TCM for infertility

HI Sim,

Why did Dr. Tan suspect that you do not ovulate? I am not sure if I ovulate or not too. I asked my gynae once, and he just casually brushed it aside and said my menses came (?) and also mumbled smth.. So, I am not sure.

By the way, HAPPY NATIONAL DAY to all.

CYNN, I also feel the intermittent sharp twinges u mentioned, but it didn't last for so many days (as in 9 days in your case)? Do u experienced the suan(1) when Dr. Tan screwed the needles in? I almost jumped when he did that, and am not too sure if that was the reason for the soreness felt, which lasted even after I left the clinic.

HOPEFUL, Dr. Tan was the one whom told you that you were not ovulating? Same qn, how does he know that-did he say? I was v puzzled that he recommends u to take clomid. Just fyi, I earlier shared that he was quite upset that I took it for many months, and have since told me to stop... Someone told me to try Dr. Christopher Cheng from Gleneagles saying that there have been success stories. I am holding on coz I just started seeing Dr. Tan.
Hi Babychloe,

i afraid to see gynae, i dun like to do the scanning, hate to do blood tests etc but i dun have a choice now if i want to continue seeing Dr Tan is to find a gynae to do scan and give me clomid in order to combine chinese medicine and acupunture.

Hi despondent,

Dr tan is based on my temp chart and i have used opk which show neg.FYI, i have stop taking clomid for 4 yrs so he said its ok.

i got saw in some threads that christopher cheng's charges is expensive and always suggest to do surgery.

Thanks for all ur recommendations. i appreciate it.
Hi Hopeful,

so do you still have your menses? I used to use OPK that also keep showing negative...

How does your temp chart look like?
HOPEFUL, sometimes we need to combine both western and eastern medi....
Fyi, my OPK also -ve for the past few mths...the test line is not dark my bbt shows tt I am ovulating, tt is the funni Dr Tan says tt my hormones are not high enuff and might need to go gynae side to inject to increase my hormones...
Dun give up! We will soon be mummies!
Hi Felixcat, Babychloe
I had the impression that an-tai yao is just to help sustain pregnancy....well, I suppose if it helps to strengthen body..I'll bear with it becos really dread swallowing chinese meds..

By the way, normally after O, what would Dr Tan usually do for us when we see him? I suppose no more acu...just take meds only, right?

Hi Hopeful
Perhaps you might want to also look into gynaes who are fertility specialist? There's Prof SC Ng/Dr LC Foong from Gleneagles, Dr LC Cheng from Thomson Med Centre that I'm aware of with pretty good reviews.

Hi Despondent
Yes, I did experience that! I only felt it when he acu-ed the tummy area...Really jolted me also esp. when it was my first time recently....I hope next cycle it'll be better but it made me a bit fearful of the needles now. Maybe our tummy area is just more sensitive?
Hi Cynn, Babychloe,

I also had the impression that an tai yao is to sustain pregnancy. I'm supposed to call Dr Tan after I've finished mine but I forgot. I skipped the last day's med as I think af coming soon.

Hi Hopeful,

My gynae is Dr L C Foong. He's very patient and gentle but expensive .... I like him and I do not need to wait for too long at the clinic. That's a plus point for me.
I just called Dr Tan and guess what, I need to take more an tai yao since af still not here!! Oops, and I skipped the last one on Sat, cannot let him know, wait kana scolding ...
Hi Cynn,

the soreness is the same when he acu-ed my back on my 2nd accu appt. Somehow, I think the back one was worse for me.. maybe coz I can't see him screwing it in.. Yeah, v fearful of the needles now that I hope I am pregnant this cycle and don't have to go back..

But will endure if no success again..
Hi Despondent
You mean he also acu our backs? Yikes....anywhere else?? I think I need to be mentally prepared at least...*faint*

Hi Felixcat
Maybe this cycle is IT for you! Hope to hear good news!
I already "give up" on the antai yao for now till AF comes...
Hi Cynn,

I don't dare to stop the an tai yao now because the doc told me 'you've finished the med? ok, come and get some more to 'bao3 chu4' the baby." He talk like I'm already confirmed preggie. Now so paranoid that I might hv strike, but because I stopped the an tai yao for 3 days, something bad already happened....

And I always hv a nausea feeling after taking the medicine, which is one of the preggie symtpoms. But I might just be feeling nausea because of the taste of the med. Haha.

Anyway, did not place any hope on this cycle. I've already collected my clomid for my next cycle.
felixcat, how many days u r overdue for yr AF? U take bbt? Mabbe u strike liao..if yr bbt stays high for these few days, chances are v high! Do give us good news yeah!

Fyi, an tai yao is to tiao our body and produce high hormones for us to get I die die will take one no matter how bitter it is....

Hi Babychloe,

Today's D13 PIUI, my gyane asked me to do a hpt tomorrow. But kept thinking that my af is coming leh. Hv all the symptons of pre-af. *sigh*

I just took my an tai yao. If af coming, I hope it comes in the morning, so I can skip one dose (mine's to be taken after lunch).

Hi Despondent,

I've also acu my back before. I was like trying to get away from the needle as much as possible. But no use as I'm laying on my front so nowhere to run but you can imagine me just arching my back and super tensed. But after the needle's in, I'm actually ok.
felixcat...if yr af not reporting tml, yr chances will be very high...sorri, I forgotten u are doing bbt will not work liao...
Stay +ve!
hi babychole,

why bbt won't work if do iui? i was checking my temperature n it dropped this morning. so i think af coming soon....
felixcat, cos I tink the jabs will affect the bbt right? Did u slp well last nite cos insufficient slp will affect bbt as well...meanwhile, pls stay +ve!
babychole, i didn't do any jabs this round leh. only clomid.

a little disappointed when I saw the temperature. but af still not here yet. will see how tomorrow. actually i still think the 1st day of my af should be around 17-18th. so still haven't done any test yet. if -ve, i might still hv the false hope that maybe i tested too early. so might as well wait till then and see how.
Hi all,
I just got my test result and my hsb's SA ytd. Both of us have problem. Me PCOS and him, teterozoospermia (meaning quality of sperm in normal form is< 1%, normal range is at least 14%).I was very upset, although i have read a lot of sucess stories of people same case as us, but somehow still unable to accept and overcome the fear of infertility. I will be refered to KKIVF sub fertility center next mth, its such a long wait.

Can anyone with same situation same her experience with me? I have following qn:
1. Is most woman with PCOS obese?I am obese, and the doc say almost half of woman who got PCOS are obese or overweight and will have high risk of diabetics or hypertension in long run.

2. Anyone's hsb has same situation as my hsb, can we rectify the problem with our lifestyle change and diet?

Frankly, our lifestle rather bad, though we dunn drink, but we seldom exercise and eat out due to work i am trying to change and improve our lifestyle
hi CYN &amp; FELIXCAT,

Yes, Dr. Tan acu my back, the lower part of your back where you'll ususally have a dimple? I was really arching my back, and having the same experience of "trying to run"... Now still have phobia.. really hope to strike this time and dun have to go back. But if I really don't, will still guai guai go back lah.. no choice right?
Hi faithe, I hv heard tt most women wif PCOs plms are I heard from my sinseh tt a lot of PCOs women also conceived pls dun give up! My dh's condition is the same as yr dh's a few years slightly better bt still low and he is currently under TCM's treatment....has not went for the latest SA test..will do it next mth...
Pls ask yr dh to stop taking cooling stuff, cold water, DO not bathe wif warm water...cold water is the best...wear boxers, exercise regularly...and keep to a normal drinking, no slping late, no smoking...
Eating out shd not be a plm ba since most of us are working...just eat healtily will do...
Dun give up! There is still hope...
Hi all,

Hopefully all of you are still around in this thread. I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and have started taking Metformin for the next 3 weeks followed by Clomid if my period arrives. If doesn't, I will have to take a progesten medicine to induce. Anyway, I've been doing research on these meds are very concerned abt the long term effects they have on one's body. As such, I want to seek alternative treatment and that's how I chanced upon this thread.

Could someone pls advise me if this Dr. Tan speaks English and what are his charges? Do I have to be placed on waiting list to see him or generally, it's quite easy to get an appt? Thank you in advance!
Ocean Blue,

Dr Tan is a chinese sinseh and he do speaks English....It will depends on wat kind of treatment u requires...normally acu and medi will be required...U hv to make an appt first before seeing him...Preferably to go to him aft yr AF finishes...Its not easy to get appt from him though...U hv to make in advance...
I think he will be back next week but his schedule is packed till 2nd week of Oct. That was the info I got when I called.

Can someone pls explain to me what does 'AF' mean? TIA!
Dear All,

Dr. Tan is just back last Thurs.

It is EXTREMELY difficult to make an appt with him. I have not done advance boooking as I didn't want to jam up his calendar... For my new cycle, I've only managed to book 1 appt with him prior to my ovulation day, and that was really like squeezing Dr. Tan's calendar SO TIGHT.. poor him.

Ive taken several leave to see Dr. Tan le, and seems like this has to continue.. <sob>. Now getting stressed over all these work issues and getting preggie.
Hi Despondent,

That's weird. I called on Monday and this guy who answered the call said that he is in chian *puzzled*. Anyway, don't be stress. When stress, your ovulation will get messed up too. So, relax and take it easy, ya? Wish you the best
Cheer up!
Confirmed that he's back. I spoke w Dr. Tan on Thurs when I called ie. he was back since Sep 25. Thus, when you called on Monday, he was still in China mah...

Thanks for the encouragement. =) All the best to all TTC ladies too!
Hi ladies,
U hv to get advance booking for Dr Tan's appt one....if u noe roughly when yr AF reports, then u hv to start making it few cycles ahead if not u will miss yr acu...
Sometimes to combine gynae consultation wif TCM will work better...
Good luck!
hi ladies,
has anyone seen or is seeing TCM Loh Kim Gek? I got her name from Thomson Fertility Centre. I was planning to try out Dr Tan Kian Seng in clementi. so now not sure which tcm to see.
Hi gals, I am also seeing Dr Tan at Clementi. So far my bbt fluctuate up and down all the way. No pattern at all. Does anyone of u experience this? I have PCOS too and i guess i am not ovulating at all as my AF does not report at all for a long time. &amp; every mth i got to take pills to induce.

My hubby just went for SA test and there is this "severe teterozoospermia". Does anyone know what is that? He got 4% and i saw the range must be above 14%. Can anyone advise??

Hi Anxious26,

here are some chart patterns which may be of interest to you. Basically, it is saying all kinds of BBT charts are possible, as long as we time intercourse accurately.;16;640830;8fe5

By the way, ladies, this website ( is quite good. Realised it provides estimation of your future ovulation dates too. Helps in planning appts w Dr. Tan! Currently, I got to count the days on my physical calendar till I almost pulled my hair! Hahah.
Tt means yr dh got a low morphology....just like my dh's count when he went to Dr Tan in dh did a recent test and he got 4% (previously is oni 1%)...i wld say there is improvement when he is under Dr Tan's care...Morphology means his body temp is too high....swimming will helps...did yr dh goes to Dr Tan for treatment?
hi ladies
wonder if anyone who is seeing dr tan kian seng can advise me on this
1)i saw him on my CD8, he gave me 1 set of powder(for b4 ovulation), bag of pink tablets(for b4 ovulation) &amp; 6 sets of powder(for afer ovulation. instructions were :
- take pink tablet the same nite ie CD8
- if CD9 no ovulation, take 1 set of powder
- if still no ovulation, continue pink tablets
- if detect ovulation, stop pink tablet for 3 days then start the 6 sets of powder.

I took the pink tablet the night after seeing him (CD8). took 1 set of powder on CD9. CD10 took pink tablet.CD11 felt mucus a bit eggy white. CD12 muscus creamy. but my ovulation prediction kit is negative. BBT up and down.

Now I dont know if I hv ovulated or not also. OPK says no, BBT also cant tell. but on CD11 felt eggy white mucus. Now i dont know whether should take the pink tablets or the 6 sets of powder meant for after ovulation.
Worst still, cant call Dr Tan Kian Seng coz he is overseas, plus I cant get an appt with him next week even though he said to see him next wk.
I dont know lor, so frustrating, cant tell whether I've ovulated or not &amp; no doc around to chk, so dont knw what medication to take.

Dr Tan seems to travel a fair bit. So i also wonder what happens if you need to see him on a certain day, coz its impossible to make appt on a particular day. everythg is waitlist.

I'm now not sure if I shd continue to see Dr Tan, given that there will be certain dates tat u must see him or else u will miss the window opportunity.

How do you ladies continue with him for mths? Do u experience the same thg? how do u manage to make appt to see him at the correct time?

i do acu with him last wk, notice the needle spots got tiny red spot. any idea if its not gd to have such reaction?
if u hv any idea, pls advise, tks so much in advance
hi babychole,despondent, felixcat,cynn
i read that you are all seeing Dr Tan Kian Seng at Clementi. I need some advise from all of you. But noticed the thread has been quiet for the last month, hoping some of you will read my queries soon.

Dr Tan has asked me to see him on around CD12-CD14. But his appts are so fully booked during those few days &amp; I cant even get a confirmed appt in the next month. I'm thinking that if I cant get to see him at the appropriate time, he wont be able to prescribe suitable medication for specific days of your cycle.
Do you ladies experience problem in seeing him at the right time?

Plus I'm only free to call him during lunchtime, and nobody ever picks up the phone. Do u know if they are closed for lunch hours?

hi hopeful1997
hi, u mentioned that u hv been seeing Thong Ji for 2 years - can I ask which doc you are seeing there?
Hi Happihippo,
Hope I am not too late...
Can I ask do u take bbt everyday at the same timing? If yes, aft O, there shd be an elevated temp for 3 consecutive days at least a sharp increase of 0.3/0.4 deg...
Kip testing in OPK till u get a +ve...sometimes we might O late...
I am also quite fed up in securing an appt wif him esp before my O period which I need usually I will make my appts in advance cos i got quite regular I will noe roughly which is my O period...if he happens to travel..then I will either miss my acu or oni acu once...which by right shd be twice...
I tink u shd cont to take the pre O medi if u still dun detect yr O...
U can chart yr bbt in for additional it might not be then u detect O is too late liao..its oni a confirmation..
Best is to rely on yr OPK...
U shd book yr appt in advance...Dr Tan's slots are v full one..
And he is closed during lunch time...btw 12pm to 2pm....U can try to cal during nite time too....he is open till 9pm except Weds and Suns..I tink Mon nites also dun hv..I not too sure...u got to cal and try...
If u oni need medication...u can walk in and get yr medication w/o seeing him....M sure Mrs Tan will be able to assist if u need acu...appt is required...
Is there any possibility tt u apply leave to see him during the daytime?
Daytime appt is much easier to book...
hi babychloe
tks for your fast reply! yes, I take bbt everyday, around the same time, at max 45mins difference. my bbt for this month is like stock market, 1 day up, next day down, 3rd day up, 4th day down. seriously its that bad. I'm using the clearblue fertility monitor, it has been showing level 1 for the past 20 days of my this cycle.
my prob is that my menses is very irregular, can range from 20-40 days. scarely ya? so its quite hard to estimate when to make appt.
can u share with me a few thgs?
- how long have u been seeing dr tanKS ardi?
- do u find any improvement after seeing dr tanKS?
- does it mean we ladies only need to do 2x accupuncture before O. after O, just take the herbs/tablets? I did my 1st ever accupunture with dr tan and I didnt like it. found it quite scarely, uncomfortable.
- sounds like we must do at least 1x accupuncture before O. what happens if u really cant get an appt before O? do u just 'waste' that cycle? in the sense no accupture, so body not so good for natural conception?

i'm in a dilemma on whether I should continue to see dr tanKS sighhh....
just to share, i'm deciding if i should
1)continue seeing dr TanKS (but the problem is getting an appt at the right time)

2)try this other tcm recc by thomson medical, dr loh gim keat. her clinic is at pple's park centre. hers is not by appt,need to get queue number. she is very patient. I dont hear as much abt her compared to dr TanKS in this forum, so in a way maybe she is not the super famous tcm.

3)see dr tan siew buoy at tong ji. i used to see her on off some years back. she dont like to explain things to you type, plus I wasnt diligent in brewing the herbs, so stopped for quite some time.

now am stressed on which tcm to see for long term, stressed on time is not on my side, coz am 40yrs ardi. hoping to try ivf again, as soon as possible but tcm takes time too.... sighhhh
hi happyhippo,

i switched to eys@paragon, dr xia rong due to the difficulty in getting appts with dr tan. n eys@paragon will hv a program for you to complement yr ivf treatment. but it's quite expensive. the acu is ard $50 n the medicine for stage 1 n 2 (ttl 28 days medicine) is ard $300.
hi felixcat
thks for the info. how many time do u need to do accup per cycle with dr xia rong?

after my first try of accup with drTanKS, i dont like it, dont feel like doing it anymore.
i feel so squirmish just thinking abt it.
hoping to just take the herbs. but I read articles saying accup increases chances of success in IVF.

how long hv u seen drTanKS before you gave up?
how long hv u been seeing dr xia rong?
does her accup also hv electric current like drTanKS?
tks for sharing
Hi Happy Hippo.. don't feel despaired.. It's also through forum like these that I find that we're not alone. FYI, I've been TTC for 4 years.

If you don't like acupuncture and hassle of booking appts, can try an outlet at Hougang. If you're interested, I will find out the address for you. But so far no good news yet, as my friend just started a couple of months back. However, from her conversations with the doctor, she felt doc is knowledgeable. Got to brew own medicine.

Another friend was successful with one TCM near Marine Parade.. but she said it's long queue.. (though I think not as bad as the one at JE). Got to brew own medicine too.

By the way, the forum also recommended another one (but near the north). It's Ban Choon Wah Medical Hall at Serangoon North Ave 1, Blk 154, £01-434 Tel 6288 7439.
oh Happy Hippo, by the way, you can tell Dr Tan your fear of the needles and request that he don't drill it so deep. In that case, the discomfort will be less..

usually you'll be doing acu twice weekly if you're doing ivf. dr xia rong only comes to sin once a mth. when she's not around, dr tang will do the acu for you.

both dr xia and dr tang's acu is with electric current. but you can ask them to lower it if it's uncomfortable. similarly with the needles, you can tell them if it's too painful and they will adjust for you. it's not meant to be painful.

think i was seeing dr tan for a couple of mths n i just started with dr xia rong this mth. she's gone back to china now i think. she'll be coming again in dec.
hi despondent, felixcat
thks very much for all the info.
its really comforting and nice to be able to share &amp; get so much advice for everyone in this forum.
oh ya i did tell dr TanKS to lower the electric current, esp the leg part was most uncomfortable... but i think for me is the tot tat the needle is poke &amp; stuck there for several mins. unlike for injections, its quickly poke in &amp; pull out ...

i think i will try to decide on 1 tcm from the list of drTanKS, dr loh gim keat, dr tan siew buoy. ardi with 3 to decide on, my hubby is saying tat i'm confusing myself with too many choices :p

we are also considering adoption, but havent got round to research on it. is anyone considering also ?
HI HappyHippo,

YES! I was considering that too.. but my hubby disliked the idea thinking that nothing beats having your own kid.

I asked a friend who did that years ago, but she said the legislation now don't allow you to choose your child.. so, I'm worried if the child is sickly or those not so cheerful (I want a cheerful kid!), and then it'll be another set of heartaches..

Sigh.. anyway, since I've not exhausted my options with having my own kid, think I will continue to see Dr. Tan for a couple more months.
