Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hi rachel

Welcome to our cozy thread. Esther hse is at lower delta 'Teresa Ville' (Esther,correct my spelling if i'm wrong)Join us if u r able

Wow...ur two boys age gap is quite close, u must have a hard time looking after time. R u a SAHM or FTWM?

Hi Nonoelle,

Oh so sorry cant make it as timing is bad on that day. Heavy rain n she sleep till abt almost 5pm n near her dinner time. Too rush to go liao. Sob sob cant join u all.

Hi Rachel,

Welcome! Which part of Alexandra u r staying? I'm staying near ABC Mkt, Jln Bt Merah near Alexandra too.

def missed u n shannon at our gathering. hope to see u nxt rnd


welcm .. Ya, agree with bless.. 11mths apart is no joke =P your maid looks aft alone?


thks for the encouragmt. i still nt satisfied yet.. ha! must still lose a bit more.


tht is one nice cheery photo of ur boy !


hws jerald nw? better liao bor?
Hi Bless,

Ikea CAFE have finished renovation. But IKEA still having renov.. Some area blocked. Was told that they will finish reno. by end of this year. The cafe is bigger with more chairs and 2 playground. 1 for older kids which are 90cm - 130cm and inside the cafe, there is a small round playground for smaller kids. I almost everyday bring my girl there 4 play after breakfast. She has learnt to climb up n down the stairs fm there which i m happy to c her motor skills progress well. Hee...hee..the area FOC too!

Hi Mink,

Yahoo! u miss me n shannon ah? Muack! Think of it...yr girl cute cute with her 4 teeth smiling the last time saw her. Very "tian zhen". Aiyoh...i'm a lousy mummy...didn't know my girl's 5th & 6th tooths out until today. No wonder she's cranky these few days.
i staying opp ikea.. hee do u all do up a list with all mummies contacts?
next time can jio jio to eat, la kopi or go shopping...
hi, u r staying near to jessica, she very near ikea too. I sometimes meet up with her during the weekdays for "dates" hee.. hope u will join our "date" when u r free.

u wanna join us at my place for the gathering? come and get to know more mumies living around u, its fun! we sometimes have gatherings and kopi sessions
Hi Rachel,

Woaw! We stay near each other. Hmmmm...if i m not wrong, u stay at Anchorage, right? Anchorpoint n IKEA is my regular shpg area ah! Hope to c u soon.
hee.. esther,

my gal's name is Kate. hahah..
hmm.. glad to read that no need to wear bikini or swimsuit in to play. cos i also with stretch mark, quite paiseh to wear bikini n no swim suit.

how's Jerald/? still coughing?

u always hang around at ikea n anchorpt? mi go that area for lunch quite often cos office nearby. i esp like e yang zhi gan lu at anchorpt
yum yum..
Hi crybaby,

U work nearby? I try to avoid lunch crowd though. Err...what is yang zhi gan lu ah? Sotong me. Which store?
i got a baby float from my SIL. those type where bb can sit in it. it's v big leh. wondering how to blow it up. oh i just got a swim diaper for Jovan yday
use a pump to blow up the baby float. i specially got a pump to blow up all my inflatables toys for R. Otherwise if i blow it up myself, i think my lungs will explode, heheh!

looking fwd to seeing u and kate next month at my place! How heavy is she now, i remembered when we last saw her at GWC, she was very small, like a koala hugging around u.

u still not satisfied with ur wgt? i thought u look very slim already. So how many more kg to go? Jia You! Im now into jogging with hubby. We try to jog at least 2 times a week, I must be as determined as u this time, heee!

grace, crybaby
no need to wear bikini into the pool. Me always wear lots of clothes into the pool, heheh, must cover up my marks and bulges la.
change of food item for gathering
hey u girls got any objections if we change the KFC to <font color="0000ff">pizza hut</font>? Cos i was thinking pizza got more variety, and not as sinful as KFC, all deep fried oily stuff
Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids! Bring ur kiddos swim and water gear!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: <font color="0000ff">are u all ok with Pizza hut ?</font>
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5)nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance &amp; jonas
8)ppp and Nianqi
9)crybaby n kate
10)grace n ash <font color="0000ff">(coming??)</font>
Hi Esther,

Ha! ha! Love yr emotions of the week pictures of R. Cute cute n full of expressions. Wow! U very hardworking leh...jog. Hmmmmm...me hate jogging. Rather stroll with my girl.
arms n face still fat? got meh? i dun think so la

jessica miorei mink
the 3 pics are all taken within a few seconds, i just snap snap snap. Then i thought it would depict our emotions of the week. Mon blues, Wed a bit awake, Fri full of smiles

i also dun like jogging at all. Just that when i go swimming, i fall sick easily like kena flu n cough etc. Then when i started aerobics, my weight increased instead of decrease. So now im trying jogging, hopefully it works.
Esther: I'm absolutely fine with PIZZA ( can also hav some drumlets and the star hasbrown?)cos i also thinking of asking u to change to that too haaa! I also started to go to the gym after work, hopefully to go 2-3 times a week cos i also feeling getting fatter now
Heh, i just bought a PSP and cant wait for my coll to d/l games n movies for me :p
haha, found you in this thread!

Hi mumsies,
i'm tofu, my baby is about the same age as springdance's jonas. I live at Queenstown area. Hope to get to know more of you guys!
hmm.. my gal as at last month when we visit e pedi was around 5+kg. She is still abit of a small baby. but we had started her on semi solid (cereal &amp; porridge), so she now abit bigger.

hee.. n yesh, pizza sounds gd!! i wan e drumlets too!!

talking abt exercise.. sigh, i think i shld start to go yoga.. i have e true yoga membership, but had stopped going since preg. quite a waste. but i keep thinking i shld spend time with my gal if i m free, esp i had been very busy with work.

oh jessica
yesh, i work around e area. in fact my office has e shuttle bus svc to anchorpt, thats y mi n colleagues tend to go there for lunch or vivo city.

btw, anyone's hubby going to turn up for the swim party?
hey esther
ur pics r really cute!

Hi mummies
enjoy ur playdate at esther's place! Can't join u ladies cos I'll be far away at my in-laws place!

hi rachel and tofu

Me is FTWM. My girl just turned two a few weeks ago and another little girl on the way.
our marche gathering!!


HELLO HELLO (jerald banging table)WHERE IS OUR FOOD!!!!


(from right to left)
jaeden n jerald: (still looking high n low for the food!) Is the food coming anot!!
desiree: (licking her lips n salivating) haha, none of u realise tt the yummy food is just in front!
maishia: (looking smugly) u three greedy pigs! see how pretty i pose! no wonder im so slim n chio compared to u gluttons!


(right to left)
jayden: haha im fit as a bull after my meal!!
randal: (no energy) mummy came late so all the food sup kar liao (finished) by the piggys!! so no mood to pose aradi!
hi mummies...

been sick for past few days...so nvr log on... just recovered...and here i m...heheehe..

so sorry i missed the gathering...sob sob sob...i sick till gong gong... just catered to my boy's food lar, shower blah blah... entertain him abit...when my boy napped, i also go zzzz... i think i didnt on my phone even for past few days... hahaha... jia lat rite...

so pai seh... havent collected my shoes yet...i smsed u next wk...
oh..i realised my boy going to have his booster jab on 1 jul leh... sob sob... so thinking if still can bring him to the playdate on 6 jul... u think is advisable for him to play with water?? or i just go there but then wont let him into the water... hmmm...

u r here!! yes, we have a contact list...n i m the one doing...hehehe..
PM me ur
1. nick
2. real name
3. no of kids &amp; name &amp; dob
4. contact no.
5. staying where

welcome... u can PM me the above details also...i add u to our contacts list..

gals...my PC finally repaired liao... wld email you all updated contact list if and when there is new member added...hehe..
arrange another gathering again when u have "off" days again hor... i miss u &amp; desiree leh!! miss her "blur blur" look...hehehe..
i think u can bring him along for the playdate, but maybe dun let him go into the water. I guess he will also be quite happy walking n running around the place.
Hello mummies,
I'm back in action though tired as i took urgent leave last thurs &amp; fri. My hb was having fever on &amp; off from last tues till yday then subsided. Really scared me off then i was alone taking care of jerald &amp; nearly brought him to KK on Wed night as he was breathing very hard &amp; snore badly couldn't sleep at night. Lucky after some patting he sleep but still on &amp; off wake up in the middle of the night.

I quickly rushed him to TMC to see PD on thurs morning &amp; was told tat he has nose &amp; throat infection due to sensitive+airborne as well haiz... was on antibodtics till now but still got flu &amp; cough. Super tiring &amp; stress man. Jerald was super sticky &amp; cranky cannot leave him alone for a single min will cry until nobody business &amp; no voice after tat
Past few days super busy with a sticky &amp; sick hb, i carried him out in carrier to buy lunch &amp; dinner for hb. Regret not taking up driving if not i can use hb's car to roam around. But i still like taking bus cos i can teach &amp; explain to jerald those things around.

Hope hb get well soon &amp; no more fever if not need to go for blood test liao. Will see hows jerald later if not will bring him to see TCM tonight.

Sorry for posting such a long story... Just wan to let go some hidden air inside me.
rachel/ tofu,

I know i put on a lot of weight after i stop BF haiz... need to buck up to try to exercise more liao.

Mink/ crybaby/ grace,
Thanks for ur concern. Jerald is slightly better though still having slight flu &amp; cough. Anyway he's still as active as ever "buay see tiam" lor keep crawling around &amp; putting things into his mouth faintz..

When u free, let us know lah then we arrange to meet downstair. U wan to see mummy2 very easy lei just go down 1 level ring her doorbell lah if not u call her from upstairs lor

nice to see u here. Not really active lah but all the mummies here very nice one. Do drop by as &amp; when u r free. There's a gathering gg on also try to join in lah.
hi esther.me should be coming to your place on the 6th

been so busy these 2 weeks cause maid not ard and hubby not well.but look forward to meeting you all again.

jessica, is ikea under renovation? i skimmed thru the forum and saw that.better confirm with you cause ya alwix go there. shannen teething? dylan also, his incisors and molars giving me headache.
Irene: Hope jerald get well soon. Ya very tiring to look after when they r sick, especially ur hubby also sick, 1 person hav to take care for 2. U also must drink more water and take a nap when jerald is sleeping.
Hi Irene,

U take care! Hope jerald get well soon. Take more vit. C, ya?

Hi Elaine,

Ikea blocked some area for reno. which will not disturb the usual biz. hrs. Reno. will be done end of this yr. The cafe is done. Bigger n more chairs n table. They change the breakfast time to 9:30am from previous 8am

Hi Snowangel,

Welcome to this thread! R u a SAHM or FTWM? How old is yr bb/kid? Feel free to chit chat here, hor?
pls take care. not easy to manage 2 sick "babies". u know, men r like babies when they r ill. they fuss &amp; whine alot. eh at least my HB is like tat =P u rest when the small bb is sleeping, ok? housework can wait.


welcome. mi new here too (relatively). :D


hope ur boy n hb will get well soon. u muz tk care too.

u r so right. mine behaves like 1 even when he's well. my big bb oso sick nw. sticks to me like glue. wld b jealouse if i spend more time wif bb. :p
welcome here, hope to see u more often in this thread

randal fell sick and yday i brought him to the PD which cost me $100! so exp! Then he refused to eat the medicine and it such an ordeal feeding him. He struggled and cried like nobody's business , as if we were gonna poison him. sigh, its such a torture when our babies are sick.
Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids! Bring ur kiddos swim and water gear!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Pizza hut
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5)nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance &amp; jonas
8)ppp and Nianqi
9)crybaby n kate
10)grace n ash (coming??)
11)elaine n dylan
hope jerald recover soon. i wont be able to bring r out these fewdays since he is sick. Would keep him under quarantine at home!
Sorry Esther, not able to make it for the gathering on 6 Jul liao. My company last min planned for a 2D1N Kelong trip in Malaysia from 5-6 Jul. By the time back to Singapore, will be rather late already. Join u gals next time ok? Enjoy yourselves!
Good morning mummies,
Thanks for all ur concern. Both my bbs r slightly better liao. My hb still has throat infection while jerald has flu &amp; slight cough especially at night. Hope thy get well soon if not will try out TCM instead.

Oh no.. wat happen to Randal? I agree with u PD's fee r super ex. I spend $140 last wk but it includes pure fish oil for jerald which is $50 per bottle. The weather r damn bad nowadays u too take care.

u mean ur baby also struggles like nobody's busines when u feed her medicine? so heart wrenching to see them like this, but we still have to feed them for their good

no choice, we have to give u a miss this time, maybe next time join us ok

expensive PD fees
i was just joking to my hubby that next time when R grows up, we should get him to be a PD!haaa
