Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Ya the stuff at cheong choon is so much cheaper compared to the shops outside. I gave birth in TMC but i didn't use theirs as the nurses there told me those glass bottles r mostly reused ones & some may hv cracks inside. My frd lend me hers instead & she got all from KKH when she gave birth there. Where will u be giving birth? Dun forget to ask for free milk powder when u discharge

me also TMC. But me gonna tbf so won't be asking for milk powder! Hee... Unless any of u also get preggie then i ask for it and pass to u all! Haha

Oh ya,
I also go to the toiletries shops at people's park to get those pigeon wipes. Cheaper also!
i will be going tomoorow

so so far we have the following:

but where is anchorpoint? i have no idea where is this place
Irene: I know where liao. The shops display their stuff till outside right? Bicycle and yao-lan also have. I been inside b4 but did not buy anything. I find their stuff abit dusty leh :p
bless, i realise u ignoring our questions haha...the other day i ask u make in korea u no reply...now irene say u got 2nd one..u ti gong gong...heehee is it really good news liao heehee
so so far we have the following:
5. i_bless_u (in spirit)!

Haha...i want to join u all leh but i working! How?? how??
Bingo! No lah the shop there quite old liao so maybe a bot dusty ba but i really find the stuffs there so much cheaper lor & i've been buying things from the lady boss many years back from my nephews & now for my boy haha... i buy till i become frds with her some more.
Irene: Wah then must have more discount fr her! Do u know if they sell those DIY table n chairs for kids?

Grace: LOL did u ask me?? No lah, i still wanna wait till later part of the yr then plan. very sian leh still got to start all over again!
Irene: Oh i just call n enquire abt table n chair for kids...they have it. Same brand as kiddy palace type. The brand is Haiem...something like that la, korean brand Price is same as kiddy palace but can discount $9.
yah she really really act blur blur...

of cos i ask u lah... now i know i not impt liao. u skipped my question then act blur blur..booohoooo.....
Faster go & drink more water & buy herbal or starfruit juice to drink. So will u be getting the table & chairs from them? For jovan use huh?
I think i bought the same brand for the playard as well.
Irene: Ya eat too much the Hae Bee Hiam (Spicy prawn rol) still got half a bottle here in offie!
Hmm..they say no stock now, but got order, dunno when will come. They ask me to call on Friday again. Cannot reserve leh cos dunno items will come when also. They have 1 seater and 2 seater type. 1 seater is $69, 2 seater is $99. Both can get discount lor so $60 & $90. Wah liao additional chair cost $30! U think get 1 seater better or 2 seater?
How can I take gain iq for ur boy? The free samples shld all be for newborn rite? Unless u preggie too? Hee

how to get free upgrade for room? Tell me leh, i'm very very interested!
Normal full term newborns have enough reserves to last them 2 to 3 days. No need to feed water also. Just let them suckle to stimulate colostrum and milk supply. Even two days no colostrum still ok.
Cheong Choon
did notice the shop quite old n dusty but i ordered cos cheaper and when i bought the maclaren it was latest model so i thot how old can it be rite?
Think it's ok, since items r not perishable. Just check the expiry dates for wet wipes and other stuff lor
Play yard
me recommends the Superyard. 26" high to make it harder for bb to climb out.
After I bought the extension kit to add to the original, my dad, mum and bb cld all nap inside together! Can fit the normal floor "tee lam" inside too. It was such a relief for my mum after my girl cld crawl around.
Cos when my mum tired, she can just nap inside. Even if my girl cried, she knew she was safe inside with her.
Hey dun eat too much cos the prawn rolls super heaty though i know it's very nice lah heehee...

If there r space in ur house then i would suggest getting a 2 seater one since next time jovan can play with his siblings rather than take turns or fighting over it

for the free upgrade u may wan to check with ur gynae if he/she has this free upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded? As there r limited 4 bedded rooms since there r only 1 room each in each floor (if i'm not wrong) so there r high chances of free grading lor.
How much is the SuperYard? Must have a BIG Living room to accomodate that I believe. :p

Me also would like to join the kopi session in spirit like U ...whahahaha!

Me currently headache dunnoe which shop should I order my boy's 1st year birthday cake from...Besides Ah Teng's Bakery chosen by Clarissa and the ever so-famous Piune Garden in AMK (Tooo far!!)...can give any any other recommended options for selection? Must taste & look good one OKIE!

Also any suggestions for giveaways to the guests? Cupcakes? Chocs?
Irene: But no eat, throw away very wasted leh. I'm staying with my inlaw in a 3 room flat. Very small leh to accomodate 2 seater. I think 2 seater is just additional chair, dun think table is bigger? What do u think?

Springdance: kekeke! Hey u can try ecreative. Nice choco sponge with blueberry fillings. Not sweet i like. They have many designs to choose from.
Irene: But no eat, throw away very wasted leh. I'm staying with my inlaw in a 3 room flat. Very small leh to accomodate 2 seater. I think 2 seater is just additional chair, dun think table is bigger? What do u think?

Springdance: kekeke! Hey u can try ecreative. Nice choco sponge with blueberry fillings. Not sweet i like. They have many designs to choose from.

www.ecreative.com.sg Order online and they deliver to u too. I think i have the brochures i can pass to u on 9 March at clarrisa's place. When is ur boy bday?
tomorrow take 1/4 day leave to join us .. why they all teasing you abt made in korea etc ah? noti noti ah!
thx irene!

think it was 200 plus after I factored in the extension kit. I bought from toys r us.
Yes play yard is huge and practically took up the whole of my living room. Even had to move the coffee table away to the side.
But if I get a small one, we can't go in with her and she won't want to stay inside by herself...
The idea was that she cld play and crawl ard quite freely inside and while we accompany her. Our eyes and minds cld take a break from checking every few min if she's safe or where she had crawled off to...

Agree with Bless. For me I gave party packs to adults too. Bought sweets n choc and packed em myself. But actually i dun even think they mind not getting anything!

Bless, choc n blueberry filling sounds yummy!
Kok ur head ah heehee...U wan to be well or get sick after eating it??? U must really drink lots of fluid if u wan to finish up everything.

Why not u chk with cheong choon Winnie as she may give u suggestion? If not wait till ur flai is ready then u buy?
Irene: Wait until my flat very long leh! My son been color n drawing on the mattress/floor! Tink just get 1 seater lah,2nd one not planned yet. Still far to think. If there's no. 2 in future let them fight next time, see who win! hahahah.

isabelle: It's really nice worrr...yummy!!!
My boy's birthday is in April...visited ecreative website..really not bad. You eaten their cakes before? How is it in terms of taste?

Hmmm...so with the play-yard...that means no more living room in my house liao...:p

Bless / Isabelle
Agree that party packs are economical ...but hor, not practical neh...majority of my guests are adults (friends & close relatives)...actually like you ladies say, I also think they dun mind not getting any tokens. It's just a thought I toying with...if cannot think of anything presentable & economical, guess I'll forgo it.

Hey, how did both of you celebrated your babies' 1st year birthday that time?
for my boy's 1st bday , i had it at the function room downstairs. Ordered catering, n my cake was from coffee-bean. Its 3kg, and only $50+ and the guest all commented that its nice. I invited lots of kiddos n they liven up the place. If all adults only, doesnt seems like a kids bday party leh
oh, i also packed my own party pack for the kids who came.
yah something like that. No more living room lor. But when u are dead tired, who cares abt the living room rite?
I would get into the play yard after work and lie down too cos I was always so tired.

My girl's celebration sth like esther's. Cake from smiling orchid. Also choc sponge with blueberry but very very dry.
But only had two kids ard cos her cousins were sick and the rest of my frens got no kids.
End up I bought baby food, took the wrapping off and got some of my frens to guess the flavours. Then give little present to winner.
Quite a spastic game lah, but see how on ur frens r lor.
Springdance: I like cakes from ecreative, and my 2 sis in law always order from there. It's the best fr the many many cakes i eaten b4. The cake is soft n not sweet. Even my mum who has diabetics can't take too much sweet stuff says is not very sweet. My boy 1st birthday falls on last yr Chu-san and i rented a chalet at pasir ris. Not many friends turn up just close family members as it's festive season and some of them head to JB for visiting. I use their catering which is not nice! But i decor the place. We did not stay as i find the place not very clean haha!
isabelle: Yes, I'm a hypnobirther! You too? When did you give birth?

St James: It was the only one I'd heard of and I like that it's close to my parents' place etc. I went and booked a place because I didn't want to have to contend with their long waitlists etc. But now doing more extensive research
Esther / Isabelle
Hehe..ya know..actually I dunnoe my neighbours..sad rite...so they are definitely not in the guest list. As for my close friends & relatives, only a few of them have kiddos...so if just keep to them, the number of people I can invite are limited. Anyway, I'm planning to take more photos of the party for keepsake & memories so that my boy can look at them in future. :p

Maybe when he attends school, then I'll throw a party for kiddos only.

Very beautiful looking cakes! How much did you pay? Did you all manage to finish 2 cakes?
Springdance: Our cake was 2kg each i think. or 1.5kg. Cant remember. $60 or $80. We tabao back the leftover cake lah cannot finish. The green cake not very nice cos it's different flavour. I remember ecreative has 2 flavors, one is blueberry the other i forgotten, u may check the website.

Btw, u work near Far east sq right? Wanna meet for lunch at the famous beef noodle shop opp Don Pie?
u are talking abt my FAVOURITE beef noodles!!!!

talking abt photos. Was so irritated with my hubby. He took so few photos of the party when he was the one who bought his expensive camera. When I found out after the event, I scolded him and he said why din I take then? Blame him for what?
I was like he's the one into photography rite? Of course I wld have expected him to take! And somemore, he went to change the lens I din know how to switch back and din dare to try cos his silly camera so ex. So I took a few and I assumed he wld be taking more.
So angry...
yolk sac
yep yep, me is hypnobirthing mummy! Me birthed in June'06.
Now i'm having no. 2 and wondering whether to engage Ginny again as doula. And I do need some refresher cos I dun think my hubby can rem how to support me anymore.
What r ur thots? Wld u engage Ginny again?
Cos I heard second labour can be v fast and I dun want to engage her then I pop before she arrives!

From what I understand, Hypnobirthing is about thinking about birthing in a whole new light. that it does not have to be painful. That we trust that our body and mother nature know what to do.

Cos we are always bombarded by images of woman screaming in pain in labour so we already have the idea since young that labour WILL be painful. And we may be scared even, and take these fears with us as we give birth. So it is like a self-fulfiiling prophecy... But it does not have to be like that.

So we learn relaxation techniques and kind of 're-program' our minds to think of birthing positively. Also we r much more in control of our birthing. We decide what kind of birth we want, write birth plan, and even visualise how it will be like, how long labour will last etc.

So it's not like just listen to watever gynae says. Because we have knowledge, we are empowered and we can make our own decisions too. Usually mothers who go for this will opt for drug-free natural birth.

Hope I'm giving the right info!
h u like that beef noodle too? Let's go together some others when u feel up to it.

Wah hypnobirthing sounds like u control the pain in ur mind. I thought it's water birth initially!
Hi Elaine,

Yippie!! U r joining! Love to 2 c more mummies. Of course not too late la!
Anyone joining tomorrow?

Errrrmmmm, no news on Ipeh...where r u?
