see her before... hahaha...
