Tampines Mummy Club

hi tampines mummy ,
any one intererested in eclairs n swiss rolls if have gd response thinking of organising a bp b4 CNY

Can you mummies, please send me you particular like:
Mummy's name: Eline Poh
Baby's Name : Edvin Tan
D.O.B baby : 28/07/06
Add : Tampines St 42
Contact details : 81022040
Scope of interest : shoppine ,, reading ,,,share/learn and discuss about it. (this helps us to know one another better and we try to organize activity which caters to our interest.

well, in the beginning cos i din want to know wts the #1 sex...then again i din buy ANYTHING until she was born. On the day we r leaving the hosp then go down mothercare n buy her clothes for the next few days n the baby tub. For #2 i know its gonna be a boy, cos i want to know so can prepare the clothes a little earlier. dont want to rush myself mad with #1 n the chores. Luckily my mum still able to help me the 1st 2 weeks confinement. Now for #3 i will need to look for nanny since DD is at K1, and this DS is an active boi and my mum wont be able to come so often. Shes tired alr. If Im preg next yr, DD in K2, n DS in Nursery...i think i need DH to take 1mths leave. hahhha Oh well....still uncertain.
shopping for the kids....i was like tt with DD. girl lagi....everything wanna match w me n DH. tts y only now changing the habit. Never too late, must learn from mistakes.

Playgroup & reading;
I personally think playgroup is too ex. $120/mth aiyoo n for 2hrs only. I give a pass at tt.
DS din pay much attention to reading initially. We just go with his flow. Not so much of wanting him to sit down to read, more of getting him the interest to read. If he flips, let him flips...find something tt he likes, animals, planes, vehicles or bob the builder heheh. Try to do every 20mins or 30mins...the sitting down will be less than 3mins...but when we do frequently he'll get the idea. then when we read, point to the words even though he is looking at the pictures, his eyes will eventually follow. once he is interested get ready to be tired hehehe. oh read short stories b4 he go to bed. happy tiring.

Hmm...I dont really know y. my siblings r me, boy, boy , girl....n somehow i see that it works pretty ok. Even #1 i wanted a girl, but not to the extent tt i b disappointed if its a boy. In fact, everyone was saying tt i was carrying a boi, n i tell myself if its God's will, just be happy as long as he is normal n healthy. #2, same thing i wanted a boi. So far I'm blessed.
I guess i was thinking ..#1=girl, can help me, #2=boy, will take care of sis (future), #3=boy, can share responsibilities w big bro, #4=girl, just to complete the range, 2girls 2boys...hehehhe. Well but of cos me n DH still hv lots of teaching n guiding to do.

Cheers is under NTUC my dear.
ruffybear is it a book from Glen Doman?

I sent my girl for swimming when she was 6mths..After the session ends, we seldom go down swimming. For a while she wasnt thrill abt swimming. So restart all over. DS started a little late introducing him to the pool, so the unwillingness. This year must go every fortnight at least to get him b confident in the pool.

toilet training, will only start during the 1week march term holidays...
hes quite ready now, but i'm not. must b ready for lots of accidents.

for yourself, if he doesnt like potty, he must like potty to start potty training if not toilet trained heheh my son doesnt like the potty.
15mins aft his drink, send him to the toilet n tell him to pee pee. is he doesnt do it again at every 15mins. oh practice sitting down rather than standing...save us lots of cleaning in the future. i hope it works for u.
hi joshmummy

toilet train - my son just very curious to the toilet bowl and he likes to flush the toilet.
I let him to sit on the potty when he wants to go toilet (sometime only), now i let him sit on our toilet bowl with the baby toilet seat support. he get better, he can pass urine and sometime pass motion. then he can flush the toilet (his favourite action). just have to hardworking, bring him to toilet seat for often like 30min, 45 min to 60 min. i even want his daddy to show his son an example to pass urine.

Cooking : i like to cook. although i have a maid, i do the most cooking, i only teach my maid to fry veg, eggs only. after eating some times, i still like my cooking, my maid like my cooking, i even tel my maid that she only know how to eat and don't how to cook, then she smile at me and say NO lah.....
Ya, we can exchange points to cook. but i grill, stir-fry and boil soup only.
drink more soups, good health.

now the recent weather not suitable for swimming, get cold and flu easily. i send my son to his Gu Gu's hse to swim at simei (Tropical spring Condo) FREE one. hee...hee..

can upload yr child's any cute pics (to all mummies here)

Hi Mrs Tan,

don't think it's advisable to share contacts online.. i staying at st32 with a 21 months old boy..

very tempted to order the swiss roll and eclairs leh... but must resist.. somemore new year got so much goodies to eat! sure grow fat one..kkeke..

U working mom so whos looking after ur boy?

so u not engaging any confinement nanny to help u ah? u want 4kids?! not easy leh..agree that it's good to have more siblings so that they can look out for each other..

which playgroup u refering to? $120/mth is cheap leh.. ur dotter sch is just next blk! i stay 386.. keke..
DS likes to flip books alot.. but when i start reading he gets annoyed.. maybe will try ur method get books that interest him.. last time when he younger he will be very happy whenever i read books to him..

i didn't know cheers is under NTUC.. this one is a very "suaku" mummy...kekeke..
Tina, babyS,

Potty training:

Thanks for sharing ur experience! I am at lost in this cause DS doesn't really talks eventhough he understand what i says.. i did tried letting him sit the potty but after awhile he begin playing with it.. he don't understands pee pee or "ng ng" .. and will run far far away if i get him to sit on it again..think he still not ready for it..

wah.. babyS seems like u expert in cooking leh..kekeke.. i don't cook everyday and if i cook i usually boil soup, stirfry, steam..
U gers have any easy to cook recipes to share?

babyS ur maid very "hao ming" leh don't have to cook..

wait ah.. i go dig out DS pics to post!
joshmummy, for #1 & #2, my mum helped. the next 2 need to find confinement nanny. diff to find...n dunnoe wt to look for too.

theres one playgroup near my place...morning glory.
if u read to him b4, hw come he lost interest now? its ok can just continue again. boys normally take longer time. so far my son here n there...on n off.
hi tina
i think leng leng should be very busy now, she got so many sprees to settle. swimming together at tropical spring...... a big question for me...

joshmummy, you have to be more patient for the potty training, my son also react like that, just run away if he don't want.
sometime i on the tv, then i tel him to sit for a while, but sometime i play with him - i take the potty chase after him and he run away and laugh (you cannot catch me)!!!!
i just any how cook one, not expert. sometime i tired, every things throw in one wok and stir fry. BTW i need to work.
sometime ON and OFF, you have to use slow cooker to boil soups as this kind of soups is more clear, don't have huo qi.

cheer, chat later.
BabyS...just pulling your leg...unless u invite I would never really ask hehhe...

eh i thot of getting a slow cooker but dunnoe if its worth buying....i mean i know its gd...n im still a sahm...hv all the time to cook n prepare thgs if im not lazy. it can b quite a chore...the cooking i love, the washing up...it bit dragging...

anyone watch 'fixing dinner' at cable channel 70. I LOVE THE SHOWWWWW....I want Sandi Richards to help me plan! ehhehe. i hvnt get my meal planning perfect yet. n my recipes...so many to record into my pc. n i keep on buying more recipe books....yet kept on cooking the same thgs....hmmm...nvm slowly...(im digressing)

oh n making clear stock...u hv to strain them again izzit? seems like lots of work.
hello mummies, can i join in? I'm staying at Tampines St 44 but only on weekdays. I got 2 girls. One is 3 years & the other is 19mths and I'm a FTWM.

Hi BabyS, my elder one is at Loveshine too. Who is his teacher? Mine is teacher Nur.
Hi Sara

what do you think about this CC?? what is yr child's name?
Mine is ms Lau (chinese teacher), ms Cai (asst teacher), Teacher Nur (relief english teacher), Teacher Oilin (english - help up)-playgroup teacher. my son name is Sean, he always late for school - reach abt 9.30am.

Welcome you to our club, always welcome you.

i also buy some recipe book, but i don't use it, just reading only. i just cook whatever i want to eat. i like to cook a lot of ingredients.


U can try confinement agency.. i got mine from there.. not bad.. i think somewhere in the forum there is this thread on confinement nanny..

that was when he is 1 yr old or so.. dunno why suddenly he lost interest in reading and only likes to flip.. if i stop him from flipping he gets very angry with me(now he still does).. hard to get his attention..

that is precisely what my son did when i want him to sit on it.. he starts playing "catching" with me.. arghh~..

eh.. u didn't mention u are working mom.. kekee.. working mom still got time to cook ah..
I also thinking of getting one slow cooker.. My MIL uses one and every weekend will go over her place to eat.. and the soup taste good! somemore don't have to "ja gar" the soup.. i use normal pot to boil soup.. every now and den have to check the soup..


u staying at tampines only weekdays? ur in-laws or parents stays here huh? they help u look after ur kids?

Ur kids age gap quite close hor.. how u manage when u had no.2 ?
Can I join this thread?
live in Bedok but Bedok thread is not moving leh

I'm a SAHM with 2 girls (3 years old and 5 years old)

Did any mommies sent their kids to SOKA kindergarten? Is it good? Please share your experience. Thanks

search them too...but dunnoe reliable or not. n mostly r chinese...i'm a malay-muslim deary
so yet to find reliable malay confinement nanny. seriously i rather have someone i personally know but i dunnoe how to ask. nevermind...now just saving first cos its quite a sum, havent add pre-natal check-ups n massage aft birth. hopefully it wont be too soon either.

well, abt the reading...slowly pick up. eventually he'll get the interest. i'm slowly picking up on my son too. i think the sis was much better at it

in the begining, my son only flip the pages or tear the pages, but my maid read stories to him, so i have to buy lots of story books for them.

i even give him the SCV program books, there is numberings for him to learn. colorful.
i take anything from home, give him to learn, learn from everydays, anythings at home- life nature. he even pretend to prepare milk, cooking, even help me to put the soiled clothing to basket.
sometime he throws my clothes into dustbin and smile at me.

he learn more in the CC (half day only). but disadvantage is fall sick easily, medical fees goes up, my pocket got big holes now.

BabyS how old is your son again?

I have a small lib for the children now. May need another one. It is quite ex to buy books instead of borrowing them. if the books can stay in gd conditions for all my kids (future too) its worth it.

DS has torn a few of the 'collectibles'. Contemplating to replace them. DH is more hardworking in taping them back. haiz. oh if u notice the books at king's book are much cheaper.

joshmummy, r u starting on the toilet or potty training alr. I thot of doing it soon instead of waiting till mar. Last Sat, dropped by Kino @ Taka n saw a book abt being diaper-less as early as from Day 1. Forgot to take down the details. Its quite amazing how the author did it. Got to read it to understand it. I feel it is possible if you r the one taking care of the baby but of cos it takes time in instinct communication.

have a gd day all...
hi tina

my son now is 2yr 8 mths, going to 3 yrs old,
last sat i helped my sis to take care her son for 2 day 1 nite. so noisy at home, 2 boys going to tear down my hse. yesterday i gottna giddy and vomit, so weak today. so tired.

nothing much to do in the office.

where is joshmummy and leng leng???


been busy this weekend(busy hunting for clothes for CNY).. today also very busy.. DS first day at MMI.. was worried he will cry.. and true enough he crys for me when he cannot find me.. but i just have to bare with it.. was outside the classroom and hearing him screaming..finally he quiet down and realise that he slept in the arms of the teacher! kekeke.. so cute leh.. poor boy must have cried until tired.. hopefully tomorrow will be better.. Wat did u gers did when u put ur kids to sch for the first few days?


didn't know u malay muslim leh! hehehe.. ya i think quite difficult to find CL for malay hor.. are ur confinement same as us chinese? me abit curious..
as for toilet training.. not sure when to start leh.. ds has yet to indicate that he is ready ler.. is the book u saw really that good? i think u should have no problem potty train ur boy lah.. u got experience liao mah..

The books i buy for ds also kanna destroy by him...haiz..


i think ur son is at the stage where he will learn and absorb very fast.. it's good that u expose him to so many things.. and get him involve in household chores.. sometime when ds saw me hanging clothes he will volunteer to get cloth pegs for me..he will also take cloth and pretend to wipe table and floor.. kekek.. so cute hor..

eh mummies,

can i know wat u gers did for ur kids 2nd birthday? i thinking of doing those party packs for his classmates... got any sugguestions? or buy cupcakes instead of normal cake.. Hmmm...
Hi Jayjay,

U SAHM ah..
share with us ur experience! I duno anything abt kindergarten cause ds still young.. keke.. now in playgroup only..
BabyS...vomit????? preggie again? heheh

Leng Leng...reading silently ah. Sorry din get to catch u last Sun. DH's fren's son passed away, so he went to visit for awhile.

Joshmummy...yeah diff to get a confinement nanny for us. Normally our confinement days abt 40 to 44 days. Mine is 44 days. The norms, cannot do chores, even ironing or washing dishes...at least for the 1st 2 wks..no outings...massages, wear tummy wraps as long as i can...i only wear when my massage aunty wear for me, then i put on girdle for as long as possible. I LOVE the girdle. drink tonic for health, walk slowly....wt else...or yeah NO SEX for 44 days. hehhehe really! well i follow the last rule. We still bathe...once a day...morning heheh. Food wise..i still dun knoe wt i can or cannot eat...cos i dun cook during the 1st 2 weeks...aft tt its like any food all i eat except junk food of cos. but sometimes cheat n hv the fries...hehhe

potty training...boy n girl diff lah. i think every kid diff. even though had one experience b4....seems so long to wait for him to start. really gearing to start soon...will update u all.

birthdays....well we hv our own dinner n free ice-cream at swensens for the birthday kid. i dun give anythg for the kids in sch. dun celebrate. nothg against it ...just not practising it.
hi tina

i not pregnant, where got so lucky to get pregnant! i take abt 2 year to have my 1st child.

so cute when we saw they doing the hse work (just a little help).
have to ta han when yr child cry. i really got soft hearted and want to bring him home immediately, but my hubby and friends told me that this is just the begining stage, more to go, want me to learn to let go so he can learn more independent. cry nearly 2 weeks, so heart pain.
now sometime he dun want to go home, running around in the centre.

finally leng leng come in, hee... hee.., dont be so shy......

my girl name is Dyllis. Think my girl is in the same class with ur son. Her teachers are Ms Lau & teacher Nur too. Me felt that it depends on which teacher your kid is with cos not all teacher is good there. The main reason placing her there is convenient only walking distance. Thot of putting her in Learning Vision at blk 460 but the principal is a Malay which I dun quite like it. How abt u? Any comments on Loveshine?

oh yes their gap is 17mths. Not easy to look after 2 kids but luckily I have my mum & maid to help me. But they still like to stick to me when I'm back from work that's make me very exhausted. Got no time for myself & most of my time is with them. Though tired but i'm happy to be with them. During weekday we will be at my mum place and weekend will be at Bukit Panjang cos not so comfortable to let my kids with the maid alone at my place. So are u planning to have no 2 or just stop with 1.
hi sara

roughly i know who is Dyllis. as far what i feel about loveshine is the air vantilation no good when the aunty start cooking.
i also dont like the CC that the principal is a malay, they usually protect the same race.
i not really like the teacher Cai, one of the other mummy told me that she is a vase, standing there like a log, dont know how to console the children when they cry loud. just keep quiet, standing.

leng leng,

the baby got high fever. then it got complicated....hes only born on 30th dec 06. v sad...well..God loves him more.
i told my DH, i will not b able to control my emotions, gd thg i din go. just 1mth old.
sad sad,
I won't be able to control myself too.

Hope the couple is still young,
so they still have lots of chance to have more children.
hello everyone
I like to join the Tampines Mummy Club too. Can?

Mummy name : Clariss
Baby name : Lucas, Max & one more on the way
Add : Tampines St 23
interest : like to read and learning to cook ;)
hi Pavilion8612
Welcome you to this club..............

Are you working or SAHM?? you supper mommy gor three children, not tired taking care of yr 3 kings??? what is their age gap?

Other Mummies:
where are all the other mummies? so busy preparing coming CNY.

So boring in office, keep chasing for money from Debtors.

Thank you BabyS. I'm FTWM for now...hopefully one day will be SAHM. Now only serve 2 Kings - coming 5 and 2. One more King due sometime Aug.

Anyone stay nearby? Let me know if there's any gathering. Meanwhile, wish everyone a great chinese new year!
hi fellow mummies, im staying in simei.. can join in?? but i gotto confess, im not very active, cos work consumes all office times... but pls email me if got any gathering!! it will be fun!

Mummy's name: Lynn
Baby's Name : Clara
D.O.B baby : 5/5/05
Add : Simei st 4
Contact details : [email protected]
Scope of interest : volleyball, jogging, singing, eating, sleeping
My gal is 21mths... thinking of signing her up for some weekly playgroup or classes... any suggestions??

was acutally thinking of gymboree in parkway. but its a bit far for me... hoping to find some place nearer...

at least u have a maid and mum to help.. i got zero help..but planning to have no.2 now.. think by then ds will be easy to handle..


oh dear.. so sad leh.. really cannot overlook when baby gets fever..
hope parents are coping well..


nice meeting and chatting with u!

Hope can organise some gatherings to know more tampines mummies..
welcome pavilion and bloom tan!


my son is also 21months.. i just started him on MMI at tamp mart.. so far so good..if u looking at teachings and learnings for ur ger
maybe u wanna try josiah Mostessori at eastpoint.. heard from some mummies that it's not bad.. I think gymboree is more of freeplay..


i also like the date 050505.. so nice!
hi joshmummy

also nice to chat with you, but my hubby was chasing me to hurry up. so xian

thinking to plan to have 2nd one......, so tired..., maybe next one also dont like to sleep but you like sleep, then how.........!!!!

dont know why recently i keep thinking to have or not to have 2nd one.... my maid sure cannot cope (eg go to toilet and eat). i just start to enjoy my little freedom lah.

welcome bloom to our club..........

my mother in law also stayed at simei st 4 blk 228, which blk are you staying????

hi all

i think some mummies are seen interested to have gathering (meet up).......very interesting

thanks for the warm welcome! hee.. i chose that date to induce clara out! hee. play cheat.

Hi babys,
omg! i stay jus opp 228!! at 227!! small world! do u go to your MIL place often?

lengleng, u can read my mind!! haha. maybe lor... if not 080808 then 090909. hahaha.

hi bloom
so near to my MIL hse, last time we went up very often as my MIL helped to look after my son, but now, not often, my maid look after my son, so no need to go.
