Support group - Miscarriages

Hi ladies. Feeling lost and anxious now. Went to my gynae yesterday and couldnt see any sac at all although preg test was positive. Counting from my induced menses I shld be about 5 weeks, although exact date of ovulation is unclear. Suspected ectopic. So now I'm scheduled for another scan next week. The waiting is pure torture. Tested this morning again myself and line was fainter than yesterday. But I've been drinking lots of water cos sick and was desperately hoping the fading line is cos pee is diluted. Devastated and my mind is in a mess now.
Could anyone share similar experience? Ive had no spotting no cramps or pains so far...

I really think pregnancy is a waiting journey. No matter how anxious, we can only wait till the time is due for scan. Just stay positive. Usually my gynae will only do a blood test at 5wks to check the hcg levels. He says if scan and can't see anything, it made us worried.

Thanks everyone. I dont harbour much hope but hope is a real b*tch cos it keeps you from.accepting the inevitable. Im trying to prepare fpr the worst but still cant quite let go yet. Its going to be a long long week. Doesnt help that my hpt lines are getting stronger and stronger sobz

No point taking hpt tests anymore cos it will just keeps getting stronger even though baby stopped growing. That happened to me. So don't waste yr hpt.

Pray all will go well for you.
5wks is still very early to see the sac.
Hope u can see it at 6wks.
All the best and stay positive!
I really think pregnancy is a waiting journey. No matter how anxious, we can only wait till the time is due for scan. Just stay positive. Usually my gynae will only do a blood test at 5wks to check the hcg levels. He says if scan and can't see anything, it made us worried.
Thx. Really scary. Wonder how people go through the first trimester without going mad with worrying.
Hi all

Just joined this forum, had a miscarriage last week, baby has no heart beat and week 9. This is my first child and it was devastating to go through the experience.

I will never forget my unborn child, my hubby and myself are heart broken. But we will not give up trying again. We conceived through IVF FET, first cycle chemical pregnancy and BFP during FET. Now baby is gone :(

Will not give up and ladies let's Jia you together :)

Sorry to hear about this Angel Joy. Don't give up. Did you have a D&C? I had m/c last year from FET and requested for D&C and testing to find out the reason. It took me about 5 months for menses to get back to normal. Now I am doing another FET from the same batch. Trying for #2.
Hi Egg Factory

I did not go through D & C, opt to go with medication. Accepted it n will not give up...

Thanks for all the encouragement, will schedule for next FET once my menses come in the next month.
Sorry to hear about this Angel Joy. Don't give up. Did you have a D&C? I had m/c last year from FET and requested for D&C and testing to find out the reason. It took me about 5 months for menses to get back to normal. Now I am doing another FET from the same batch. Trying for #2.
egg factory, all the best for your fet. 5 months for menses to come back is really a long wait .luckily now everything is back on track for u. Dr told me usually 6-8 weeks aftr d&c the menses wil be back and mine came back after 4weeks. i dunno isit normal ,good or no good, even suspected it was not menses. ..
egg factory, all the best for your fet. 5 months for menses to come back is really a long wait .luckily now everything is back on track for u. Dr told me usually 6-8 weeks aftr d&c the menses wil be back and mine came back after 4weeks. i dunno isit normal ,good or no good, even suspected it was not menses. ..

Actually yours is common. I have some friends who m/c and next cycle they conceived. Mine was a bit more complicated. Not normal menses, spotting for the first few months, then when it came back it was irregular... sometimes 30+ days, sometimes 40+ days. it became regular only after 5 months.
Hi everyone,

I waited 5 weeks to naturally miscarry but it hasn’t happened. So tomorrow, I will have the D&C surgery. I’m really scared. Could you ladies tell me how painful it will be (I miscarried at 9/10 weeks)? And how long will the whole procedure take before I am discharged from the hospital? I have to be there at 7 am to take a medicine to soften my womb.

I don’t know why I’m so scared. I was quite brave during my IVF, perhaps because I was hopeful and excited about it.

Any helpful tips for tomorrow? Thank you so much!

By the way, did you ladies read the Straits Times opinion article on miscarriage yesterday?
Hi everyone,

I waited 5 weeks to naturally miscarry but it hasn’t happened. So tomorrow, I will have the D&C surgery. I’m really scared. Could you ladies tell me how painful it will be (I miscarried at 9/10 weeks)? And how long will the whole procedure take before I am discharged from the hospital? I have to be there at 7 am to take a medicine to soften my womb.

I don’t know why I’m so scared. I was quite brave during my IVF, perhaps because I was hopeful and excited about it.

Any helpful tips for tomorrow? Thank you so much!

By the way, did you ladies read the Straits Times opinion article on miscarriage yesterday?

So sorry for yr loss..

U miscarried at wk9/10 and waited 5 wks to miscarry naturally? So u are now 14/15 wks?

When I miscarry at 10wk, the procedure was only 10 mins.. I was under GA so I don't feel anything... Even after the surgery, I don't feel any pain... I checked in at 7am and left the hospital at 2pm... My surgery was at 9.30am...

Everything will go very fast...
Don't worry so much, take care and do a mini confinement for yourself after tomorrow...
For me, I only waited 2 weeks and then asked my gynae to give me oral med in wk 9 cos I didn't wana go thru dnc. I didn't have a lot of bleeding and it took almost 2 weeks of intermittent bleeding to clear.
Thank you Z2 and Zaclin29.

Zaclin29 - Yes, your estimate is correct. My surgery timings are the same as yours. I hope I'm done quickly too.

Z2 - I'll read the Telegraph article after my surgery. I'm still very teary today. I thought it gets better with time, but I still cried yesterday.
When my gynae broke the news to me, I didn't cry. I only started crying when I talked abt it with my hb on our way home. Then I cried non stop for 2 days 2 nights and I snapped outta my misery on 3rd day cos my son was running a fever and I realised I have to treasure those who are still in my life. It's normal to cry, just let it go and cry all u want. Until today I still tear sometimes. Don't think we can ever completely let it go we can only learn to cope with the grief. It was only when mc happened to me then I realised it's v common. My boss and colleagues told me they also mc while ttc. Just that pple generally don't talk abt it esp when it's not personal to us we don't sense it in pple around us. Nowadays when I see certain status updates in FB I know someone who is going through what I did. Take care after ur dnc, rest well don't think about other things just focus on ur recuperation, do a mini confinement as Zac said, I did too. Hope we will all receive our next blessing soon.
Hi everyone,

I waited 5 weeks to naturally miscarry but it hasn’t happened. So tomorrow, I will have the D&C surgery. I’m really scared. Could you ladies tell me how painful it will be (I miscarried at 9/10 weeks)? And how long will the whole procedure take before I am discharged from the hospital? I have to be there at 7 am to take a medicine to soften my womb.

I don’t know why I’m so scared. I was quite brave during my IVF, perhaps because I was hopeful and excited about it.

Any helpful tips for tomorrow? Thank you so much!

By the way, did you ladies read the Straits Times opinion article on miscarriage yesterday?

Hugs :( I know the feeling... IVF was exciting but this is like, it's over... very sad. But don't give up, it's not the end yet. D&C is not painful at all. You will get an injection for GA, and after that you will be asleep. The whole thing is very fast and no pain after that, only bleeding. Only a few hours' stay in hospital. I had D&C at 8 weeks.

Add: you can also request to have the tissue tested to find out what is wrong.
Yes I also read the ST article. They mentioned that miscarriage rates have gone up.
fwdlooking, do not worry, the surgery is very fast and you wake up fast too. i felt ok after surgery, can go urine without much pain as compared to my keyhole surgery last year. it is jus the wait before the surgery, some procedures that u have to go thro that takes up some time. they will insert something into your cervix to relax it. expect to be at the hospital for about 6-8 hours .
oh, just realised fwd looking 's surgery is today.hope everything goes well for u .wish u smooth recovery. be strong. a chapter has closed ,look fwd to new beginning and new hope jiayou
Hello everyone, I wanted to let you know that my surgery yesterday went well. It was over before I even knew it. The last thing I recall was them putting a mask on me, and then I woke up in a different room. Thank God everything went smoothly. There was a lot of bleeding after the surgery, but it has reduced a lot since then. Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support. I'm so thankful for having this forum to come and vent my concerns, feelings, worries, etc.

Egg factory - We chose not to have the tissue tested.
take care fwd looking. the bleeding and spotting can last as long as 2 weeks but should not be too heavy. for me ,there were some cramps and bit painful when i needed to poo . other than that i felt qte ok. remember not to carry heavy things or walk around too much , and dun drink cold stuff ok? rest well eat well .hope u recover real soon .
A very nice encouraging book to read. Mummy you can go library and borrrow


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Hi everyone, I am back to this thread again.. Current status, 2nd recurrent mc. So sucky...

Anyone with recurrent loss profile?
Anyone with low and slow rising hcg that leads to mc?
pink fuchsia, sorry to hear this...i didnt hear u mention this in the ivf thread de ? mayb i missed out on some of the chats. continue fighting k?take care
pink fuchsia, sorry to hear this...i didnt hear u mention this in the ivf thread de ? mayb i missed out on some of the chats. continue fighting k?take care
Oh actually I am more active in prof PC wong nuh thread.. I did mention briefly in the main IVF/ICSI thread but perhaps it got covered somehow... Thankew! Hope to get some insights from this mc thread on recurrent mc..
Oh actually I am more active in prof PC wong nuh thread.. I did mention briefly in the main IVF/ICSI thread but perhaps it got covered somehow... Thankew! Hope to get some insights from this mc thread on recurrent mc..

hi, @pinkfuchsia there are a number of us out here with recurrent mc. I, myself, had 2. The first at 9 weeks last year, and the second at 5 weeks this year. I don't have the slow rising hcg that you mentioned. For the recurrent mcs, there are tests that you can do to see if there is a problem with you and/or your husband. It varies on a case by case basis. Did you gynae say anything? How far along were you for both mcs?
hi, @pinkfuchsia there are a number of us out here with recurrent mc. I, myself, had 2. The first at 9 weeks last year, and the second at 5 weeks this year. I don't have the slow rising hcg that you mentioned. For the recurrent mcs, there are tests that you can do to see if there is a problem with you and/or your husband. It varies on a case by case basis. Did you gynae say anything? How far along were you for both mcs?
Hi xiaolu, thanks for your reply! Sorry to hear abt your loss.. Me too! I have 2 mc - last year and current ! I'm doing IVF though... Both mc at 4&5 wks, very early... Doc was saying nvr implant properly, unsure wat it really means. Sorry I wasn't sure of your status, hv U succeeded in conceiving after your mcs?

Did you undergo any testings? In fact I already made appt to proceed with investigations..
Hi xiaolu, thanks for your reply! Sorry to hear abt your loss.. Me too! I have 2 mc - last year and current ! I'm doing IVF though... Both mc at 4&5 wks, very early... Doc was saying nvr implant properly, unsure wat it really means. Sorry I wasn't sure of your status, hv U succeeded in conceiving after your mcs?

Did you undergo any testings? In fact I already made appt to proceed with investigations..

I haven't started TCC since my mc. Am going through some preliminary tests with my gynae now so see how those go. If your gynae says both were because implantation didn't happen properly, what kind of tests do you still need to do?
I haven't started TCC since my mc. Am going through some preliminary tests with my gynae now so see how those go. If your gynae says both were because implantation didn't happen properly, what kind of tests do you still need to do?
I need to hear from him, ain't sure either..

Posting on behalf of a friend.
She just found out she got ectopic pregnancy and yesterday she took the chemo injection to flush the foetus out.

As chemo is already quite heaty, can she still eat the normal confinement food that has a lot of ginger and sesame oil?

hi, @pinkfuchsia there are a number of us out here with recurrent mc. I, myself, had 2. The first at 9 weeks last year, and the second at 5 weeks this year. I don't have the slow rising hcg that you mentioned. For the recurrent mcs, there are tests that you can do to see if there is a problem with you and/or your husband. It varies on a case by case basis. Did you gynae say anything? How far along were you for both mcs?

i had 3 pregnancy in total, 2 Mcs (early lost at 5/6 weeks and nothing was pick up from the vaginal scan. both time my HCG drop instead of rise in 2 days of testing and my body naturally abort the pregnancy) and 1 live birth (born this Jan). I took Thrombophilia test, Glucose test and SLE test after my 2nd MC. Found out that I have Protein S deficiency, blood tend to clot easier.
for my live birth, Was on baby aspirin from start of pregnancy and later on daily jab of Clexane till birth to further thin my blood. Induce my gal at 38 weeks.
i had 3 pregnancy in total, 2 Mcs (early lost at 5/6 weeks and nothing was pick up from the vaginal scan. both time my HCG drop instead of rise in 2 days of testing and my body naturally abort the pregnancy) and 1 live birth (born this Jan). I took Thrombophilia test, Glucose test and SLE test after my 2nd MC. Found out that I have Protein S deficiency, blood tend to clot easier.
for my live birth, Was on baby aspirin from start of pregnancy and later on daily jab of Clexane till birth to further thin my blood. Induce my gal at 38 weeks.
Hi sunflower! *waves* how r u???

Where did u take all these tests? Prof pc wong said no need to test.. My first was a early miscarriage at 5wks+ and my current was a biochemical pregnancy.
Hi sunflower! *waves* how r u???

Where did u take all these tests? Prof pc wong said no need to test.. My first was a early miscarriage at 5wks+ and my current was a biochemical pregnancy.

Hi~ I am also with NUH but jurong clinic as a private patient.
Both time I got pregnant naturally but loss them at 5/6 weeks, I should consider them chemical pregnancy coz I did not see any sac at all.. only saw the positive on my test kit .
Did you ask if you could get a consultation with the recurrent loss clinic? they are specialize in recurrent losses.
Hi~ I am also with NUH but jurong clinic as a private patient.
Both time I got pregnant naturally but loss them at 5/6 weeks, I should consider them chemical pregnancy coz I did not see any sac at all.. only saw the positive on my test kit .
Did you ask if you could get a consultation with the recurrent loss clinic? they are specialize in recurrent losses.
I asked prof but he see no need to do testing... So sad. U did your test at the recurrent loss clinic?
For all that gone through dnc, rest well and recuperate before you try again. I have 3 miscarriage before and I m now a mummy of 2. It will happened, our body is so amazing that it will reject or prevent a not so good "baby" to grow.
For all that gone through dnc, rest well and recuperate before you try again. I have 3 miscarriage before and I m now a mummy of 2. It will happened, our body is so amazing that it will reject or prevent a not so good "baby" to grow.
That's amazing! Was your mc consecutive tries? Did u go for further testings? I am concerned but 2 docs I hv spoken to said no need :(
Yes for the 1st two before my 1 successful girl and once again before my 2nd girl.
I seek a number of opinion before I do dnc but still good to clean up. Because hard to anticipate the natural way of discharge
It's depend who r ur drs..mine is high risk dr. I did many test 20 over tubes. I have 2mcs dnc now w my girl.
Precisely I think at least some tests is still necessary so can target the problems right?

I doubt I can accept another failure.. Oh I'm doing IVF actually..

Can you share what tests U did and wat was the outcome?
Yes for the 1st two before my 1 successful girl and once again before my 2nd girl.
I seek a number of opinion before I do dnc but still good to clean up. Because hard to anticipate the natural way of discharge
I'm seeking another opinion today and see how it goes.. Although I did not do dnc but Monitored hcg for both mc and biochemical pregnancy, all below 5... I still hv to clean up?
Hi all

Glad to know there's this support group. Just lost my baby yday night. Am still trying hard to recover from the loss.

I have a few questions regarding the aftermath. I read about having need to do mini confinement. Can i know how long we need to do this? And do we need to engage post natal massage to rid off the wind?
Hi all

Glad to know there's this support group. Just lost my baby yday night. Am still trying hard to recover from the loss.

I have a few questions regarding the aftermath. I read about having need to do mini confinement. Can i know how long we need to do this? And do we need to engage post natal massage to rid off the wind?
Im sorry to hear tat girl, take care. How early is your mc? My mini confinement was 2 wks.
Precisely I think at least some tests is still necessary so can target the problems right?

I doubt I can accept another failure.. Oh I'm doing IVF actually..

Can you share what tests U did and wat was the outcome?
Ya cos I can't afford any loss n dare not to ttc. Wah Iong list I nv go c n dunno what also just follow gynae instructions...haha
Ya found out high nk cells which will reject foreign object in body. Follow treatments n have my girl.
Ya cos I can't afford any loss n dare not to ttc. Wah Iong list I nv go c n dunno what also just follow gynae instructions...haha
Ya found out high nk cells which will reject foreign object in body. Follow treatments n have my girl.
I did the tests today! Drew 6 tubes omg.. Hopefully can find out the problem! Thks ya!
