Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hi mist,
How's day 1? R ur colleagues nice?

i did post but nobody wants to buy! Boo hoo... And yep, I'm giving her the sweeties still. Healthier alternative to the usual sweets and chocolates. her daily snacks r organic raisins and sweeties!
Hey, that's a really good idea to let him play in the bathtub. Can just wash everything away so easily after that. And u even took his clothes off so no need for mess! Clap clap! U r a genius Esther!
Too bad i've got no bath tub or else i wld go do the same now! Hee

aiyo u praise me till i feel myself flying! quick quick pull me down!! i just wan to prevent him from dirtying the house, so i put him in the tub where he can dirty all he want, hehe.
its ok if u dun have a tub, u can enclose ur girl in the toilet and let her paint in the standing shower area. Cos all the tiles in the standing shower are washable, and the paint should be rinsed off easily.
i bought the paints from isetan, that time got 20% off. i think most major stores will sell it, robinsons, taka, etc .. usually at the children's dept. the brand is Crayola. its non toxic. I also bought their magic finger paint, where u dab ur fingers on the paint and the colour will only appear on the magic colour book. It will not appear on other surfaces other then the book . It is meant to minimise messy stains
Ok i wait for next sale then i buy, so u bought all is wet paint? Not crayon right? Each time give jovan color pencil or crayon he will draw on the stools or the sofa!! So angry immediately take away fr him!
its wet paint i bought. when i give R crayons or pens, he will draw anywhere, so now i just give him those blunt pencils. Try it la, try the method i was describing to isabelle, i think jovan will have lots of fun doddling with paint.
bless - when i get home and see the big fat check, i tell you..... it will no longer be fun. So far, I am still having fun and still think that not enough chance to shop! ooooo..

esther - been travelling a fair bit and very much looking forward to going home! randal with the paints looks so cute! is he attending JG's playgroup? I should try this on Ricco too! great idea! thanks!

Isabelle - hah! that explains. See! you are just way too 'on the ball' as a mummy
no R is not attending JG. That time i bought him for a trial and they did finger painting with the kids, and i caught on the idea.
so long never see u, we miss u!!
Hi Esther,

Good that u keep him occupied with those crayola paints to play while he is recovering. Heard this brand is popular n at times, saw got bulk purchase. Kids likes to draw. Yesterday, went to Atlantis City @Delta Sports Complex instead of Bambini. Ya, thinks is Springdance whom said not nice to play. The place is small n not much fun to play + $5/hr. Not worth. So far, of all, Fidgets is the best but far. Hope to c u next week!
so far they are okay... somehow i feel that they are waiting for the "green lights" to throw me things to do liao.... think they are being over-stretch for a while liao.

Sorry wasn't able to post last few days as I was down with fever. Just slowly recovering and only back to work today

Weather hasn't been good, alot of pple falling sick.
Hi mummies!

TGIF! So happpppy!

jessica: Is not springdance lah is me! Alantaics is not fun at all! Fidget is not good lah u dun see my post? Got kids cut themselves cos the place got sharp edges. Not kids friendly so i never went. Bring ur daughter to Jallab Ballas Garden when she is older! It's seems quite fun, was in a hurry last sat to attend a bithday party there only there for half hr cos need to rush off. There got waterplay. Maybe this sun i wanna go in the morning!
jacob ballas gdn got lots of mosquitoes is it? heard from some mummies.

recently many are sick, esp kids. Must take care well .

u went to atlantics laio ah. its just a simple structure right? Pool of balls and a slide, and for that have to pay $5, not worth at all.
Esther: I'm not sure leh. We stay for half hr no kena leh. U can spray the repellent and put the patch on as well. Tat;s wat i do if i go zoo or any park. I'm very prone to MOSQUITOES than my son! Hahaaa!
u mean the mosquitoes bite u more than bite ur son? I read an article somewhere that the mozzies usually bite the youngest one amongst the lot. Whenever R gets stung by mozzies, he will develop a very serious reaction. the part stung will swell extremely big, once he got bitten on his right arm, and it swell so much that it was 2X the size compared to his left arm!

your firm got subscribe to corporate zoo pass or anything for the staff to enjoy? We usually use my hub's firm zoo pass. Save a lot of $ otherwise entry fees damm expensive.
Hi Bless,

Oops....cant remember who say Atlantis not fun. Lao liao. No, not true leh...of all (Fidgets, Gogobamibi & Atlantis)...find Fidget is the best. Maybe i m refering to the baby/toddler section. Fidgets there got more n bigger space for toddler. The toddler play space is cushion leh so no cut la. Think the article abt the cut thing is maybe of the older kids tunnel playground? Or the kids are rough man. Have been there last week once with a mummy staying near my place. My girl plays more than 2hr. Rest n then play again from 2+ - 5pm!

Hi Esther,

The atlantis place is small. The area for baby crawling is of parquet type flr n also for throwing balls on the basket for kids n also for riding cars. All in 1 plc, cramp lor. The tunnel playground also nothing great. If compare, gogobambini is better n exciting. Someore is unlimited play.

Aiya...me cheapo...trying to find which place best for my girl n cheap one.


Jacab ballas is an open area, right? Hot or not? C when Shannon grows bigger n likes to play with water.

Hi Snowangel,

Hope u r ok, liao? Take care!
esther - same like ricco. whenever he got bitten by mosquitoes, the swell will be like so huge. What i usually do is get hot water to keep cleaning the affected area. It helps. Just got to be hardworking and keep doing it on and off

wow its friday! whats everyone's plans for the weekend??? ooopsss.... its coming sat singapore time
whenever R got bitten by mozzies, i will apply antiseptic tea tree cream , and then stick a handyplast over it to prevent him from scratching the area. Then when its itchy, he will ask me to scratch for him, i had taught him that he cannot scratch it himself. i help him scratch by rubbing it. after a few days it will heal by itself
The J & J mosquito repellent is not bad! It the transparent green colour bottle one. Safe for babaies and it even works on my hubby! Try it!

hope ur job is better now!

ya, i guess. They'll prob survey survey u first then suddenly throw u stuff to do! Hope they dun throw too much! Hee...

isabelle has those wet paints too. Is it the one that comes in a box of six? But v troublesome. I gotta put on her "apron", pour out the paints into containers, give her paper and brush/sponge/watever, then she messes up for like 5 min and then we gotta clean up! Faintz...
ya thats the one that comes in a box of 6 colours. I dun even bother to pour the paints into containers. I just give him the bottle of paint, let him dip his fingers into it, and start painting. Take all his clothes off and dump him into the tub and wala, very convenient! When it comes to cleaning, just use the shower head and spray everything off!
Jessica: I went jacobs ballas yesterday, not v spacious and still ok. got playground and water play, i just took off his shorts, so wear diaper pants and his tees to play. He enjoy himself. FYI, no shower area there, so i just wipe him dry with towel and change his tee. It's v hot if u go like 2-4pm, we went abt 5+pm so not hot. The place close at 8pm i think. I spray repellent and put patch, my leg also abit itchy. Haha!

Esther: yeah my firm got corporate zoo pass. We went a few times already. Almost lost him when i waited for my hubby while he drive his car over to the front to pick us. So scared man, must really hold on to their hands, jovan ran off by himself to see the elephant status by the pond at the front entrance.
i dont think i can go on next sun to your place for swimming. Ash is sick and kena use the neub again. damn sianz..so most prob be awhile till she recover and can go swimming.

u go ahead lah.. sorry i cant meet jovan boy..
Hi Bless,

Ok, tks for yr info. on jacob ballas. Guess still young for Shannon to go there since she cant walk yet. Hmmmm...my HB worry more abt the water cleaniness n no shower. C how when Shannon grows up, whether she's naughty or not. Hee hee!
Hi Grace,

Sad to hear Ash is sick. Hope she gets well soon. Since like recently a lot of bb sick leh. Weather? U take care!
wat happen to ash? poor girl, hope she is well soon.

i told my hubby we shld fully utilise the zoo pass and bring R to zoo once a month, haha..

when shannon a bit older, u can bring her to many places to have fun!
hello people!

esther - macy dun have have groceries dept wor.. i went nordstorm and blommerrrang (dunno how to spell). dun have also.

isabelle - Yes I love what I do now and I adore my boss
I was in DC and he made me felt sooo comfortable there though I am the only asian sitting in the midst of all ang mos, trying to accustom to their slangs. I met his wife and she is such a down to earth, easy going person that I cant help but adore her too
So its been really GREAT. Thanks for asking.
Good morning mummies,
It's Monday again... how i wish i've more than 48hrs per day to spend with my boy. No mood to work, i'm so tired, sleepy & miss my boy

Sad to hear tat Ashlyn is sick. It must be very tiring for u also. Do take good care & hope Ash get well soon.
gd afternoon ladies

now got time to chk this thread.

ya, like irene, i wish i had 48 hrs for sat n sun each to spend more time wif my gal. :p

here's wishing all a great week ahead! :)
It's Monday Blues!

Wish i have 48hrs a day, to do my own things =P

We r meeting on sun, yipeeee! Looking forward to it.

Esther: Hav u book the function room???
yes i have booked the room long time ago.

Gathering and FUN time @ Esther's place
Waterplay for kids! Bring ur kiddos swim and water gear!
Date: 6 JULY, sunday, 11am
Food: Pizza hut
1)bless n jovan
2)esther n randal
3)clarrisa n ricco
4)doggymum n alyssa
5)nana n ryan
6)catherine n jovan
7)springdance & jonas
8)ppp and Nianqi
9)crybaby n kate
10)elaine n dylan
Hi guys!

so sorry...been SUPER MIA...started work liao...it's sucha pain in the a** to be seeing my boss again! :p

Esther, thanks for opening ur place up once again...i can't make it tho as my church service is on 11am on sundays! you guys have fun!!! remember to take lotsa photos so that i can drool at cute baby pics online again! hee ;)
hi all who are coming for the playdate this sunday, any of ur hubbies coming? would want to cater pizza for them too! cannot let them go hungry

especially catherine, springdance and crybaby, since i dun have ur contact number.
hihi jessica,

nice seeing u at ikea yesterday.
Ooh shannon is still as adorable as ever! And she even has those cute lil' knee guards!
Hmm, heard of them but never actually seen them.
Hope she enjoyed her date with Randal!
Hey Esther

Sorry for the late reply....Just returned Singapore on Sat and been clearing shit & doing OT everyday since I came back office on Monday...still slogging away.....

For this Sat, no need to cater for me & hubby for lunch...coz we'll might reach around 12.30pm - 1pm (my boy naps at 11am to 12plus after his milk)...damn difficult to get him drink milk one (FYI, he's a underweight baby...signzzzz)...must do it at home with absolutely no noise in the room...so, we'll eat lunch on our own first and then join you all later for playing & dipping at the pool.

Errrmm...what time do you intend to end the session by the way? Hopefully NOT 1pm hor??
we start at 11am and i think 2 hours later, all will be tired laio and wanna leave. U want to stay longer is it?

its wed, means its nearing friday!
Hi Isabelle,

Ya, nice seeing u there too! U cool gal leh...pregnant yet still so fashion & pretty n small tummy. U must have good genes from yr mother? U dont look like in yr 3rd tri. at all! Yap, just bought the knee guard since she likes to crawl now n i let her crawl on the IKEA floor ah! Aiya...sometimes babies needs to adventure around to know things. The knee guard cheap cheap neh! $6.50 - brand: Little feet. Seen this brand lately often n they hv the website: http://www.littlefeet.com.sg. Have been ponder whether to buy a better want : brand: SNAZZY kneel guard but x lor. $29.90 per pair leh. But quality is good. Review some say good, some say will drop when they stand up. Hence hesitate to buy. Oh...so funny...met Esther that late afternoon n she went to buy food while Randal & Shannon both on high chair. Later, my girl starts to be cranky cry n then later, R cry also. All the IKEA customers turn around look at me as if i bully these 2 babies ah! Then R didn't c Esther, cry even louder called mama, tears drop, mucous came out from his nose...then like cry like can't breathe. I panick leh...quickly called Esther! Never in my life experience to care 2 babies leh! Cant imagine if i got twins or 2 babies under my care. Can't cope man.


Sorry oh...make yr precious Randal cry like that. Pai Seh. Hmmmm....i got diarrhoea after that n this am went to c doctor n HB took 2 days leave to care Shannon. Yeah...HB is at home to keep me company.
i read ur post and kept laughing n laughing till hubby thought i went bonkers, haha.. The way u describe R's crying episode is really funnyyyyy!

hope ur diarrhoea do away soon. ur hubby is really thoughtful, take 2 days leave to accompany u and take care of shannon
thks for the link, im gonna order one organiser too. see u n ur family this sunday!

i really envy u, so slim in third trimester, when i was in my 3rd, so bloated and flabby i also cannot recognise myself.
Ya...was in HK when typhoon came...the typhoon changed from No. 1 to No. 2 to No. 3 within 24hours....1st time encounter in my life man. Wasted more than half a day "nuahing" in the hotel...lucky thing later came down from No. 8 to No. 3...although raining, still can go out shopping & eat. :p

Oppsss...in that case, think I will have to give the date a miss liao...since we can only arrive around 1pm. I thought it'll be till 3pm like that...just like that time we went Clarissa's place.
how many daddies are going to the playdate tis sun? my HB interested to go, but he dun wan to be the only man there. i PM'ed u my mobile. can sms me when u get it? thanks!
Good morning mummies.
Finally it's TGIF!!

It was a super busy week for me finally weekends tmr if not me sure peng..

I dun think i can mk it this Sun cos we've something on. Pai sei u all enjoy & post more pics here ok.
