Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

So happy it's Friday!

Jessica: I also kena diahorrea yesterday so took half day MC in the afternoon to rest. Aiyo my son kept bugging me dun sleep well, outside in the living room can hear my MIL scolding him! Endless noise outside my bedroom!

Springdance: Yeah indeed an experience! But lucky still manage to come out for shopping n eating!

its finally friday, the day u been waiting for!

bless n jessica
hey u both kena diarrhoea? Got eat any seafood? Usually its the culprit

ya lor. can practically jump for joy!! hee hee...

bless & jessica:

muz tk care. get well soon.
hello people,

time really flies, can you gals imagine, half the year of 08 is gone! wow...

esther, i thought I am gg your house tomorrow! only now than i realised its supposed to be sunday! so that will leave me sometime to bring Ricco out for shopping! Can anyone tell me where I can get a stuff toy Nemo the fish? I cant seem to find it in Singapore
Esther: I think i drank the ice yuanyong early morning that's y caused it.

clarrisa: Now in trend is kungfu panda leh...not sure where got nemo.
Hi Miorei & esther,

I'm fine now. Dont know y got it. After meeting Esther on that day, went back home, my stomache not so good. Pulling kind of feeling later midnight worst, vomit n pulling, n do biz many times leh
. Now ok liao. Tks! Yeah! Weekend is here...relax time 4 me! hee! hee!
hey i was looking for u.. including ur hubby, there wld be 4 hubbies. So no need to feel paiseh leh, just ask him to come along. I would be ordering pizza for u and him.
hey i was looking for u.. including ur hubby, there wld be 4 hubbies. So no need to feel paiseh leh, just ask him to come along. I would be ordering pizza for u and him.
hi esther.
hey , enjoy the gathering tommoro,and post the pics up here ya! have to go all the way to tampines for the rehearsal tommoro...sian...

the more sian thing is that dylan has been refusing toeat porridge since fri!!! any moms had experience with this before? dun tell me try mee sua, i just tried, and he screamed when i tried to feed him with the spoon, i suspect he wans to self feed cuase he grabs our spoon, giving him his own spoon doesnt help too cause he refuses to let us teach him and he ends up poking the food, flinging the food, sigh , i dun wanna describe further...

how? any good recipes to share? the mash potato nice to eat anot? he is also very fussy, cause for apple, he opens his mouth, for porridge, for others, he shuts his mouth soo @#$%^ tight. argh! i a, really at my wits.

we tot it is the environment, so brought him out todya, end up, mee sua all over the place too. hahahha.
hiya all...

been sick again for the past few days... super sian...
dunno why recently i kept falling sick leh...

dun think i wld drop by tom liao cos still coughing...dun wanna spread germs ard ahh... wait all the mummies come beat me up.. ;p haha..
u gals enjoy the gathering tom...

wah...what rehearsal is that?? post photos on ur blog if can... hehe..

hihi!! so is u!! initially i thought who is this, how come u know me?? then i see ur gal's blog i know liao... hahaha...
hey, PM me ur details:
2.real name
3.hp no
4.no. of kids & name & dob
5. where u stay
i add u to our contact list...

pai seh ahh... nowadays kept falling sick on & off, nvr update the contact list yet... i wld try to do so soon & email u all next wk...

ok gotta go zzzz liao... nite nite..
randal has also been refusing his usual porridge, he just keeps his mouth tightly shut or he looks away when we try to feed him with it. So this poor mummy has no choice but to give his menu a total revamp! his new menu looks like this:
breafast cum lunch: bread with poached egg (with cheese and a dash of pepper in it) and fish in carbonara sauce (just a bit of sauce)
tea: avocado apple blended in full cream milk
dinner: rice with vege in tomato based pasta sauce(choice of vege: either carrots, brocolli, cauliflower,sweet potato or zucchini) and chicken in pasta sauce
Now R looks forward to his meals, and frankly, i quite enjoy preparing his meals for him. We are both happy! Im a happy chef and he is a happy consumer!
esther, thanks for sharing. how 's today gathering?

gotta ask ya, your cabonara ausce, and the pasta sauce---how to make?..the avocado and apple mixture is it drinkable type? or need to feed via spoon.can put in mag mag cup> like smoothie?R is soooo lucky to be able to eat all these, really sounds very good ya knoe.
today D only opened his mouth for a few mouthfuls of rice plus salmon flakes.rice he still eat, porridge A big nono....

i tried pasta before, even beef/potato/onion/carrot stew , but he doesnt eat

tommoro go see PD ....
i dun make the sauces, i just buy them off the shelves. I not so hardworking to make them, haha.. But only use a bit of sauce, 1 teaspoon to marinate the stuff, so i think its ok.
the avo and apple is not the drinkable kind, i have to use spoon to feed him.
i realised R doesnt like to eat rice, but he likes bread, he can keep eating n eating bread! When i give him rice, he will keep it in his mouth and even when he chews, he chews sooooo slowlyyy.... cannot tahan. So i bought fresh bread (breadtalk, four leaves kind, w/o preservatives, to let him eat with his meals.
Now i just have to keep experimenting with what he likes and will eat , giving me such a headache!~!
How's the swim date yesterday? Must be whole lot of fun....My PT maid who agreed to come on Sat last minute called me on Sat it self to say she cannot come so she came yesterday instead. Didn't plan anything on Sat coz tot she was coming and was stuck at home yesterday becoz she came...sianzzzz

How's your cough? Hope you are feeling better after the weekend rest.

Can try giving Dylan rice instead...a mummy in my thread...her boy spit out the porridge so she gave him rice and he like it! Finished 3/4 bowl the first time he had his rice with fish meal. But do make sure you cook the rice soft soft...
good morning! another start of an exciting work ahead..
(oh esther, your hubby is so funny! says its weekday happiness, weekend blues for me!)

esther - thanks again for organising this party. Its fun seeing the kids not wanting to eat their food and yet savouring the pizza/chix wings adults are eating.

springdance - its really fun. Ricco had alot of fun splashing water with Jov and Randal
BUT as usual i was kind of busy chasing Ricco around so again, not much time to really sit down and chat with the rest of the mummies
So, when are we heading for the beef noodles lunch with bless? I will be in town for most of July! Yeah... so lets plan something!

ppp - Please minimise carrying NQ around. She is no longer a baby weighing less than 10kgs!
gotta take care of No. 2 in tummy!

elaine - i guess its Ok to start the kids on some serious adults food. Same thing for my boy. He dislike his porr and loves chix wings/pizzas/pastas..typically, adult food! so give it a try... just go slow on the sodium/sugar.

Irene - how come I always see you around one? Next time go downstairs also gotta make up..else see you again in an all no-make up face! haha
Good morning mummies.
It's Monday blues again!! Though no mood no work but pretty good mood today cos it's my ROM anniverary today. So gg to hv a nice dinner with my hb tonight

Hope u r feeling better liao. Weather no good a lot of ppl sick. Do take care

So qiao hor.. dunno met u how many times liao.. I also saw elaine with her hb & Dylan at toast box in the morning at Vivo. U know after tat i brought jerald for a hair cut & he scared the hair stylist off by crying & whining super loud. Thought his hair looks neater but not straight lor haiz..
esther, springdance, clarrisa, thanks
i have to keep trying. today it is cod fish flakes, marinate with lemon first then pan fry in butter. sounds nice rite? but dunno if dylan gonna eat. let's see.

but meat how? any ideas on how to cook meat the ang mo way? i only kno how to cook beef/pork throw into slow cookerwith porridge. ...hahhaha.
ester, i think i am gonna buy the cabonara sauce too. hehe i am also very lazy....
gd morning ladies!! (^-^)

** wish the weekend was longer... **


glad u r ok nw. at least cld enjoy the wknds.


bingo!! :D pm u liao. get well soon. bad weather i suppose. haiz... my ger n hb both down. faintz...

to all mummies who attended the gathering:

hope u all had fun. will try n mk it for the nxt 1. :p


hapi anniversary. enjoy ur romantic date later. :D
Hiya all!

Nana: we missed u again! aiyo i cant belief u havent collect the crocs fr esther! My son wear until season liao..crocs dirty liao! And he got blister at the side of his foot, maybe he must wear AUTHENTIC ones not those replica type LOL...EXPENIVE FOOT!

elaine: Missed on seeing u again yesterday, havent met u leh!

Sprindance & clarrisa: When want to eat the beef noodle again?? =P

ppp: Nice seeing u...ya pls dun carry ur daughter liao u're delivering in oct right? Let her walk by herself or let ur hubby carry. I really peifu those mummy who r big on their tummy already but still often carry the elder ones. I think i wont be able to do so man! It's a handful to carry them!

crybaby: Nice meeting u..ur gal is so adorable especially at the pool!
wow, not bad leh, you cook quite a good variety for randall leh... btw, share share your receipe can?? then we can all learn to cook variety food...;)

hehehe... me lazy lah, initially still cook pasta etc, now back to porridge and rice. Me now trying to cook nice soup to go w the rice, else i think the rice is abit difficult for my boy to chew and same as randall, he also takes longer to eat his rice.
Hello mummies,
Posting all nice pics taken yday on behalf of bless

Cutie Randal

Cheeky Jovan


3 of them

Randal say HI

Randal & Ricco

Sweetie Kate
crybaby - thanks for the pics! pls convey message to your hubby that he takes GREAT pictures! (or is it cos the camera is one expensive one??? hahaha..) but he sure does enjoy taking pics.. i see him snap snap snap all the way

how come irene is posting on bless's behalf..haha
nice pics too bless! thanks!

we should do gatherings more often. seeing the kids' smiles really clear away my monday blues (YES esther, pls tell your hubby monday is still blue!)

irene - jeralds' hairdo is already looking very coool... i am sure he looks much much cooler now!
hee... clarrisa

u r rite, e camera is e ex type. As in its not those point n shoot camera. hahah... thats y it has to look better.

i dun feel so blue today, cos....
i m working fr HOME today!!!
crybaby: Nice pics u've got. Mine cant load too big file..how did u manage to do it that it looks so big???? I think here the max size is 50kb for each pics. Some of the pics i loaded here is 25-45kb =P

esther: Ur hubby really can click with us and the kids leh...he is good in his social skills haha!
bless can't log using her bypass server in office so she email me & ask to help her post. Hey, Ricco looks very tall hor.
All the kids & bbs r so cute & grown up liao.

Kate really big gal liao & i can see tat u look very slim also. So envy can work from home..

May i know whose gal is that wearing bikini with the blue cap?
Icic which means i've not meet up with her yet. I notice u & clarrisa were saying tat she kept carrying her gal though she's preggy now.
