TCM for infertility

Hi all,

Is TCM more productive in treating female infertility or both male & female?

Went to gynae, results showed husband has low sperm count and lacking in motility ... Doc only asked him to take essential antioxidant tablets for 2 mths before running a test again. (Is that all they can do???)

We're very lost now. Don't know how best to treat DH's condition. Will TCM help him? Any of your hubbies also saw Dr Tan (TCM Healthcare Medical Ctre, Clementi) and DH's condition improved & managed to conceive naturally??

My DH had only 1% mortility when he tested early last year. He took Vit E, Zinc and some prescribed med from the doc. For TCM, I boil Cordyceps with pork, american ginseng and "gou qi zi" every week for him. It really helped and his motility gone up to the normal level when he went for SA end of last year.
i am doing TCM accupunture as a booster to my IVF right now. It is my 4th IVF attempt, out of which the first one was successful. I am documenting this round of IVF/ICSI/TCM down in my blog. Do drop me a message there for moral support, and also hope to give some support too.
Hi carol

i have been gg for acu and taking TCM for abt 10 weeks before i go for my FET last friday. Is it still ok to take TCM during the 2ww. My physician prescribe some for me to take during the 2ww but i'm not sure if that is advisable.
hi KIMLY, kais, hope4baby, aim$mousy, noscon, jenn

need some advice from all of you who have seen Dr Tan Kian Seng (Chung Hwa Clinic in Toa Payoh) and/or Dr Tan Siew Buoy (Thong Chai)

1)I've seen Dr Tan Siew Buoy for few times.She is generally nice but I find that she doesnt explain your body condition to you. When I tried asking her my condition and what food I shd take or avoid. She just said she wouldnt explain condition coz we probably wont understand. And said just take her medicine and didnt advise on what food to take or avoid. How is your experience with her? She seems to have moods. Its like you need to watch what questions to ask her else she will tell you off type. Its jus so hard to discuss things with her, including how to increase chances with IVF.

2)Does Dr Tan Siew Buoy do acupuncture? or does she reccommend you to do acupuncture?

3)Dr Tan Kian Seng (at Chung Hwa Toa Payoh Clinic)- when I called the clinic, they said that he is with the male sheng yu group, that means he only treat male problems. But I read in the thread that he seems to be seeing some of you ladies. I'm quite confused. Can someone advise me?

4) Does Dr Tan Kian Seng do acupuncture? or does he arrange acupuncture sessions for the ladies?

5) Do you know which TCM doc (at Chung Hwa Clinic) I should see for female problems? I'm hoping to see docs for me and my hubby plus do acupuncture at the same place.

I hope some one can advise me on my questions, cause I'm quite confused and not sure which TCM doc to see now. Thanks all for your advise !
hi happyhippo

Dr Tan Kian Seng has since opened his clinic at clementi(if I think we are talking abt the same dr)

1) For Dr Tan Siew Buoy, its the same with me. she dont bother to explain things to me when i asked. Sometimes to the point of being rude. She will just tell u to follow instructions, dun need to say so much. yeah definitely agree abt the part abt moody. sometimes shes nice, sometimes not too patient.

2) TanSB dun do accupunture. Dr TanKS does.

3) Have not seen any doc at Chung Hwa. But have seen a Dr Tan Kian Seng at Clementi. He majors in male fertility but also do accupuncture for female infertility. But can see he is not as experienced at Dr TanSB for female problems. But some people say accupunture works faster. Sorry this im not sure so must judge for yourself...
Dr Tan SB also sometimes see male patients.

4) yes. He will see you first and advise accupunture cos it's only for pre-ovulation period

5) I;m not sure. sorry
hi noscon
so glad to know that you share the same sentiments about Dr TSB. It does seem that she is good from all those baby photos on her wall. I do feel that brewing herbs might be better than powdered herbs since the amt is more precise. but a lot of work thou, and I got lazy after a while.
I've done 2 rounds of IVF but failed. Was thinking that I should seriously see a good TCM and acupuncture and take the medicine diligently, before going for one more last attempt at IVF.

Now deciding if I should continue to see Dr TSB at Thong Chai or try Chung Hwa cause its much nearer to my house and gives powdered medicine, but not sure which doc is good for treating females.

Are you still seeing Dr TSB? or you moved on to other docs already?

i have moved on to another tcm who does accupunture and he is nearer to my place but he do ready-made medicine too. i strongly believe that brewed med is better too.... i did it for 5months with TanSB previously and got pregnant on the 6th month but during the 6th mth i started acupuncture and stopped seeing TanSB. But i mscarriaged. So now im not sure which one did the trick for me :accupunture or 5mths of TanSB....
hi happyhippo,

I've seen Dr TanSB for almost a year but no result, and I shared the same sentiments. She doesn't like to explain, I feel that I can't get any advice from her at all. So now I'm seeing Dr TanKS @ clementi. He is patient and willing to explain whenever I ask. I dunno any doc at Chung Hwa, sorry can't recommend.

same same....I'm seeing DrTanKS at clementi too. but on and off now... cos he sometimes went overseas... so can't catch the right timing before ovulation... but agree that he is patient and fatherly...
noscon, jenn
so consoling to know that you both share same sentiments abt Dr TanSB. Coz everytime after seeing her, its kind of unsatisfying coz see doc but no updates on condition. some more got to rush to see her then rush to work.
I saw her on & off for nearly 1 year. did my 2nd IVF recently but not successful. now thinkg better find a gd tcm and take medicine diligently. also thinkg of trying acupuncture, many reports said it helps.
are you ladies planning ivf? if yes which gynae do u see? I'm now thinkg if i should change gynae since 2 tries with her has been unsuccessful.. thot maybe try different protocol with other gynaes. any recommendations? thks
i'll be trying ivf this month. my gynae is Dr Thong at Raffles hosp. can share which gynae you see? can PM me if it's too sensitive.

when's your so-iui? care to share the cost?

i think so-iui varies from person to person and month to month cos all patients requires different amt of medication to induce the "eggs". I have not counted my costs yet but it shd be ard 1.4k

ic, hmmm... anyway it's so much cheaper compared to ivf. i should have done it earlier, now i can't liao, gotta go straight to ivf.

just to ask. For IVF, I read that it is good to go for accupunture. Who can I go for those accupunture? Mine suppose to start apr/may, is it too late for accupunture? Anyone has success w/o accupunture? Thanks.
i was looking for a tcm clinic and chanced upon this site, looking through all the conversations between you ladies... And i'm so glad to have found you!

I called Dr TanKS' clinic and was surprised that he picked up the call. Explained my situation to him (without realising it was him on the line)...and he was so kind to even offer me preliminary advice over the phone!

And unconditionally, even told me to rest, do my usual confinement and see him only after my bleeding has cleared.

Well, you see, I just had a miscarriage... and is currently (as i'm talking to you here) discharging it like normal menses. Fetus was only about 2 weeks gestation per HCG blood test.

Have a rather good feeling about him over the phone. I supposed once my bleeding has cleared, I will pay him a visit and hopefully, he will be able to help me 'strengthen' my womb. Not getting younger anymore!
I have been reading and learning from your comments since January when we decided to give a second try of IVF/ICSI in KKIVF with Dr Loh.
My first icsi (male infertility factor) was in Kuala Lumpur on september 2006,it took me almost a year to recover physically and emotionally.

After our failed cycle, my husband went for a 3 months chinese herbal treatment, but it did not help much, how about acunpuncture, doest it help to improve the sperm quality? would you please recommend a good tcm dr in Kuala lumpur or in singapore!

It is advisable to do acunpuncture during the IVF/ICSI hormone treatment, tiao the cold womb and to relieve headache and muscle pain due to the hormone.

looking forward for your reply!

Take care
Congratulations! Me also seeing Dr Tan since last mth....mind me asking u whether u or DH any plm? Cos my DH's SA result not so dunno will be so lucky like u to succeed under him or not?
hi babychoice,
my dh's motility was not fantastic, but both dr tan and my gynae were not so concerned about it because his sperm count was very good.... So they say you only need one single sperm for success.... Anyway I have very high FSH which if you read it up on the Internet sounds like a death sentence for pple ttcing. My gynae and dr tan both didn't discount the possibility of me conceiving naturally, they gave me lots of encouragement.... And then the next month, I got preggie...!!!!
what kind of prob your dh if you dun mind me asking? I also made my dh take multi-vits, maybe that helped too...
My dh's sperm count is v v low & morphology is also no good...Tts y the chance of conceiving naturally is v low. Howeva, on my side is ok...
Dr Tan ask us to give him a few mths before going for IVF. I hope I can conceive naturally w/o hving to go thru the sometimes can be frustrating & disheartening when AF reports!
Hi Santorini,

Mind to share how high is your FSH? What treatments have you gone thru to get conceived? You may PM me if you don't want to share in the forum. Thanks!

hang on in dh's morphology was low, not his motility, have you asked him to take multi-vitamins and antioxidants? i read on the web that taking anti-oxidants will improve morphology. as for low sperm count, dr tan will tell you to take more sea cucumber.....

do give dr tan a few months, follow his instructions and i pray that you will strike soon!!! good luck...and lotsa babydusts to you ***''
Ya, he is on multi vits & now on zinc tablets from GNC....Dr Tan ask him to take "Sheng Jin Wan" & ask us to find fish maw (raw ones)...not sure wat is tt, bt we hv not found it...
We will give him a few his charges quite exp....hopefully, our money is well paid off...hahahahaha

Yes, except Mon nites & Wed nites if I not wrong.
Weekend, is oni till 5pm for Sat & 12pm for Sun...
U gotta make advance bookings...esp for peak timings like evenings.

Anyone seeing Dr Tan on this weekend? I'm supposed to see him tomorrow at 7.30pm, but I got something on last min, anyone wants to swap with me?
We've TTC for 4 years before I started gg to Dr Tan Kian Sing in Nov 07 to 'tiao' my body. my Hubby is a very proud man, and refused to go for SA. And Dr Tan would not treat me until my hb goes for the SA. so I stopped seeing him since CNY.

When my hb finally did his SA and went to Dr Tan in April for acupuncture etc. After only 3 treatments, I finally conceive!! And Dr told me that we're the 12th couple to successfully conceive in the month of May!

And I must say that Dr Tan is very patient and understanding. He knows my hb is a proud man and refuse to seek proper treatment. I remember he even opened his clinic on CNY eve's morning jsut for me, and never accept any consultation fees that day for he was only chatting with me and consoling me about my stubborn hubby.

So the moral of the story is, TTC requires 2 to make it fruitful. no matter how much people rave about their chinese doc or gynae, if the other half does not want to face the fact to seek treatment, TTC will become frustrating and meaningless.
I am so happi for! At least u achieve it! Dun be angree wif yr DH cos sometimes guys dun really like to seek treatment cos of their ego...Anyway, u hv conceived, pls stay happy now...Hv a smooth 9 mths ahead ok?
Hi ladies,
don't give up! I got a friend, her DH's sperm count is almost zero, but she managed to conceive twice, but M/C the 1st time, now she's going to deliver soon.
Yr fren is lucky....Ya, a lot of ppl says even zero sperm count can hv babies....hmmm...hope we can be as lucky & graduate soon....kekekekekekeke

I am new here. It was so encouraging to see such fantastic results by gng to TCM, Dr Tan Kian Seng in particular. I have tried unsuccessfully for 4 years le, and had thot of adopting.. but gynae (Dr Kenneth from Mt A) advise to continue trying. The next step may be IUI, but since TCM can go with IUI, I will just try call Dr Tan for an appt.

Hope to share good news with all despondents like me soon!
hi hi.. I tried calling Dr Tan, but the line went dead on me on both times I tried. Anyone knows if he is closed for dinner, or if he's travelling overseas again? Really hope to see him soon, as I suspect that this is now my fertile period.

Also, does anyone knows if babydust ovulation kits really work? I tried mine some time back, but it was always negative.. and my gynae didnt say I have any problem leh.. (though a previous gynae say I have PCOS, so not sure who to believe..)

My husband has taken his SA test and it seems that doctor cannot find any sperm which means zero sperm count. After going thru blood test, the doc realise that it is due to his high hormone (FSH) level.

I am just wondering whether any of ur hb having the same problem as mine? Will TCM help?

Hi Babychole,

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, i do hope Dr tan might be able to help. Have u went to see him? Hope to hear gd news from you soon..
Hi Lynn,
I hv been wif him since back then I was v stressed up wif my dad so I will not take into consideration....Will start timing starting from this mth. As ours is a male infertility, so will takes time. He is good in treating male infertility...
Hi babychloe,

Yes, ours too. I read thru the forum that Dr Tan is good with male infertility so really hope that he can help.

What is ur hubby's issue? Mine is due to his high hormone level. The doc did not help much and he put it as if there is not much hope left for us..It was such a big blow for me and my hubby.
My DH's sperm count and morphology is low...A lot of gynaes give up and ask us to try IVF...oni give my DH multi vit...howeva, not much improvements after 2 years of consuming...Dr Tan seems confident to improve his condition and ask us to give him a few mths...
My DH has been on medi & acu for 2 mths plus...hopefully will hv some improvements...
Hi babychole,

After medi and acu for 2 mth plus, you may try doing SA test again to see whether got any improvement or not. Thats what i plan to do with my DH too...

Dr Tan is v popular..It is not easy to fix an appt with him within this mth...
We dun dare to go for the test yet, scared no improvements, then will be v demoralised one...
Wait till Dr Tan ask for the test, then we go lor...

Hi Lynn,

Yes, it was v difficult to get an appt w Dr Tan, and he will be travelling from mid next week till 11 July! (Dun know why he's so frequent into travelling..) The first Sat he would be available would be 2nd Aug! I managed to get an appt in mid July only if I take leave ie. in the day time...
