Tiong baru/telok blangah/bt merah 2006-2007 babies n mummies

Springdance: Oh i missed the post which u said will be taking leave next monday! I will confirm again if wed able or not, cos wed might be on leave for photoshoot.

Ya lor must take annual leave of whole next week instead of ML. I heard still over shot a bit but my HR will decide later since i've 2 more colleagues also same case as me. Now i've choice but to take leave instead since my parents has bought tickets to M'sia liao.

I'm asked to go back to work after 2mths if i know it's like tat then i had rather take 12wks in a go. Yes within 6mths & my boy born on 9/9/07 so by 7/3/08 lor. My HR dun know it'll be calculate as 20days for the remaining tats why indicate more days & i just apply without knowing till now
halo mummies,
so happy tat i found this thread

I stay in bukit merah central.
i'm a FTWM with a 3.5 month old baby boy Jovan.
he just learnt to roll over from his back to tummy last week.

cool down cool down.. dun be angry.. sometimes these kind of things happen in the worlplace.

hey welcome and hope to see u more often in this thread.. we meet up quite often, sometimes outing kai kai and sometimes gatherings at one of the mummies's open house. Feel free to join us ya.. We have quite a few babies who are same age as ur boy, like irene and nonoelle. MAybe when u all meet can exchange notes on baby caring!
I'm feeling better liao after venting out here, though i think tat my annual leave is really precious but no choice just leave with it lor

Welcome to this thread
Welcome Catherine!

huh? Ur HR dunno? No wonder u r so angry! It is their job to tell u properly!
Never mind, enjoy ur leave!
hello mummies n welcome catherine!!

nice meeting grace, elaine, jessica n esther yesterday!

jessica, thanks for yr milk powder. very kind n generous of u.

grace n esther, u both look prettier with new image. i think fringe n st hair n colour makes u younger, esther. r u keeping yr hair long, grace?

elaine, too bad u had to leave earlier. shannon very well behaved. can sleep in the stroller on her own. we muz learn from jessica then won haf hard time when wan bring our kid out for kai kai. oh u very pretty. reminds me of somebody. maybe an actress but i cannot recall who. is it ok w u if i put dylan's pic here? cos the rest of mummies post before so not scared they offended.

nana, too bad u cant join us. y dun u fix the date n time next wk? we will try to make it!

ok, rest of the ladies, will post the pics up tonight ya!
nonoelle...wah. i fly to clouds liao :p thanks lei...
you are a chio mama yourself yeah, oh yes, i also bio your LV bag. very chio too !!! hehe, but nowadays when i bring dylan out, no chance to bring out such bag liao. sure go ahead put dylan pix here. will copy it too, put on my blog , thanks for helping me take lei.

ya, i think i have spoilt dylan when young by carrying too much, now your desiree must train ah, dun regret like me.
elaine, i think u mummies very capable, can handle baby on ur own n bring them out. i dread to think of me going out alone w desiree. cos i think she oso apoilt by my maid. everytime carry carry, even at night when i try to carry her, she will fuss n only my maid can handle n put her to sleep. tts y so envious of jessica n shannon. but sometimes i think, it could be my maid's ploy to carry my daughter so much so tt she think tt she is indispensible.

but it worked lar, cos few times i thought of changing her but see tt she can take good care of desiree then i let it be lor...
here's the pics of our gathering at disney cafe!!


the three piglets, namely 'intoxicated desiree', 'cutee ashlyn' n 'adorable shannon'! they r seated according to amount of hair! starting from left.. 'botak' 'semi botak' n 'full of hair'!

they r all fighting over the handsome prince dylan! where is he?????!!!
hail the prince!!!


shannon: (pointing!)there there he is over there!!!!!

desiree: (punch ashlyn) no no, im first im first!!

ashlyn: (tugging shannon) wait for me wait for me!

*grace, sorry haf to blank-o u to protect yr privacy!*

shannon: finally can be close to the prince after eliminating ashlyn n desiree!! but how come he is ignoring me? "hmph" he is smiling so happily at...



oops sorry esther haf to buy copyright from u cos we forgot to take shots of randal tt day!! hehe..
wahahah. the botak , semi botak and full of hair caption made me laugh so much!!!!and tt shot of shannon is soooooo cute!!
btw, is it ok if ya email me [email protected] the dylan and me shot, the one that we finally got rite after so many tries,thanks lei.

actually. nonoelle, desiree still small, not yet 6 mths, so easily adaptable to others, if you really wan to make her slp, must persevere, but it's really tiring and i understand. last time, dylan always create a rackus at night, until the maid have to come out and carry him cause i was soooooooo exhausted.really tired out and each episode can last like for an hour!!!
Hi catherine welcome! My boy is call Jovan too! He's 2yr old now.

nonoelle: Wahhhahaha...the pics all so cute!!!! ur description so comical!

e babies r so cute!! I really m missing out alot..

btw, ladies, anyone with tips on how to get baby to sleep? every nite we have difficulty getting her to sleep.
heehee, i didnt manage to get good shots either. The lighting in the cafe not so good and we were against the light plus too much flash not too good for the kids's eyes... so this is only what i managed..


desiree to shannon: hey i talking to u.. pls dont close your eyes!

ok this is much better, lets look at the camera!


ashlyn to all: i also salivate at him but look at the camera leh, dont look at the prince..

shannon feeling happy cos she is the only one who gets to take photo with prince dylan...heehee


And everyone!!! this is MY BEST PICTURE OF THE DAY! so malu... can only take still objects..sigh sigh
Hi Elaine,

Err...pop art style dont know what it is. U mean using camera to take or digital enhancement using Photoshop etc? got sample? Love to know as though not a pro photographer but got interest in learning photography. Aiyo, expensive hobby.

Errr...confusing about Gymboree venue. Is it in harbourfront or vivo city. They are both different shopping ctr though it is connected. Went into their website, they say is Harbourfront leh! ????

Hi Nana,

Why don't u tell us which day u available and starts organising can? GWC, Anchorpoint also can.

Hi Nonoelle,

No lah...its free sample and i thank u for the lunch treat instead!Ha! ha! i like yr story! It's so funny and my HB laugh too!

Errrmmm, no secret lah..mummy here no strength to carry bb for long hence went out, put her on the stroller when she is abt 1 mth old, that's y bought a full reclined one for her to sleep. Luckily for me, when she's abt 3 mths old, she can sleep throughout the night. Read somewhere, b4 her sleep, switch off the light (on a dim light) usually will give her a last feed b4 sleep and put her into the cot. Dont talk to her as will encourage her to play with u. Turn on soft music or music she likes. Kiss her forehead and say goodnight (mummy, daddy loves u, sweet dream). Heard from old folks that if u stroke her forhead or the temple, they will like it. Sometimes she need pacifier to sleep but will spill it out later, if too tired, we will pull out the pacifier. Hope i speak not too soon. "Touch wood"! Notice my girl will sleep if i bring her out maybe shopping ctr got aircon. At home...didn't turn on unless it is v. hot. Don't want her to get used to aircon everynight. Electricity X ah! Stingy mama here..;)

Hi Grace,

Can u email me the pictures at [email protected]? Thanks! Your girl so cute and chubby!
hi jessica...
u can save them directly here, just right mouse click and save as. cos i never take any with adults in the pic, so it is as per above...

shannon is very adorable too and she has so much hair..so nice..mine semi botak =)
Hi Cry baby,

Did u buy any cot mobile for her to see when she is lying down on her cot? Apparently bb likes to see things moving around, amuse them. I bought this when pregant (http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=112341&e=detail&pid=41027&pcat=rainforest) and when she is abt 2 1/2 mths, she starts to get interest in this moving object (got remote control some more! high tech! though it is X. Later, at night, notice she wanted to touch the side where there is a light on it. Initially i thought this dim light is meant for parents to check on bb but later learn from HB that it is meant for bb. Wonder if Fisher Price study and found out bb likes light (i mean specially for bb light). The green base is a rainforest thyme with monkey and frog. She likes to touch it as though it is real. Later, went to Kiddy Palace and discover FisherPrice got another Rainforest thyme with lights on it plus rainfall. HB tries on her and she immediately likes it. Refuse to let go. If let go, she cries v. loudly n confirmed she wants it and bought it. I was ARRHHH???? 2 cot mobile ??? But then, if helps her to sleep y not? Night time just on the later one, she loves it and like fantasy she is in it. It is like rainfall with light music (http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pid=38143&pcat=rainforest) Quite amaze, when the lights off, her eyes also switch off!! and fall asleep. I tell u this not a must to buy as every bb acts differently. U can bring her to shopping ctr to try which one she likes. Apparently we are FP fans leh! heee! hee!
Ester, Irene, isabelle, nonoelle, i_bless_u,

great minds think alike

wow the gathering looks so fun with the 3 princess eyeing the charming prince. i also laughed at the 3 piglets ranked acc to botak-ness photo. so farnie!
Good morning all mummies,
Finally it's TGIF!!!

All the babies r so cute...

I notice desiree really grow a lot compare to the last time i saw her during CNY. She seems to look more like u liao
You very creative lei….can think of such suitable & furni captions….LOLZZZ…..

What you feed Desiree???? So chubby!!!! Wan to hug hug her! Hmm…but was she having a cold?

Both you & your hubby must have quite a lot of hair…Shannon inherited the good genes….so pretty!!! Can chop her for my boy’s potential GF or not har????

Shannon got a really pretty & big pair of eyes! Does she look like you more or daddy?

Been seeing all the comments about your good looks & figure…..me can’t wait to meet you in person! :D

Welcome to the thread! Me also quite new here…I staying at Redhill.

Remember to confirm with me again whether Wednesday is ok for U ya….

actually jessica, ya, pop art is not via the camera, it is the after effects by using photoshop, i am also interested in photography, think i want to get photoshop lei, but ex.

springdance,hehe, guo jian already,
but cant wait to see ya on 9th too!
hi jessica

thanks for sharing e info. Will go n look for it tom with hubby.
cannot stand carrying baby to sleep..my wrists r so pain fr carrying her long hours.
hey hey glad u mummies like the pics. but i not creative lar. all i talk abt everytime is prince, princess, n boy like girl, girl like boy! if got pics next time then i run out of ideas aradi..

elaine n crybaby, i read in books theres a way to train baby to sleep. think its called "crying out method" or something. put baby in bed/cot during night time. dim all the lights n soothe baby with fav things. like bloster, pillow, hankie or pacifier. say good night to baby n leave the room.

at first the baby sure will cry non-stop. go bk to baby only after 5 mins. do not pick her up. continue to pat n soothe baby. when crying stop or baby is more settled, leave the room again. this time round extend the time that u go bk to him/her. say 10 mins n continue the whole process n stretch the duration that u leave the baby crying. eventually the baby will know she won't get picked up n will fall asleep due to exhaustion.

this will take a couple of days to train n initially can be nerve wrecking to the parents n a lot of people failed cos they cant stand their baby's prolonged crying. but this method works in training the baby n will help baby to settle themselves to sleep so tt mummies n caregivers do not haf to rock, carry babies all the time.

however, this method is only recommended for babies above 6 mths old so i haf to wait another 1.5 mths then i will try on desiree.
Springdance: Wed onz...cos our shots changed to sat already. Photgrapher damn 'hot'! So i will see u 12:45pm at Hock Lam, pls ring me if u reached if i still on the way can u get a sit inside first? U can get my hp no.fr the lis which nana forward to us.
springdance, no leh she not having cold. if she sick, won bring her out in case she pass germs to other babies. i know y u ask if she sick cos my baby always haf a blur sotong cum intoxicated look! this has been a joke for the mummies cos desiree always look like she is drunk haha!! whenever we meet up for gatherings, she is either drinking milk or sleeping then when she wake up oso super blur! so the mummies tease me cos i very naughty, even pregnant oso secretly consume a bit of alcohol occasionally n when breastfeeding still went w esther n irene to brix for drinks! hehe..

irene!! oh no!! how can desiree look like me?!! as per above, she look so sotong! haha!!
btw, i ordered the jumperoo as they coming to collect the toys this week. next wwek u still on leave? can come my house n play. or i can go over yr house n enjoy e view!
bless, so fast jovan is two! the cake looks very yummy!! where ur going for the photo shoot huh? if i free can i tag along n kaypoh? but i want to wait til my girl got double eyelid then i take haha!!

which part of bt merah u stay? i always go there for makan n shop at ntuc n library. very auntie but boh pian haha. u ftwm right? if not can chio u for kopi when i go there next time. in fact i was there yesterday too.
nonoelle: photoshoot at Funshotz @ 34 Arab Street, #02-01arab street. Ur gal looks sleepy, u give her sleeping pill issit then she sleep and sleep at home then u sneak out shopping! Hahaha!
Part of her features got your look. Dun keep saying ur gal sotong infront of her hor, she can feel it one heehee... I'm more outdated than u lei just only manage to order the safety first exersaucer which u rent tat time & will be deliver to my hse this Sunday. Sure u can cm over anytime next wk then after tat i'll bring jerald over to try out the jumperoo keke...

Hey i forgot to tell everyone the good news. I can carry on to take ML whole of next wk liao cos my company big boss say this time round dun follow MOM rule. YIPEE!!!
i stay at bukit merah central. the HDB blocks just next to the library. yah i ftwm, life not good, so cannot be a tai-tai like u *sob*
irene, tts great! muz be becos u r a very good employee so they give u concession. aiyah u see lar even bless oso say she look sleepy haha. btw they taking the safety first exersaucer from me on sun too! maybe they never sterilize leh.. from my house juz bring to yr house haha!! enjoy my desiree's saliva!!!
catherine, no lar i cant wait to go bk n work. now waiting for my baby to be 6 mths then i can let her drink fm totally then i can start work! saty at home very meaningless for me..

oh ur house there got coffeeshop now selling the chicken rice by the mandarin hotel chef right? i went the other day but the rice all sold out n haf to wait so in the end i left lor..
nonoelle, chiam ah it's the same timing as urs lei haha... Can ask ur maid to cm over my place & help me clean it first b4 i let jerald use it
No lah i think thy give me another set which has been sterisiled liao no worries.
bless, wat slide is tat? I'm still thinking whether to go for foto u or funshotz lei headache man. I wonder wat if jerald no mood & cranky during the session how? Me & my hubby take huh haha...
no worries, irene i will make some indication on my set so when i go over to yr place then can check if its the same. if really is the same one then we will faint together haha! then we will bombard n boycott her website!! hehe

glad to hear the good news!

bm got chicken rice by mandarin hotel chef? Which block? If my appetite n taste buds return to normal after 16 weeks, I will go try!!!

Cham, I'm sure to become a big fat pig for this preg since I'm so inactive and thinking of food all the time! Even now, morn sickness I still think of what to eat! Jiat lat...
Can feel my arms becoming fatter liao... And my butt too... Oh no!!!

Still, hope I can join bless and company for beef noodles next wed! Then I can ta pao don's chicken pie also!
