Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

i never ans ur qn? oops.. Ok here goes my ans: Jerald has grown taller, and a bit chubbier.

i let randal try this fruity mix when he was 6 mths old . Avos and apples are generally ok fruits for lil babies. Unlike citrus fruits like orange n grapes. I blend the avo and apple in full cream milk.

Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids! Bring ur kiddos swim and water gear!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5)nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance & jonas
8)ppp and Nianqi
Jerald has grow & weighs heavier liao but height still the same at 72cm.

I thot can only let bb try full cream milk when thy r 1yr old?
Elaine & Nana,

U got mail! sent u the photos taken on Dylan's BP on 31/5. Sorry for the delay! Hope will not in yr spam box ah.


U joining us this wed Kopi session host by Nonoelle???come leh....

seem like there's alot of activites when i didnt log in.

hmm.. esther
mi n my gal also wanna join in for the water play!!
Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids! Bring ur kiddos swim and water gear!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Yummylicious KFC
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5)nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance & jonas
8)ppp and Nianqi
9) crybBaby n girl

ya welcome to join us, we eould love to have u n ur girl, she must have grown a lot since we last saw her eons ago!

u not coming for the waterplay? how come? i thought u said wanna bring shannon to swim, and thats why i suggested waterplay. come la..
yo where are u huh, long time never see u here laio. come and join us ya, we miss u and ash.

i only let randal drink fullcream milk recently, like 18 mths, cos i wan to fatten him up. all the while, i have been using water to blend the fruit mix

"blend the avo and apple in full cream milk"
- sounds yummy. may i noe which full cream milk u r using? spoon feed bb wif tis?
ur bb only 6 mths , so better dun let give her full cream milk yet. just to play safe, blend in water, like wat i did when randal was that young.

oh i use marigold full cream milk for my boy. hope to fatten him up la, too thin laio. yes, i spoon feed him with it. and recently, i have also added butter into his porrigde at times, he seem to like the taste. when i tasted it, i find it good too!
Hi Esther,

Tks for the invite but weekend my rest day. 11am too early for me...too tired liao looking after Shannon during weekday esp. recently she more active liao. Hmmmmm.....tmr where to meet ah? Still havent decide hor?


Where to meet ah?
grace here... i bao kao.

i will try and make it to Esther's house for swimming. hubby worked nite shift the previous nite so i am trying to get him to go. heehee cos i dont have any thing to wear to swim. old bikinis all cannot wear liao cos got stretch mark. so ugly....

ask u ah, can wear singlet and shorts into the pool or at least wear a singlet over my bikini? if can, easier then i no need to wait for hubby.

you girls have fun tomorrow... me need to work so cant join. take more pics and show us =)
Hello mummies!!

Grace: So cute eh ash! want to hug hug her! We going esther hse water play not a public poo. spagettic stap and shorts can go in,we all did that the last time no worries!!

miroei: I working in one marina boulevard.
sure can wear anything u want into the pool, as long as u wear somethihg la, haha..

im ok with vivo marche tomolo

look at those cheeks ! ooooo .. feel like pinching..

re: Marche

any1 knws which lift lobby n which floor goes to marche? vivo is nice mall .. oni the size of it makes me 'lost' everytm we go there.
Re: Marche
I wonder is there any bb chair there? The last time i went there is pretty cramp & i dun seems to see any high chair there.

Not sure which lift lobby if i'm not wrong it's located on the 3rd level at the corner. U on half day today huh?

gd mrg
O, its tight spaced there huh? i nvr been there b4. i m sahm but ya la, cn consider 'half day' la. 'half day' away frm my 'prison' at hm ..kekeke =P
Morning.. I also dunno how to describe it's on the top floor open spaced area. I've been to Vivo many times liao but it's so big till i also blur whenever i'm there. I only know how to go but dunno how to say pai sei. Envy u... as a SAHM. I can only day dream of it haha..

tat's my old office / company. :D juz moved to stan chart bldg end may. we can pm each other to arrange lunch.
Good... my eyes got stamps again maybe bcos tat time i went jerald still small no need bb chair so i didn't source it out heehee... See u gals later.
got baby high chairs and the space is not that cramped. we just need to get a table that is more spacious.
Ok ok...dun nid announce publicly that you have booked your "FDIL"...will not fight with you...hahah...

Anyway, I'm really very busy at work this week...got several meetings outside and have to clear the stuff by tomorrow...so really can't take leave...coz am starting my leave on Friday and departing for HK this weekend!
No lah i say say only who knows nonoelle has found her future "SIL" in other countries haha...

How long is ur holiday? Bringing ur boy along? Must really shop & enjoy the trip.

enjy ur '2 person world ' in HKG *wink*


leavg nw for vivo . got some errands to run b4 mtg up . see u all later.
hi mummies

just got bk frm vivo
didnt exp my hb to cm pik me at 5.45. i thot he's coming at 7pm. anyhw we walked arnd abit n then had dinner there b4 cmg hm.


nice meeting u n many thks for the smoothie

ester / irene/ joey

hey, great to catch up with u mummies ..heheh .. really enjoyed myslf

i hv a few photos of the gathering so gng to put on my blog kekeke.
hello mummies!

U all must have enjoy urself this afternoon gathering! *sob* cant join in the fun and laughter! Post some pics ok

Springdance: Enjoy ur shopping in HK! Remember to eat the almond flakes stick in Mei Xin.
Nice mtg up with Esther, jang, nonoelle & Mink earlier.

Thanks for the ride to Vivo. Desiree really a big gal liao no longer as stone as b4. Hope to meet up with u soon.

Nice chatting with u & ur gal really very guai can sit quietly in her stroller.

Jaeden really a cheery & happy boy. Even nonoelle got "dian" by him.

Wasted u came late if not all the kids can take photos together. Can see Randal really learn a lot from ur teaching. Well done.
Ur bb very cute lei smile until like tat.

My worst fear really happen. Jerald starts to cough when we reached home earlier. It sounds pretty bad & his nose started to block too. Very worried cos it's so sudden as we dunno wat's wrg also. Maybe bcos my hb is sick but can't pass the virus to him in just a day right? I'm gg to take urgent leave tmr & bring him to see PD. My hb also on mc cos of bad flu & high fever
Crossing my fingers hope jerald's fine. Really heart pain to hear him snore & breathe so loud.
hello ladies.... hows everyone getting along... such a pity i missed this vivo gathering
but definitely looking forward to the July gathering!

anyone have thoughts to share on etonhouse? I thought of placing ricco there come Jan. I am contemplating between newton or Outram. Any thoughts to share?
poor jerald, today he was already having a barking cough and phlegm. hope he will recover soon.

ur baby has such a hearty laugh, she must b really hapy when u took the photo.
hey it was nice to see irene n esther again today. glad to meet mink n jang too. realise all the children really change a lot n look different each time i see them.

ya irene is right, i really 'sort tio' by jayden!! oh im still drooling over his humongous thunder thighs!! haha!

no worries the rest of us left shortly after oso cos our babies took turn to poo poo n stuff. ur hb is nice to come meet n haf dinner w u at vivo.

jovan looks a bit like esther's randall when he laugh n pose this way. so adorable.

u poor thing.. everytime hear jerald not well. hope its just a one day thing n he get well soon.

we missed u today. we adjorned to corduroy cafe at abt 5 n left abt 6. i was supposed to meet my insurance agent 630 at home and ended up he came to vivo. was in a rush so din msg u after tt.

din see u for almost 2 mths liao. too bad i cant make it on the water playdate. another time ya!

jang, mink, esther n irene, my image resizer function is not in my com tt im using now. tmr i haf time before work will use my pc to email ur the pics. if not will do it on sat when im bk ya!

ur boy's so cute. :D


glad u all had fun at the gathering. hope to mk it for the nxt 1.
1 more day to fri! Jia you!!!
this photo was taken on the day he turned 7 months old. guess he was happy tat he's already more than halfway thru his babyhood. haizz. time zoom by so fast. really wished i had more time to enjoy his babyhood days.

hope jerald recover soon!
Mink / Bless
Thanks! Leaving on Sat….will shop & eat on this trip as much as possibl cvoz dun think will go to HK again for a long long time. By the way, I’ll be starting my leave tomorrow so after today, might not log in until July…. remember to miss me okie…hahahah ….juz kidding.

Not bringing bbJ…coz we have planned a everyday shop, eat, shop itinerary…so really not suitable for my young boy…cannot cook porridge for him and he hates milk…so he will starve for the whole week if we bring him along. :p

Oh dear…I hope Jerald is alright….last few days my boy got a cold & cough too…virus passed by me I think…lucky the PD medicine quite effective…he recovered quite fast.
irene, nonoelle, mummy2,
how come you mummies always bump into each other one huh?? me never get to see you mummies leh, not even mummy2!!! though she just stay 1 level above my unit.....
my gal's still coughing leh. am wondering how come. might've to bring her bk to PD again.

a question to all mummies here, nestle's rice cereal wif milk will cause phlegm build up or not? my bb sitter says it might do so.
Irene, Mink, Esther, nonoelle,

nice meeting you all yesterday!

Realised that i didn't have any group photos taken in my camera, can some1 email to me? thanks!
jang irene mink nonoelle

i really marvel at u! really a strong woman to be able to carry ur boy.

i think u seem to have slim down a bit from the last time i saw u, and i dun mean at united sq hor. I mean before that

u are the "queen" among us la.. U got so many of us as ur bodyguards, hehe

u really slim down alot, so envious. I remembered that time u said u were very determined to lose wgt , ur effort paid off, good work!! I wish i could have half ur determination lor
sounds like u girls had alot of fun while some of us working is slogging it off.
pls post pics of the babies at the gathering to cheer us up =p

catherine, ok ok i try to go. so far ash has not been swimming yet too. do you have any float? i got the neck float and another normal one..heehee

i hope jerald gets well soon...hugss.

i want to see your desiree leh... post pic =) she must be really cute now.

i will surely wear something into the pool lah..if not wait police come..haahaa plus i so NOT brave loh.

cannot pinch the cheeks lah...heehee

Hi Mummies
can i join in? coz my mummy frenz all not around my area =(
i stay at alexandra.
my boys 14mths & 5mths..

saw tat thers a gathering coming up.. where's esther house?
