Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Irene: hi5* hahhaha!

Btw mummies I'm intending to bring jovan for photoshot in a studio! Any mummies interested? If we have more mummies signing up, i can try to bargain cheaper cost for the package. I'm looking at a simple package which will not cost more than $200. I will be sourcing around and if any1 got any recommendations, pls let me know as well. As most of ur babies are just a few month old or 1 yr old, it's the best time to have their inncoent and cute baby face taken as a memory keepsake! I regreted not taking earlier! Now jovan 2 yrs old liao, dunno will he guai guai let the photographer take anot! I won't be taking with him, just him alone.

Those mummies who are interested, pls put down ur name.

Photoshots of babies in photostudio:
1. i_bless_u ----> Jovan


My frd gave me this webby but dunno if it's good.
I heard for family photo maybe about $200 so for 1 bb/kid shld be less than tat


Photoshots of babies in photostudio:
1. i_bless_u ----> Jovan
2. Irene ----> Jerald
Bless / Isabelle
Hock Lam Beef Noodles rite?!!

Hahah…ok ok…no problem. When you ladies wan to meet? Maybe fix a day next week?

Think your hubby also too busy entertain the guests that’s why no time take….think I’ll be getting a friend or engage someone to do the photos…cannot trust my husband to diligently take photos too.

Yup yup…me chatting here! :p

Can try foto_U also for the studio photography.....not bad...quite a number of the mummies in 2007 thread took up their service.
Spring, Bless

yes yes Hock Lam. Yummy!!! Sch hols I always purposely go there to eat and squeeze with the working crowd! Not like u lucky ppl working in town, so nearby. Envious!!!

As usual, I am uncertain due to ms. But what time are ur lunch times? Why dun u gals set a date for urselves?
If I feel better and got appetite, I certainly wouldn't mind a big bowl of beef noodles! Hot hot soup shiok shiok!

he may have been busy but I was busier! Anyway, I shld have told him explicitly to take photos!
Thot he shld know this kind of thing sure must take photo for memories! Esp FIRST b'dae! So woody.
Think cos his family doesn't bother with b'dae stuff. He celebrated his b'dae only once I think when he was young, unlike my family, where I have party every year till I went to Sec 1 and prefer to be with frens...

But yep, u had better delegate a photographer and communicate the details u want to be taken. Just like wedding AD pics! haha
Ic in tat case u wan to source out others then we compare? Hey i saw ur nick in one of the BP, can i check if u've receive the item? I bought a romper as well but have yet to receive it
i got my brother to take photos during my boy's bday. Trust me, u n ur hubby will b too busy running around to take any nice photos. My brother camera is professional and all my friends keep asking me how much i paid to engage this photographer.. haha.. His photos also turned out quite nice and he tooks lots n lots..
He does it more like a hobby thingy and he also takes photos for wedding n other events.
Irene: I receive on monday already! Very sweet. U ask the person again if she sent out anot! come U and nonoelle stay ULU places issit. That time her item also did not reach me, then collect through me together with my item. hahahaha!
In that case, see when you wanna come down eat the beef noodles let me know...I am available most weekdays.

My woody husband also never celebrated his birthday long long time ago...think only did it when he was one year old??? Rest of the years, his mum just cook 'Mee Sua", liver & hardboil egg for him that's all!!

So good!!! Got a bro who is a professional photographer...can engage his services for FOC. If I go engage a professional guy, I'll have to pay few hundred dollars....
By right should receive within 2days so i suspect it may be lost in mail liao. She told me sent liao & ask me to monitor these few days. Crossing my fingers hope to see it tonight.
like that u can have beef noodles for lunch and ta pao chicken pie for dinner! That sounds like a delicious proposition to me!
So tempted to go too. Hope I'm okay! *Cross my fingers*
home! geese. dylan is really a handful---especially if it is his nap time, he fell asleep drinking milk just now.. good meeting up and finally saw you beautiful ladies's faces today. hehe, sorry i had to leave early.but sure will meet up again la.;)nonoelle, thanks for taking the photos for me.and desiree ,shannon and ashlyn sooooo guai....envy...

jessica, my blog is www.amaku-shizuka.blogspot.com , check the equipment out and let me know when you wanna head down.

other mummies interested also can join ah. gymboree at vivocity.

oh yes, esther, ya mind asking your brother if he knows how to take photos in popart style?thanks.
elaine: Wow that's fast, u r back! So the rest still there? The restaurant very small only hor...then the table cant be joined together!
<font color="0000ff">Bless / Esther / Isabelle</font>
Me thinking of take leave next Monday….shall we schedule our Beef Noodle Lunch on next Wednesday instead? At 12.45pm meet outside Hock Lam…
me back too. bathed the little one, fed milk and put to sleep.....pumped out my milk too...
tired tired.hehee...

But it was good meeting u girls and we should do more of this. nonoelle, thanks again for the lift.. much much appreciated esp towards the one when ash is getting cranky.

elaine, its a pity u have to leave early and nice meeting u and dylan.

saw yr blog. Yr baby looks so cute n happy!!
where is it? Gymboree at vivo? didnt know vivo has such a place. Issit like a playground?
sounds like u ladies had a good time at e kopi session.
too bad my gal was quite cranky. I was carryin her WHOLE day to pacify her... Juz managed to take a few mins break juz now to clear my dog's pee n surf abit...
my hand n wrist like gonna cramp n break...
bless, the chairs can be moved ard. hehe and the ladies put the babies on the tables lor.

grace, sure to meet up again before ya start work ya.

crybaby, dylan was like tt last time also, but then you must get over the phobia of bringing the baby out, i forced myself to bring dylan out even though he cried outside, slowly slowly he got used to it. can start with the neighbourhood first. but of course before nap time he still gets cranky.
elaine, nonoelle, jessica, grace
great to meet u all.. i had fun chit chatting with u all. The mickey cafe quite small but the food was quite ok.

thks for the lift home

when u free? we go ikea and anchorpoint to kai kai

ashlyn really very cute n sweet, and she always smiles at us soooooo sweetly.

ok i shall ask my brother for u. u r rite, ashlyn, desiree n shannon so kuai and sweet. My boy is quite a handful now. cranky n Keeping me super busy . i feel that girls are generally more kuai leh
my brother is busy with his school work these days and doesnt have spare time for photos taking already. Sorry abt it.
Hi Grace, Elaine, Esther &amp; Nonoelle,

Nice to meet up with you gals n little ones too. I like the chicken stew i've ordered fm the Mickey cafe. Their menu quite limited leh. So fast u all went home...me after that go down to B1 anchorpoint for coffee. I'm a coffeeholic man!! Anyone here same as me? After that go to Queensway shopping ctr till meet my HB at Alexandra Village for dinner at 7pm.

Hi Elaine,

Wow! Am really impressed with yr blog. Me wanted but lazy to write story leh. Aiyo...me never have a dairy at all! Nowadays, a lot of people have blog here n there. Quite a "IN" thing. Gymboree...hmmm. told my HB but he said wait till Shannon can crawl. Currently cant crawl so no use. Is it ah? Not bad the facilities. Would like to strengthen her muscles for movement. Will c n let u know if wanted to go down. Am admire yr figure leh! So slim...me aiyo..waist getting bigger n bigger. U know what last time (i mean really last time ..teenage time..my waist only 23.5cm) now ah! aiyo...faint ah! BTW, what is popart style ah?

Hi Esther,

Me...anytime can go Ikea or Anchorpoint. 5 mins reach liao! hee! hee! Sms me ok?

Grace &amp; Nonoelle,

Can email me those photos that u hv taken on yr camera at my pte email : [email protected]? Tks!
hi nonoelle, jessica, esther, grace &amp; elaine,
haiz.. so sad didnt get to meet up with u all today... shall we have another gathering next week?? which day u all prefer?? any place in mind?? gwc? i wont mind going anchorpt again as well, cos i nvr been there before yet...haha..

thanks for the sms... just that so qiao my fren coming over today...else can go meet all the chio chio mummies liao...

wow, u went for audition for the mother &amp; baby cover... hope u get it!! must let us know hor so that we can go get the mag to see..hehe..
ur boy very good wt leh.. he not even 1 yr old rite?? already 10kg wow!! my boy just reached 10kg recently...
hey, the gymboree thing looks really interesting leh... how to join har?? need to pay how much?? maybe one of the days if u bringing ur boy there, can i tag along?? hehe..
jessica, thanks for your compliments, but dun be deceived by the bamboo size of mine, i have a BIG BIG tummy still.. heheh.cannot go away lei!!!my gosh! you can survive soooooo long outside!!! i really must learn from you and put dylan to the test, i am sure you can survive hong kong w shannon, for me, i am a bit dubious, maybe every few hours must go back hotel let him slp, he cant really sleep outside, spoilt him when young, yesterday my hubs told me maybe we should bring maid along. sigh. a bit weird for me , but i guess it will be easier. hopefully the maid can stay at my sister in law place so she wun be w us in the hotel rm. soooo weird!

oh yes, rite now if u wan shannon to crawl, u can try giving support to her feet/soles when she tries to crawl so she has stg to push agst, that's what i learnt frm class.u can try lor.

pop art style is like those mao zhe dong pix you see. in multi colours...err u know wat i am talking abt??;)

nana, hey!no prob, welcome to join dylan and me if we go to vivo for gym,how old is your boy? dylan wld love some company man.... hehe.actually the bulk of his wt comes from the height, and backside, his backside very heavy i think, he still cant pull himself up yet.the gymboree thing, just pay 15 if non mem, 8 if member, to use the equipment, for an hour. i bought membership for 50, so can make it more worth it.
To be more correct…the Gymboree is at Harbourfront Centre (building connected to VivoCity.

Eh…you still interested in the Beef noodle next week? No reply wor…..

FYI also the photographer for Funshotz is also doing photography for wedding events. Can see more of his portfolio at www.mychapterone.com.

Huh, your boy already 10kg liao ah!!! June baby rite? Sobzz…my boy 2 months older not even 9kg…

From your photos, I think you are the petite type of gal rite? Hmm….Is your hubby quite tall &amp; big?
Hello mummies,
Please allow me to vent a bit here. I really BTH my HR as i was just called in for a short mtg earlier. I was told tat i overtake my ML as thy've miscalculate it
Due to MOM if we take ML in a go after give birth will be 12wks in a go. If return work 2mths later then the rest will be calculate by days instead of the usual total 84days. If i know early this's the case then i wouldn't take whole of next week liao since i need to clear within 6mths by 9/3. My parents going KL &amp; Genting for a short break &amp; now i got to take my annual leave instead. I really find it STUPID &amp; also find it wasted to just waste my leave like tat

Sorry for being so long winded &amp; i'm really feeling very sad, pissed off &amp; angry now.
Irene: Oh...What do u mean by that? So next whole week consider annual leave? Or part of it ML? Ours must finish ML within 6 mths fr the child of birth. if u have leftover ML when u r back say 2 mths..the rest of the 1mth can be slowly taken lor. I'm on MC today, throat inflammation and cough flu. If u wan to get me, sms me or call me k. Later i will call funshotz and confirm with her which date she available

yes it is like that.
First two mths (or 56 days) must take at one shot. After that if you want the rest of the the one mth (another 28 days)you have to take immediately after the first two mths. In other words, consecutive. So total 84 days.

Other wise if you go back to work after 2 mths, they will count as 20 days only. But you can still take. It is still the same cos in the former, the extra 8 days includes sat and sun whereas if you take the 20 days, which is ur case now, u dun work sat n sun anyway rite? So in the end still same!

Some mothers might prefer the 20 day one as it means they can take as and when they like, but if I rem correctly i thot must be within 6 mths of giving birth?
