TCM for infertility


Can I have Dr Tan contact and address as I would like to see him too. I'm aso having problems of conceiving after trying for couple of years.

Hi Dilemmagal,

Dr Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
433 Clementi Avenue 3
Singapore 120433
Telephone: 68723237
Hi.. just wanna share.. I saw Dr. Tan a few days ago. After seeing him, I felt a little lost. He mentioned that taking clomid (for >3 months) as advised by my gynae, is actually a no-no. It may help to produce more eggs, but it causes my lining to thin and it is difficult to have any fertilised egg stick itself to the lining... So dear all sisters, pls try not to take clomid. Now, I just hope that with more visits to him, it will help...
Hi Despondent, yes, clomid will thin our lining if u do some research...try not to take...if really must take, must combine wif Dr Tan's medi...
Dun worry for now, m sure tt Dr Tan will help u achieve yr goal..
Hv faith wif him...
Hi ladies
Just chanced on this thread, need some advice ...I saw Dr Tan KS last week and after taking his med (abt 15 little pkts), few hours later my neck(lymph nodes) felt swollen and painful and i felt really heaty..lasted for 2 i stopped taking....any of you with this exp?? Perhaps its my own body cos i very seldom take chinese herbs..

Another question for those ladies who had undergone acupuncture with it painful ( have needle phobia) and usually which body area(eg.womb area?) Are there any possible side-effects fr acupuncture?

Sorry so many questions. I'm a real novice at TCM.
Thanks in advance!
thanks babychloe

Btw, what is the fees like and how long is the consultation?

I used to see a female TCM, tried a few months but unsuccessful then I stopped. Hopping to get a good one as had been spending quite alot of $.
Hi Cynn, I hv taken Dr Tan's medi and I dun feel the same as wat u experience. Perhaps u can drink more plain/warm water to cool yrself?
As for the acu, I oni feel a bit 酸痛when he screw the needle in. He will normally acu my ears, womb area and both legs. I dun tink there is any side effects to acu....

It depends on wat medi u tok and whether acu is done. I find his charges reasonable la...consultation will be longer for 1st time, else subsequent visits will take ard 45 mins excluding waiting time.
Hi babychloe
Thank you so much for yr reply. The effects of the med may really be my own body condition then.
As for the acu sorry I can't read chinese...can you sort of expain what you feel? No bruising/small bleed on skin sites when acu-ed?
Hi Cynn,
Sorri, the chinese words means I feel a bit of pain oni...not v depends on individual's threshold for pain.
There will be no bruising or bleeding...just like ants bite oni...dun worry!
Babychloe, thanks again! Will be going next week for acu..still nervous but at least I know what to expect from yr descriptions. Hope you achieve yr heart's desire soon....
cynn, JIA YOU! Hope all of us will graduate one day!
Thanks for all these info sharing.. very insightful!

Just want to share my experience with Ying Chuan at Jurong. I thought her attitude was very abrupt and quick to dismiss her patients without seeking for our info on TTC history. And I personally don't believe that just by feeling the pulses, she can diagnose that I may experience miscarriage if I conceive. Also referred me to a gynae (she has many namecards of various expensive gynaes) with a referral slip. So I'm not going back.
MuddyAshley, same sentiments...tts y i stop going back to her...

Sim, I am seeing TCM now oni.....gynae oni to scan my eggs whether they are ovulating well...
Just seen gynae today...sian scanned my eggs are so small..meaning this mth I bo ovulate after I stop the clomid...feeling very lost now hope TCM can help.

Gynae recommend doing Xray or Lapo to test whether my fallopian tubes are block. Lapo is very expensive le...anyone went thru before...

Sim....which day of yr cycle day do u go to scan yr eggs? Fyi...initally u will c a no. of follicles and at the end, an egg will grow big and is when we ovulate...sorri for using so many layman terms...
I tort to check whether fallopian tubes are blocked can be tested via hsg as well?
hi sim,

i've just started seeing a tcm doc and for this cycle, he prescribed something for the egg to grow... and it did. i just scanned yesterday at D12 and the follicle was at 21mm. this is the biggest i've got at D12. in the past it was usually around 15-16. max 17 mm.

so i guess tcm does make a difference.
Hi babychloe,

I went on day 11 gyna told me no need to test the OPK today which she used to ask me start to test on CD12. So now I also dun know when to test le..

is ok haha...I will ask if I dun understand the terms. Ya Gyna mentioned HSG also but she say not accurate le..

Hi Felixcat,

How long u have been seeing TCM? I just started only and my case is more difficult becos I have PCOS so think take longer time.
flexcat, mind sharing which TCM u went to?

Sim, HSG not accurate? Wah...tis is new to me...hmm...I also went X-ray before, bt tink quite expensive...
hi sim,

i've just started to see tcm in july. so far, i've had 2 accu and taken some medicine to help the eggs grow. i've just had my iui done on wed and will be taking more tcm medicine for the coming 9 days.

hi babychole,

the tcm doc i'm seeing is dr tan at clementi (tel: 68723237). i read in some threads that he's good with fertility problems.
Hi Felixcat,

I also just started seeing Dr Tan so far 2 times. But this mth I did not O at all..hope it is late rather than no O u have POCS as well? For IUI is the chances higher how much are u paying?

Hope your IUI will be successful too =D
Hi all,

I have PCOS and have married for 6 years, just went to see Dr Tan for 4 times after seeing Thong Ji for nearly 2 yrs without any success.

So gals, never give up and be hopeful always.
HOPEFUL, my case is similar wif u..I hv been married for nearly 8 years bt started ttc 4 years ago...I hv went to seen Dr Tan since hoping tt I can graduate under him soon...lets JIA YOU together!
Thks Babychole, Sim.

I don't hv POCS. I only know that my uterus is "towards the back" so positioning is very important. Dr Tan also said that the with my DH's current sperm vol., very difficult to reach the eggs. *sigh*. so he's taking tcm medicine as well. but the vol. during this iui was still no good.

Babydust to all!
Hi sim,

Forgot to answer yr 2nd question. whether to go for iui depends on what's the fertilty problem. iui places the sperm into the uterus so i guess for me, it is higher chance. yr gynae should be able to advise.

The cost differs depending on the gynae. KKH is the cheapest - abt $300-500 I think (including scans). I paid around $800 for the recent iui at a private gynae.
felixcat, mind sharing hw low is yr dh's sperm vol? I tink my dh's is the lowest....
I guess yr uterus is "retroverted" uterus...tis is v common, a lot of ppl also can ger preggie, not to worry too much...

If dh's sperm count is low, can do IUI?
Hi Babychloe,

Is that what it's called? I only know when the tcm doc asked me and I checked with my gynae during the scan.

i remember it's below 2ml. but the quality is still ok. think whether can do iui or not also depends on the quality, not only quantity.
felixcat, thanks for sharing, my dh's quantity is oni 2ml, quality also not v still can go ahead do IUI ah? okok, thanks...I will c hw on his next SA test...
Did your DH do the SA as recommended by Dr Tan ? Should be the same whether we do at the gyna or under Dr Tan right?
Hi Sim,

My dh's SA was done with the gynae before we saw Dr Tan. Think it should be the same, if Dr Tan provide the service also. But if you do under Dr Tan, think you hv to submit to a lab somewhere else right, since he does not hv any lab? or does he??
Hi Felixcat,

Ya he ask my hubby to go test and the results will send to bacl to the clinic. I wonder is it the same as the gyna haha...

Dr tan told me today there are 2 success cases...hope we all can become one of the success case soon =D
Hi Sim,

It's the same with the gynae, they'll send the results directly to the gynae and he will review at yr next appt.

Any of you taking Dr Tan's 'an tai yao' also?
hi Sim.. I was there on Aug 5 too, and overheard a lady patient calling to inform him that she's pregnant. So, there were 2 that day! =)) Hoo-ray!

Someone asked about Laposcopy??? I did that.. and piang.. pls don't go for it if it's highly unlikely there's any problem with you.. I did that after seeking 2nd opinion, but still, as I have not been preg after ttc for 3 years, they thot it best to do the lapo.. and in the end, paid more than $1-2K and in the end, realised nothing wrong w me! Worse still, I do feel a tingling pain at the op site now and then..
Try discussing this with Dr. Tan before doing, and he may offer a different perspective.
Hi Despondent,

What a coincidence. Currently taking his medicine to see I ovulate or not. Dr Tan suspect I did not ovulate at all. Really feel so happy that pple conceive after seeing him. Hope he really can help to create some miracles for ladies like whome got problem conceiving =D
Very sad today. Dr Tan called up say my DH's SA not very good..need to go back to see him then see how..sian..both also got problems....=(
hi babychloe,

i'll be finishing the an tai yao on Sat but really don't think preggie so very tempted to stop before then as don't really like tcm medicine, even though i'm getting used to it but still....
dear ladies
I'm also seeing Dr Tan for tcm...just a it necessary to take the an tai yao during last week b4 AF? If don't think preggy then actually no point, right?

Also, I went for one session of acu this cycle on CD 12 and from that day onwards I felt the middle of my lower abdomen kept having intermittent sharp twinges till today already CD 20 ( its at the area where the middle needle was pricked)...anyone have similar experience? Don't know whether its because I exercised the next day after acu....
hi cynn,

i'm taking the an tai yao after my iui, just in case i strike. so i guess the question is whether there is a chance that you might be preggie? if you are very sure that you're not, then think you should call the dr to check if there's something else which you should take to tiao yr body, instead of the an tai yao.

i did feel some pain after accu but don't think it lasted so many days.
felixcat/cynn, the an tai yao is supposed to tiao our body to be strong and balance up our hormones...y stop?

Cynn, I dun feel anything aft the acu..perhaps u can check wif Dr Tan?

sim, Dr Tan is better in treating male not to worry too much...
Hi babychole and all,

Yesterday went to see Dr Tan and he suggested that i look for a gynae to do scanning and take clomid.i dun dare to go to kkh cos last yr i went they refuse to let me take clomid but to do iui or ivf instead.Fyi, i took clomid in yr 04 but unsuccessful.

So now i'm looking for a gynae so any recommendations, ladies?

Thanks a lot.

Happy National Day!
Hi Babychloe,

I went to see him since june 08, do acupunture and take medicine.

I was not ovulating and he suggested i see gynae, do scanning, take clomid and at the same time also go and see him.

Any recommendations of gd gynae?

Thanks a lot.

Happy National Day!!

HOPEFUL, I myself long time no see there is recommendations from the forum tt Dr Douglas Ong at Ten Mile Junction is good...his contact is 67628066. He will be in Paragon sometimes too...u nd to cal and enquire.
