Support group - Miscarriages

I also notti.... I MC in Jan and Mar, see so close... But my hub think we should just try again in Apr coz fertile ma... :oops:
That y I scared to see Dr Su, coz she told me to rest for 6 months. hahaha
ya dr su told me don't hurry if not I will menopause early. listen liao I go home and cry and come here and rant. princess leopard and the rest of the gals ask me to slow down haha

ya dr su told me don't hurry if not I will menopause early. listen liao I go home and cry and come here and rant. princess leopard and the rest of the gals ask me to slow down haha

Dr Su even tell me: "I told you before the problem is not getting pregnant, is staying pregnant." Hear already so very down, she advise me to see gynae as soon as I am pregnant. So super kiasu me, now 9 weeks already seen gynae 3x. hahaa
Dr Su even tell me: "I told you before the problem is not getting pregnant, is staying pregnant." Hear already so very down, she advise me to see gynae as soon as I am pregnant. So super kiasu me, now 9 weeks already seen gynae 3x. hahaa
hahaha ya same!. she says she cannot understand us. why keep hurrying. damage our health like that.
but she super nice hor. even my hub don't like tcm also find her quite nice. haha
hahaha ya same!. she says she cannot understand us. why keep hurrying. damage our health like that.
but she super nice hor. even my hub don't like tcm also find her quite nice. haha

I always say she is my counselor, coz I visit her alone + very desperate. She always try to calm me down. :p
she even told me before, we shouldn't be too stress about getting pregnant, we should treat it like a "guo lu ke" (过路客), if it happen, it happens. Don't spoil marriage relationship.
Probably u ladies concieve fast after mc so u Dun realise the impact on health? Cos for me I do feel I wasn't strong as before even I did a mini confinement or maybe not good enough. Do please hopefulmum n sunshine please do ur upcoming confinement after birth properly...
Probably u ladies concieve fast after mc so u Dun realise the impact on health? Cos for me I do feel I wasn't strong as before even I did a mini confinement or maybe not good enough. Do please hopefulmum n sunshine please do ur upcoming confinement after birth properly...
ya hire CL liao. haha I somemore stubborn type. nvr do any confinement etc. still drink cold drinks after mc.
only until last dec I started seeing dr su, then I listen. so I believed she did helped. lucky that she says my body is very strong, but after ectopic it did weakens coz was op. so she bu me a bit she says I absorb very fast.
mine protein s dropped from 100+ to 30+ so was really devastated. cos there was nothing much we can do only pray that the new regime we strating will work. I do insist on having my protein s checked every month together with another test that check whether my blood is thin enough. if it gets high I will voice out n check whether I can increase the dose of clexane.
I think I was never fertile or ovulated after d&c. We tried 3rd week after d&c n weeks n months after still bfn

Just so sad I can only rely on ivf ... Am embarking second fresh in the next few mths .. And to make things worse ivf is not a guaranteed success
Probably u ladies concieve fast after mc so u Dun realise the impact on health? Cos for me I do feel I wasn't strong as before even I did a mini confinement or maybe not good enough. Do please hopefulmum n sunshine please do ur upcoming confinement after birth properly...
Thanks dolly_gal, first time I mc, I tiao my body according to Dr Su direction. She said I regain back.
My mum doing confinement for me. Will make sure I do properly.
I touch very little cold drink since last year. My family is so surprise cox I use to chew ice somemore.
Then use to it already, Don really crave for cold drinks.
Babysparkles, I went thru many cycles n I know how it feel. I only got bfp on 6th n 8th cycle before that not even implantation.. dr almost gave up on me
mine protein s dropped from 100+ to 30+ so was really devastated. cos there was nothing much we can do only pray that the new regime we strating will work. I do insist on having my protein s checked every month together with another test that check whether my blood is thin enough. if it gets high I will voice out n check whether I can increase the dose of clexane.
Sorry, How many months are you now?
Stay strong.
I think I was never fertile or ovulated after d&c. We tried 3rd week after d&c n weeks n months after still bfn

Just so sad I can only rely on ivf ... Am embarking second fresh in the next few mths .. And to make things worse ivf is not a guaranteed success

Dun give up! JIAYOU!
I also tried naturally after mc but always bfn. Usually have to try 1+ year to have bfp, but still mc. Hubby not into ivf, I also dunno what to do. Just try naturally first.
I aso dun know how i went thru but dh willing to try so we still proceed n my parents supporting us as well.
It was aso bcos we got bfp once though mc after tat , so my gynae said there is hope so we continue. Still praying hard this round is smooth as we still got hurdles in the beginning w 1 beanie lost at wk7.
It is nice to have parents support on ivf. For me, I din let my family members know abt me going thru the ivf, dun wan them to worry so much.
Tinga, initially my in laws aso dun know but last mc it was made known to them wat we went thru. N their son soldiers were part of the factor so they nvr ask much after tat. Mil sponsor monthly medication for dh to take from eys...
Yup same for me. Tough to conceive and when finally conceive still cannot make it

Hub didn't wan me to do fresh again cos he didn't wan me to go thru the emotional pain but i dun care just Chiong. No more frosties left

Meantime doc gave me 3 cycles of letrozole ! To try again
When I failed my 3rd fresh at care via my thomson gynaes, then I realised my dh vy heart pain seeing me go thru all the numerous jabs daily. Cos tat cycle my emotion quite badly affected, I flared up easily at him cos I m doing 3 jabs daily during stimulation then during 2ww 2 jabs daily to support n yet bfn. He was damn fiery at the post consultation at CARE. Tats where we decided to switch fertility dr n ivf centre.
End day we just want to hold our rainbow bb in our hands.
be Persistent n endured, we will get our goal..
After all these happenings, we told ourselves $ is not impt, family n health is more impt to us..
Yup same for me. Tough to conceive and when finally conceive still cannot make it

Hub didn't wan me to do fresh again cos he didn't wan me to go thru the emotional pain but i dun care just Chiong. No more frosties left

Meantime doc gave me 3 cycles of letrozole ! To try again

I can understand. So far, tried so-iui, hubby already cannot stand seeing me jabbing everyday till O day, so he wun consider ivf. But I really wanna be a mum.
So you trying naturally for now?
Tinga, initially my in laws aso dun know but last mc it was made known to them wat we went thru. N their son soldiers were part of the factor so they nvr ask much after tat. Mil sponsor monthly medication for dh to take from eys...
At least now they understand what u all went thru. Me and dh keep being asked by relatives when want to have bb. Really dunno what to ans them edi..
Tinga, my dad 's sister who is my eldest aunt better still . Ask me right in my face is it we got problem need to See dr or not. Feel like gg her a punch at that moment but I walked away. Now then one of my gf kp asking my closed gf whether is it I went thru ivf n pregnant now, tats y dun want to meet up. I m like if I m ready I will share the news if I m not sharing w u tat means I m not comfy to tell u or dun trust u to kp to urself. The more these ppl probe to have answer the more I do not want to disclose..
But I still feel either parents shd know wat we gg thru. Initially I dun agree to let in laws know but I know bfp then mc shortly few weeks later, I have to b fair to dh as he needs to let go from his heart n since my in laws stayed near me n my parents working, mil cooked the confinement food for me daily during the mini period.
Tinga, my dad 's sister who is my eldest aunt better still . Ask me right in my face is it we got problem need to See dr or not. Feel like gg her a punch at that moment but I walked away. Now then one of my gf kp asking my closed gf whether is it I went thru ivf n pregnant now, tats y dun want to meet up. I m like if I m ready I will share the news if I m not sharing w u tat means I m not comfy to tell u or dun trust u to kp to urself. The more these ppl probe to have answer the more I do not want to disclose..
Fully understand, today is my first day back to work after two weeks rest at home, a few ppl come and ask where have I been. I really dun feel like ans them just said I din go anyway just stay home because got some thing. I know ppl might be concern me but I think not many ppl can understand my situation. I m thinking for my next fet I may not take so many days leave to avoid question why I keep on long leave..
Slowly we will move on, it takes time. Initially I had hard time gg back to work, tear when work half way but at least it occupied my mind then stay at home tearing
mine protein s dropped from 100+ to 30+ so was really devastated. cos there was nothing much we can do only pray that the new regime we strating will work. I do insist on having my protein s checked every month together with another test that check whether my blood is thin enough. if it gets high I will voice out n check whether I can increase the dose of clexane.
Sorry, How many months are you now?
Stay strong.

Vac mine was 120+ drop to 40. Do u know what's the other test called. I will ask dr shelia. But I'm so glad it worked for u ;)

Sunflower, she has a healthy boy now already :)!
You seems very fertile, no need ivf la. Most important thing is to sustain the pregnancy. :)
For me, conceive is difficult yet still mc. So tougher lo. But I won't give up hope!

Jia you, i think I fertile after my first mc. Factory open.. Dr Su say 危机就是转机.

Eh hopeful_mum, my protein s results for both test is around 50+.

Vac: opps, sorry new here. Congrats on your baby boy.
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Dolly_gal: your mil is quite understanding hor..

My mil is super pantang type, my hub itchy mouth tell her abt my 2 mc, she told my hub is becoz i go anyhow tell pp i pregnant, which I did not...

So this time she know, when I wanna tell her more, she keep sssh sssh put her finger at her mouth.. Ok lor.. Heng I don't need face her everyday. Know she meant well la, but sometimes too superstitious also no good..

I told my parents everything and they are super supportive. My mum have 3 mc b4 successfully having me.
Dolly_gal: your mil is quite understanding hor..

My mil is super pantang type, my hub itchy mouth tell her abt my 2 mc, she told my hub is becoz i go anyhow tell pp i pregnant, which I did not...

So this time she know, when I wanna tell her more, she keep sssh sssh put her finger at her mouth.. Ok lor.. Heng I don't need face her everyday. Know she meant well la, but sometimes too superstitious also no good..

I told my parents everything and they are super supportive. My mum have 3 mc b4 successfully having me.
Wah ur mum very brave leh!
Don't worry abt the protein s level. Think u are still within range. Rem to monitor okay.

Hope u don't need to take clexane shots like some of us. Just smooth smooth :)
Sunflower, every mother has their own of doing things. There are things I can't stand my mil but I just have to open n close one eye especially I stayed w them for 5 years. I was home more often than mil, she home after 11pm n woke up ard 10+, vy good life rite. Of cos now got a granddaughter to take care recent 2 years so change quite abit.
Wah ur mum very brave leh!
Don't worry abt the protein s level. Think u are still within range. Rem to monitor okay.

Hope u don't need to take clexane shots like some of us. Just smooth smooth :)
Ya, I also think my mum very brave and 3xs she has to induce the babies out, can see sex some more.. OMG!
My mum is a very strong lady. I look up to her a lot.
Hehe. She is a housewife, did not work coz my dad very traditional ask her to take care of us.

Eh, I only seeing my gynae on 23 July, seems like eternity....

Ya, every mother have their own pattern, we have to close 1 eye to go thru. :p
Ya, I also think my mum very brave and 3xs she has to induce the babies out, can see sex some more.. OMG!
My mum is a very strong lady. I look up to her a lot.
Hehe. She is a housewife, did not work coz my dad very traditional ask her to take care of us.

Eh, I only seeing my gynae on 23 July, seems like eternity....

Ya, every mother have their own pattern, we have to close 1 eye to go thru. :p
Wah why so long? Is that when u are doing oscar?
I can understand. So far, tried so-iui, hubby already cannot stand seeing me jabbing everyday till O day, so he wun consider ivf. But I really wanna be a mum.
So you trying naturally for now?

this mth is one mth after the failed FET so cycle abit haywire.. its CD 31 today... haywire right? really duno when the witch will come. am going to phuket next week and she better not come then.

once she comes, i will take letrozole to help ovulate next mth, and try again.. by Aug/Sept still fail on letrozole will do my second fresh cycle. Boh pian leh.. pain also have to do.. actually the jabs afer a while not pain le. the pain comes from BFN. i keep telling myself nvm, i wont cry cos can try again.. but end up still cry like SH**.. then finally BFP but lost it. also cry like SH**.. how frustrating right. then now cycle haywire. everything so messed up.

can only be positive and hope for the best.
this mth is one mth after the failed FET so cycle abit haywire.. its CD 31 today... haywire right? really duno when the witch will come. am going to phuket next week and she better not come then.

once she comes, i will take letrozole to help ovulate next mth, and try again.. by Aug/Sept still fail on letrozole will do my second fresh cycle. Boh pian leh.. pain also have to do.. actually the jabs afer a while not pain le. the pain comes from BFN. i keep telling myself nvm, i wont cry cos can try again.. but end up still cry like SH**.. then finally BFP but lost it. also cry like SH**.. how frustrating right. then now cycle haywire. everything so messed up.

can only be positive and hope for the best.
Hugs. U will have a rainbow baby soon :)

Enjoy ur trip next week!
If I remember corectly its called factor Xa its to test whether u are adequately thinned. I saw it over at another overseas support grp. This condition is very common among caucasians
Jiayou, enjoy Phuket!

After my 2nd mc, I went Phuket (planed trip), couldn't enjoy the water coz I am having bleeding., sian to max.. Wanna have some sexy time with husband also cannot. Wasted trip,, only husband enjoy the sea and bio bikini babes. Haha
My clexane was eventually increased to 0.6 and 2 times daily, with aspirin and other vitamins n supplement. I also had celery juice n fish oil which supposed to thin my blood to.did alpt of reading and shameless asking to have my 4th baby
My clexane was eventually increased to 0.6 and 2 times daily, with aspirin and other vitamins n supplement. I also had celery juice n fish oil which supposed to thin my blood to.did alpt of reading and shameless asking to have my 4th baby
Omg twice a day. I know it's worth it but this makes me very scared.

This is one side of my tummy :( world map is happening on my tummy.

Apologies for this scary ugly pic!
Try n ice the area before injection as it help with painrelief. Dun rub the area after op. I use the tip to poke ard the tummy for less painful area before jab.
Try n ice the area before injection as it help with painrelief. Dun rub the area after op. I use the tip to poke ard the tummy for less painful area before jab.
U very brave leh poke around. Once I poke even I think burst the vein I just whack. Haha pain once enough Liao. But some bruises not painful. Some are like real bruises when hit the veins. I didn't rub I scared. Hahaa

Thanks ladies ! But I think wrong timing to bd and make bbs too.... Duno what part of the cycle I am now

I used to take med to delay af when I was young. So naive ... Didn't know it will cause havoc in the system
