Tampines Mummy Club

hi hippo2002

SOKA have open house? i really dont know.
weekend enrichment course have not started yet, yesterday i called them to enquire.

is best to send children to CC or other enrichment early as some of them will enjoy learning new things, at the same time the elderly can take a short break.

hehe, my 5 years old also didn't attend formal kindergarten (N2) last year. We were in the midst of moving house so didn't enrol her in any kindergarten. She only started her K1 at PAP this year.

I will be enrolling my 3 years old girl next week, for a nursery class next year. She kept pestering me to send her to daily school.
many kindergartens started enrolment around Mar to May period

I plan to choose different session for them so that I can still spend time with each of them individually.

Any mommies exercising regularly ? or sign up for any exercise programme ? thinking of picking up exercise again, bones get stiffer as I put on age leh
hi hippo2002

i too lazy to exercise and now my shoulder and neck are very painful and get stiff.

last time before give birth, i did attend boxing exercise.

Is it kickboxing?
a CC nearby is starting a class in Apr

I'm interested but worried too high impact since I have not been exercising for many years

Can you share more about it?
Thanks !
Hi BabySean

Have been busy for the past few weeks. No time to log in. How's the excursion trip you went with your boy? My girl liked it so much keep telling me what she saw that day. She is on 3hrs flexi care so dun have lunch.
hey hippo2002, i visited Elfa childcare (tampines central CC) yesterday. impressed with their program and the indoor playground. almost sure about placing ds there until i visited another CC @ void deck of my in laws' place. Elfa is fully air-con and kids there only get to go out 4 times a year!! it's good during the haze period....stay in door with air-con and air filter, otherwise, still prefer CC without air con. anyway, i found out that cherie hearts is taking over the management of the void deck CC and i really like the teachers there compare to Elfa. so, i'm filling out forms now and ds will start school next mon!! have been talking with him about school and he seems to look forward to it. hope he can settle down well before i return to work in mid apr.

with regard to exercise, why not try power yoga. it used to be quite popular here, and i find it really helpful in burning fat. i hv yet to re-start it after No2 is born. will try to pick it up again when things are more settled.
the void deck childcare is called Zion (not sure if it's 'child development' or 'childcare'). it's now called cherie hearts kids haven. it's on tampines st 71, can't remember the exact block number, but it's right in front of blk 708, so shd be blk 706 maybe? will check out the block no when i go to tampines tmr.
i also very busy over office work, supper tired.

kickboxing is only box, punch, kick, jump a bit.
starting u have to do it slowly or u will surely get muscle ache.

the outing is very hot, and tired for me. quite fun when feeding the animals, but very smelly.
some children fall a sleep after went up the bus.
teachers gave bread, drinks, tibits.
all the children enjoyed it.

where to learn the power yoga? i never try before.

have a nice weekend.
hi hippo, the blk no is 707, Zion Child Care Development centre pte ltd. juz finalised my son's registration today and found out that the change-over will only take place in may instead of the original plan in apr.
Any mummies keen to order amosco eclairs or swiss rolls , ia m organising for tampines area collection will be at blk 459 tampines st 42 ,
Hi Ling Ling, me keen. I'm just a few blks from yours. Blk 454. =)

Can you order for me 1 carton of eclairs and 1 box of strawberry swiss rolls (if tt's the flavor you are ordering)?
hi jonana,
ur oder is confirm for the eclairs can u transfer payment to my posb accounts once i ordered will let u knoe again shld be this coming fri or next fri can?? for swiss rolls order will let u knoe again cos inli me n u keen lei still short of 2 boxes to make it a carton u can sms me at 81022040 .
btw any mummies been to lighthouse evanglism church service at st 81 i tink or are attnding pls pm me i am keen to join the service
Hi Ling Ling,

Can you order for me 1 carton of eclairs and 1 box of strawberry swiss rolls?? i can collect when the yummies r there.
Many Thanks
Hi Ling Ling,

Need to increase orer..Can you order for me 2 cartons of eclairs and 2 boxes of strawberry swiss rolls?? Pls PM me for $$ to tt.

there are 12 trays in a carton , one tray has 12 eclairs, if ur oder is confirmed 2 cartons of eclairs: $80.22, two boxes of swiss rolls: 17*2=34.00 total: 114.22, pls transfer to my posb savings 170-29604-4 . and pm m eur contact will give u a ring once the pastries arrives , my blk 459 tampines st 42 . thansk
Hi, I am attending Lighthouse Evangelism church, been in this church for years liao.. Any info you need? You can PM me.

You mean the Zion childcare will be taken over by Cherie Hearts? Is the place non-aircon? Why you think that this centre is better than Elfa childcare?
which service u attending ?? cos i wan to attend the sun serivce but dun knoe where is the sanctuary for the service ,
Hi all Tampinese Mummy,

I am staying at Tampines st 91, my girl is now 17 mths.

Just wondering is there any good centre that have playgroup suitable for her to attend?

Any mummy can help?

I am also a Tampines Mummy, staying near Tampines Mart St34. Can join in your discussion?

My girl is currently 22mos old, taken care by my mum staying at St21. She is always very shy with strangers so hoping to send her to half day playgroup to increase her exposure. Looking for a playgroup near my mum's place at St21. Any recommendation?
I used to attend the English service at 11am but after I had my boy, I changed to the 7pm service. The sanctuary is actually at the 2nd level. Chinese and dialect services are at the basement. Level 1 is where they have their children service. Which service you are looking at?
hi qian, kate and other mummies

welcome to this club. i stay at tampines st 45, my son going to 3 yrs old. he goes for half day CC at Loveshine CC located at Tampines St 42.
The kids service is for kids from 3yrs onwards. For kids younger than 3yrs, one parent will have to bring and accompany them up to the manger which is at the 3rd storey.
my girl is at Lutheran CCC at 265 TPN St21,
u may want to go there & check it out.

Pls note that this CCC is under the umbrella of Lutheran Church at Bedok.
Hi ,
any one looking for tutor, my brother , edmund is a JC student studying in Merdian JC now , scored 9 points in GCE O LEVEL scored 6 As including mathematics and science , he is looking preferbly to teach secondary school students for A/E maths or Pure/Combined science - bio, phy,chemi. Pls Pm me if interested thanks . location prefebly at tampines , he is willing to travel to yuor place for lessons
hi JasTan. yes, Zion will b managed by Cherie Heart from may onwards. placed my kid there for a few days and found it not suitable. my son is attending PCF playgroup now and he loves it. i now realise the difference of a childcare ctr and a playgroup (so silly!!). the 2-hr daily session suits my son juz right. most importantly, he enjoys the playgroup and looks forward to attend it.
Hi Leng Leng,

Yes i passby tat centre before. Its very near my mum's place becos she is staying at blk 263?

So how old is your girl and how u find that CC? Yr girl attending full day there?
yup yup,
my gal is attend Full-day care there since she's 20 months old,
she's now 35mths old.

You should visit them to see the place for yourself.
Yes, u can always ask the principle, she'll be very honest with you.
In fact my kids got it too, nothing so scary about it.

No, fan ventilated.

Hi Leng Leng,

Thanks for the info. Yes, i will try to visit them one of these days to take a look. But most prob will just send her for half day since my mum can take care. I just want to give her some exposure and able to lean something during the day...
juz happen to roam this recently, i m staying in tampines st 23, have 2 boys - 8 yrs old and a 5 mths old baby, hope i m not so late to join u all.
hi bpquek,

Me at Blk 229.

Btw, can I know where your ds's primary school is? Can you give some comments on your ds's school?

I don't know how to start choosing primary school.
