Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Hi Clarrisa

Oh so it was more a proximity-cost thing? Hmmm...
Am now wondering if I shld look into other options. Pat's Schhouse is a lot more expensive than St James right? Which branch are you considering?

Hi Jessica

Great swim pics! Aquaducks is a lot of fun right? I'm sure your bb will be a swim pro in no time at all. Normal to be a bit apprehensive at first.

hello jessica, nice pics! its great to see shannon again after our last outing! she seems so different in the pictures. more grown up, i guess. she looks very innocent in the ergo pic.

i think we should make all mummies post a few pictures of their darlings to make this thread more lively n interesting, although its aradi quite happening!

irene, i never mia lar, jus tt sometimes log in but feel got nothing interesting to contribute so never post lor. i got miss u.. but u neber reply my sms abt the papaya the other day so i dun noe if u busy or what lor!

hello ipeh! pls join us more often. in fact let me suggest a gathering this time at anchorpoint, how about it? can go the mickey mouse restaurant the mummies were talking abt.

kopi session at anchorpoint disney cafe

tuesday 26 feb 3pm
1. nonoelle n desiree

if tuesday too rush we can make it on wed or thur too! esther, nana, jessica, elaine, ipeh? any more free mummies?
ya, n grace! join us before yr maternity leave ends.. n isabelle if u feel up to it. i remember u stay at normanton right? quite near.. n irene springdance bless doggymum lazymum mummy2 mujmuj mist n clarrisa! take leave!! u need a break after the CNY cos its the holiday blues now.. hehe

esp clarrisa heard theres a few factory outlets there. u can indulge in some retail therapy...
hahaha i read your post liao, i laugh...
so notti, want to make clarrisa spend money..
haha u ask pple to take leave and join for la kopi...

wed can boh? i can make it wed.
Hi Nonoelle,

Great! Count me in for the next coffee session on 26 Feb 3pm since Anchorpoint so near to my hse! hee! hee! Oh yes, love to c yr girl too! Any mummies joining? Havent seen any except Esther & Nonoelle.

tuesday 26 feb 3pm
1. nonoelle n desiree
2. jessica n shannon

Hi Yolk-Sac,

Hey! Am surprised u read this thread n if am not wrong, u r from Jul 07 MTB thread and yr girl, Ems, right? Am fm the Jul thread too but never post as cant catch up with u gals when pregnant. Now occasionally read it. Recently did join/meet up some Jul Mums gatherings @ Suntec and met Jules(oh! she stays near my plc n we went together, Kth, Slurpee, Nor & others. Am "Pei Fu" u that u exposed yr girls so much activity n she will b a smart kid. Yr girl can stand but can walk a bit? She is active in crawling? My girl havent really crawl, just creep with her buttock, circling around. Not sure if she is the type who skip crawling altogether? Nice chatting with u in this thread.
Hi Jessica

Yes, I recognised your nick! We've chatted a few times in the July thread I think. Pity I missed the Suntec gathering, sounds like it wa a lot of fun! Yup Ems can crawl, pull to stand and cruise (ie walk arnd while holding onto something) but she cannot walk by herself yet lah. I think the creeping thing your gal is doing is normal, the beginning stage of crawling so don't worry - soon you'll have to chase her everywhere

Hmm, was kinda hoping to get info abt St James, still considering whether to put my gal there. Anybody heard any feedback - gd or bad - abt SJCK?
hello hello!

yolk - yes pats schoolhouse is abit more on the expensive side. I went to emily branch and quite like it there. Am heading to halifax to take a look before deciding on whether to place my kid with pats and if so, which one. why do you secure a place if you are not decided on st james?

nonoelle - wow you staging a mass 'work' boycott. YES i heard about the 'concept retailing' they have at anchorpoint and already have in mind to check out the 'goods' there
But not on Tue..need to ZO GANG wor...
nonoelle..so bad ah you..ask me to take leave while i just started working. later kena sack some more.

Jessica..your girl is very cute!!! so u joining the aqua duck? most kids love swimming lha..next time you worry that she doesn't want to get off the pool. that's what my girl did today. she was shiveringg so badly and yet still want to swim. naughty naughty. aiyo u talk about kway teow..feel like eating it leh...but now have to shed some weight from all those cny cookies.
Hi ladies

juz saw this thread. I m a new mummy n also staying in tis area. My gal was delivered in dec. now enjoyin my last 2 weeks of ML. Would like to join tis thread if its ok.
mujmuj - are you starting work TMR? oh, I am feeling so excited for you! so you have gotten a brand new wardrobe?? wow... remember to be good and dun treat your bosses like your kiddo yes?

your gal looks like saying "shoo shoo.. go to work and dun get into my way!" hahaha
clarissa...ya i am..luckily i have been waking up early anyway..so hopefully won't overslept...hiak hiak...
no lha..this is called "sexy mouth". when we said that then she will do this.
seriously..my wardrobe still rojak eh...just anyhow buying now confused on how to mix & match. got the outfit but no matching jacket..how how???? maybe go mustafa...coz 24 hours...helpppp

welcome to all new mummies..so happy to see such a lively thread.
Ur gal really look very prepared to go swimming in the 1st pic heehee...

Dun say tat lah i was telling bless tat i was really very busy till midnight then saw ur msg so didn't sms u back lor

U very bad lei purposely post here & mk those working mummies envy u gals. If u can maybe we can meet up anytime from 3/3-7/3 since i'm on ML

Ur gal very cute

cry baby,
thanks ladies

btw, can i check with u gals, if there's any shops in our area that sells e caps for those glass bottles? i had some bottles but no caps. N i intend to store my milk b4 i start work.
cry baby..you could try tom & stephanie at tiong bahru plaza. i think i used to buy tolly joy's one. but can't remember exactly and whether it fits your bottles. otherwise you could ask the pharmacies at TMC. I used to buy some from them.

thanks for e suggestion. I had went there today. But cannot find lei, unless i missed it. I didnt really c carefully at e tolly joy stuff. our area is not that convenient to go down to TMC, so was hoping to buy within our area.
hmm... mayb tom i shall go back T&S to try find again.
Hi Muju,

Yr gal very cute too! Her mouth aiyo like what to kiss her back! Muack! U joining us on the 26/2 coffee session at Anchorpoint since u r living nearby also ah. U havent start work, right? Would like my girl to sign up the Aquaduck lesson too but my HB said try her in the public pool 1st to boost her confidence.

Hi cry baby,

Welcome to this thread! Err...y u named your nic cry bb? cute nic. U a SAHM? wanna join us this 26/2 coffeee session at Anchorpoint too?

hee.... thanks. cos my baby was a very cranky baby n cries so much. or at least to mi, she seemed to cry alot. so i named my nick after her. ahaha....i m a FTWM, now on ML.
hmm... sounds interesing, the kopi session. I will try to turn up. But honestly speaking...i have yet to go out with my baby alone.
hi crybaby and yolksac

clarissa n yolksac
wah u gals have already been searching for schools! Clarissa urs is pre-sch prog rite? Yolksac, u mean st james actually lets parents secure places so fast? For 2011??? That's like 3 years away!
Have heard of St. James. Prog looks not bad on their website but I think I'll just put my girl with a faith-related kinder when the time comes. Hopefully still got space then. If not I'll ask someone up there for directions! Hee
Good morning mummies!

isabelle: I heard it's a 'hot' place there. I haven't plan anything for my son yet and he's 2 yrs old now! Haaa! Till the times come, whereever got slot just put him there lah! hahaha! My new place (which is not ready yet) supposed to have a childcare downstairs! So hoepfully there is, so convenient!
me cannot make it on tue cos my girl has Julia Gabriel class in the afternoon. Anyway, I also still have ms after so darn long!

suddenly occured to me. R u a hypnobirthing mummy too? Remember searching for hypnobirthing mummies and seeing ur name somewhere. Pardon me if I got it wrong...
cry baby
welcome n hope to see u at our outings soon!

ur girl so cute, sending us a flying kiss! hope u have a smooth transition back to work
Hi Crybaby,

Yr nic...guess i m right. Oh, understand as yr bb still young. Me too initial dare not to bring her out alone unless HB is there n afraid bb cry out very loud in public. Nervous. Do u have a helper? I don't hence everything i have to "bao ga liao"!
having a helper has got its pros n cons. Like recently, I realised that Randal has got pretty close to the maid. I must buck up..haha.. otherwise he will be closer to the maid then with me. Then one day when maid goes back home, it will be disastrous..
Recently i have brought him out alone (without maid) so that there is bonding time. i realised that when i go out with him alone, he is quite well behaved and very cooperative. Very diferent from when i bring maid along. He will be demanding and very attnetion-seeking.
hey welcome crybaby! which part of tb do u stay? we r pretty near. im at heights. if u wan we can go to the kopi session together n im sure all the mummies can help u out. my girl just turned 4 mths.

so esther u going boh?

jessica, if we change to wed, ok w u? cos so far no response n grace mentioned tt she can make it on wed.

irene, u enjoy yr shopping today! sure, we meet up on the 3rd march week lor!

isabelle, if wed u can? ur girl got class? so poor thing.. still got ms! ask yr hubby bring u to shang ri la more often for dinner then u will feel better hehe..
Hi Nonoelle,

Wed is fine with me. Let me know if confirmed. Would like to c more mummies too.

Hi Esther,

Ya, can understand yr plight if yr boy got 2 close to yr maid, will feel jealous, right? I felt it during confinement. When my bb cried, confinement lady carried, she stop crying. Mummy & Daddy carry cry! Aiyo, at that time, felt a bit jealous of my confinement lady but she is good. Take care of bb v. well and a good cook. We become friends later. Visit her place during CNY n she called me occasionally.
Have seen personally a child cried very loudly n went after the maid when maid wants to buy something while in shopping centre n poor mummy just look pitiful.
Thx a lot for ur invite!
But think u gals go ahead and enjoy urselves
Cos sunday I suddenly had heavy spotting again. And today had cramps a few times.
In fact, even my girl's JG class, I just let my mum and maid bring her there most of the time nowadays.

Plus hor, u noe how sensitive preggie women r to smell. Wait I smell ur coffees I wanna puke then that'll be bad for everyone! Haha

I have no helper. but luckily my MIL will drop by to help out with e housework. so i m slightly fortunate..


i m stayin at Jln Mem. looks like our gals is onli abt 1 mth age diff.

i tried to bring my gal out today. Wanted to go out buy milk bags. But i was so clumsy. Dun really know how to use e B Bjorn to carry her. She ended up screaming n crying... in e end.. i gave up. so i m still stuck at home today..
when I brought my girl out myself during dec hols I was also surprised that she behaved so well.
Usually my mum, maid and I go out tog and even with 3 ppl, she din behave so well.

Dun how come also. I was thinking mebbe cos I dun usually tolerate her nonsense so no one she can run to.
Cry baby,
just practise a little with the baby bjorn at home first.
It's really useful. I love it v much and used until my girl was 13 mths old.
hi mummies
sorry to barge in. was wondering if any of you knows a babysitter in tiong bahru/kim tian/membina/boon tiong area? i stay in tiong bahru will be giving birth in july 2008. looking for a reliable nanny cos no helper, MIL doesn't live in SG, mum working and i cannot afford to be a SAHM yet :S many thanks in advance and have a nice evening!
oh isabelle, take care ya! my sil oso preggy w her 4th child, experiencing bad ms n bed rest all the time. i see her oso very pitiful. but ur are very wei da to endure for the sake of the cute little baby! jia you!!

so jessica n grace, we make it on wed ya! 3 pm. anymore mummies?

crybaby, irene is one of the mummies who frequent this thraed n using baby bjorn for her charming prince. we see her use like very easy n convenient. probably takes a bit of time to get the hang of it. can u make it on wed? come join us.. ya my girl born in oct so quite near to urs!

bless, nobody cooked chicken drumstick for my girl on her 4th mth so never let her taste lor... but nowadays when she see us eating, she will 'eeh eeeh' n eye our food n mouth moving. think she is a greedy pig like me! hehe..
hi nonoelle,
yap yap confirm wed at 3pm...
so see u at anchorpoint mickey cafe ah..

i also use the bb bjorn whenever i go out alone with my baby. my girl also only going to turn 4 months next week. try to join us..
nonoelle: U should buy fr KFC :p Btw, i went littlematchgirl just now bought a top and a black shimmering dress then got a free bag cos i hit $50 & above. Haha!
cry baby,
Practise makes prefect i'm sure u can get a hang of it pretty soon. I really love using baby bjorn when i bring my boy out as it's really convenient & i can do go shopping with my hands free. Hey which milk bag u intend to get? I've 2 packs of Gerber Seal n go storage bags if u wan i can sell it to u

I didn't manage to go shopping earlier as i went for a drink with my frd & chat till quite late then reach home.
nonoelle, grace, irene
thanks for e invite. hee... will try to turn up, if baby is not cranky. 3pm at Anchorpt rite?

my fren juz helped me bought e pigeon ones today. how much r u selling yrs? u not using anymore? btw, i know of an irene staying in telok blangah near e safra. r u e same irene? do u work in a bank?
Jessica...aiya..i start work tdy lha..can't join u guys at mickey mouse. But hor...seriously..i think the food there is over priced.but if your kids are bigger, it's a nice place to dump them and have a peaceful coffe time. coz they will be watching tv and play the computer games.

crybaby...bringing baby out is very nice..it can be relaxing for both of you rather than stuck at home all the time.
cry baby,
I bought it thru another mummy at $12 per pack but i can sell it to u @ $10 each

I prefer to use glass bottles & i intend to wean my boy off BF once he reach 6mths next week
No lei i'm not working in a bank.
Hi Muju,

Aiya, too bad u can't join us. How is yr 1st day working after being a SAHM for 4 yrs? Wow...i cant imagine if i being a SAHM for this long. Thinking abt 2-3 yrs break 4 me than work. Can't stay out of job long as cannot depend on single income for too long.
Hi Ipeh

Didn't hear from her. U there? Keen to join us this wednesday pm at Anchorpoint? Let us know, ok? We can share parenthood knowledge together. Don't feel pai seh, ok?

hee.. guess i got e wrong irene. hmm.. Gerber seal n go, issit e sealable type n how many r there in a box? I also prefer container such as glass bottle. But i dunno where to get e caps for some of my glass bottles. Where did u get yr caps?

u were a SAHM for 4 yrs?! I m impressed.
thx bless, cry baby n nonoelle

Nonoelle, ur SIL having her 4th kid??? I can;t imagine having FOUR!!! Woah!

Irene, crybaby
what are these glass bottles u r talking abt? Can we buy breast milk glass bottles? I would'nt mind glass bottles! Where to buy?
U can get those glass bottles for storing BM from hospital. If not u can try calling called Cheong choon tel:6532 3855 at people's park as i remember tat i saw those glass bottles with caps there b4. Thy sell lots of bb stuffs there as well.

cry baby,
U can try to call the no. above as well to enquire on the glass bottles caps.

If u gals wan i can bring u all there to buy stuffs for ur bb & there's a free delivery when u purchase $150 & above.


thx for info! Yep, i know cheong choon. bought my maclaren from there. Cheaper!
Which hospital did u go to? Is it ask from pharmacy or from the maternity ward?
Think for my coming bb, might want to use glass bottles to store...
