Support group - Miscarriages

U hit a vein when u feel alot of pain when u inject. Definitely have bruises. Just use the needle to lightly poke around. Definitely will have a less sensitive area.

U hit a vein when u feel alot of pain when u inject. Definitely have bruises. Just use the needle to lightly poke around. Definitely will have a less sensitive area.
Thanks for the advice. I will listen haha only inject for a mth plus. So still slowly figuring out. Hope I can be like u carry my rainbow soon.
Hugz! Hugz!! You are amazing!!!
Thanks babe. Im not amazing, just trying my best.

Vac really gave me a lot of hope and she went thru worse. So I'm not complaining and will keep going. Just like I salute to the ivf ladies!

You all jia you okay! I'm sure all of us here will be able to hold the babies one day. And I hope when you ladies do get pregnant it will be a smooth pregnancy with no complications :)
Hi Ladies, does anyone knows when should the HSG scan be done? My doc asked me to do 2-3 days after my menses has cleared. However, I have a busy work schedule next week and unable to do it 2-3 days after my menses cleared and will only be able to do it on the 11th day of my period which is just before ovulation.

Stupid work schedule cannot pushed back and I don't want to push back another month.... I am trying to get myself "sorted" so that I can start trying again..... :(
Thanks babe. Im not amazing, just trying my best.

Vac really gave me a lot of hope and she went thru worse. So I'm not complaining and will keep going. Just like I salute to the ivf ladies!

You all jia you okay! I'm sure all of us here will be able to hold the babies one day. And I hope when you ladies do get pregnant it will be a smooth pregnancy with no complications :)

I really salute to you ladies going thru IVF and still having a lot of positiveness to keep trying. I am trying to learn from you ladies. Thank you all for sharing your experience. I really pray for everyone here to have their healthy, precious little ones born one day and you can share with us your happiness. And I do hope sometime soon, I do and can have that too.
this mth is one mth after the failed FET so cycle abit haywire.. its CD 31 today... haywire right? really duno when the witch will come. am going to phuket next week and she better not come then.

once she comes, i will take letrozole to help ovulate next mth, and try again.. by Aug/Sept still fail on letrozole will do my second fresh cycle. Boh pian leh.. pain also have to do.. actually the jabs afer a while not pain le. the pain comes from BFN. i keep telling myself nvm, i wont cry cos can try again.. but end up still cry like SH**.. then finally BFP but lost it. also cry like SH**.. how frustrating right. then now cycle haywire. everything so messed up.

can only be positive and hope for the best.
Hugs baby_sparkles, one day u will hold ur baby in ur arm. Stay strong
Hi Ladies, does anyone knows when should the HSG scan be done? My doc asked me to do 2-3 days after my menses has cleared. However, I have a busy work schedule next week and unable to do it 2-3 days after my menses cleared and will only be able to do it on the 11th day of my period which is just before ovulation.

Stupid work schedule cannot pushed back and I don't want to push back another month.... I am trying to get myself "sorted" so that I can start trying again..... :(
Ya best to do near af stage. If not then u just prevent getting pregnant that cycle if u are doing late. I did it immediately after my af ended.
I don't know if there are other reasons, but one of the reasons is in case you get pregnant hsg will not affect.
So u try the next cycle? Else u check with Gynae is it okay to do it near ovulation.
Ya best to do near af stage. If not then u just prevent getting pregnant that cycle if u are doing late. I did it immediately after my af ended.
I don't know if there are other reasons, but one of the reasons is in case you get pregnant hsg will not affect.
So u try the next cycle? Else u check with Gynae is it okay to do it near ovulation.

Thanks. I also wish I can do it after my AF ended. But that is the period when I have to stationed myself at Client's office for 4 days! And I can't take leave. I will check with my gynea and see what he suggests. I dun think we can start trying this month also.
Thanks ladies ! But I think wrong timing to bd and make bbs too.... Duno what part of the cycle I am now

I used to take med to delay af when I was young. So naive ... Didn't know it will cause havoc in the system

dun think that way, when I was younger, I always take cold drink and stuff also.
Totally regret when I was Tccing.
Thanks babe. Im not amazing, just trying my best.

Vac really gave me a lot of hope and she went thru worse. So I'm not complaining and will keep going. Just like I salute to the ivf ladies!

You all jia you okay! I'm sure all of us here will be able to hold the babies one day. And I hope when you ladies do get pregnant it will be a smooth pregnancy with no complications :)

Yeah, positive energy.

I was goggling for Protein S online and chance upon this thread. you and Vac give me assurance as well.

I also hope all of us can hold our babies in our hand and have a smooth and uneventful pregnancy. :)
Salute to u hopeful! U are v brave !!!
thanks babe. the brave ones nvr say things, u all make me pai seh.

just that I thick skin posted photo of my blue-black. vac makes me very scared, if jab twice a day I tink I will faint!

how are u bel? feeling better now? more at peace?
Sorry ladies, I am really worried about the 1 cm lump found during my last month's ultrascan after my m/c.

I just called my gynea and they said I can do HSG on the 11th day of AF but no sex within these period till I do my x-ray. I am quite worried. Somehow preparing myself for the worst news from the gynea. No good feeling going back to gynea for checkup anymore. Feels like each time I go, will have some problems. Sorry for being so negative today.....
this mth is one mth after the failed FET so cycle abit haywire.. its CD 31 today... haywire right? really duno when the witch will come. am going to phuket next week and she better not come then.

once she comes, i will take letrozole to help ovulate next mth, and try again.. by Aug/Sept still fail on letrozole will do my second fresh cycle. Boh pian leh.. pain also have to do.. actually the jabs afer a while not pain le. the pain comes from BFN. i keep telling myself nvm, i wont cry cos can try again.. but end up still cry like SH**.. then finally BFP but lost it. also cry like SH**.. how frustrating right. then now cycle haywire. everything so messed up.

can only be positive and hope for the best.

Usually your cycle how many days? For me, its not exact, its a range 28-32days. So any day between still consider normal.
I know the pain you feels, I feel it too. But we just have to remind ourselves to stay positive, dun let the emotions get over us and affect our hormones. Now we need our hormones to be normal so we can ttc again, one month only one chance, cannot let the chances go to waste.

JIAYOU, my dear! Enjoy your trip next week :)
Sorry ladies, I am really worried about the 1 cm lump found during my last month's ultrascan after my m/c.

I just called my gynea and they said I can do HSG on the 11th day of AF but no sex within these period till I do my x-ray. I am quite worried. Somehow preparing myself for the worst news from the gynea. No good feeling going back to gynea for checkup anymore. Feels like each time I go, will have some problems. Sorry for being so negative today.....

Dun think too much, perhaps its nothing serious.
hopeful i see ur pic i tio chua lor.. >.< muz be painful...

yup im slightly better these days.... :)
glad u are feeling better. seeing tsb to tiao ur body?
keke like world map. nurse say I lucky can get free tattoo hahaha! some bruises are pain some not pain, they just happy happy bruise. coz I think the blood thinning medicine makes it bruise. it will go away after 1-2 weeks. max 3 weeks.

but after all these injections, I a bit contemplating if I want a 2nd child. its worth but painful journey. initially I jab already I will emo and cry. but now okay liao. must be the hormones make me emo.
glad u are feeling better. seeing tsb to tiao ur body?
keke like world map. nurse say I lucky can get free tattoo hahaha! some bruises are pain some not pain, they just happy happy bruise. coz I think the blood thinning medicine makes it bruise. it will go away after 1-2 weeks. max 3 weeks.

but after all these injections, I a bit contemplating if I want a 2nd child. its worth but painful journey. initially I jab already I will emo and cry. but now okay liao. must be the hormones make me emo.
母爱是伟大的。。。加油喔。。。 :)
I just done another one hcg ytd den tonight will be seeing gynae dh said must eat healthy n think positively cos sometimes I ate many sometimes little only cause gastric come back again aft so long.
We all jiayou n we will hold our rainbow baby soon. :)
Sorry ladies, I am really worried about the 1 cm lump found during my last month's ultrascan after my m/c.

I just called my gynea and they said I can do HSG on the 11th day of AF but no sex within these period till I do my x-ray. I am quite worried. Somehow preparing myself for the worst news from the gynea. No good feeling going back to gynea for checkup anymore. Feels like each time I go, will have some problems. Sorry for being so negative today.....
Don worry gynae is there to help u...anything can come here talk to us...listening ear are always here. ..jiayou n we will hold our precious lil soon :)
Sorry ladies, I am really worried about the 1 cm lump found during my last month's ultrascan after my m/c.

I just called my gynea and they said I can do HSG on the 11th day of AF but no sex within these period till I do my x-ray. I am quite worried. Somehow preparing myself for the worst news from the gynea. No good feeling going back to gynea for checkup anymore. Feels like each time I go, will have some problems. Sorry for being so negative today.....
Hug hug.. We all have the kind of negative experience sometime. Dun feel sorry abt it. Look at it the other way, u can detect the problem early and try to tackle those before u embark on next ivf, it will help u to have better chance to get pregnant
Can I check with you ladies, I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. Bb heart beat stopped. I was given medicine to induce. Heavy bleeding for 2-3days then like mensus flow for a week. Seen Dr for review and showed that sac is cleared. Left abt 8mm of lining last Tuesday. My bleeding seems to stop but last 2 days started to spot on and off again but it's not flow just that when I wipe down I see gunk of red blood. Tdy seems like more like tail end of mensus type. Is it my menus or the remnants flowing out again?
Can I check with you ladies, I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. Bb heart beat stopped. I was given medicine to induce. Heavy bleeding for 2-3days then like mensus flow for a week. Seen Dr for review and showed that sac is cleared. Left abt 8mm of lining last Tuesday. My bleeding seems to stop but last 2 days started to spot on and off again but it's not flow just that when I wipe down I see gunk of red blood. Tdy seems like more like tail end of mensus type. Is it my menus or the remnants flowing out again?

For d&c, my bleeding/spotting is like on and off for 3 weeks then completely stopped, rather unmanageable though sometimes flow more, sometimes lesser. For natural, about 7 days it stopped completely.
Thanks all for the encouragement. I will not think about it until next week when it happens and just enjoy my everyday with my love ones.
Actually we all are brave mtb all is also because for our love ones. .else sure cannot dong anymore. Hang on there n we can make it for ourselves n our love ones :)
Hug hug.. We all have the kind of negative experience sometime. Dun feel sorry abt it. Look at it the other way, u can detect the problem early and try to tackle those before u embark on next ivf, it will help u to have better chance to get pregnant

I think the same way as Tinga also. Without my 2 MCs, I wouldn't have detected that I have low Protein S.
You must think positive, you are in the right direction.
But don't stress too much, sometimes need to take a break
Oh okay thanks. Cos I'm getting a bit worried as I feel like I have mensus kind of cramps also.
Sigh can't wait for this to be over so can start all over again.
Oh okay thanks. Cos I'm getting a bit worried as I feel like I have mensus kind of cramps also.
Sigh can't wait for this to be over so can start all over again.

Menses cramp may be experienced but if you really feel any discomfort, you should call the clinic to check with them. Just in case.
We never wanted af to come during ttc journey, I guess this is the only one we want it to come fast.
Oh okay thanks. Cos I'm getting a bit worried as I feel like I have mensus kind of cramps also.
Sigh can't wait for this to be over so can start all over again.

I have bleed for 3 weeks from my natural miscarriage... I waited for it to stop but it din. Then ended up got to see doc again for another round of pills to create cramps to expel the little bit that is left. I bleed for like 4+weeks all together. Nearly drive myself crazy! so happy when it finally stop!
Menses cramp may be experienced but if you really feel any discomfort, you should call the clinic to check with them. Just in case.

We never wanted af to come during ttc journey, I guess this is the only one we want it to come fast.

It's ok not uncomfortable just a naggy feeling. Yes, it's so annoying in the tww we pray so hard to not see red and times when we needed her to appear like RIGHT NOW, it's playing hide and seek.
I have bleed for 3 weeks from my natural miscarriage... I waited for it to stop but it din. Then ended up got to see doc again for another round of pills to create cramps to expel the little bit that is left. I bleed for like 4+weeks all together. Nearly drive myself crazy! so happy when it finally stop!
Huh. .. oh dear that's what I'm scared the most...
It's ok not uncomfortable just a naggy feeling. Yes, it's so annoying in the tww we pray so hard to not see red and times when we needed her to appear like RIGHT NOW, it's playing hide and seek.

Agreed, though its easier said than done, but try to stay calm and relax, dun add on more stress factors, let the hormones return to normal, then af will come.
Can I check with you ladies, I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. Bb heart beat stopped. I was given medicine to induce. Heavy bleeding for 2-3days then like mensus flow for a week. Seen Dr for review and showed that sac is cleared. Left abt 8mm of lining last Tuesday. My bleeding seems to stop but last 2 days started to spot on and off again but it's not flow just that when I wipe down I see gunk of red blood. Tdy seems like more like tail end of mensus type. Is it my menus or the remnants flowing out again?

Hi hazelnut, it shld be the remnants of ur pregnancy tissues... i read frm the web tat u need to stop bleeding completely for at least 20 days to allow ur hcg lvl to go bk to zero... did u go bk to the gynae to check on ur uterus lining again? My gynae was telling me tat uterus lining of 5mm to 6mm is normal after a natural m/c... but urs is 8mm, nt sure if tats normal?
Any doubts it's best to check back w gynae as they are expertise. Afterall every body condition may differs. We can't tell much from google search n conclude ourselves..
Just seen prof n he explained to dh that ivig is ard 4 hours process on drips. Hopefully can squeezed me in to c dr sheila next wed. Then can start my treatment early.
Prof asked me not to worry so much till next visit on tue.
Today another jab according to prof that twice a week till 16w den 1 jab a week till 34w.
I basically like prof's skills cos my experience on u/s via vagina place is super painful but w prof no pain den he will teasing me by saying no pain right? Lol
Just seen prof n he explained to dh that ivig is ard 4 hours process on drips. Hopefully can squeezed me in to c dr sheila next wed. Then can start my treatment early.
Prof asked me not to worry so much till next visit on tue.
Today another jab according to prof that twice a week till 16w den 1 jab a week till 34w.
I basically like prof's skills cos my experience on u/s via vagina place is super painful but w prof no pain den he will teasing me by saying no pain right? Lol

Happy to hear that, since prof already said that, then you dun worry too much. Good to know you are in good hands!

Happy to hear that, since prof already said that, then you dun worry too much. Good to know you are in good hands!
Thanks. My 1st word to prof each time seeing him is nervous. I always told him 1w of wait to ppl is ok to me is another long waiting time to go. His ans is always he understand n asked me don think so much.
For now dh said eat healthy n rest as much as I can n don think so much.
