Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

isabelle, i dun noe which blk but its just next to bm library. its facing main rd n apparently lunch time super crowded. one set cost abt $5 i think.

its good tt u can think of food. shows tt ur recovering liao! but cannot over indulge. me put on almost 20kg cos everyday i eat n sleep n think of what to eat haha!

hi catherine..welcome welcome..
jovan looks so different from i last saw him. he grew alot heehee...

hi spring,
ashlyn looks more like me they say....

yah when is next gathering,GWC?

isabelle, good good that u are thinking of food.. eat well!

nonoelle, the rental company got sterilise the excersaucer? how they do that.... then the cloth part how? can take out and wash meh?
did desiree enjoy the exersaucer? not sure if which is better, exersaucer or jumperoo...
grace, as posted on their website, they will sterilise n clean all return toys for hygiene purpose n oso to replace batteries for those toys with sound.

i believe they will clean lar, if not the toys pass from one family to the other yeeee so yucky! cloth part i think can wash cos i got a walker which i aradi washed. usually children very messy with drool, poo poo n food so normally the manufacturer will produce those parts with cloth tt r washable.

so far desiree enjoy the toys. i rented the play gym which she will lie down n amuse herself. then when she gets cranky, i will put her in the exersaucer n she will entertain herself again. this saves a lot of arm power for me n maid cos before the toys, she will want to be carried all the time so now got toys to distract her. the exersaucer is supposed to enable her to bounce but so far she cant yet. but nonetheless im happy cos her motor skills did improve after playing w them.

the jumperoo is very popular! waiting list very long. n i went toys r us, retailing at 239! a lot of mummies from the oct thread bought n commented tt their child enjoys it. so i think should be suitable for ashlyn too.
or u can come my house n let ashlyn try. come together w irene next wk! if nana arranges a meet up next wk, maybe after tt can come over lor! all r welcome!
hey when are u opening ur house? Im gatecrashing ur place ah...

oh today i brought randal to the zoo and he enjoyed it very much. this time is much better than when i brought him there at 8 mths.. He was sleeping throughout! This time he was awake and looking at the animals earnestly though it was his sleeping hour. He managed to keep himself awake and lasted through the entire trip. Only fell asleep when he were about to go home. So cooperative hor?? Heeee
Hi SpringDance,

Lucky my girl's hair inherit fm her daddy. Mine is thin and not thick. Ha! ha! U want to "chop" my girl, sure or not? Scarly she is a terror!

Hi Elaine,

Oh, so this is pop art. Think it is a lot of digital work involved.
Hi Catherine,

Welcome to this thread. I am also staying quite near to BM central. Am at ABC mkt. My cousin is staying at Blk 115 BM central. U stay at which blk? Yr boy is cute. Hope to c u 1 of these days.

Hi Esther,

Good to hear Randal enjoy the zoo trip. Am also thinking if i should bring Shannon there? How much u pay 4 it. Not cheap hor? Heard got yearly membership, is it? worth it?
Hi Bless & Esther,

Aiyo so many thread within a day, have to look up and down the thread. Talking abt Don pie...quite peppery. Prefers his very original at HP where he is chef there.
so late still not sleepin ah.. My hubby had corporate pass for zoo, so we went in for free. I was kidding with my hubby that maybe we shld bring randal to the zoo every once a month to maximise the usage of the card.. Then can educate him all about animals.. haha!
Mickey Mouse & friends cake!! Buy from where??

Great! Our lunch date confirmed at 12.45pm on next Wednesday then….Dun worry about getting seats for 2 paxs…..very easy one…me patronise there several times liao.

I’ll sms you next week again to remind.

You very Daring lei! Pregnant also steal alcohol drink…no wonder…LOLZZZZ

But good training for your gal also lar…next time grow up liao not worry that the guys try to make her drunk and take advantage of her….she will be more “heong” than them!

Looking at your gal…I guess you must be a sweet & pretty mummy then.

Yes Yes….I would love to have a active DIL! Coz my boy seems to be the more inward kinda of boy…so need a gal who is more sociable & active to balance up. :p

Hmm…since you hubby got corporate pass…maybe we can organise gathering with the mummies here to go to the Zoo together in future…heheh!
Hi Esther,

Hee! hee! Take advantage that it is weedend n HB not working so can sleep late. So good u got corporate pass for the zoo n free. Hope i have to save cost. Can borrow from u? hee! hee! if not convenient than ok. Just try my luck here. Save cost. Bo bian...everywhere increase price. My fav. coffee shop also increase price. Sian ah!

Hi Springdance,

What if my girl teach yr boy bad, how ah? Dont blame me oh???? Who knows they might be a couple in a decades time??? "Yuan fen" who knows right?
me not from jul'07 thread. Just that I went to find yolksac over there to ask abt hypnobirthing. Then I kaypoh a bit lor... But me dun really go on that thread anymore. Cos a bit weird as all the babies there like born jul'07 but my girl is so much older!

Btw, i like the original flavour for don pie too. When u say peppery do u mean the black pepper one? Or u mean his original one has also become too peppery over the years?
Cat...welcome. sorry me so late welcome you :p

grace, the cloth of exersaucer can wash one. hehe dylan has both jumperoo and exersaucer. i prefer the exersaucer, cause for the rainforest jumperoo, he keeps gnawing on the toys and the paint can come out. if you wan, can bring your ger to my place test out then see if you wanna get.

btw, check out our studio shots! we had photoshoot w fotou this morning. shack out now!!
i too lazy to post everytg. hehe. then dunno how to resize photo to upload here.
So nice of ur hubby to bring u & randal to the zoo. Great to hear tat ur boy enjoy it

Hello elaine,
U r really a very pretty & hot mama. The photos look very nice especially the 1st,fourth & ur family pic. May i know who took the pic for u? Is it benjamin? How much did u pay for this package?

I dun think i dare to meet up with u gals liao. All of u look so slim & mei mei only me fat fat with thunder thighs
hi hi,

nonoelle- just back from beijing yest. never meet your hubby, else I would have gone up to say "i know your pretty wife!"..he might think I am mad.. the kids' are all sooo cute! have our desiree put on some wts? she looks much grown up from the last time i see her! cant wait to carry her soon!

bless - jov looks sooo happy clapping away! he must have gathered its once in a yr affair

elaine - your pics are soooo pretty and dylan is such a handsome lil boy.

irene - you are a hot mama too! not to mention hardworking! this in its own rights, made you such a fantastic mama! who cares about those thunder thighs! you have our lovely jerald!

esther - din reply your sms cos I am abit cheapskate. each sms cost fifty cents..hahha..did you get my msn message? i asked my maid, she says all her relatives/friends who wanna work here cant speak really good english.
heres the latest : did i miss out any even latest latest post? pls change if i do : shall we all indicate how many adults coming so that i can make orders based on adult no. plssssss...

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan
3) esther n randal
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn
6) lazymum, ella, lil bf and (hubby???)
7) isabelle & isabelle (ummp..same nick and name)
8) Moonbaby & ????
9)Elaine n Dylan
10) nana & ??? (bringing kiddo or not?)
11) nonoelle n desiree
12) Muju, Summer & Ryan.
oh yah muju! hows your 1st week at work? gotten used to things? hows bosses? have you already posted updates? haha... cant manage to read all postings...
ya, irene, totally agree w clarrisa
Dun be bothered about TT ok? you are one super mama yourself i am sure.

Benjamin took our shots, he is really patient and good, even my hubs keep complimenting his attitude.it cost ard 230 i think , but from BP, this is the coffee table album tg, ard 200 shots taken, we were given a CD after tt.

r u planning on it too?
U look really nice in the pics! What a nice family album!
All my photos so terrible. I am not photogenic at all and even my wedding pics I also look crappy! Haiz...

Clarissa u r back in Sg already?

Btw, mummies
I cannot meet u all on the 9th liao. My niece having 1st mth celebration that sunday, so for sure gotta be there. Enjoy urselves!
yes we can org an outing to zoo, but my hubby corporate pass can only admit 4 adults, the rest have to pay their own admission fees.

i don't think the corporate pass is transferable so cannot just transfer to u, sorry abt it, but as mentioned above, it can admit 4 adults. So usually me n hubby will go together with randal. U and ur hubby can also join us if u happen to be free that day. I shall inform u when we are going again, see if are available ok? Then we can tour the zoo together.
esther, still awake ah? can come my house next wk. if theres a meet up then after the meet up can come straight to my place. but as my maid puts it "yr house much nicer n bigger than my house" so dun haf high expectations hor hehe!
Hi Esther,

Oh, i c. It's ok then. Just try my luck

Hi Isabelle,

Regarding abt Don pie...actually he works for Hewlett-Packard b4 he set up his own shop. That his very original pie.
jessica, for yr info, the yearly membership for zoo is 150. unlimited entries n free parking. normal visit for 1 adult cost $15. not tt i haf been to the zoo recently, just tt i was watching a program on tv just now n they happened to air this discount package.

springdance, haha great minds think alike!! hehe i always tell ppl im training my girl now so tt next time she can hold her drink n won't be cheated by guys when she go disco haha!

isabelle, if u really going bk to work then pls really take care!! especially going up n down the stairs! u teach in sec sch rite? if in primary sch, then stil haf to worry abt those naughty school kids who may knock onto u!

elaine, ya yr pics r really nice! u n dylan very photogenic! now i think bless n irene n springdance will be even more tempted to do their family shots.
no la, my house not nice la..its just messy with loads n loads of stuff everywhere, now our house is like a storeroom, everywhere storing things.

no problem, hope u can join us next zoo outing
wa, u knowso much about don and his chicken pie ah.. I love his chicken pies, its my favourite chicken pie. a bit exp though, i find!

the studio shots really look nice n u look so pretty in them
clarrisa, its nice to haf u bk!! suddenly the thread seems more alive with yr presence
oh btw the company got so many staff u think so easy to see my hb ah haha! even i worked 6 yrs only by chance see him once! u were seated in ey or jcl? hope yr trip was good. bjs still very cold right?
ya desiree almost 8kg now. carry her very tiring. luckily she prefers my maid to me. hehe.

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa & Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u & Jovan
3) esther n randal
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn
6) lazymum, ella, lil bf and (hubby???)
7) isabelle & isabelle (ummp..same nick and name)
8) Moonbaby & ????
9)Elaine n Dylan
10) nana & ??? (bringing kiddo or not?)
11) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
12) Muju, Summer & Ryan.
thanks for volunteering to let my girl try the excersaucer and jumperoo. heehee. i just saw all the posts too late lah. went kiddy palace and saw the jumperoo and let her try liao. she is quite happy in it. so i bought it le cos i have $100 voucher. so i pay $139....

i really like your photoshoots. sooo sooo pretty.. and arwww..family photo is taken so nicely. who is this benjamin? is it the funshotz studio that bless and irene is going? wahhh i am impressed...

i am BA BA one... elaine is the most skinny one among us and she is pretty HOT too. check her blog and u will know what i mean heehee..
esther, just wait, sure got buyers. maybe becos men's shirt more popular cos u see everytime got new ppl bugging her for fresh orders. actually i wanted to ask u post in WTS but realise u more junior than me but how come u got so many postings???!!! where else u post in?

btw, my men's shirt damn disgusting. both L size yet the cutting is different n my hb can fit one n the other is totally tight fit. can burst anytime haha!

oh anor page of archive!!
Hi Nonoelle,

Thanks for the info on the zoo membership. Will work it out if worth buying. U know it's inconvenient to go as no car leh. Hey! Confirmed going to HKG on 26-30 Mar. Hope everything goes well with Shannon.
jessica, then u should consider cos from our area to mandai quite far leh!! if spend more than 1 hr on transport each time, then maybe after 2-3 visits ur will xian aradi. if take taxi then haf to factor in extra money oso not worth it..

whoo enjoy yr holiday to hk!! shannon so guai sure will be a breeze!!
grace, i pulling yr leg lar. perhaps u can start yr own rental business! hehe.

ok ladies i going out for supper now!! continue chat tmr!
hi hi, my doggy ears heard someone calling out for me. Was that you, nonoelle? Me so long nvr come in here to post liao. Kinda busy at work and with my kiddo. How's everybody?
hi all...

pai seh pai seh... these 2 days busy busy, so no time to come in..

ok, gathering ahh...
how abt next thur? nonoelle, esther, jessica, grace, elaine free boh??
irene, u on leave rite? come join us leh...

<font color="7E587E"> Thur, 6 Mar 08
Venue: GWC

1. nana &amp; ryan

we meet outside toastbox first then decide where to go??
clarrisa, thanks..me only 1 adult..hubby mostly work on weekend lha..sian..
anyway thanks for asking. my 1st week went really fast. and I think i really enjoy this work and so far i manage to reach home latest by 6.30. so not so bad lha..still can have some time with the kids. the kids are managing well too. hopefully when the maid come in, things will get easier lhor.

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa &amp; Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u &amp; Jovan
3) esther n randal
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn
6) lazymum, ella, lil bf and (hubby???)
7) isabelle &amp; isabelle (ummp..same nick and name)
8) Moonbaby &amp; ????
9)Elaine n Dylan
10) nana &amp; ??? (bringing kiddo or not?)
11) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
12) Muju, Summer &amp; Ryan. (1 adult only :-(
Hi Mummies

I would like to attend Basic First Aid Course specially targeted for babies and toddlers at Singapore First Aid Training Centre (People Park Complex). I will like to invite you mummies to join me. I can get them to cusomeise the Basic First Aid Course. The training would take up 1 full day, training time: 0830-1730h.

Minimum 5 pax. ($60/pax nett).
Date: 10 Mar (Monday)

First Aid Course on 10 Mar
1. Moonbaby
Esther, Isabelle, Nonoelle, Grace,thanks!!! kudos to Benjamin who is also very patient and entertaining towards Dylan. hehe.

Grace, Benjamin is from Foto U, his studio is at joo chiat, i dunno about other photographers, but i think he has good ratings from other mummies as well.

hiyo, grace, my fats all given to dylan chasing him ard, u all saw how hyper he was tt day rite,u all are just rite, not me.. too skinny no good, might look nice but then suffer when old cause prone to oesteporosis, like rite now, even the ergo gives me back ache near the part where i did my spinal injection. i din realise it is painful till i touched it yesterday. maybe i used the ergo wrongly or stg.
nana, if thurs, 6 march what time? cos my dad may pop by my place. so i cannot confirm now. i can confirm do Tues and Fri.

Swim Party at Clarissa's Place -
Domain 21. 21 Delta Road
Date : 9th March 2008, Sunday
Food : Pizza
Timing: 11am

1) Clarissa &amp; Ricco (2 adults)
2) i_bless_u &amp; Jovan
3) esther n randal
4) Springdance n Jonas
5) grace n ashlyn(1 adult)
6) lazymum, ella, lil bf and (hubby???)
7) isabelle &amp; isabelle (ummp..same nick and name)
8) Moonbaby &amp; ????
9)Elaine n Dylan
10) nana &amp; ??? (bringing kiddo or not?)
11) nonoelle n desiree (2 adults)
12) Muju, Summer &amp; Ryan. (1 adult only :-(

thanks, i will pop by the Foto U thread and look see...hubby thinks that we should take the photo only when Ashlyn is able to sit by herself.
my little girl also starting to hype liao. bring her out, she wants to stand and jump jump. so tiring. heeehee, i assembled the jumperoo liao and let her jump for 30mins...now she is knocked out hahaha...i put her to bed, 2 mins nia sleep liao. dont say u, i also have backache..i had epi too and i moved during the injection..sigh sigh...so fat or skinny will still have backpain.
oh like that ahh... hmmm, maybe we change to fri then...
3pm ok boh??
i put ur name down liao..haha..

<font color="7e587e">Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana &amp; ryan
2. grace &amp; ashlyn
5. </font>
free to meet up next fri at GWC??
thanks for ur info abt gymboree... my boy is 14 mths old lor...
next time u going there, let me know.. if i can, wld join u... hehe..
how u go there normally, u drive or take cab or mrt??

what abt esther, nonoelle, jessica?? next fri gathering can make it??
who else free come join leh...
hello hello!

isabelle - yes back in town.

nonoelle - yes bj is still cold. nite time is like about 4deg. i was on ey. anything below 7hrs is ey class. cham hor? As usual its a tiring trip. whenever me and colleagues travel, its like burdened with assignments. the boss will make sure we have 101 things to do.

muju - seems that you blended in at work! good to hear you are doing good. do you work somewhere near home? i think thats super good arrangement. reaching hm 630 at least can dine with the kids, shower them and put them to bed! how nice!

esther - yah her english is not bad. she always says cos she's a senior high school grad. cos i always tease her says she's very clever
U won't understand how i feel as i still cannot fit ino my pre preggy clothings n it's really very depressing lor. My frds &amp; colleagues even comment by right will slim dowm when BF how cm i'm still so FAT

Actually i thot of engagng benjamin's to take pics for my boy since he's highly recommend by my frd but currently he's only having promotion for family package as me &amp; hubby dun really like to take photos so i may consider to wait for his upcoming promo.

So happening ah so late go eat supper with ur hubby. Next time tabao for me okie heehee...

So long nvr see ur post liao u so busy or preparing for ur no 2
How's ur gal really miss seeing her &amp; her sweet smile

Actually i can only mk it on wed as i've other programmes other days but i'll just put in my name if cannot mk it will let u know again thks.

Fri, 7 Mar 08
Time: 3pm
Venue: GWC

1. nana &amp; ryan
2. grace &amp; ashlyn
3. irene &amp; jerald
